GRÄNSLAND infrastructure for ecotourism in a northern landscape Lisa Weiss | Urban Challenges | Chalmers University of Technology Examiner: Joaquim Tarrasó | Supervisor: Kengo Skorick GRÄNSLAND infrastructure for ecotourism in a northern landscape Gränsland Gränsland means borderland. It refers to the chosen site, an area of protected nature situated in the middle of Sweden and Lisa Weiss | Urban Challenges | 2020 Norway, crossing over the border of the two countries. It also Architecture and Urban Design refers to the fact that the area is a piece of seemingly untouched Chalmers University of Technology nature. No roads and no buildings can be seen for miles. It is an Examiner: Joaquim Tarrasó outpost of wilderness where humans are the visitors. A place far Supervisor: Kengo Skorick away from urban life. 2 3 ABSTRACT | INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION | ABSTRACT Abstract In Scandinavia one of our main tourism attrac- the wildlife. It is also hoping to strengthen the tions is the wild and beautiful landscape. There connections across the Swedish-Norwegian has recently been a visible increase in the in- border. A way for people to get a time out from terest in nature tourism and outdoor activities. their busy urban lifestyles and enjoy nature Sweden and its neighbour Norway have a lot to based on their own requirements. The archi- offer when it comes to nature experiences and tectural installations are focused around the the wish to spend your holidays in a sustainable identity of the site and helping to strengthen way. This thesis is a proposal for how a specific the perception of it being one territory without area can be improved to make ecotourism more visible borders. References used include the appealing and accessible to a wider range of local site history, artwork and ideas from the people. A destination situated in the southern national romanticism period and capturing a tip of the Scandinavian Mountains, that already feeling of what is Nordic and how there is a is accessible by sustainable ways of transport, link between community and nature. A low and already a popular spot for outdoor life and impact on the site, connecting the area, a lower nature adventures, is enhanced by a new sys- comfort level and sustainable solutions have tem of infrastructure for ecotourism. This way been the foundations for the design. This thesis the current infrastructure and trail network will hopes to promote a greater appreciation for be reinforced. Providing new ways of staying the Nordic landscape and how gently placed in, and enjoying nature, in a sustainable and architecture can change the way we travel and respectful way towards the environment and choose to spend more time in nature. 4 5 CONTENTS | INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION | PERSONAL BACKGROUND 01 Introduction Abstract 5 Personal background Personal Background 7 Thesis Question 8 When I was about 2 years old my parents In my thesis I combined my personal interest took me on my first hiking trip in the Swedish in outdoor life and the aim to promote more Background 9 mountains. They packed all we needed for sustainable tourism by staying closer to home Manifesto 10 three days out in the wild without closeness and exploring a place in nature. The purpose Time plan + Reading instructions 11 to any civilization. One parent carried me in a is to by architectural installations make nature baby carrier on the back and the other the tent, experiences and ecotourism more accessible 02 Context Context 12 sleeping bags, camping stove and all the other and appealing to people. A way for people to Capturing the Nordic feeling 14 equipment needed. I of course have no memo- reconnect with nature and feel that they are a The Site 16 ries of this particular trip. But there were many also a part of it. Site History 18 more to come! When my friends went on summer vacation to warm beaches in southern Subjects: ecotourism, outdoor life, Landscape 20 Europe my family would go to northern Swe- tourism infrastructure, Swedish and Weather + Seasons 22 den or Norway to go camping and hiking in Norwegian mountain landscape, Tourism 24 nature. This idea of what a vacation well spent sustainability Nature Protection 26 is has of course been stuck with me. It has given me much knowledge and appreciation for the 03 Concept Concept 28 landscape of my home country, Sweden, and Delimitations + Definition 30 its neighbour Norway. Approach 31 Scales 32 Impressions 33 The System 34 04 Process 36 Process Master Architecture vs Nature 38 MPARC | CTH, Gothenburg Planning 40 Erasmus+ | UdK, Berlin The Matrix 42 Bachelor Materials + Structure 46 CTH, Gothenburg Construction 47 Design process 48 Internships Liljewall Arkitekter Rstudio for Architecture 05 Proposal Proposal 52 New Site Plan 54 System interaction 56 The Cabin 58 The Observation Shelter 62 The Border Station 66 06 Conclusion Conclusion 78 References 80 Appendix 6 7 THESIS QUESTION | INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION | BACKGROUND “How can a system of Background 01 Scandinavia, wilderness and recreation are not spending much time in nature can be the architectural installations words that I think many people will see a con- result of a person’s income. Studies show that nection between. In Ecotourism in Scandinavia people who make less than 11 000 SEK a month in nature create a sense the authors state that the widespread stereo- spend less time in nature compared to the typical image of tourism in Scandinavia is one overall population. Another reason can also be of identity for the chosen of outdoor activities in vast areas of nature. An that people who are not familiar with outdoor image that can be proven to be true as the con- activities are less inclined to try it on their own territory and make it more cept of outdoor life is deeply implemented into simply because of their lack of knowledge. This the Scandinavian society (Gössling & Hultman, is where information about outdoor life, ac- accessible for nature tourism?” 2006). In Sveriges Naturum Mark Isitt (2013) cessible accommodation and infrastructure for even describes the Swedish peoples “hankering ecotourism become important (Vowels, 2o17). for the wilderness” as if it being part of our The main focus for this thesis is therefore to DNA. Something that could also apply for the make sustainable tourism more appealing for Norwegians, were the individual connection people living in or close to Sweden and Nor- to the countryside is oftentimes very strong way. Visiting new places and seeing astonishing (Gössling, Hultman, 2006). landscapes is possible without having to fly Kjell Vowels (2017), writer of Stuglandet, a halfway around the globe. The chosen site is an Aim Methods book about free-to-use cabins in Swedish na- area of protected nature crossing over the bor- ture, describes how Sweden was the first coun- der of Norway and Sweden. It lies at the south- The aim for the thesis is to make a design pro- The initial part of the process was focused on try in Europe to protect valuable parts of nature ern end of the Scandinavian mountain range posal for a system of architectural installations careful mapping and research of the chosen site. by making them into national parks in 1909. (in Swedish commonly called Fjällen). The site placed in nature. They will form an infra- Understanding the context on many different This coincided with times of strong romantic already is a popular spot in Sweden when it structure for ecotourism that creates identity, scales. Early on I did a study trip to the area nationalism in Sweden and the romanticizing comes to outdoor tourism such as hiking and giving the site the feeling of being one territory, and spent time in nature on the same premises of rural areas playing a major part of it. When cross-country skiing. Though today most of the connecting different trail destinations with as I set for the design. At the site I interviewed people started leaving the countryside for more activities are centred around just small parts of each other and by this making a stay in nature people working with nature tourism in the urban settlements during the industrial revo- the whole area. This might be due to the lack of easier for people. A way to get people out there area to get input about how they would like a lution it became important to not forget the tourism infrastructure in other parts. by fulfilling the basic needs for shelter and possible development of the chosen site. This connection to nature. This having both moral In Sveriges Naturum Claes Caldenby (2013) accessibility. The aim is for the architecture to was followed up by a close interaction between and health related causes within society. To be argues for how architecture can function as a have as small impact on the site as possible but design work and analysis, defining a concept good and healthy citizens it was important to steppingstone between the humanly controlled also to function as landmarks. The installations based on the analytical research outcome. spend time in nature. (culture) and nature. He calls this “slash archi- will be based on sustainable and local materials Creating design tools and doing experiments Today it has become easier for people to go tecture”, architecture functioning as the slash and building techniques that can be assembled focusing on the relationship between architec- to places much further away when spending sign between nature and culture. In connection without the need for heavy machinery. ture, nature and the specific context. their holidays. Going abroad on vacation to this he also talks about the common percep- is something Swedes do nearly every year tion of Nordic architecture being closely linked (Tillväxtverket, 2018).
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