Journal of Thermal Biology 84 (2019) 469–478 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Thermal Biology journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jtherbio Impact of natural resource extraction on thermal properties of wood turtle T (Glyptemys insculpta) habitat Geoffrey N. Hughesa,b, Jacqueline D. Litzgusa,* a Department of Biology, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, P3C 2C6, Canada b Biological Sciences, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, 2350, Australia ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Keywords: One of the main threats to freshwater turtle populations is habitat destruction, which occurs as a result of human Aggregates activities such as infrastructure development, forestry, aggregate extraction, and agriculture. However, the Forestry impacts of these activities on thermoregulatory opportunities for turtles are not well understood. We examined Habitat the impacts of forestry and aggregate extraction on thermal characteristics of wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) Species at risk habitat in the Sudbury District, Ontario, by measuring the differences in absolute temperature, thermal land- Tset scape structure, and habitat thermal quality among relatively undisturbed sites (N = 2), harvested forestry sites Temperature Thermal landscape (N = 2), and aggregate pits (N = 2) in 2015. We also tested the potential use of the thermal landscape concept as a predictor of habitat thermal quality. Undisturbed habitats were of higher thermal quality than impacted sites in terms of temperatures experienced in situ by wild wood turtles in their natural home ranges, and never reached temperatures that would be injurious to turtles (i.e., below CTMIN or above CTMAX). The undisturbed sites were of lower quality in terms of optimal temperatures (i.e., Tset), and were generally cooler and their temperatures less variable than those in impacted habitats. The thermal landscape concept provided a useful predictor of habitat thermal quality when the influence of time of day was factored into the predictive model. Our data are important to the conservation and management of wood turtles because they provide a preliminary quantification of the thermal impacts of natural resource extraction on the habitat of an endangered species, and can guide the development of mitigation and rehabilitation plans by providing measures of, and targets for, thermal habitat quality. 1. Introduction Samways, 1991), fish (Schultz et al., 2016), and rattlesnakes (Harvey, 2015), but has not been studied in relation to turtles. Like the tangible Landscapes vary spatially and temporally, and the animals that in- landscape, the thermal landscape varies spatially and temporally, but is habit them must alter their behavior to accommodate these changes in far more dynamic. Animals can be sensitive to changes in the thermal order to survive (Berthold, 1988). Compared to endotherms, ectotherms regimes of their habitats (Lehmkuhl, 1972; Sweeney et al., 2018). For have comparatively low material resource needs (food, water, oxygen, example, western rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus) in British Columbia, etc.) because their metabolic rates can be 20 times lower than those of Canada, used upland forest habitats (higher foraging quality) when the endotherms (Cowles and Bogert, 1944), but ectotherms must thermo- thermal qualities of the forest were sufficient for them to function there, regulate behaviorally, which an endotherm only needs to do in extreme but used lower-quality arid grasslands when the forests were too cool conditions (Gordon, 1985; Nagy, 2005; Nelson et al., 1984; Parlin et al., (Harvey, 2015). Human activities can exacerbate natural thermal 2018). Sites suitable for thermoregulation are not distributed evenly variability, and have been correlated with increased environmental across the landscape of an ectotherm's home range, and individuals temperatures at the local scale (e.g., urban heat islands; Kim, 1992; must assess and navigate this thermal landscape to maintain appro- Estoque et al., 2017) and at the global scale in the form of climate priate body temperatures (Greenwald and Kanter, 1979; Stevenson change (IPCC, 2014). et al., 1985; Arnold and Peterson, 1989). The thermal landscape con- In Ontario, Canada, habitat of the endangered wood turtle cept, defined as spatial and temporal variations in temperature across (Glyptemys insculpta) is commonly subject to intensive human activity, the landscape, has been applied to studies of insects (McGeoch and including forestry (Kittrede, 1996), gravel/aggregate extraction * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (J.D. Litzgus). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtherbio.2019.07.031 Received 24 December 2018; Received in revised form 9 July 2019; Accepted 27 July 2019 Available online 29 July 2019 0306-4565/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. G.N. Hughes and J.D. Litzgus Journal of Thermal Biology 84 (2019) 469–478 (Arvisais et al., 2004; Walde et al., 2007), and agriculture (Saumure 2.2. Study sites et al., 2007). All of these activities present conservation concerns for wood turtles through habitat loss (Kaufmann, 1992), injuries or fatal- We conducted field work from May to October 2015. The study area ities from encounters with machinery (Kaufmann, 1992; Saumure et al., is located in the Sudbury District of Ontario; to protect the populations, 2007), increases in populations of subsidized predators such as red exact locations will be kept confidential. This area is typical of wood foxes (Vulpes vulpes), raccoons (Procyon lotor), skunks (Mephitis me- turtle habitat in central Ontario: mixed coniferous/deciduous forest on phitis), and corvids (Klemens, 2000; Buhlmann and Osborn, 2011), and glacial moraine soils, cool, clear rivers with sand/gravel/cobble sub- increased exposure to illegal collection (i.e., poaching; COSEWIC, strates, and little human habitation. The primary natural resource in- 2007). However, human development does not necessarily have a ne- dustries near the study site are forestry and aggregate extraction. A gative impact on wood turtle habitat. Wood turtles are an edge species subset of the wood turtle population within a ~3.5 km section of the (Kaufmann, 1992; Compton et al., 2002), and it is possible that forest river has been studied since 2003; we refer to this area as the primary harvesting can be beneficial to wood turtles if employed conscientiously study site. We selected six sites in or near this primary study site: two as a forest management strategy, by opening up closed-canopy forest relatively undisturbed sites, two sites within previously-harvested for- habitat (i.e., creating a habitat mosaic with more “edge”). Additionally, estry blocks, and two sites within aggregate (gravel) pits. All study sites wood turtles have been observed nesting in aggregate pits, which re- are within 10 km of each other and within 300 m of the river used by semble the elevated sandy beaches of their natural nesting sites the wood turtles; each site was 1.8 ha in area (200 m × 90 m). Surveys (Harding and Bloomer, 1979; Walde et al., 2007; Hughes et al., 2009). in 2007, 2009, and 2015 found wood turtles or evidence of wood turtle These seemingly-contradictory findings illustrate the importance of presence within 1 km of each of the study sites (Greaves, 2007; pers. studying the effects of natural resource extraction on wood turtle ha- obs.). bitat before setting habitat management policies and best practices. The relatively undisturbed sites were located within the primary In this study, we assessed the thermal impacts (absolute differences study site, and were chosen for their limited amounts of recent human in temperature) and consequences (differences in habitat thermal activity. Both sites include 45-year old jack pine (Pinus banksiana) quality) of resource extraction on wood turtle terrestrial habitat. Our plantation, and some evidence of camping and ATV trails, but have no study population is located near the northern periphery of the wood recent large-scale disturbances comparable to those of the impact sites. turtle's range, where habitat thermal quality is at its greatest im- The first undisturbed site (W1) was chosen for its high incidence of portance for ectotherms (Magnuson et al., 1979; Tracey and Christian, wood turtles captures in previous studies (Greaves, 2007; Greaves et al. 1986; Greaves, 2007; Dubois et al., 2009). Our objective was to com- unpubl. data, Hughes, 2016). W1 abuts the river, and includes natural pare the thermal properties and qualities of sites with (relatively) un- riparian forest within the floodplain (274 m elevation) and 45-year-old disturbed wood turtle habitat to habitats impacted by resource ex- jack pine plantation further inland/upland (281 m elevation). Given the traction. We predicted that sites impacted by resource extraction would proximity to the river, structural complexity and high incidence of be hotter and more variable in temperature than undisturbed sites, as observed use by the turtles, we made the assumption that this site re- greater canopy cover at the undisturbed sites would provide a thermal presents “good” wood turtle habitat. W1 has a closed canopy, except buffer (Zhou et al., 2007). We also predicted that habitat thermal directly at the river's edge, around one large vernal pool in the flood- quality would be lower in the resource extraction sites than in the plain, and in some parts of the plantation forest where jack pine trees undisturbed sites. Finally, to assess the usefulness of the thermal
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