May 2, 1994 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8905 SENATE-Monday, May 2, 1994 The Senate met at 3 p.m., and was U.S. SENATE, the Senate floor, on December 6 I wrote called to order by the Honorable PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, to the Director, John Magaw, of BATF, DIANNE FEINSTEIN, a Senator from the Washington, DC, May 2, 1994. and asked him to analyze your legisla­ State of California. To the Senate: tion to see if any other firearms might Under the provisions of rule I, section 3, of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today's the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby be banned by that legislation. prayer will be offered by guest Chap­ appoint the Honorable DIANNE FEINSTEIN, a He analyzed it, and in a letter of De­ lain Richard C. Halverson, Jr. Senator from the State of California, to per­ cember 20, returned to me a listing of form the duties of the Chair. some 29 additional weapons that he felt PRAYER ROBERT C. BYRD, fall under your legislation and could The guest chaplain, Richard C. Hal­ President pro tempore. be, and more than likely would be, verson, Jr., offered the following Mrs. FEINSTEIN thereupon assumed banned based on their writing of rule prayer: the chair as Acting President pro tem­ and regulation and the interpretation As we go to pray, it would be fitting pore. of your legislation. to remember that at this very moment, I ask unanimous consent that that Nelson Mandela, the new President of letter and that list be made a part of the African National Congress, is ad­ RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME the RECORD. dressing his people. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ There being no objection, the letter Let us pray: pore. Under the previous order, the was ordered to be printed in the Almighty God, we who bow to pray in leadership time is reserved. RECORD, as follows: this Senate Chamber stand beneath DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, BU­ words inscribed on the wall which read, REAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND MORNING BUSINESS "In God We Trust." Thy divine hand of FIREARMS, providence graciously caused these The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Washington, DC, December 20, 1993. words to appear before us. And though pore. Under the previous order there Hon. LARRY E. CRAIG, will now be a period for the transaction U.S. Senate, the people of this land have different Washington, DC. understandings of who Thou art in of morning business, with Senators DEAR SENATOR CRAIG: Thank you for your whom we trust, this statement has of­ permitted to speak therein for not to letter dated December 6, 1993, to the Bureau fered the possibility of a national con­ exceed 5 minutes each. of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF). In fession of faith. The Chair, in her capacity as a Sen­ your letter, you inquire about certain fire­ Yet we would not presume upon Thy ator from the State of California, notes arms contained in section 4502(b) of the Vio­ kindness by invoking too lightly this the absence of a quorum. lent Crime Control and Law Enforcement declaration. For we recall quite a dif­ The clerk will please call the roll. Act of 1993 (H.R. 3355) that was passed by the The assistant legislative clerk pro­ Senate in November 1993. You specifically ferent message which appeared on the asked that AFT list any firearms, other than wall of another nation in the palace of ceeded to call the roll. those specifically named, that would be af­ Belshazzar, king of the chaldeans. We Mr. CRAIG. Madam President, I ask fected by this legislation. recall that all the king's wisemen-the unanimous consent that the order for The following firearms appear to meet the astrologers, the chaldeans, and sooth­ the quorum call be rescinded. general characteristics section of the bill: sayers-could not read the writing nor The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ RIFLES make known the interpretation there­ pore. Without objection, it is so or­ AA Arms AR9 semiautomatic rifle of. And that it remained for the great dered. AMT Lightning 25 rifle Hebrew prophet, Daniel, to reveal its Mr. CRAIG. I ask that I may be per­ Auto Ordnance Thompson Model 1927 car- meaning: "Mene": God hath numbered mitted to speak as if in morning busi­ bines (finned barrel versions) thy kingdom and finished it. "Tekel": ness. Calico M100 carbine The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Colt Sporter Rifle (all variations) Thou art weighed in the balances and Federal XC900 carbine art found wanting. "Peres": Thy king­ pore. Without objection, it is so or­ Federal XC450 carbine dom is divided and given to the Me des dered. The Senator is recognized to Grendel R31 carbine and Persians. speak for up to 5 minutes. Iver Johnson M1 Carbine (version with col­ Gracious Father, let not such words lapsible stock and bayonet lug) Springfield M1A rifle of doom be cast upon this Nation. May ASSAULT WEAPONS the words "In God We Trust" remain PISTOLS the handwriting on the wall for this Mr. CRAIG. Madam President, it is AA Arms AP9 pistol generation. Open our eyes that we may most fortuitous that you are in the Australian Automatic Arms pistol see and believe in Thee, the living God, chair today when I come to put into Auto Ordnance Model1927A5 pistol the Senate RECORD information that American Arms Spectre pistol in whose hands our breath is. Calico Model M950 pistol This we ask in the name of Jesus deals with legislation you and I were Calico Model 110 pistol Christ, whose incarnation revealed the directly involved in last December. It Claridge Hi-Tech pistol (all models) essence of all sacred writings, who is a piece of legislation-an amend­ D Max auto pistol came not to judge but to save. Amen. ment to the Senate crime bill-which Grendel P - 31 pistol bears your name. Heckler & Koch SP89 pistol The Feinstein amendment, a pro­ Wilkinson Linda pistol APPOINTMENT OF ACTING posed amendment in that bill-! should SHOTGUNS PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE say a portion of that bill, now-by your Benelli M1 Super 90 Defense shotgun The PRESIDING OFFICER. The own words, selectively bans some 19 as­ Benelli M3 Super 90 shotgun clerk will please read a communication sault weapons from being manufac­ Franchi LAW 12 shotgun Franchi SPAS 12 shotgun to the Senate from the President pro tured, distributed, and sold in this USAS 12 shotgun tempore [Mr. BYRD]. market. The above list was compiled from cur­ The assistant legislative clerk read Following that debate and the give­ rently advertised firearms. This list should the following letter: and-take that you and I had here on not be considered to be all inclusive. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. 8906 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE May 2, 1994 We trust that the foregoing has been re­ Your continued assistance is greatly appre­ Galil Sniper Rifle, sponsive to your inquiry. If we may be of any ciated. Galil Sporter, further assistance, please do not hesitate to Sincerely, Goncz High-Tech Carbine, contact us. LARRY E. CRAIG, Goncz High-Tech Long Pistol, Sincerely yours, U.S. Senator. Grendel R-31 Auto Carbine, DANIEL R. BLACK, Enclosure. Heckler & Koch PSG-1 Marksman Rifle, (For John W. Magaw, Director). A0-9 Assualt Pistol, Heckler & Koch VP 70Z Pistol, Mr. CRAIG. Then on February 17, I American Arms AKY39 Rifle, Heckler & Koch 91, once again wrote to him because there American Arms AKF39 Rifle, Heckler & Koch 93, appeared in a gun magazine a list of ad­ American 180, Heckler & Koch 94, ditional semiautos that some gun in­ Anschutz Deluxe Model 520/61, Holmes MP- 22, AR-10 Semi-Auto Rifle, Holmes MP-38, terests felt might be banned by your Argientine F ALs, Holmes MP-83, amendment to the Senate crime bill. Armalite AR-180 Sporter Carbine, Intratec Scorpion, That list included 180 different weap­ Armscor Model1600, Intratec TEC-9, ons. Armscor AK-22, Intratec TEC-DC9, The letter that I got in return from Armscorp M-14 Semi-Auto Rifle, Intratec TEC-22, BATF came to me April 1, in which Australian Automatic Arms SAC, Israeli F ALS, they examined the 180-plus different Australian Automatic Arms SAP, Iver Johnson Enforcer Model 3000 Auto, weapons. They subtracted out the 29 Australian Automatic Arms SAR, Iver Johnson PM30HB Carbine, that they had proposed in their Decem­ Australian Automatic Arms SP Hunting Kassnar SA 85M AKM, Rifle, Kassnar SA 85M "Thumbhole AKM", ber 20 letter, and here are his exact Australian Automatic Arms SP-20 Hunting MAC-10 Semi-Auto, words: Rifle, MAC-11 Semi-Auto, The majority of the firearms contained on Australian L1A1 F AL, Micro Uzi Pistol, the enclosure in your letter would be assault Auto-Ordnance Mod 1927A-3, Mini Uzi Pistol, weapons as that term is defined in the Fein­ Auto-Ordnance 1927-J\.5 Pistol, Mitchell AKM, stein amendment. The following firearms on Barrett Light-Fifty, Mitchell AK-22, your list would not be assault weapons. Beretta AR-70 Sporter, Mitchell Galil/22, And they list several, and then go on Beretta SC-70 Carbine, Mitchell Heavy Barrel AKM, to say, "but the majority are and Bushmaster Auto Rifle, Mitchell MAS-22, would be banned by the Feinstein Bushmaster Rifle, Mitchell M-1622, Bushmaster Auto Pistol, Mitchell M-76 Counter Sniper Rifle, amendment." Calico Model 100 Pistol, any M1 Carbine with folding stock, I ask unanimous consent that my let­ Calico Model 900 Carbine, Norinco MAK-90 Rifle, ter, a list of those weapons that I sent Calico Model 951 Tactical Carbine, Norinco MAK-91 Legend Rifle, to him, and the response letter from CETME Rifle, Norinco Officer's Nine Carbine, ..______ the Director of BATF be printed in the Clayco AKS Rifle, Norinco RPK Rifle, RECORD.
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