it* Library. T-ya<Hmr*t. S. J. LEADERETTE The tact that out of almost 1(1.000 pmom etamtnad tor of tuberculosis about 3 per cent or W> persons sre susceptible to the fllimi if not already itrickcn with it, is a startling figure. Yet this • the preliminary raauH of ex- aminations being conducted throughout the county. It show* that the White Plague, far from being destroyed, it an enemy* r -am THE SOOTH SERGES REVIEW that nut be continually fought. There must be no let-up. For too Ion* now there baa been the (eelinc that tuberculosis was stamped out and no longer to be feared. VOJ. XXVII—No. SI lYNDHl'RST. N. J.. JUNK 12. »«47 MUTM* Foundation for Ridge Road Bridge AMttfcs NupbabAreHeM Scheduled by "Normal" .«!» The drive for used and M« J baafc* tar the Pliiltpjuw. ended Saturday at Uw library, and Mi.> Edith Jennings, duldren's librar , Wilt Ft*4vrt ian. la char,, ut the ,,,,.,,.! anTf Class Leaving nuuncedthai uv»r*goiH»>k»«ei.r I SfMrfajtt School In Entertainment On b> total ihtl.lim Uw Harriot, Junaj II Th« Board at Education, carry High School Harmwrty, cluse and otherwise? ing on with Via accelerated physt- { Tilt Found will be featured st the annual eal education program, l ity benefit show of Lynd hired H. Roger Muse, Jr., of Fair g hurst Elk*, on Saturday. June SI, AmorK|2 In From Now On Numbers Wii LawL n as l Physical elementary with a parade of quartet*, includ- i tag the international champions, EExaminationi s 00000 annually, plus SMO the Garskn Stole Quartet of Jer | Grow In Graduation curricuav activity bonus. try CHy is scheduled to appear. ___.t__L, I ' jj The appointment was one uf Commissioner ci.,™e sh. ! S«jrpciiji»g»>Uro« N«m- Classes Here three made by the board, with r steenMrxl Umiinn knight Duncan Cameron, president, vot- b*r of Incipiwiit C«»«» liMto by Bak HKH chaiiman uf Ute show com ing against employing Mrs. Irene Oltr uf thr fr« ri-M*aiiui*|t j mitts*, promising an evening of Arm Pound Above is pictured the foundation wall of the bridge Robbing as an elementary school unique entertainment, explained High "thm teacher at a «UM yearly salary. that be constructed arrow super highway S-3 connecting Uw performance would r*pr***nt A shade lesa than t uri rent aU. br (Ml m ihr U«a>W Cameron explained his vote by IVrr a rusnplwtr departure from pre- "I the S.MJ Beigen County per Ridge Road, Lyndhurat with Ridge Road, Rutherford. The pointing out that the salary is vious benefit presentations xias X-rayad during the April two giant electric shovels are busy changing the topography above the schedule recently ad- HiKftrr. •• ll.~.l ..III. lal- -JI.I tlial tin numUc r%#« j Uuvm the proc««da of the * vrm •urvey ihewed sympWnuv of tu of the Rutherford Aveswe area and in a short time the oBiy opted and siairiirl the board was | « uerviiaoai* and have been re ill..null it III, lii.I. •» .!..«. i. - SI teleraaiv setting a, precedent which couM j {will U- turned uv*r U» thr mftay roads from Lyndhurnt to Rutherford will be over three cfcarilir. uf the lodge, paitu-ular- 1.. tanulj- piiy.i.!.,.. r. lead to successive revisions. No further study ssxt auujnmu It . tm this bridges at Orient Way, Ridge Road, and Park avenue. The objections were made against \y the crippled kiddie* commit- tee, every effort is being mad*/ tu Locals Give "irttU Iw . tlw new high bridge over the Paneaic River tbat will carry S-3 Qalton R. C&ffman. who will •.Mas) ktMaa •,. t. .n, »i .n. teach high school biology and t have the tho* »nv of outstanding j Such was it.** .•t*>n ..i Mi*i into Clifton it rapidly taking shape. < accomplish menu * ' Ethhardt. »a*ruliv* d sd T>i» ....*l Um .1 Dea baa* general science at $3,300 annual- Big Welcome He.-tared «itl Mms» at* •«».." ly. Clatrr 7*--% The souvenir journal, as com ; rectsw uf Uw l mint* 1 : aM •»• lav .••*• a«u IVMBI *'-. n Charles E. Finch and sons of Mr. and Mi- Auciast Paul Berg piled by Chsrln Miles, is being ! •"• and HealUi Asso. tat Cornerstone Freeholders Jersey City was awarded the an-ol Van lt'.i.. pis**. " arranged ss a t.rbei shop ga< «•'• upfiatrtt with lucal physHrtwu To O'Hora nual coal contract tor m tons I*" married at am sett*, and from inside informs ttealth loaid. IWrgen him Hi* w after- • uon should W *nji>yed by theiital, and rammun«t> ufganus Laying Sun. of stove, pea and buckwheat on I '">an'» Clue Selurstsy N«w Grid Coach S«a> Lend Money a British themal unit content ba- nuon. at 4 30 csurk u J *m C. \ audience tifiis In the survey n».i. i > (hi **esswe "oung. Among.tlif oui*itt*t* on the pro State Department of INafth A sis. Cameron and David Donald lutal of 174 |iri»ona t... -',-.. PUyart, Alto Somsj Gtbbs Announces Plans Vjtn ( Rev •• ^ hi, II I 'I LI *h' both voted against the award. utit nrr<i fuiU>vr stud* Btfl X Of Hit F.m Hackensack Sower claiming a second was lower, si- iar^s cisthtbr Cats**. "* "* •u#"l*'r""" a» the- hlfj>i iohooT tay« shuwvU For Event After ©•• though incomplete. Installation Unit Going With —- — - ..HI - , _"d. ** •"• *"u^r ""• "••esnonr City. •''•ur Chi ids. Th* Wisest i»n<nu.. ' ..I i- <l||,.I. latt nrri, and *ish«*< $20,000 Advance Nine bids for painting exterior | Snjilax. spnn« fV~.cs. fetns and Mirni JrMiey Hamtiler. and iu ihowing findings 1 tttnt ....-> «t uur high I'l^niesst as* I Joseph Gibbs. recently elected of two schools and interior .iofl fout..uri V" "'- wet. tns •*•«*•• «* _t*»lsea Four »f Newark The Ceva-1<« WbsWuh-t. were received and referred to •thnol '..tail mm IMa> wtw wil president uf the Lyndhurst He- Frank Cur- )|Cn ,,( |(,,,,,;,..»,,, r,,,,,, i;«, dustnsl gruuti whei» IIM ui I I brew Associatiun has announced The Board of Freeholders last Phillip Quinier, chairman of the "N '. UC w ..!• SI llw .lmn». ul '*•»"'• " tl*^l *» *""*" "' Oarfleld and Club • pr, sent of In. *IM«^.i. had week vuted tu advance $30,000 to Mr w Miss Walker the cornerstone of the new He- repair committee, for study snd • " - acionv *? * '• I Harmony r'i..i!.».i. ol the Bronx.' sbnutmal ihenl at rays i».i.t. the Bergen County • Hackensack report. Bids for painting the out- a»heuerrJf r , brew Center on Valley Brook rv .-^ •• of ati , . , avenue wijl be laid Sunday. Th<- River Sanitary Sewer Commis- side of Roosevelceevelt School ranged f ~» '« Cfcurtn. >rs» Nr MatteY * w)llan-W hi I ic.h(t si,(iu Newarr k ar Ki .-up. *.' • sUspMHed .I having Bioa 1 1 asss played buildingld , nearing completionp , has j which wss created in Aprip l from *m to< . %\xm, and of ta-P""" " »e*l«i•«*• tlStS, Ihn-f of Its tii.n 1.,-r. M «• ttvr Utl-*-u ul'-i» ID H»t ii ni been erected on the block im- after the old board was declared coin School from MM to IIJ7J A reveptoua far and Ait Esip. with Wairurn ur ttdvstwrii lUgs. In 45 » Interior work on Roosevelt lives snd friena. J the bnde mediately adjacent to the munici- umumtitutionsl by the New Jer- IThomas, air Lyndhura) rasididvni u m 4* >•» **nt rtt th» .••-.i- School was bid" from tl.sau to' groimi •,.;..,• •rUvity uf Mi-* 4.SMS# it> t. pal building. sey Court of Errors and Appeals. (•<•' unusual featurac 1 The new board is to assume •SJtg; Jefferson, I4.WT to |T.- j The I ride WOT S I «* added attraction will be Mu-liunatiU ., while 40 i-fi»»iri« < In the election. Harry Klein l»ft tt-i.t. wvfv clasisxl •• ti was named vice president, with the debts of the defunct com mis- »«g; Lincoln, MJM to ».0«l. ana ssUn wedding *-« lt.* prrfurmvrs b> • -AJ'Jacob* n second1 vice siun and is to repay the $20,000 KMto M.7M ! with SM« swark ..u> sVeews and trass Her Uuasl v^op-Msihi** »tra in Wi»»iWi of Kd- veil was -"— '-~i..1 « SMass Kidarn»M. Umyww*, JUM lluth Other newly "elected officers J nwmlifr tteteaaUua trf are Leon Hochheiasr. treasurer; County Counsel Milton T ucatioa must adopt more strict I net slso trusuiisid wTtis ««<; •rft.rii Lytulhurat. Mttrih \ in>i Lasher wai authorized to acquire rulings on Its general health poll-1 Sh* rsrrvrrt a bnwexrt u« \m l.viidhm-t t'ltts arc t<> alOnd lt.< tun. Rutherford Cartetarft A. Rosen, secretary; Joseph U- I Statr (oiivi-n(inn si Asbury Patk berman. financial secretary; Har a tract of land 320 feet long and cy moved thai the school nurse ls wid loB nrxi wtfk end. taking part in ry Feldman. chaplain. Bernard I •••» ' • « Huyer street be Instructed to visit the homes The n bearer «as tfir Jh« imi•'.*• im, th«- snnual Flag Th* iun.) i- '. i 33€S !«-• .1 , l_n LlttlT , s s Ie FrTryDu_.i andi i» _ > > *1 s> • If. a. ng Berger was elected trustee for a J So" " of pupils absent for three con- n.-pii. , J. I i»\ nit« A nun. <>f rfMimit hai 4 «<1 Notth Ar the secutive days, if cause for absence ! .. three-year term snd Sidney '"sack 'or the widening of w fit i k«-l< y < ar1< <i ••••» H..t».
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