National Listing Workplan 7-Year Workplan (September 2016 Version) 12M: 12-month finding on a petition to list a species. If listing is warranted, we generally intend to proceed with a concurrent proposed Key to Action Types- listing rule and proposed critical habitat designation, if critical habitat is prudent and determinable. Discretionary Status Review: Status review undertaken by discretion of the Service. Results of the review may be to propose listing, make a species a candidate for listing, provide notice of a not warranted candidate assessment, or other action as appropriate. Proposed Listing Determination: For species that are already candidates for listing, a proposed listing determination would either propose the species for listing or provide notice of a not warranted finding. We generally intend to propose critical habitat designations concurrent with proposed listing rules, to the extent prudent and determinable. Final Listing Determination: For species that have already been proposed for listing, the final listing determination would either finalize or withdraw the proposed listing rule. We generally intend to finalize critical habitat designations concurrent with final listing rules, to the extent prudent and determinable. PCH: Proposed critical habitat rulemaking when not concurrent with a proposed listing rule. FCH: Final critical habitat rulemaking for previously proposed critical habitat. rPCH: Revised proposed critical habitat for previously proposed, but not finalized, critical habitat needing revision. Priority Bin Lead Proposed FY Current Package Name Species Name Action Type Ranking (1-5) Range RO Timeframe Candidate? or LPN Proposed Listing Island marble butterfly R1 LPN 3 FY17 Y WA Determination northern spotted owl 12M/Uplisting R1 2 FY17 CA, OR, WA Tinian monarch 12M R1 1 FY17 MP Discretionary Status lesser prairie-chicken Review R2 N/A FY17 CO, KS, NM, OK, TX San Felipe gambusia 12M R2 2 FY17 TX Proposed Listing Wright's marsh thistle R2 LPN 8 FY17 Y NM Determination IL, IN, KY, MI, MO, OH, Kirtland's snake 12M R3 N/A FY17 PA, TN Yellow Lance and Atlantic Pigtoe Atlantic pigtoe 12M R4 N/A FY17 GA, NC, SC, VA Barbour's map turtle 12M R4 N/A FY17 AL, FL, GA Beaver Pond marstonia 12M R4 N/A FY17 GA Big Blue Springs cave crayfish 12M R4 N/A FY17 FL blackfin sucker 12M R4 2 FY17 KY, TN 3 Southeast Darters bridled darter 12M R4 N/A FY17 GA, TN Priority Bin Lead Proposed FY Current Package Name Species Name Action Type Ranking (1-5) Range RO Timeframe Candidate? or LPN Carolina Madtom and Neuse Carolina madtom 12M R4 1 FY17 NC River Waterdog 2 Florida Mole Skinks Cedar Key mole skink 12M R4 N/A FY17 FL 2 Florida Mole Skinks Florida Keys mole skink 12M R4 N/A FY17 FL 3 Southeast Darters Holiday darter 12M R4 N/A FY17 AL, GA, TN Carolina Madtom and Neuse Neuse River waterdog 12M R4 2 FY17 NC River Waterdog Panama City crayfish 12M R4 N/A FY17 FL 3 Southeast Darters Trispot darter 12M R4 N/A FY17 AL, TN, GA Yellow Lance and Atlantic Pigtoe Yellow lance 12M R4 N/A FY17 MD, NC, SC, VA CT, DE, GA, MA, MD, ME, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, SC, VA, VT, Canada, Bicknell's thrush 12M R5 N/A FY17 Bahamas, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica candy darter 12M R5 N/A FY17 VA, WV black-backed woodpecker (Black 12M R6 N/A FY17 SD, WY Hills population) CO, ID, NM, NV, UT, Boreal toad (Eastern population) 12M R6 N/A FY17 WY Colorado tiger beetle 12M R6 2 FY17 CO Fisher (Northern Rocky Mountains MT, ID, (WY - 12M R6 N/A FY17 population) accidental) white-tailed prarie dog 12M R6 2 FY17 CO, MT, UT, WY Proposed Listing Pacific walrus R7 LPN 9 FY17 Y AK Determination 14 Southern Nevada Springsnails bifid duct pyrg 12M R8 N/A FY17 NV, UT black-backed woodpecker (Oregon 12M R8 N/A FY17 CA, ND, OR Cascades-California population) 14 Southern Nevada Springsnails Blue Point pyrg 12M R8 5 FY17 NV Priority Bin Lead Proposed FY Current Package Name Species Name Action Type Ranking (1-5) Range RO Timeframe Candidate? or LPN 14 Southern Nevada Springsnails Butterfield pyrg 12M R8 5 FY17 NV 14 Southern Nevada Springsnails Corn Creek pyrg 12M R8 5 FY17 NV 14 Southern Nevada Springsnails flag pyrg 12M R8 N/A FY17 NV 14 Southern Nevada Springsnails grated tryonia 12M R8 5 FY17 NV 14 Southern Nevada Springsnails Hardy pyrg 12M R8 N/A FY17 NV Proposed Listing Hermes copper butterfly R8 LPN 5 FY17 Y CA Determination 14 Southern Nevada Springsnails Hubbs pyrg 12M R8 5 FY17 NV 14 Southern Nevada Springsnails Lake Valley pyrg 12M R8 N/A FY17 NV 14 Southern Nevada Springsnails Moapa pebblesnail 12M R8 5 FY17 NV 14 Southern Nevada Springsnails Moapa Valley pyrg 12M R8 5 FY17 NV Mojave shoulderband snail 12M R8 N/A FY17 CA 14 Southern Nevada Springsnails Pahranagat pebblesnail 12M R8 5 FY17 NV San Joaquin Valley giant flower- 12M R8 1 FY17 CA loving fly 14 Southern Nevada Springsnails Spring Mountains pyrg 12M R8 5 FY17 NV 14 Southern Nevada Springsnails White River Valley pyrg 12M R8 5 FY17 NV Franklin's bumblebee 12M R1 2 FY18 OR mountain blue-eyed grass 12M R1 3 FY18 WA Arizona striped whiptail 12M R2 2 FY18 AZ Arkansas River speckled chub 12M R2 2 FY18 CO, KA, NM, OK, TX Sky Island Plants Bartram stonecrop 12M R2 2 FY18 AZ Sky Island Plants beardless chinch weed 12M R2 2 FY18 AZ Chihuahua scurfpea 12M R2 2 FY18 AZ, NM, TX, Mexico Priority Bin Lead Proposed FY Current Package Name Species Name Action Type Ranking (1-5) Range RO Timeframe Candidate? or LPN Donrichardsonia macroneuron 12M R2 2 FY18 TX (unnamed moss) Central Texas Mussles false spike 12M R2 1 FY18 TX Proposed Listing red-crowned parrot R2 LPN 2 FY18 Y TX, Mexico Determination Proposed Listing Central Texas Mussles Texas fatmucket R2 LPN 2 FY18 Y TX Determination Proposed Listing Central Texas Mussles Texas fawnsfoot R2 LPN 2 FY18 Y TX Determination Proposed Listing Central Texas Mussles Texas pimpleback R2 LPN 2 FY18 Y TX Determination AL, AR, GA, IL, IN, KY, MD, MO, MS, NC, NY, hellbender 12M R3 N/A FY18 OH, PA, SC, TN, VA, WV Apalachicola floater 12M R4 4 FY18 AL, FL, GA Arkansas mudalia 12M R4 1 FY18 AR, MO Ashy Darter, Barrens Darter, and ashy darter 12M R4 N/A FY18 KY, TN Redlips Darter Ashy Darter, Barrens Darter, and barrens darter 12M R4 N/A FY18 TN Redlips Darter barrens topminnow 12M R4 N/A FY18 TN 3 Florida Orchids Big Cypress epidendrum 12M R4 1 FY18 FL AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, black rail 12M R4 N/A FY18 NC, SC, TX, VA FL, GA, SC, NC, PR, VA, black-capped petrel 12M R4 N/A FY18 VI 3 Florida Orchids Cape Sable orchid 12M R4 1 FY18 FL 3 Florida Orchids clam-shell orchid 12M R4 1 FY18 FL Florida sandhill crane 12M R4 2 FY18 FL, GA AL, AR, GA, IL, IN, KY, 3 Southeast Mussels longsolid 12M R4 2 FY18 NC, OH, PA, TN, VA, WV MacGillivray's seaside sparrow 12M R4 N/A FY18 FL, GA, NC, SC Proposed Listing Marrón bacora R4 LPN 2 FY18 Y VI Determination Priority Bin Lead Proposed FY Current Package Name Species Name Action Type Ranking (1-5) Range RO Timeframe Candidate? or LPN Ozark pyrg 12M R4 1 FY18 MO, AR AL, AR, KY, LA, MS, NE, 3 Southeast Mussels pink pigtoe 12M R4 2 FY18 OH, OK, TN, VA Ashy Darter, Barrens Darter, and redlips darter (broken out from ashy 12M R4 3 FY18 KY, TN Redlips Darter darter complex) AL, AR, GA, IL, IN, KY, 3 Southeast Mussels round hickorynut 12M R4 2 FY18 MI, MS, OH, PA, TN, WV, Canada slenderclaw crayfish 12M R4 N/A FY18 AL Proposed Listing striped newt R4 LPN 8 FY18 Y FL, GA Determination CT, DC, GA, MA, MD, ME, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA, brook floater 12M R5 2 FY18 RI, SC, VA, VT, WV, Canada Elk River crayfish 12M R5 2 FY18 WV seaside alder 12M R5 2 FY18 DE, GA, MD, OK Tippecanoe darter 12M R5 2 FY18 IN, KY, OH, PA, TN, WV CT, IL, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MT, NC, ND, yellow banded bumblebee 12M R5 2 FY18 NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, SD, TN, VA, VT, WV, WI, Canada Chapin Mesa milkvetch (previously Proposed Listing R6 LPN 8 FY18 Y CO known as Schmoll milkvetch) Determination Proposed Listing Fremont County rockcress R6 LPN 8 FY18 Y WY Determination Frisco Buckwheat, Frisco Clover, Proposed Listing Frisco buckwheat R6 LPN 8 FY18 Y UT and Ostler's Peppergrass Determination Frisco Buckwheat, Frisco Clover, Proposed Listing Frisco Clover R6 LPN 8 FY18 Y UT and Ostler's Peppergrass Determination Priority Bin Lead Proposed FY Current Package Name Species Name Action Type Ranking (1-5) Range RO Timeframe Candidate? or LPN Frisco Buckwheat, Frisco Clover, Proposed Listing Ostler's peppergrass R6 LPN 8 FY18 Y UT and Ostler's Peppergrass Determination Final Listing CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, wolverine R6 N/A FY18 Determination NM, OR, UT, WA, WY Joshua tree 12M R8 2 FY18 AZ, CA, NV, UT Panamint alligator lizard 12M R8 2 FY18 CA Proposed Listing Sierra Nevada red fox R8 LPN 3 FY18 Y CA, OR Determination tricolor blackbird 12M R8 2 FY18 CA, OR, WA, NV Proposed Listing red tree vole R1 LPN 9 FY19 Y OR Determination sand verbena moth 12M R1 4 FY19 WA tufted puffin 12M R1 3 FY19 CA, OR, WA Proposed Listing bracted twistflower R2 LPN 8 FY19 Y TX Determination South Texas Plants bushy whitlow-wort 12M R2 3 FY19 TX East Texas Mussels Louisiana pigtoe 12M R2 3 FY19 LA, TX South Texas Plants Navasota false foxglove 12M R2 3 FY19 TX Proposed Listing Penasco least chipmunk R2 LPN 6 FY19 Y NM Determination South Texas Plants prostrate milkweed 12M R2 3 FY19 TX, Mexico South Texas Plants rough stemmed aster 12M R2 3 FY19 LA, MS, TX South Texas Plants Shinner's sunflower 12M R2 3 FY19 AR, LA, TX East Texas Mussels Texas heelsplitter 12M R2 3 FY19 TX South Texas Plants Texas screwstem 12M R2 3 FY19 TX East Texas Mussels triangle pigtoe 12M R2 3 FY19 TX Discretionary Status Ozark Endemic Crayfishes Big Creek crayfish R3 3 FY19 MO Review Ozark Endemic Crayfishes coldwater crayfish 12M R3 3 FY19 AR, MO GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, Hall's bulrush 12M R3 3 FY19 MA, MI, MO, NE, OK, SC, TX, WI Priority Bin Lead Proposed FY Current Package Name Species Name Action Type Ranking (1-5) Range RO Timeframe Candidate? or LPN AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, monarch butterfly 12M R3 N/A FY19 MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY Proposed Listing AR, IA, IL, KY, MO, NC, rattlesnake-master borer moth R3 LPN 8 FY19 Y Determination OK Discretionary Status Ozark Endemic Crayfishes St.
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