STATE CHAIRMEN SPONSORING COMMITTEE HON. CI.JNTON A. CLAUSON Former Governor, ,MRine ADDO. FRANK lACONO, LUIGI F. lION. MICIIAEL V. lJl SALLE AMOIIOSO, WILLIAM LA CORTE, AUGUSTINE AHJo;NA, FHANK LAPIANA, JOSEPH JR. (;OVl'rllur1 Uhio HON. AVEnJLL HAllIlIMAN DONOMO, RICHARD LECOMTE, PHlLIPl'E Former Governor. New York UONO, HOSE ,LO BASSO, MICHAEL liON. LUTIIEIl H. HODGES GALLO. PAUL LO 1'IIESTI, GEOIlGE Fonner Governor, North Carolina CALIANDnO, MAny LO SCillA VO, JOHN lION. 1\01lE/\1' n. MEYNE/\ CAlIU:;I, UGo MAHINO, Dn. FRANK Governor, New Jersey CICALI, PINO MONTE, NICHOLAS liON. JOliN A. NOTTE, J/\. DEGIlASSE, GEOI\GE MUCCITELLI. GERARD Governnr, !UlOde Isl.nd DJ GIOVANNA, LA WIlENCE ORCINO, PIETRO Inspiratio Per Exemplum HON. ALDEllT D. 1l0SELLlNI FILENO DiGI\EGOnlO OTTAVINO. GEORGE Governor, \Vnshington DE LUCA. VITO PASQUALICCHIO, LEONAIID "The knowledge of yesterday's history shouUl impire us liON. 'OlIN A. VOLPE DE SANTO ANGELINA PAS:;AnELLI, JOSEPH to strive for a better world tomorrow" Gov{'rnor, M055:lchus('tts DE SANTO, MAllY PUCCIO, CHAIlLES DJSCLAfA~11 PETEIl PONTONE, VII\GIL DONNAMUlV\, CHARLES RAGANATI, THOMAS e e e HONORARY TRUSTEES DUKE PINI DI SAN MINIATO RE, CHAnLES J. lION. JOSEI'll P. ADlJAllUO FAVALA, ANTHONY ROMANO, ANIELLO I COll~rC'ssmnnl New York FICAlIIIA, JOSEPH SCALISE. PETER liON. IIUGII J. ADDONIZIO flonDALlSI, HAPIIAEL SESSA. JOSEPH Program for the unveiling of the Memorial in honor of COlIgrcSSI11<,\n, New Jersey ANTHONY S. GACCIONE SOMMEII, JULES liON. VICTOI\ L. ANFUSO GALLO, JOSEPHINE FI\ANK G. TAORMINA C0l1~rC~sm3nt New York GOLATO. BENIIY TONELLI. VINCENT liON. SILVJO O. CONTE GUGLIELMJNETTI. N. VINTI, CAIlLO COII~r(':"Stnal1. r..lns!"H.:I!usc-Us HADEnT. JACQUES WEEDA, JOSEPH G. CHARLES ]. BONAPARTE HON. IIUGH L. CAllEY HESSE, JEAN ZINO, VICTOR COIl~ressman. New York native of Maryland and the founder of the F.B.I. HON. EMANUEL CELLER DOUBLE TRIBUTE Congressma1l, New York liON. EMILIO Q. DADDAIIIO The guests invited:- to attend the unveiling of Congress,"",'_ COIlnccl ic:ut the Charles J. Bonaparte memorial will not only pay Prelude - OrdJl'~lra of the U. S. Marine Band liON. DOMINICK V. DANIELS tribute to a dedicated Attorney General, a patriotic Congresc::mall, New Jersey Capt. Dale H::npham, Asst. Director, Condllcting lION. JOliN II. DENT American nnd the Founder of the FEDEHAL COIIg-r('''~m:lnt r('nn~ylvnni", DUfiEAU OF INVESTIGATION, but they will assist liON. DANTE B. fASCELL in the commemoration of the 91st Anniversary of the COlIgrc~.C;-lIlrtn, Floridn HON. PAUL A. FINO crention of the Deparbnent of Justice, June 22, 1870, Advance of Colors Congrcss1l1:ln New York l which today is under the dynamic leadership of nn­ American Legion, National Guard of Honor liON. 1l0DEIlT N. GIAIMO other great American, Hon. Hobert F. Kennedy. Congre~smnn, Connecticut MOST IlEV. JAMES H. GIlIfFITIfS Charles Joseph Bonaparte was born in Baltimore, AlIx. llishop-Ch,ne. Arch., N. Y. Maryland, June 9, 1851. He graduated from Harvard I:JON. JACOD J. JAVITS Lnw School in 1874. In 1905, President Theodore Introductory Remarks ..................HON. EDWARD D. RE I U. S. Sen'lor. New York IHON. KENNETH B. KEATING Hoosevelt nppointed him Secretary of the Navy. A Chairman, Foreign Claims Settlement Commission ! U. S. Sennt",. New York year later in 1906, he was appointed Attorney General. 'ION. EDNA F. KELLY In 1908, the imaginative 1I0nnparte saw the need I CnnfUes<womnn. New York HON. EUGENEJ. KELLY for providing the United States Department of Justice Homage to Charles]. Bonaparte ......HON. GEOHGE L. RADCLIFFE Congressmnn. New York with its own permanent investigation force. He created liON. 1l0LANIJ V. LIllONATI President, Maryland Historical Society Con.v.rf'!I::"mnn, Illinois the F.13.I. under the jurisdiction of the Attorney HON. MAIlIO T. NaTO GeneraL Asst. Comr. U.S. 1m. & Not. Ser. The Itnlian Historical Society of America, by spon­ TIlE ~IOST IIEV. JOliN M. MUSSIO Ili<hop. Steuhenville, Ohio soring the dedication of the Charles Joseph Bona­ Presentation of MemoriaL ..... ....... ......MR. JOHN LAConTE HON. JOliN O. PASTOllE· parte MemOrial, with the cooperation of the Depart­ Director, Italian Historical Society of America U. S. Scnolor. llhode ',I'nd mcnt of Justice, wishes to call the attention of our lION. rETEll W. 1l0DINO. JR. fellow Americans to the invaluable contributions the Conp.Tcssmnn. Nr.w Jersey lION. ALI'IlED E. SANTANGELO FEDEfiAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION is Con~c~sm~n, New York making in the preservation of the American rights Unveiling ........HON. ]. MILLAI1D TAWES ,)T\. JOSEI'll I'UCILLA ProF. Nor(hwc~t \JnivrrsHy and liberty for which its founder worked. Governor of the State of Maryland lION. FIlANCIS X. GIACCONE We salute the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVES­ Former Supremc Court Justice TIGATION and wish its dedicated director, Hon. J. IION. JAMES A. KELLY \Ij,tor;;lI1. norOllp.h of D'kl}'Tl Edgnr Hoover, continued success in his efforts for a Acceptance HON. ROBEIlT F. KENNEDY ION. VITO f. LANZA better America. We congratulate Attorney General Mcmh. N. Y. Bo,rn of Edue. Robert F. Kennedy for the 'wisdom exercised since he U. S. Attorney General WN. LOUIS J. LEFKOWITZ N. Y. Stoic Attornev Genernl took charge of this great agency. )n. PETEll SANMAIlTJNO We wish also to express our appreciation to the rr('<;. Fnirlrip.h Dirldn,Oilon Univ, Hon. S. A. Andretta, Administrative Assistant Attor­ Memorial by A. Ottnvino Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. ION. lUVENAL MAllCIIISIO N,tion.1 Ch.innan, A.C.J.M. ney General for his cooperation in this presentation. Installation by Vincent Tonelli, Washington, D.C. JOHN N. LaCORTE . ~"::~l'r.~ .-~::;:."'. " :~ . .~. ".' - ... - ',;' _. ""' .. ', ., " :: i. '. ; .\ (J ,~ c· .~ SIGNERS OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 56 Patriotic Dedicated Americans Who Pledged Their Lives, Fortunes [fta{ian c71i1.to'tlca{ ~ociE.t!J of. cI1-mE'l.Wa and Sacred Honor For Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness What Can We Pledge To Preserve Their Ideals? and thE. We must revive their self-sacrificing pioneering Americanism c:Jli1..a't!J{and dli1.to'l.ica{ ~ociE.t!J CONNECTICUT NEW JERSEY I10ger Shcrman, Olivcr Wolcott, Francis Hopkinson, John Wither­ Snmuel Huntington, William Wil­ spoon, nichard Stockton, John COl,liall'j invitE. 'lou to thE. liams. Hart, Abraham Clark. dl~t:lnolial DELAWARE PENNSYlVANIA 'UnvE.iling of a Caesnr I1odney, George I1end, Thomas McKean. Benjamin Franklin nobert Morris, George Clymer, John Morton, Benj­ in ho/20't of GEORGIA amin nush, James Smith, George noss, George Taylor, James Wilson. Button Gwinnett, George Walton, :) Lyman lIall. NORTH CAROLINA {!ha7-~j, 23onapa~tE MARYlAND :J. William Hooper, Joseph Hewes. Thomas Stone, William Paca, Sam­ uel Chase, Charles Carroll. RHODE ISLAND 'JoUll£fn of Stephen Hopkins, William Ellcry. MASSACHUSETTS '3EdE'ta{ !Bu'tE.au of [fnIJE1.ti;}atlon John Adnms, John Hancock, Sam­ SOUTH CAROLINA uel Adams, I10bert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry. Edward Rutledge, Thomas Hey­ ward, Jr., Thomas Lynch, Jr., NEW HAMPSHIRE Arthm Middleton. CnE.mon'j to bE. held in. thE. William Whipple, Josiah Bartlett, VIRGINIA Matthew Thornton. g'twt dlall Thomas JeHerson, Benjamin Harri­ NEW YORK son, Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter of thE. Philip Livingston, William Floyd, Braxton, George Wythe, nichard Lewis Morris, Fraucis Lewis. Henry Lee, Thomas Nelson, Jr. 'UnitE.,f dtatE.i :DE.IJa'ttmwt of dUitiC!E. A COMMITTEE IS BEING FOnMED to honor the original 13 States and IWaihington,:D. c. the signcrs of the Dcclaration of Independencc with the issuance of Com­ memorative Stamps. To encourage the Movie, T.V., nadio producers and publishers to dramatize tJle historic significance of this great chapter, written fJhu'ticfa'j, dunE. 22, 1961 - 4 :00 IJ.m. by those courageous and deuicated Amcricans. An exploratory open meeting will be held in Washington, D. C. on Thursday, June 22 at 10 a.m. Persons interested in joining the Committee for the Commemoration of the dlono'ta't'j Chai'tnzan Second Ccntennial of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence, please write to John N. La Corte, 26 Comt Street, Brooklyn 1, N. Y. o 0 0 0 I7hE dfon. cRoted g. !J(EnnEdy Some of the recent achievements of lhe Italian Historical Society of America CreAtion of th~ AnnuoJ VerraZAno DAY, April 17; The naming of the Verrnnno Nnrrow. cfIUolnE.'j gWE.'tal Brid~e; Issuance of Garibaldi Commemorative Stamp; Recognition of Peter Caesar Alberti, first Italinn immigrant in N. Y. State. 1035; Naming of Columhus Plaza, Brooklyn Civic Cente,; Crention of NntionAI DAy U. S. Annual Ceremony second Sunday of June. "PENOING"-PIAeing a mr.mori.1 in the United State. Cnpitol in honor of CostAntino Brllmidi th. "MichAlAngelo of W",hington" who spent the la<t 27 yenrs of hi, life In mnking R.S.V.P.-Italian Historical Society, Brooklyn I, N. Y. tim Capitol Bldg. the most lJeautiful edifice in America. To give proper recognition to Antonio Meucci the inventor of the telephone. ! ~ ~ ; . ·?···'I·;·~::': ,-", -. I '. ....
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