I", ,Y' TEN F" E**, 1, li'' 1 , T I I lilli f t I f t" I a { tuu_ dtr *g %% iii + ut' ,*4S; - Sparkman& Stephensdesigned the TartanTen without regardto rating rules.The result: an aestheticallypleasing hull with superbhandling and exceptional speed. And with T-Ten'sone-designcharacter you don't needbinoculars or a computertosee if you'vewon. Somewhere, fine coastal racing/cruising/ But the key to Thrtan Ten is her strict one- daysailing boats became lost in the complex- design character. Each boat is delivered com- ity and expenseof handicap ratins rules. plete: no alterations to hull or rig are permit- Sbarkman & Stephens desiened tle Tartan ted under class rules. This not only prevents Ten without regaid to any riti.rg rule. The unnecessaryand aggravating futur^eexpense result: an aestlietically pieasinihull with but also preierrres - 6rtan Ten''svalue: none superb handling and ip'eed. can become obsolete.The senseof exhilara- Gone are huge volumes of rarely used inte- tio-nand enjoyment in racing is thoroughly rior. Here is a sprint boat with accommoda- enhanced: you don't need biioculars, tlUt".s tions suitable for overnight offshore racing- or a computer to know when you've won. and weekend cruising. Yet the functional arrangement, woodwork and fabrics provide STANDARDEQUIPMENT an attractive and comfortable accommoda- n Handlay-up fiberglass hull anddeck; molded-in non-skid. tion without dismantling the sleek appear- n 9'6" cockpit seats.Ice-box accessand sail stowage - ance, flush deck and moileratelv lieht in seats,port and starboard. Laminated tiller. displacement. n Double-rail s/sbow and stern pulpits. 24" thru- Long and narrow, TlTencarries 486 square bolted stanchions. Vinyl-coat-eds/s lifelines. feet of Iail. The 7ss foretriansle reducesiail n Two T" mooring cleats.Two 7" sterncleats. inv_entoryrequirements and-sail Perforated aluirinum toe-rails. changesas ! 5'6" molded companionway hatch with dodger. well qs rig anil sail expense.It permits easy' S/S grab-rai l s aloneside companionw av.19"\ 19" handling-of a few moderately iized sails, a Iuri inum- fra m ediratc h forward. appropriate for a husband/wife crew or racing- ! 4lu_minum alloy mast. 1 x 19s/s standing rigging. with iust two couples.Mast-bend and main- Lightning grouhd. Forged-bronze turn6ucfies." Internalrnrernal sail shapeare readily adjustable.In halvards,nalyarcts. spite of ! Backsta_yDacKsrayadjuster:aqJusler: 4:l+:r pu-rchasepurcnase withwrtn cam cleat. limited crew requirements and this s^ensible ! Boom: double internal jiffy-reef lines; 5:1 internal rig, Tartan Ten is fast-honestly fast-and will outhaul. Boom vans leadi to cockoit. sail past boats many feet longei: open racing ! Two f 30 Lewmar 2lspeedwinchds, two #8 Lew- results have already demonslrateil her mar winches. Stops provided to free winches. capabilities. n Trackand lead blo-cksforClass senoa. Braided Dacron sheets; ball-bearins ma-insheettraveller with control lines; 5:1mairisheet ball-bearine block svstem ! Prestrelched Dacron main halyard; spliced wire/ rope genoa halyard. Cam-actu-atedhilyard stoppers. n Faiymann diesel; waterlift exhaust silencer; fold- ing prop. Cockpit-mounted engine controls. n 56-Amp--hour b'atterv. Main switch and fused switch^oanel. ! Int-erioi and navigation lights, including steaming lisht. ! Fiel: l2-gallon tank; water: l9-gallon tank with manual DumD. ! S/S sink with handpump. Portable ice chest installs for accessfrom coci<pitor may be broueht below. [ 3" berth cushions; nylon coveis. Vee-beith forward removable for sail siorage; forward privacy curtain. Drop-leaf main-cabin table. fl Self-contained marine toilet. I Goneare huge volumes of rarely used interior. Hereis a sprint boatwith accommodationssuitable for overnightoffshore racing and weekend cruising. ,11il., , l,.t, ' W M tf / ';2'k *,,,' lilil ri .t"i$ir i f i+. .{t Onekey to TartanTen is herstrict one-design character. Eachboat is deliveredcomplete: no alterationsto hullor rig are permittedunder class rules. This not only preventsunnecessary ind aggravatingfuture expense but alsopreserves T-Ten's value.The other key:Tartan'sdetailing and construction. HULL & DECK Construction: Fiberglass.High glassratios of mat and woven rov- ing produce hull surfacesable to withstand the punishment ofrac- ing requirements in adversesea conditions. Layup schedulesare increasedand specialattention paid to aieasofincreased stress. Deck: Coredfiberglass structure with molded non-skid pattern. Solid coring is usedin placeswhere fittings areattached. Cockplt: 9'6" long cockpitseats with radiusededges and angled backs for seating comfort. Hatches in seatsport and starboard for sail stbrageand icebox access.Oversize scupper for cockpit drain- age.Ball-bearing traveller, full width of cockpit,with 3:1carriage control linesand clam cleatsport and starboard;5:1 main sheet ball-bearingblock system.Laminated tiller. Hatches: 19"x 19"aluminum framed acrylic forward hatch for ven- tilation and sail handling.5'6" long companionwaywith molded securityhatch. Dodger over companionwayallows both accessand ventilation below in bad weather.Two stainlesssteel grab rails alongsidecompanionway. Hardware: Double-rail welded stainlesssteel bow pulpit:24" high stanchionswith lifelines;welded stainless steel stern pulpit. Two T"mooring cleats; two T"stern cleats. Quick-release cleats are usedfor running rigging. Extruded aluminum hard coat ano- dized perforated full length toe rails. Tracks and lead blocks for Classgenoa; tracks optional for 1507agenoa. MAST & RIGGING Mast:6061-T6aluminum alloy,7.4"x4.6" ellipticalsection with internal sail track.Aluminum spreadersswept back to 22'.Welded aluminum backstaycrane. Clear finish. All halyardsinternal. Mast step: Deck-mountedcustom casting exits all halyards through integral sheaves.Supporting member below to reinforced flooring structure. Boom: 6061-T6aluminum alloy,elliptical sectionwith internal sail groove;5:1 power-ratio internal outhaul.Double quick-reeflines lead internally, exiting at gooseneckand fairlead aft to cockpit via deckfairleads. Standtngrtgglng: Uppershroudslt" I x 19stainless steel wire; lower shroudseAz" I x 19stainless steel wire. Shroudsemploy inter- nal "T" type tangson mast with chromed, forged bronze turnbuck- lesand togglesat the deck.Backstay: upperpart3lrc" I x 19stainless steelwire; divided Iower p art 3I rc"7 x 19stainless steel wire. Head- stay7/rz" 1 x 19stainless steel wire. Tensloning:Rollers on divided portion ofbackstay lead to 4:1pur- chaseball-bearing blocks with a quick-releasecam cleat (conven- ient to helmsman) for complete control of mast-bend. ACCOMMODATION sz6" Halyards: Jib halyardt/s" 7 xl9 stainlesssteel wire spliced to Sleeplng and slttingr Comfort is the design criterion for the interior. braided Dacron@tail. Main halyard low-stretch Dacron@cordage. This is a racing and daysailing boat, not a long-range cruiser. The Halyards run through deck-mountedcam-actuated stopping V-berth forward accommodates two and may be removed for sail devices. stowage. A self-contained marine toilet is positioned beneath a Winches:Halyards, vang and reefsare grouped and lead aft to two removeable filler-oiece. Port and starboird berths in the main cabin have 3" foam cush- Lewmar #8 chrome winches, located on housetop on both sidesof forcomfort onover 12feet offacing seating. companionway. Stopping devicesprovided to free up winches to ions and are contoured An upholstered backrest, running full length ofeach berth, can be handleall duties.Sheet winches: two Lewmar #30 aluminum two- moved to fasten inboard edge and become padded leeboards. speed,30:1 power ratio, mountedon cockpitcoaming. to Port and starboard quarter berths are root-type and can be Boom vang: Dead end of3:1 tackle attached to mast baseand led aft adjusted for angle ofheel. to cockpit. Standing part attached to tag line running through blockon boom. Freeend of tag line may be either attached to mast Amenitles: The large companionway hatch with standard dodger baseas a "dinghy" type vang or led to rail for reaching/running provides more standing headroom than would be expected in a preventer/vang. flush deck arrangement. The portable ice chest, which fits into the rt! I iiiiili l.r it iiil rii il I tll iiiiiiiiliiiilliii E : €,.E-€-E ryE:=--- port cockpitseat locker, provides easy transport offood stufs and art" alternatives.This hydrodvnamicallv"clean" underwater con- canbe brought below. figuration leastafiects Thrtan'ien s sailingcharacteristics. Midships,port and starboard,are counters beneathwhich is Electrical: 56 ampere-hour battery in a coveredcontainer is storageto starboard,hanging locker to port. In the starboard chargedoffengine. Masterswitch ind fusedswitch panel.Three counteris seta stainlesssteel sink with hand pump, connected interior lights,port and starboardnavigation lights on stem,stern respectivelyto sea-cockedoverboard drain and 19-gallonfresh light, steaminglight on mast.Shrouds and mastgrounded to keel. water tank, Teak-facedstorage lockers run outboard ofcounters and main berths.DropJeaftable. Forward privacy curtain. Plumbing: 19gallon freshwater supplywith manual pump. Man- ual bilge pump, 18GPM with overboarddischarge. MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL MISCELLANEOUS Motor: A safe and reliable Farymann diesel engine is installed as Much other detail and standard, housed in a sound-insulated molded box and mounted on equipment is supplied with the Thrtan Ten.Consult your dealer for heavy hull stringers. It employes a waterlift exhaust silencer. a complete inspection and inventory. Tartan Engine controls are cockpit-mounted. reservesthe right to make changesfor the improvement of its boats;specifications and detailsare subjectto changewithout Propeller: Intensive prototype testing demonstrated the efiiciency priornotice. This brochuremay showoptional equipmentas well ofa shaft, strut and folding propeller against other "state-of-the- :is private owner's personal belongings. l/80/25M OTartanMarineCompany L2'l(r I.**d ,'r q t: s*f F M" W W-.
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