.1866 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MA_y 24 NAYs-15 Mr. McKEOWN. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object, Black Dale Hawes Sheppard where is this meeting to be held? Blease George Kin__g Steck Brookhart Greene McKellar Tyson Mr. HUGHES. In England. Copeland Harrison Ransdell Mr. McKEOWN. Why do not the English furnish this equip­ NOT VOTING-18 ment, if the meeting is to be held in their country? Ashurst Edge Moses Stephens Mr. HUGHES. It is surely not necessary for England to fur­ . Borah Glass Phipps Thomas, Idaho nish equipment for American boys. In practically all of the . Bratton Gould Reed Wagner other countries their expenses are being paid, but the Boy Scouts · Broussard Hayden Robinson, Ark. of America are not asking for any expense at all. They are • Caraway Kendrick . Shipstead merely asking for the loan of this equipment, which is now in So Mr. JoHNSON's motion was agreed tQ; and the Senate (at storage, and it will do no harm to the equipment. In fact, it 5 o'clock and 45 minutes p. m.) took a recess until to-morrow, will help it. This has the approval of the War Department. $aturday, May 25, 1929, at 12 o'clock meridian. Mr. McKEOWN. I am not objecting to the proposition, ex­ cept I wanted to know why we had to furnish this equipment. If the meeting had been held over here, I am sure that we would HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have furnished equipment to all of them. Mr. HUGHES. I have always been interested in boy scouts, FRIDAY, May 214, 1929 and one good reason was that Col. C. H. Livingston, who has The House met at 12 o'clock noon. been my persooal and close friend for 30 years, with W. D. Boyer. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered of Chicago, organized the Boy Scouts of America in Washington, the following prayer : D. C., and throughout the entire United States February, 1910. To Colonel Livingston, of West Virginia-my· own State-is We praise Thee, 0 Lord, that the golden fingers of sunrise dlW the highest credit for the great work done by him and the have brought us the glory of a new day. Upon Thy altar we associates he gathered about him to promote this most useful would pour the incense of our gratitude. ~here, in the midst and influential organization for the training of boys in good of labor and re ponsibility, we find the serenity of the soul. citizenship. I am glad to contribute my effort to help along· . Do Thou let fall upon us the leaves of Thy healing and blessing. this great cause for the Boy Scouts of this country. Regard the sweet sentiments and good tho~ghts that bloom in The Boy Scouts of America have been invited to send 1,600 our hearts and minds; unuttered and unexp1·essed they lie in boys and leaders to the World Conference on International Gooo silence there. In the performance of duty, help us to be re­ Will, to be held at Birkenhead, England, beginning July 30 and sourceful and equal to its call. Dear Lord God, may we be ending August 13, 1929. I am reliably informed there will be men who can. Through Christ the world's Savior. Amen. 50,000 Boy Scouts representing 42 nations in attendance. The t The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and American Boy Scouts' organization has 2,200 applicants wh() are approved. anxious to participate in this world celebration. The American organization has decided that it will be neces­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE sary to ·arrange accommodations for · at least 1,600 American A message from the Senate by Mr. Craven, its principal clerk, boys. It is essential that tents, cots, blankets, mess kits, and announced that the Senate had passed. a bill of the following the most necessary camping equipment be provided for. title, in which the concurrence of the House is requested: I am informed by the secretary and editor of the Boy Scouts' S. 616. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to lend organization of America, Mr. E. S. Martin, that many of the War Department equipment for use at the world jamboree of the countries who al'e to send Boy Scouts to this jamboree . are Boy Scouts of America. · .financing the expedition. The American organization needs no assistance :financially and are only interested in securing coop­ WORLD .T .AMBOREE OF THE BOY SCOUTS · eration from the Federal Government to the extent of borrowing Mr. HUGHES. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from the Army camping equipment, which this ·bill 616 au- from the Speaker's table the bill (S. 616) to authorize the thorizes. · Secretary of War to lend War Department equipment fo.r use at · A survey has been made and it is found that the Army supply the world jamboree of the Boy Scouts of America, and for its base located at Brooklyn has an abundance of material available present consideration. in storage, if any authority can be had that will permit the War The SPEAKER. The gentleman from West .Virginia asks Department to extend the courtesy of loaning this equipment unanimous consent to take {rom the Speaker's table and con­ to the· American Boy Scouts' organization. There is no opposi­ sider the bill S. 616, which the Clerk will report. tion by the War Department and the bill was unanimously The Clerk read as follows: reported out from the Committee o.n Military Affairs of the' Be it enacted, etc., That the Secretary of War be, and be is hereby, Senate. authorized to lend, at his discretion, to the National Council, Boy The National Council of the American Boy Scouts' organiza­ Scouts of America, for use at the world jamboree, Boy Scouts, to be tion, incorporated by Congress, will transport such equipment ·held at Birkenhead, England, in the months of July and August, 1929, that may be loaned to them by the War Department and furnish 1,600 cots, 5,000 blankets, tentage for 1,600 scouts: Pt·ovided, That no bond for its safe return, with no expense whatever to the Gov­ expense shall be caused the United States Government by the delivery ernment. It is definitely understood that there will be no and return of said property, the same to be delivered at such time prior expense to the Government for the transportation, and the to the holding of the said convention as may be agreed upon by the return of this property will be underwritten and guaranteed by Secretary of War ami the National Council, Boy Scouts of America: the organization. Provided further, That the Secretary of War before delivering said The Boy Scouts will come from ev~ section of the' United property shall take from the said Boy Scouts of America a· good ~nd States, from California t() Maine, ·and represent in membership 1 sufficient bond for the safe return of said property in good order and a million boys and men. condition, and the whole without expense to the United States. The information which I present to the House bas attached to it the names of Frank Presbrey, chairman, Mortimer L. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Schiff, George D. Pratt, James E. West, and D. C. Beard. Mr. GARNER. Mr. Speaker, reserving the rig}lt to object, We are all familiar more or less with the activities and the imay I ask the gentleman to state to the House, as he stated to aims of the boy-scout movement of America. It might not be ..me a moment ago, in substance, that this bill has been sub­ amiss to give a brief summary of their past activities. mitted to the \V ar Department and has its approval? At a time in our country's history it was necessary to Mr. HUGHES. Yes; it has. call upon the man power of this Nation almost to the limit. :Mr. GARNER. A.nd that the gentleman has spoken to the The four Liberty loan campaigns were aided by this organiza­ . gentleman from Michigan [Mr. JAMES] and the gentl~n from tion of Boy Scouts to the extent of securing 1,867,047 subscrip­ MiSsissippi [Mr. QurN]? tions amounting to $278,744,650. Mr. HUGHES. That is con-ect. War-savings stamps were sold by the members of this organi­ Mr. GARNER. And that this bill has the approval of both zation amounting to $42,751,031.25 in 2,175,625 sales, and· other those gentlemen? accomplishments too numerous to mention, which, in my judg­ Mr. HUGHES. That is correct. ment, justifies the unanimous consent asked for in the consid­ Mr. TILSON. When is this meeting to be held? eration of this bill without giving any thought of their future Mr. HUGHES. In July and August of this year. record as to what it will mean in encouragement of .greater Mr. TILSON. So that it is an emergency measure? accomplishment and in the developing of character. and patriot­ Mr. HUGHES. It is. ism by the Gove~ent at least co!ltributing in this small way 1929 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 186~ to assure the comfort of these young Americans who are to join 1\Ir. SNELL. 1\Ir. Speaker, ·I am in a liberal frame of mind in this celebration. this morning. I ask unanimous consent that the debate upon I want to take this opportunity to call attention to good and this resolution be limited to one hour and a half, 45 minutes valuable service rendered this great organization by a citizen to be controlled by the gentleman from North Carolina [Mr.
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