Masarykova univerzita Filozofická fakulta Seminář dějin umění Sára Anna Hudcovicová The Armenian basilica of Ererouk Bakalářská diplomová práce Vedoucí práce: Ivan Foletti 2018 ii Prohlašuji, že jsem bakalářskou diplomovou práci vypracovala samostatně a uvedla všechnu použitou literaturu a prameny. ....................................................................... Podpis autora práce iii iv As writing of this thesis proved at times to be a truly "byzantine process", the following is by no means a formality. In the first place, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to my amazing family: to my dearest mother for her loving encouragement, to my father for finally accepting I will not become a doctor and supporting me anyway, to my brothers and sisters for making our home a place to which I love to come back. I would like to thank Jakub for his voice of reason and Ester, Johana, Kristýna and Michaela for their kind-hearted friendship during the studies. My sincere gratitude belongs to Christina Maranci who generously provided me with some of the less accessible materials and to my tutor Ivan Foletti who broadened my horizons in many aspects and introduced me to Caucasus. For the gorgeous photographs I am indebted and grateful to Petr, Katarína, Filip and Míša, who, turned our trip to Armenia into a wonderful experience. A special thanks goes to Petr for his interest and ideas regarding the topic and its popularization as well as a thorough grammar and spell check. Last but not least, my eternal gratitude belongs to Leoš – the first and last critic of this thesis – for the countless discussions, advice, cups of coffee and everyday abundance of mutual support and love. Thank you! Psaní této práce bylo chvílemi skutečně spletitým procesem a následující tak v žádném případě není pouhou formalitou. Na prvním místě bych ráda vyjádřila nejupřímnější poděkování své úžasné rodině: mé nejdražší mamince za její laskavá povzbuzení, mému tatínkovi za jeho podporu, i přesto, že se pravděpodobně již nestanu lékařkou, mým sourozencům, díky nimž se budu vždy ráda vracet domů. Ráda bych poděkovala Jakubovi za jeho hlas rozumu a Ester, Johaně, Kristýně a Michaele za jejich dobrosrdečné přátelství v průběhu studia. Mé vřelé díky patří Christině Maranci, která mi velkoryse poskytla několik obtížně dostupných materiálů, a mému vedoucímu práce, Ivanovi Folettimu, za rozšíření horizontů v mnoha směrech a seznámení s Kavkazem. Za nádherné fotografie jsem zavázaná a vděčná Petrovi, Kataríně, Filipovi a Míše, díky nimž se z naší společné výpravy do Arménie stal nezapomenutelný zážitek. Speciální poděkování patří Petrovi za jeho zájem a nápady ohledně tématu a jeho popularizace stejně jako důkladnou korekturu gramatiky a pravopisu. V neposlední řadě bych ráda vyjádřila svou neskonalou vděčnost Leošovi – prvnímu a poslednímu kritikovi této práce – za nespočet diskuzí, rad, hrnků kávy a každodenní hojnost vzájemné podpory a lásky. Děkuji! v Content Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1 1 State of research ........................................................................................ 3 Uncovering and exploring ........................................................................... 3 The Holy Trinity of Ererouk studies: Marr, Toramanian, Strzygowski ................................................................. 6 After Strzygowski: stone vault vs. timber roof ......................................... 12 Game-changing discoveries of archaeology ............................................... 20 Conclusion: answers and questions .......................................................... 26 2 Sanctuary in a wasteland ..................................................................... 27 The architecture of the basilica .................................................................. 29 Technique of construction ......................................................................... 36 Decoration ................................................................................................. 38 Conclusion: character of the building ....................................................... 43 3 The ecclesiastical complex ................................................................... 45 Funerary zone ........................................................................................... 45 Settlement in the neighborhood of the basilica .......................................... 48 Minor architectural structures ................................................................. 49 Conclusion: architectural context ............................................................. 53 4 The genesis of the basilica ................................................................... 54 Testimony of word .................................................................................... 55 Testimony of architecture ......................................................................... 61 Syrian models ............................................................................................ 66 Conclusion: datation and its limitations ................................................... 67 Epilogue: reconstruction of the priest Jacob .............................................. 70 vi 5 Martyrium ............................................................................................... 72 Prestigious dedication ............................................................................... 73 Allure of relics ........................................................................................... 77 Iconography of architecture ....................................................................... 79 Visualization of presence .......................................................................... 82 Patronage .................................................................................................. 87 Conclusion: intentions of creation ............................................................ 88 Epilogue: true believers in Christ.............................................................. 90 6 On the Armenian basilica .................................................................... 92 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 96 Bibliography ....................................................................................................... 99 Sources ...................................................................................................... 99 Secondary literature ............................................................................... 100 Web sites ................................................................................................ 116 List of illustrations .......................................................................................... 117 vii viii Introduction It was Monday 19th March 2018 when we visited the basilica of Ererouk. After an exhaustive drive trough several small Armenian villages the dusty road finally ended in front of the monument standing on the outskirts of a seemingly uninhabited town. Only few cows were seen wandering among the ruins looking for remaining patches of grass, completely unfazed by our arrival. The wind was strong and full of dust – the sole sound audible in the deserted landscape apart from the car engine. The basilica, silent and abandoned, did not seem to evince any signs of current or past human presence, an impression erroneous in every aspect… The reader must forgive the beletristic opening, but no woman or man could remain completely untouched by the extraordinary atmosphere surrounding the magnificent, yet dilapidated church of Ererouk [1].1 Simultaneously, the introduction serves two other purposes – firstly, to pay tribute to the 19th century travellers whose similarly poetic reports of the basilica are the earliest documented accounts of its existence, and secondly, to highlight the danger of projecting the present-day situation onto the history of the building that more than few scholars fell into. This thesis aims to demonstrate the very opposite, that is to show the ruined sanctuary as once an active center of religious and social life of the region, as well as a destination of both local and foreign pilgrimage. 1 The basilica or more specifically the locality in which it stands (see below) is referred to as “Ererouk” throughout this thesis as such transliteration of the name appears in English, French, Italian and Russian bibliography. Nevertheless, the appelation is generally used rather incoherently with a wide range of variation like Yereouk, Yereruyk, Ereruyk, Ereruk and many others. 1 First of all, however, the current state of research of the site in art history and archaeology will be presented. As the bibliography is at the same time quite repetitive and difficult to access, only the most important studies are discussed.2 The general focus of the scholarship on formalistic questions creates a basis for the two following chapters introducing the hypothetical reconstruction of the original appearance of the building and its urbanistic context. The reconstructed basilica is subsequently confronted with the Early Christian architecture of Armenia and Syria in order to establish a basic framework for its datation. The fifth chapter finally addresses the considerable role the church might have played and possible intentions of its construction.
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