Voi. , N o . | 51 40 0% xoa I October 6 , 1 9 3 9 ‘Xjspuia lUuiqn xassa *n 1LLBURN and - ISHORTHILLS Founded 1888 ...-Published every FRIDAY at MILLBURN, NJ. FIVE CENTS EFA STUDY GROUPS of the Col­ lundreds In lege Club of the Oranges will hold their first fall meetings civil Service Neighbor House during the coming week. The dult School Art group will meet at the home Pay Is Fixed of Mrs. Raymond Oakes, White I Despite inclement weather All township employees are to Asks Every Family A id bndltions Monday night, sev- Oak Ridge, Short Hills, Tuesday be classified according to Civil ta! hundred township residents morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Service classifications and their Budget Drive For $ 12,000Sturts Monday With brned out to register for Mill- Oakes will also entertain the salaries set by law, according-to an ordinance passed on first lirn Adult Education classes at i1'nature group Monday after­ hr high school building. These reading by the Township Com­ 150 Workers Covering Toivttship.— That noon. In oiled students plan to make mittee at its meeting Monday Jirniture, clothing, metal ar- ★ night. All May (live Irles, and leather goods; to play This ordinance represents ap- Neighborhood House launches sticker designating membership lidge; discuss education and 0 proxlmately a year’s work on its annual budget drive Monday in the association will be given lorld problems; learn social Safetya Drive the part of both the Township with 150 community men and to each family contributing, and lancing or study a foreign lan- Committee and the Civil Service women working to cover Town­ it is hoped that this sticker will lu ige. The above mentioned and Commission since the adoption In Millburn ship homes block by block, in be put in a conspicuous window lumerous other activities offer of Civil Service by Millburn vot­ quest of pledges and contribu­ in the house. The Board of {fide field to adults interested Wednesday night Millburn ers on November 8, 1938. tions. Trustees hopes to see a sticker 1 attending. Safety Council met at Town Hall It sets forth among other Last year the association in every home. Tho~e prospective class mem- and perfected plans for a two things the duties of each em­ operated at a loss of more than "For those who are not already rrs who did not have the op- week safety drive here. During ployee, minimum qualifications, $600 so that now this must be familiar with the daily activities lortunity of registering on or the period of the drive all probable line of promotion and made good in addition to the of the Neighborhood House, a schools, churches and theatres salary range for each position, lifo.e Monday night may mail usual amount. A goal of $12,000 small model In cross section, will their registration to Millburn will cooperate in bringing safe­ and provides that no reclassifi­ has been set and to meet it be on display at Kaiser’s and at ty lessons and advLse to children cations or change in compensa­ ■li School or come in person every home must respond to the Johnson’s drug stores. This of inday evening, October 9, be- and adults. tion schedules can be made call. course, gives only limited in­ Tuesday night parents of the without the approval of both the [vcm 7 and 10 P M. This will In past years less than 600 formation and for further in­ Glenwood school is having traf Township Committee and the the last official opportunity community residents have been formation, a board member will fic troubles of its own as moth­ Civil Service Commission. No enroll before classes begin. the burden bearers in this great be at the Neighborhood House ers transport children to school, Announcement has been made increases above the maximum and necessary charitable organi­ dully from 10:00 A. M. to 5:00 heard safety talks by Officer salary rates set can be made ex­ i;it Dr. Herman Ressig and Di* zation but now the aim is to P M. to receive any inquiring cept in case of increased duties rank Eakin will conduct jthe Harry Lyon. enlist every home. No gift will be friends and to answer all ques­ or responsibilities which Involve I'.'.ir'd Problems" class. Dtf Ln- Millburn is joining the state­ too small and if all give, the tions. The house staff always change of position or until a Spiesman Starr of Ru'ljtrs, wide safety chive this week and budget amount will easily be welcomes visitors. change in the compensation rill instruct parents in "Psc” next with particular emphasis raised. "This campaign to be success­ schedule has been made. bv of Adolescence and Eai ■/' on safe walking, safe driving Trustees of the Neighborhood ful needs the cheerful coopera­ taturity" at 1:19 P. M. begin ” and safety mindedness in daily- In the case of any employees Association have issued the fol­ tion of every resident. It is ing Thursday, October 12, at life. now receiving a higher salary lowing statement outlining the hoped that they will open their ic Short Hills School. Mrs. Pal- This campaign is to coincide that the maximum set under needs ahd work of Neighborhood doors to receive these workers; i r Bradner of Short Hills will with the 28th National Safety this ordinance no reduction will House, that all may be familiar will give generously; and should ■ in charge of social dancing, Congress session to be held in be made and it shall not be with them and realize their im­ any house be overlooked, that • i he instructress originally ap- Atlantic City, October 16 to 20 mandatory for a department portance. It says: they will help by contacting the )h.ted is ill. and with the arrival of the head to advance an officer or “T h e Neighborhood H o u s e Neighborhood House”. Safety Caravan In Millburn, on employee to the next higher maintains, Family Welfare Serv­ ★ October 10. salary rate merely because the ice, a Day Nursery, and Nursing officer or employee has served The local Safety Committee of Service. This work is financed for a certain period of time. hamber Lays which George B. Thomas is by voluntary contributions. In Ridge Chapel chairman, is making plans to Employees of the Recreation the past year these contribu­ imiotion Plans improve the Township's accident Commission, Shade Tree Com­ tions have been decreasing. Anniversary record in coming months. Al­ mission or the Library Trustees “This community has been are not included in the ordin­ growing very rapidly. Hundreds A luncheon meeting of an ad- ready gains have, followed its 108th anniversary of White ance. of new families have come here fist ry committee of the Mill- ( forts but. there is to be no let Oak Ridge Chapel will be cele­ in the past few years. The prob­ >ur n Township Chamber of down in the attempt to make Several changes in existing brated Sunday, October , at lem of acquainting these new 8 vr imerce, was held Monday at every resident safety conscious. salary rates are made under the comers with work done at the 2:30 P. M. The guest speaker will 3ai berry Corner Tea Room, Millburn has been presented salary schedule which will*be Neighborhood House and of the be Rev. Robert Biggerstass of h ident Paul H. Waese opened with a certificate of apprecia­ filed with the Township Clerk Chatham Presbyterian Church. tion by the State Commissioner as part of the ordinance when part they should take in this meeting and then turned it work, has become an increasing­ Reginald Belcher, organist at r to Anthony Coppola, chair- of Motor Vehicles, for its co­ it is finally passed. The major ly difficult task for the Board of Church of Redeemer Jersey City t-of the Promotion Commit- operation in the state-wide Na­ changes are in the provisions will direct the music. Mrs. Trustees. tional Traffic Contest that gave for new members of the fire and George Trowbridge, superintend­ the grand award to New Jersey. police departments. Heretofor, "Two weeks have been set : ris were roughly sketched ent of the Sunday School, wi’l they received a starting salary aside for just this purpose. The f a town-wide sales promo- Work of the Safety Committee preside over the ceremonies. of ST,800 while now they will board and the various commit­ ; > tt^ tie in with the dedication goes on week by week as acci­ Rev. LeRoy Lincoln, pastor, will start at $1,500. tee members of the Neighbor­ o .be new Millburn Post Office. dents are studied and dangerous be present. ....____ 1... Several employees are hood Association are working I' was unanimously agreed to points and practices considered. receiv­ * ■ ing more than the maximum hard and are putting the finish­ iii'T greatly reduced prices for In the light of these reviews, THE BUXTON Senior and recommendations are made as provides while .many are receiv­ ing touches on a well organized merchandise for this event in campaign. Every effort is being Junior classes are to make a to stop signs, traffic lights, and ing practically the maximum -rder to attract the-largest pos­ made on their part to make this study of the smaller democra­ other measures that may pre­ now. The minimum to maximum sible volume of shoppers. campaign a success. cies of today’s world as their vent a repetition. , range as set up is seldom more Plans for the- actual form the “Each house in the township special project for the coming During the present drive every than $400.
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