Oc caste list in telangana pdf Continue This is a complete list of Muslim communities in India (OBCs) that are recognized in the Indian Constitution as other backward classes, a term used to classify socially and educationally disadvantaged classes. The central list of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana below is a list of Muslim communities to which the Indian government has granted status to other backward classes in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Casta/Community Resolution No. and date No. 37 Mehtar 12011/68/93-BCC (C ) dt. September 10, 1993 and 12011/9/2004-BCC dt. 16 January 2006 No43 Dudekula Laddaf, Pinjari or Nurbash (Muslim) 12011/68/93-BCC (C ) dt. 10 September 1993 No62 Arekatika, Katika, Kuresh (Muslim butchers) 12011/68/93-BCC (C ) dt. September 10, 1993 and 12011/4/2002-BCC dt. 13 January 2004 No33 (Muslim Butchers) 12011/68/93-BCC (C ) dt. September 10, 93 and 12011/4/2002-BCC dt. On 13 January 2004, the State list lists the following list of Muslim communities to which the Andhra Pradesh State Government and the Karnataka State Government have granted the status of other backward classes. [4] 1. Achukattalawndlu, Singali, Sinhamvallu, Achupanivallu, Achukattuwaru, Achukatlawandlu. 2. Attar Saibulu, Attarollo 3. Dhobi Muslim / Muslim Dhobi / Dhobi Musalman, Turka Chakla or Turka Sakala, Turaka Chakali, Tulukka Vannan, Tsakalas, Sakalas or Chakalas, Muslim Rajakas 4. Alvi, Alvi Sayyen, Shah Alvi, Alvi, Alvi Sayed, Darvesh, Shah 5. Garadi Muslim, Garadi Saibulu, Pamulavallu, Kani-Kattuvalla, Garadoll, Garadig 6. Gosangi Muslim, Faker Sayebulu 7. Guddy Eluguvallu, Elugu Bantuvall, Musalman Kilu Gurralavalla 8. Hajam, Navi, Navi, Navid 9. Labby, Labbay, Labbon, Labba 10. Pakirla, Borevale, Dira Fakirlu, Bontala 11. Kureshi / Kassab, Kureshi / Khureshi, Hasab, Marati Hasab, Muslim Katika, Hatik Muslim 12. Siddy, Yaba, Habshi, Yasi 13. Turaka Kasha, Kakukatte, zinka Sibulu, Chakkakananevale, Terugadu Gontalavaru, Tirugatigantla, Rollaku Kakku Kottevaru, Pattar Podulu, Chakketakar, Turaka Kasha 14. Other Muslim groups, with the exception of the Mughals, Mogahl Vip Irani Bohara, Bora Katchi-Mehon Jamayat Navayat Assam 1. Maimal 2. Pangal 3. Maimal (Saich) 4. Jola 5. Maria (M-0BC) 6. DHUNIYA (MUSLIM) SHAIKH MANSURI Bihar Central list below is a list of Muslim communities that have been granted other backward classes status by the Indian government in Bihar state. There is no Entry Number casta/Community Resolution. and date No. 2 Abdal (dafali. Sheh hashmi) 12011/68/93-BCC (C) dt. 10 September 1890 No 5 Kasab (Kasai) (Muslim) -up - No 9 Kalandar 12011/68/93-BCC (C) dt. 10.09.9bbbbss No16 Omar 12011/68/93-BCC (C) dt. 10 September 1990 No30 Gaddy-do - No 38 Chick (Muslim) 12011/68/93-BCC (C ) dt. 10 September 93 and 12011/21/95-BCC dt. May 15, 1995 No42 Churihar (Muslim) -do - No46 Dafali (abdaal.shekh hashmi) (Muslim) -do-bhagi No53 Teli 57 Dhobi (Muslim) -up - 58 dhunia/Sheikh Mansouri -up - No 63 Nat (Muslim) -up - No 67 Nalband (Muslim) -up - No 68 Pamaria (Muslim) -do- No 84 Bhatiara (Muslim) do - No 91 Alvi Shah Fakir Devan Sein (Muslim) 12011/68/93-BCC (CDT) 1. 10 September 1993 No92 Mehtar, Lal Begi, (Muslim) Halalhor, Bhangi-do - No93 Miriazin (Muslim) 12011/68/93-BCC (C) dt. 10 September 93 and 12011/21/95-BCC dt. May 15, 1995 No99 Mukri (Mukeri) (Muslim) -up - No102 Mirshikar (Muslim) -up - No103 Momin / Ansari (Muslim) 12011/68/93-BCC (C) dt. 10 September 93 and 12015/15/2008- BCC dt. 16 June 2011 12015/15/2008- BCC dt.16/06/2011 No109 Rangrez (Muslim) 12011/68/93-BCC (C) dt. 10 September 93 and 12011/21/95-BCC dt. May 15, 1995 No111 Rayin or Kunjra (Muslim) -do-No119 Idrisi or Darzi (Muslim) 12011/68/93-BCC (C) dt. 10 September 93 and 12011/21/95-BCC dt. May 15, 1995 No124b Kalal, Kalvar, Kalar-do - No125 Kulahiya -up - No126 Shershahbadi -up - No129 Saikalgar (Sikligar) (Muslim) 12011/4/2004-BCC dt. 13 January 2004 No130 Baho (Muslim) 12011/9/2004-BCC dt. 17 January 2006 No131 Pathhan (Muslim) 12011/9/2004-BCC dt. January 17, 2006 No.132 Shariff Notes: 1 mainly Hindu caste in Bihar with a small Muslim minority, known as the Turk-Thelis State List below, is a list of Muslim communities to which the Bihar government has granted the status of the OBC: Caste Number number/sub- caste/synonyms Number Of Entry to The Community Central List No.1 Abdal Dafali Hashmi 1 No.6 Baho (Muslim) 130 No15 Bhatiara (Muslim) 84 No22 Chick (Muslim) 38 No25 Patanihar No26 Dafali (Muslim) 46 35 Dhobi (Muslim) 57 (36 Dhunia) Sheikh Mansouri (Muslim) 58 No37 Gaddi 30 No46 Idrisi or Darzi (Muslim) 119 No50 Kagzi 16 No51 Kalandar 9 No5 2b Kalar or Kalal 124b No56 Kasab (Kasai) (Muslim) 5 No76 Alvi, Sayyed (Muslim) 91 No77 Mehtar, Lal Begi, (Muslim) Halalhor, Bhangi 92 No86 Miriasin (Muslim) 93 No87 Mirshikar (Muslim) 102 No88 Momin (Muslim) 103 No89 Mukri (Muslim) (Muslim) at No. 1109 Rangres (Muslim) 109 No111 Rayin or Kunjra (Muslim) 111 No114 Saye (Muslim) 116115 Malik (Muslim) 76 No1126 Shershambadi 126 No126 Thakuraibjgsxxxz (Muslim) 131 No131 Saikalgar (Sikligar) (Muslim) 129 Dadra and Nagar Haveli Makrani Chippi Delhi Central list below the list of Muslim communities that have been granted other backward classes the status of the Indian government in Delhi. There is no caste/community resolution number. and date No. 1 Mohd Rafi Abbasi village Of Gasupur Baya bugrasi 12011/7/95-BCC of May 24, 1995 No. 4 Arain, Rayee, Kunjra -- No. 11 Bazigar, Nat, Kalandar (except those in S. Casta) -do-No. 13 Bhat 12011/7/95-BCC dt. May 24, 1995 No14 Bhatiara -up - No15 Chuck-up - No16 Chippy, Tonck, Darzi, Idrishi 12011/7/95-BCC dt. May 24, 1995 and 12011/04/2002-BCC dt. 19 2003 No19 Dhobib (except those who are already included in the list of planned castes of Delhi) Casar 12011/7/95-BCC dt. May 24, 1995 and 12011/68/98-BCC dt. October 27, 1999 No20 Dhunia, Pinjara, Kander-Karan, Dhunnuuala, Dhunnuuala, Mansouri, Sheikh Mansouri 12011/7/95-BCC dt. May 24, 1995, 12011/7/95-BCC dt. July 17, 1995 and 12011/04/2002-BCC dt. 19 June 2003 No 21 Alvi 12011/7/95-BCC dt. May 24, 1995 22 Gadaria, Gadheri, Gaddy, Harry4 -do - No23 Gasiara, Gosiado - 24 Gujara, Gurjarado - 25 Jogi, Goswami-do - 26 Ansari 12011/7/95-BCC dt. May 24, 1995, 12011/04/2002-BCC dt. June 19, 2003 and 12015/13/2010 BC 8 December 2011 No28 Kasai, Kassab, Kuraishi -up - No31 Khatik (except for those in the planned Caste) -up - No32 Kumhar, Prajapatie -do - 34 Lahera, Manihar -up - No 36 Luhar, Bhubalia, Saifief 12011/7/95-BC DT. May 24, 1995 and 12011/68/1998-BCC dt. October 27, 1999 No37 Machi, Macheragh 12011/7/95-BCC dt. May 24, 1995 (39 Memar, Rajagag) -before - 41 Merahsi, Mirasi - up - 42 urine (except those in the planned Caste) -do - No43 Ashi, Hajam, Ashi (Sabita), Salmani 12011/7/95-BCC dt. May 24, 1995 and 12011/04/2002-BCC dt. 19 June 2003 No 44 Nalband 12011/7/95-BCC dt. May 24, 1995 No45 Naqqal -do - No46 Pakhiwara -do- No49 Rangrez -up - 50 Sunar-do - Notes: b c Only Muslim caste in this group - Only Muslim dhobi are on the OBC list; the Hindu section has the status of a planned caste. a b Mansoori is the preferred self-in-command for the Dhunia community - b c d e in a largely Hindu community with a small Muslim minority - partly Hindu and partly Muslim community - Saifi are Muslim lohars - b mainly Muslim community with a small Hindu minority - Only Muslim mochi on the OBC list; the Hindu section has the status of a planned caste. The state list below is a list of Muslim communities that have been granted OBC status by the Delhi state government. [8] Entry number Caste/community *1 Abbasi, Bhishti, Sakka *4 Arain, Rayee, Kunjra *11 Bazigar, Nat, Kalandar (excluding those in Sch. Caste) *14 Bhatiara *15 Chak *16 Chippi, Tonk, Darzi, Idrishi, Chhimba 1 *19 Dhobi (other than those who are already included in the list of Scheduled Castes of Delhi) Qassar2 *20 Dhunia, Pinjara, Kandera-Karan, Dhunnewala, Naddaf, Mansoori3 *21 Fakir, Alvi4 *24 Gujar, Gurjar5 *26 Ansari *28 Kasai, Qassab, Quraishi *31 Khatik (excluding those in Sch. Caste)6 *32 Kumhar, Prajapati7 *34 Khakhora, Manihar *36 Luhar, Bhubhalia, Saifi 8 *37 Machi, Machhera9 *39 Memar, Raj10 *40 Mina/ Meena *41 Merasi, Mirasi *42 Mochi (excluding those in Sch. Caste)11 *43 Nai, Hajjam, Nai(Sabita), Salmani *44 Nalband *45 Naqqal *46 Pakhiwara *49 Rangrez *51 Sunar12 *52 Teli13 *54 Jat14 *60 Meo have Notes : 1 Muslims only the community of Darzi. 2 Only Dhobi Muslims are on the OBC list; the Hindu section has the status of a planned caste. 3 Mansouri is the preferred self- affirmation for the community of Dhunia 4 Alvi is now the preferred self-ream Fakir, but not all Of Allis are Fakirs. 5 mainly Hindu community with a small Muslim minority 6 in a predominantly Hindu community with a small minority Muslim Partly Hindu and partly Muslim community 8 Saifi are Muslim Lochars 9, a predominantly Muslim community with a small Hindu minority of 10 in the predominantly Muslim community with a small Hindu minority of 11 Only Muslim mochi are on the OBC list; the Hindu section has the status of a planned caste. 12 is a predominantly Hindu community with a small Muslim minority of 13 in a predominantly Muslim community with a small Hindu minority of 14 in a predominantly Hindu community with a small Muslim minority of Gujarat Central list below is a list of Muslim communities that have been granted other backward status classes in Gujarat.
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