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-Jr- NEWS llundredsRa[lyAgainstA8104....................,............i SSupreme€outRejectsGayHollsingDispute..............,........1I ln SI.I magqzin. LeBT®ommunityCenderOhoo8oSNam®.........................JZ 1661 11. Water Slieel, Suil® 411 AAtwqukee, Wl 53202 DEPARTMENTS (414) 27&7840 v®ho NNational&WorldNews.................................,.....14 (414| 270-58cO fu Groqi) Notes ,...,................................,.......... 20 IN§T[rm@AOL(on The Arts .........................,......................... 28 The €alendar ...........,..............,.............,...... 43 ISSN* 1045-2435 The Classics ............,................,,..............,. 47 Ronold F. Geimn frode, FEATURES Dilemmas ol Ilom®!tic Partneiship llegisti®S fy Ailone Zqrmbk ......... 26 Jo,ge L Cobol "'dr, Love and Other €atastroiihes dy Dale Reynows ....................,.. 33 William Awewell COLUMNS AND 0PINloN edtwi"hiof Letters.,..,...............,................,..........,...,5 Jorge LCobol Paul 8erge Cartoon ...,..............,..............,,....... 12 anseditor 8o®kR€vievdyEd6rover.......................................33 Jock soode .................................,.........,,.., 34 Mqnuel Kwh.9ht 0utandAboutinMadisontryJchnQuinlob...........................38 •ahndar edrfu #®®iiim'lnSt®plyJami®tryloi...................................`° John Quinlon Robert'SRulesdyshollyRoberfe.,.................,..,............62 Nedin Bunrau Keith Clok, Ron Geimon, Ed 6Tover, Kevin lsom, Jomokoyo, Owen Keohnon, Chn.stopher Krimmor, Jim W. Loutonboch, (hohene Lichtonstein, Morvi.n Liebmon, Chowl Myers, Richard Mohr, Dole Reynolds, Shelly Roberts, Jomio Toylor, Rex Wockn6r, Arfene Zorombkq, YvonnB Zipter anhibutngwhrs James Toy'or pho'ogrfu Ill srEp IHAGAzlllE oFFlcE HouRss Roben Amold, Paul Barge Our olli..a ar. ®p.n I® \1\. publl. Ir®m canconisls 9 .® 5, NI®nday .hr®ugh Frllla\/ a\s Wells Ink andindinandnddosign TI\. Hor\h.rn \IgI\ts Building Plblkrfuo Of fro none, photogmph oi wher bkomss Of ony pason or quoii} 11661 IIorlh Wal.I Slr ..., Sull. 411 zdion in lD Srty Ne`rmiquzino i§ not to tKi oonrfued as any thcolion of the send, ndurous or rdmol orfuhen, pmdiee oi belies of grch polson oi mm N\ilwauk.., WI 53202 bets Of slich orqnizotoms. Opinins aprossod bv tandbfror§ do not ne(esqrty rogivthoseOfthequbtswh. 0H 0Ufl COV[Il: Woieseuederiohltoeditonysubmis5I.ons,odveeinooiefrofolalonsol® Steve Hoohl®r appearing im llie Cliamher Tli®atro's |iroduclion of diseeton. W® qsoume no respesibnfty for tyngophiql oi other erors unles "Voice of the Turtle:' So® story on |iage 28 of Tli® Arts. tomerdycopyispronded.WoassomonofesporfuiftyfoTodwllses'tbins. In Step No\rsmogivzine is a ngisteied hpdemah Eofir® tontwh in{lndino ndverrisino, ©1997 by ln Srty No\rmiquzmo, exeepl when spedfiqlly need HENRY W. MAIEFt FESTIVAL PARI( . MILWAul(EE . WISCONSIN pridefest 1997 June 6th, 7th & 8th Akerword8 Books De8igriing Men Out of Solitude W® Are Family Za,8 2710 N. Murray St. 1200 S.18t St. 918 E. Elrady Sit. 524 E. Wilson Sl. 1106 Main Street Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Madi8on Green Bay 4i4re63-9OB9 414A89-1200 4i4me34ioi coav258-9006 414/4des476 Advance Button Sales at Just us & This ls lt in Nlilwallkco! NORTH ROUTE SOUTH ROUTE Tlie Park East Hotel Station 2 I+otel Wisconsin Just Us Thls '8 ltl Zippers/Lacage Mama Roux & American Grill C'e8t La View Pizza Shuttle The Bal[game MCKinloy Marina M&M's JROw .::::..:.:..; .....i ` `` ]MchkNIAalivEL Apilutng S.try, June 1. Qpm rtyHE=RE , A co- -~ stxc= im MAILOPIDEnFORMTO:PrideFest,lno..P.0.Box93852.Milwaukee,Wl53203.(414)272.FEST(3378) ChyOf3Day Payment:DCheck0MoneyOrderDVlsaDMastemard Passes Ordered: (llusingachangecard,pleasecompletethelallowing: Exp. Date: X $12 Each: Nave(asitappearson Total Enclosed: Le[Iers Hlor. In Sup|.or\ they con stamp ft os a sin. If il isn'l qnolh8r psychiatrist, Joseph Nitobsi, can bo thongod, fundamontolisls of K..pi,,, In S,.pvoluntary, il's not a matter of free in qn orgoniztltion lhol promolos increasingly resort lo "witnessing" will or sin, and the fundamentalist by all®god ox.gtrys. This le[hniquo tie lhe Edilo- psychoonolylic tr8otmonl of gay inteipr8lolion of whol the Bible men. Interestingly, Nicolosi says lhal tokus an unropresonlalivo, meedo- l'vo novor witlon lo on Editor ollogodly says on homosoxualily his technique, Roporqlivo Therapy, tal, unscionlific oumplo and dat®p. boloro; l'm writing to tort my vole "is not a `cliro' in lho sense of eras- is ovorlum8d. tivoly gonorolizo§ il to the wholo for Jqmio Tayloi, I eniay the way ho A[cordingly, whether homosexu- ing Ill homosexual foolings. populolion: if a few man Claim wTitos his column "Keepin' ln Slop". altry con be "Cured," and is thus a However it Can do much lo improve thoy'vo chongod from being gay, I would ontouiago him lo keep mallor of choice, is more imporlanl a ml]n's way of reloling to olhor lhol provos ovoryono tan if only doing lho some grco! job. Mnybo ho lhon whothor il is gencti(. men and lo strengthen mas[uline they,lltry. could wn.l® a lilllo more about the While William Byno, in the 1994 id8mificolion." Perhaps lho fundamonlolisls' work Ilo is doing on his old Virfurion 5cfew/ artitle mentioned Nicoiosi boiiovos ihot to develop in(Teasing resort to docoplion ovi. house. I oiiioy roqding aboiJl his by Arlone Zarombko in /n 5/op into a helorosoxuql, a male child dences fTustrolion wth scienlife who piogross. I substribe lo ln Stop; so I Wowmngozi.n8 (Vol. I 4, #) oivos must (honge his oondoJ identilico- value truth obovo doclrino. dofl't hove lo go out lo the bars. My ommunilion to fundqmonlqlists by lion from his molheT lo his falher, [undomonlalists should hoed their roommofe I)enn'rs oiso enioys read. thollonging lho gay.oono work of and that "gender idemfty also hue a own ofl.molilh8d scripture, .You ing `Kcopin' ln Stop," we live about Simon Lway and Dean tlamoi, ho trff ical period, afror which ttie lesson stioll know iho tmh, and tho tmh 20 miles soiilh of Groan Boy and qho delivers a blow lo them dy ay. will not bo easily learned. Most sliallmqkeyoufreo."Theyloo(ould doii'l go out very ohon. So, iust in ing that loqrnod liohavior is some. researchers ogroe lhol lho critical bo froo if only ihoy'd subsi.rtuio rd. case you ore keopino track, this is 2 limes immulqblo; i.a., even if homo. period for gender .'idontifi(olion ontific lmulh for dodrim.u'o de[oit. volos for Jomio lo koop doing a soxuqlfty .rs learned hohovior mllier ottursholorolhothirdyoqr." 9,ca, iob. lhan g®nelit, ff might slill bo impos- Fundomonloli!ls formorly cited AI Gofersbach sible lo thungo il. (ln which toso So[qrides and Ni[olosi to "prove" Jim Ja.obsv froowill and "sin" .ould not bo lhat homosoxuols ton chqngo. One unlo (huto, wi ilwolvod.)ftynogiveslhespunowas doesn't hear lh8m soy much lodqy an example. Most sparrows exposed about Nicolesi - peThope lhoy'vo The Gay ®.n. to moling soiigs ftom a variety of finally bolh6red lo road his book flo lho EdHOF birds lean lho song of lhoir own and reulizo that he dcosn't (laim lo =s--;= Tho impomnl question in delor. spetios, but some lean a difforont cure homosoxunlify, or mnyho lhoy mininghowso{itryviewchomesoxu- song (and presumably ore then roolire lhal ltio belief olfry is not wholher lhoro is a gone uiloblo lo attract and mole with a that homosoxuolity is establishBd Ii) Step Neusmagazine encoul'ages thal (auses .rf, bul vrhctLier it ton bo fe"lo). Onto lho wrong song is before lho ooe of throe yeqls yoi] to write and express your oiiiB- thonged. A homophobit so{itry will learned, il Cannot be corro(tod. demolishes the fundamonlalisl con- ioil. Please iilclild® yoliT IIIm®, lemion that gays eon "retruff" men always insist lhot lho gay parson Byno says, "il is clear that loumed address and telephone iiuird)er for chango, if possible, and will offor in. behavior can nonelhol8ss bo or loonogers into homosoxualily. verification iiilmoses' only. Ilam®S IIo sympatry lo anyone who persists immuloblo." While Byno doosn'l The gnu son of SotaTidos is an obvi- are withheld by i®qlie§l ollly. inavolunlorychoico. aserf thd homosexuoltry unnot be ous ombqnassment to filndomenlol- In Step reserves the rfeht to edit If homosoxunl orienlalion wore •hanood, ho tl8oTly thinks lhal ists who would use him as on letters for length. provod lo b® ionchc in origin, fun- mightbolhocaso. authority. Byno's mi]18ril]l is still ddmemorists would fall hack lo the A colleoguo of BynB ol Yeshiva quoted - usually whhout menlfon- Send Your Letters to: pee.rfion lhal gays ore nevertheless Universfty is Dr. Charles §o{oridos, a ing him - agl]insl Levoy and ln Stei) kewsmagazine guilty Of iofusino lo chqngo their potbologically homophobi. psychia. Homer, but his ro[ognition lhal 1661 M. Water Street, Suite Ill "abnormal" oTierfulion. Irisl who claims lie can {uro homo. homosexuals might not bo ablo lo Milwaukee, Wl 53Z02 Fundomenlalists ncod lo believe soxu-lily, biil whoso orm son is a chano8 is do[8rfully isnored. Fin 4i4.278.5868 ¢-mail lo: [email protected] that homosoxuqltry is a choice so gay aclivisl. Socorides works with In tlqiming that homosoxuqlity May 15 -May 29, 1997 ln Srty Nermogdzino I State & Local llews Assembly Passes A8104; Bill Moves to Senate Hundreds Gather at State Capitol to Protest Anti-Gay Marriage Bin IIowsandArfubylohaauiwh about to pass an unnecessary and misguided piece of legisla- tion that would have little practical effect - other than to lnSlap'sNadhonBunuCIIiel codify prejudice and to stain lesbian and gay people with the Medisofl - On Tuesday, May 13, the Wisconsin State mark of second dass citizenship. However, by coming togcth- Arscmbly approved Lorralne Serrati's "anti-gay marriage bill," cr as a community, everyone gathered thcrc, on that blustery A8104. The bill now moves one to the State Senate. The evening in the twilight glow of an ominous sky, gained defeat in the assembly, while expected, comes after in.cnse lob- strength and perspective from one another as they wcrc bying efforts by gays and lesbians throughout the sta(e. reminded again and again of the importance of On May 5, in Milwaukcc, nearly 75 persons t`irned out for their cause.

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