Sooner Catholic soonercatholic.org August 2, 2020 archokc.org Go Make Disciples Sooner Catholic Archbishop Coakley’s Letter to the receives national Faithful on temporary mask requirement Catholic media awards Dear brothers and sisters in of whom have spent time in ed in loss of life. For that I am Christ, the hospital. This increase has incredibly grateful. To keep our prompted civic leaders and health parishioners and our priests safe, The Sooner Catholic received Since early June, the number of authorities to seek further pro- we must continue to be vigilant in two awards from the Catholic cases of COVID-19 in Oklahoma tections to slow the spread of the our efforts to slow the spread of Press Association during the 2020 have increased rapidly, affecting virus as we head into summer. COVID-19 in our parish Catholic Media Conference held many of our family members, Thankfully, most of our cases virtually July 2. friends and several priests, some have not been severe or result- continued on page 5 In the Best Front Page – Broad- sheet category, the Sooner Cath- olic won Honorable Mention for the Jan. 27, 2019, front page designed by Managing Editor Dana Attocknie. The page featured Catholic schools, families prepare Archbishop Coakley’s new pasto- ral letter, Rose Day and the legacy to re-open classrooms and retirement of Sr. Catherine Powers. In the Best Photograph – Gen- By Sally Linhart eral News Photo category, the The Sooner Catholic Sooner Catholic won Honorable Mention for a photograph of a oon, students Fancy Shawl dancer by freelance will return to photographer Chris Porter. The classrooms in photograph was taken at the 2019 Catholic schools Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Honor across the Dance. ArchdioceseS of Oklahoma The Sooner Catholic, the official City. This year, the typi- newspaper for the Archdiocese cal back-to-school flutters of Oklahoma City, has received of excitement have been multiple awards in recent years. replaced with anxiety for Because of its circulation, the some students and families. newspaper is in the same category Students and parents alike as the largest cities and Catholic are preparing to navigate newspapers in the country. Diane unfamiliar territory as some Clay serves as editor. struggle with adjusting to the new landscape. To read more, go online to soonercatholic.org. continued on page 16 Photo Avery Holt/Sooner Catholic. Epiphany church unveils Bl. Stanley Rother reliquary By Judy Hilovsky sionary priest. On Dec. 1, 2016, The Sooner Catholic he was recognized a martyr for the faith by Pope Francis. He is the A few days before the third feast first martyr from the United States day for Blessed Stanley Rother, and the first U.S.-born priest to be Epiphany of the Lord Catholic beatified. The Rite of Beatification Church in Oklahoma City unveiled was held on Sept. 23, 2017. a new reliquary to honor the mar- Blessed Stanley Rother spent tyr. more than a decade at the Okla- Blessed Stanley was murdered homa diocese’s mission in Atitlan, on July 28, 1981, in his rectory at Solola, Guatemala, serving the A new custom designed reliquary at the native tribe of the Tz’utujil. Church of the Epiphany of the Lord in Saint Janes the Apostle Catholic Oklahoma City was designed for a Bl. Stan- Church in Santiago Atitlan, Guate- ley Rother relic. Photo Fr. Stephen Bird. mala, where he served as a mis- continued on page 8 2 August 2, 2020 Sooner Catholic Sooner Catholic August 2, 2020 3 Put Out Into the Deep Luke 5:4 Find more Bishop chairmen condemn acts of vandalism, news on the Jesus Christ conquers website destruction at Catholic sites In recent weeks, we have seen a shocking increase Unquestionably, there By Sooner Catholic Staff WASHINGTON – Archbishop “In the last few weeks, we have uals crying out for help or agents Our nation finds itself in an in acts of vandalism against Catholic images, sanctu- are social, economic, Thomas Wenski of Miami, chair- witnessed, among other things, of hate seeking to intimidate, the extraordinary hour of cultural aries and holy places. Statues of saints such as Saint scientific, ethical and Additional coverage of man of the U.S. Conference of one church rammed with a car attacks are signs of a society in conflict. The path forward must be Junipero Serra, the Blessed Mother and even her di- political factors that Church and archdiocesan Catholic Bishops’ Committee on and set on fire as well as statues need of healing. through the compassion and un- vine Son, Jesus, have been tagged by graffiti, toppled must be weighed and news and events, only on Religious Liberty, and Archbishop of Jesus Christ and of the Virgin In those incidents where human derstanding practiced and taught from their settings and even beheaded. The burning accounted for as we ad- www.soonercatholic.org. Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City, Mary defaced or even beheaded. actions are clear, the motives still by Jesus and his Holy Mother. Let of an historic mission church in California, like the dress these challenges. chairman of the USCCB’s Com- An historic mission church also are not. As we strain to under- us contemplate, rather than de- destructive fire at the Nantes cathedral in France, But, for people of faith, aTo send photos, event mittee on Domestic Justice and has been badly damaged by fire, stand the destruction of these holy stroy, images of these examples of Archbishop Paul S. Coakley raises the question whether this too, was a deliberate there is more. information or story ideas, Human Development, issued the and the cause is still under inves- symbols of selfless love and de- God’s love. Following the example act of arson. Our faith enables us e-mail [email protected]. following statement in response to tigation. votion, we pray for any who have of our Lord, we respond to confu- We are living through a time of cultural upheaval to see beyond appearances to deeper realities. There reports of increasing incidents of Whether those who committed caused it, and we remain vigilant sion with understanding and to church vandalism and fires: these acts were troubled individ- against more of it. hatred with love.” and crisis. Institutions, structures of authority and are spiritual influences that must be acknowledged. aRetreat in Daily Life, cultural memories are not only being questioned but There are spiritual resources that must be employed. Attaining a personal relation- denied and cast aside. Many people today view reality through the lens of ship with Jesus and finding Fueled by frustrations over historic and system- the “culture wars,” focusing on the hot-button issues God in all things are two of ic racism, the violent death of George Floyd at the and where we stand on those. But, our Catholic faith the many gifts possible from hands of white police officers and the deaths of other recognizes that there is a much more ancient and experiencing the Spiritual black men before him has given birth to the Black consequential war that is raging. It is the ancient Exercises of St. Ignatius. Lives Matter movement. The slogan, “Black Lives rebellion of the creature against the Creator. The Retreat in Daily Life is a Archdiocese’s Christian Leadership Development Matter” has reso- “I will not serve” seven-month program, led by nated with a broad is the arrogant a trained spiritual director offering college courses discontent within claim of Satan who and retreat facilitator. many sectors of chooses to rebel It involves daily prayer, our society. Ra- against God, even weekly group meetings and cial injustice must though he will individual spiritual direction. By Judy Hilovsky sity. This degree consists of 30 credit hours in Catholic Church, Altus; Saint Benedict Cath- be acknowledged forfeit his place in Call with questions or to The Sooner Catholic theological study and is designed for those with olic Church, Shawnee; Saint Mary Catholic before it can be heaven. “Better to register July 1 – Aug. 15: a previous degree. A second option is the Arch- Church, Ardmore; Saint Francis Xavier Cath- addressed. The reign in hell than Nancy Vargas, (405) 760- diocesan Diploma, which is awarded for com- olic Church, Enid; and Holy Family Catholic slogan, however, serve in heaven,” 4640 or Danna Schweitzer, pletion of 30 credit hours in theological studies Church, Lawton. In addition, students with the has come to mean Satan asserts in he Archdiocese of Oklahoma City has (405) 263-4472. and is designed for equipment and ability to video much more than John Milton’s epic numerous opportunities for its pa- rishioners and staff to explore their those without a previ- conference from home may do what it so obvi- poem, “Paradise so. With the continuing threat ously states: that Lost.” faith and expand their insight into ous degree. REGISTER of COVID-19, the courses may black lives do in- Saint Ignatius Catholicism.T Classes are available for anyone Tuition for most be fully online in the fall. deed matter. But, Loyola calls Satan looking to obtain college credits in addition to courses is $500 per Registration open for fall courses Registration is open for the some of the “fellow the “enemy of our seeking a more in-depth understanding of their class for three college Classes start Aug. 24 fall evening courses. This se- travelers” associat- human nature.” Catholic faith. credit hours. Auditing archokc.org/degree-program Since 1983, the archdiocese has offered mester’s courses are Exploring ed with the move- Our Catholic faith for personal enrichment (405) 721-4208 Archbishop Coakley leads a Eucharistic Procession on June 13 at Cor- courses leading to theological degrees for dea- the Bible, which is a survey ment and organi- doesn’t shrink from is $95 per course.
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