HEALTHCARE SELF-STUDY SERIES PURCHASINGNEWS July 2017 Microbiology essentials The self-study lesson on this central service topic was developed by STERIS. The lessons are administered by KSR Publishing, Inc. for the SPD Earn CEUs by Sandra Beauclair The series can assist readers in maintaining their CS certifi cation. After careful study of the lesson, complete the examination at the end of this sec- iology is the study of processes that junior physicians, who were delivering tion. Mail the complete examination and scoring occur in living things such as plants babies immediately after performing au- fee to Healthcare Purchasing News for grading. and organisms. It also includes the topsies, without washing their hands. He We will notify you if you have a passing score B study of microorganisms, which are living, ordered them to do so and the mortality of 70 percent or higher, and you will receive a typically single-celled organisms visible rate dropped signifi cantly. The “morbid certifi cate of completion within 30 days. Previous lessons are available on the Internet at www. only with a microscope. Microorganisms poison” that Semmelweiss believed was hpnonline.com. surround us and live inside us. They are in being transferred is now known as Group our soil, water, air, sediments, plants and A hemolytic streptococcus. Certifi cation animals. In fact, as Neil deGrasse Tyson, 4. Louis Pasteur (1822 - 1895): In 1859, this The CBSPD (Certification Board for Sterile an American astrophysicist, science com- French chemist and microbiologist devel- Processing and Distribution) has municator and director of the Hayden oped the process of pasteurization after he pre-approved this in-service for Planetarium at the Rose Center for Earth and discovered that microbes soured alcohol. one (1) contact hour for a period Space says, within one linear centimeter of By heating beverages and allowing them of fi ve (5) years from the date of the human lower colon live and work more to cool he observed that the microbes were original publication. Successful bacteria (about 100 billion) than all humans killed. He also contributed to the creation completion of the lesson and post test must be documented by facility management and those who have ever been born. Yet many people of the anthrax and rabies vaccinations records maintained by the individual until re- continue to assert that it is we who are in through his work in germ theory. certifi cation is required. DO NOT SEND LESSON charge of the world! Although we generally 5. Robert Heinrich Hermann Koch (1843 OR TEST TO CBSPD. For additional information live in peace with the “friendly” microor- – 1910): A German physician and one of regarding certifi cation contact CBSPD - 148 Main ganisms within us, not all microorganisms the founders of bacteriology, Koch was Street, Suite C-1, Lebanon, NJ 08833 • www. are friends to humans. Many are the source best known for receiving the Nobel Prize sterileprocessing.org. of human diseases that can lead to death. in 1876 for his discovery of the tubercle IAHCSMM (International Association of Health- As healthcare professionals, it is not our bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which care Central responsibility to be microbiologists, but we causes tuberculosis. Service Materiel should have sufficient knowledge about 6. Hans Christian Gram (1853 – 1938): A Management) disease-causing organisms to determine Danish physician, he studied pharmacol- has pre-approved this in-service for 1.0 Continu- what we can do in our daily practices to ogy and bacteriology but is famous for his ing Education Credits for a period of three years, prevent harm to our patients. 1884 development of bacterial staining. until June 9, 2020. The approval number for this Based on different cell wall constituents, lesson is HPN 170609. Microbiology discoveries bacteria, when stained, can be identifi ed For more information, direct any questions to One of the best ways to understand where as either Gram-positive or Gram-negative. Healthcare Purchasing News (941) 927-9345, we are today is to briefl y retrace the history 7. Dimitri Ivanovsky (1864 – 1920): In 1892, ext. 202. and origins of microbiology as a science. this Russian scientist discovered viruses 1. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632 – 1723): when he was looking for the cause of LEARNING OBJECTIVES Considered “the father of microbiology,” tobacco mosaic disease. He believed the van Leeuwenhoek was a Dutch business- disease was not caused by a bacterial agent 1. Defi ne “microbiology” and discuss man and scientist. He developed the fi rst but possibly by a toxin or other life form historic moments in its evolution. microscope, through which he observed undetectable by the naked eye. 2. Describe the different classes of single-celled organisms that he called 8. Martinus Beijerinck (1851-1931): This microorganisms and their impact in “animalcules” (now known as microor- Dutch microbiologist and botanist discov- the healthcare environment. ganisms). ered viruses in 1899, and discerned that 3. Explain how microorganisms are 2. Edward Jenner (1749 – 1823): In 1796 viruses reproduce and are different from transmitted between personnel and Jenner, an English country doctor, in- other microbes. objects within the work environment. vestigated why milkmaids never caught 9. Walter Reed (1851 – 1902): Reed, a U.S. 4. Review the actions healthcare smallpox, but because of their close contact Army pathologist and bacteriologist, personnel can take to prevent with cows they did contract cowpox. Jen- proved in 1900 that yellow fever is trans- and eliminate the transfer of ner supposed that cowpox produced an mitted from the bite of a mosquito. microorganisms in healthcare immunity to smallpox in these women. 10. Alexander Fleming (1881 – 1955): A environments. 3. Ignaz Semmelweiss (1818 – 1865): In Scottish biologist, pharmacologist and 1850, this Hungarian obstetrician made botanist, Fleming is best known for the Sponsored by: the connection that puerperal fever was discovery of the antibiotic penicillin (PCN) being transferred by medical students and in 1928. 32 July 2017 • HEALTHCARE PURCHASING NEWS • hpnonline.com Sponsored by SELF-STUDY SERIES 11. Walter Gilbert (1932 -), Frederick Sanger system, the competition of normal resident can be life-threatening. Some examples of (1918 – 2013) and Paul Berg (1926 -): flora, or by physical or chemical action on pathogenic viruses are: Gilbert, an American molecular biologist, the skin surface (washing). • Influenza (flu). The individual’s immune Sanger, a British biochemist, and Berg, system works to eliminate the viral infec- an American biochemist, shared the 1980 Categories of microorganisms tion. (Swine flu, an H1N1 type, mutated Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Berg received Microorganisms can be organized into four from a combination of animal and hu- half the award for his work with recom- major classes: man strains. In 2009, it was the cause binant DNA. Gilbert and Sanger shared 1. Bacteria of a pandemic that led to 16,000 deaths the other half for their work with DNA 2. Viruses worldwide.) base sequences. 3. Fungi • Rhinovirus (common cold) 12. Robert Gallo (1937 -) and Luc Montag- 4. Protozoa • Hepatitis B (liver disease). A vaccine is nier (1932 -): Dr. Gallo, an America bio- Important characteristics that impact their available to immunize this virus. medical researcher, and Dr. Montagnier, function and effect on humans include their • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)- a French virologist, shared credit for the cell structure, their DNA/RNA composi- can lead to Acquired Immune Deficiency discovery of the human immunodefi- tion, their means of reproduction, and Syndrome (AIDS) ciency virus (HIV) in 1984. their size. Fungi (yeasts and molds) are saprophytic 13. Raymond Kralovic (1940 – 2013): An Bacteria are the most abundant and (obtain nutrients from dead organic matter) American microbiologist, Kralovic con- impactful microorganism found in the en- in nature. They are parasites (an organism ceived and developed the first process vironment. They are single-cell structures that is living in, on or with another organ- for low-temperature liquid sterilization, that self-replicate. They contain DNA and ism), which are either single (yeasts) or which was needed for delicate medical range in size from 0.3 to 2.0 micrometers. multi-cellular (mold) in structure. They instruments that could not tolerate the To provide a size reference; a medium- contain DNA, are self-replicating and range standard steam sterilization process. sized grain of sand is one thousand times in size from two (2) micrometers to one 14. Bayer (Established 1863): Founded in larger than one bacterium. Bacteria are (1) millimeter. Some can be seen without 1863 in Barmen, Germany, this company’s easily viewed under a microscope using the aid of a microscope. Some examples of microbiologists developed ciprofloxacin the Gram-staining technique. Some strains pathogenic fungi are: hydrochloride, which was cleared by FDA are beneficial to humans, and are normally • Candida albicans (Thrush): this occurs in in 2000 for use in treating biological-agent found in the human digestive tract. All the mouth and gastrointestinal tract. Un- induced infections such as anthrax. bacteria can exist in an actively growing less the person is immunocompromised, or “vegetative” state, but certain special it is easily treated with medication. How we relate to microbes groups of bacteria are “spore-formers” • Trichophyton mentagrophytes (Athletes The interaction
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