642 VAC-WAR LONDON COUNTY SUBURBS VAC-WAR. UPHOLSTERERS-continued. Jarvis John, IS Cork street, Camberwell SE Avis Miss S. L. 20 Glenburnie rd. Up. TtngSW Ellis Wltr. 49 Wyndham rd. Camberwell SE' Bichardson Bros. 11 & 13 New End square, Rip Manufacturing Oo. 46 Broomwood road, Bailey Algernon C. R. 101 Dartmo:1th road, EmbraMrs.Alice,5 Bradmorela.HmmrsmtbW Hampstead NW BatterBea S W Forest Hill SE Emery Mrs. F. 78 Cob bold rd.Shphrd's.BshW Rix John Charl'11, IS D··rton st. Peckham SE Sarratt Sidney,48 Beacon road, Lewisham SE Barnes Miss Alice, 82 Glenthorne road, Emilie Madame, 12a, Acre lane, BrixtonSW Roe Arthur V.Normand mews, West Kens W Wood H. G. & ()o. 42 Rosenau rd.Battrsa.S W Hammersmith W Farmer MrR. Matilda, 26 Filmer rd.Flhm SW Sanders Hy. Roland, 64 Gordon rd. Pckhm SE Barnes Harry, 48 Briant street, Peckham SE Felperln Davld W. 123 Chatiiworth road,.. Sayers Herbert Alfred, /i Nottingham road, Dalton Wm. 37 MUcote st. Blackfriars rd SE Barnes Miss Kathleen, 35 Lewisham JOad P.E Lower Clapton NE Upper Tooting SW Barues Lewis 0. 28 Henry st. Woolwich S 1.<: Field Mrs. Annie, 187 :RaHway approach,. Sharman R. E. & Sons, 310 Upper Richmond VETERINARY SURGEONS. Barnett Mrs. Martha, 1 Southville, South Shepherd's Bush W road, Putney SW Lambeth SW Finch Wm. 60 Westcote rll. Streatham SW Bhinn Wm.P.l90Up.Richmond rd.PntneySW Marked thus tare Fellows of the Royal Col· Barr Mrs. M aria Isa bella, 91 Trafalgar road, F1sher Mu. Mary, 134a, Elthorne rood~ Smith A. B. & Co. 42a, Gilmore rd.LwshmSE lege of Veterinary Surgeons. Greenwich SE Upper Holloway N Smith A. E. & F. 15 Tulse hill SW Marked thns • are Members of the Royal Bll.ssett Mrs. F. 102 Greyhound la. Strthm SW Flanuty Arthur, 161 Reldhaven rd. Plmstd Sit Smith Alfd.Benj.19 East Down pk.Lwshm SE College of Veterinary Surgeons. Bates Charles, 76 Garratt la. Wandswrth SW Flood Mn:. Rose, 27 4 Hornsey road N BmithEbPnezer,43Tmnquil vale.BlackhthSE Balls & *Son, 1/)6 Brlxton hill & 447a, Oold· Bates Mrs. Elizabeth, 225 Southampton Fogarty Miss A.gnes, 163 Battersea rise SW Smith John Wm. 16 Burst st. Berne hill SE harbour l!ine, Brlxton SW; 272 Streatham street, Camberwell SE Ford Mrs. Annie,IBS A.Ekew road, Shepherd's. Smith Richard, 69 I.arkhall la. Olapham SW High road, Streatham SW ; 9 Knight's hill, BatPS Mrs. Su8an, ii Woodland bill, Nrwd SE Bmh W SmythGeo. Fms. S3a. Y orkrise. Hig hgate rdN W West Norwood SE; Railway arches, Oold· BeadleMrB. A lice, 12i>W aterloo st.Oam berwlSE Ford Mrs. Florence, 132 Lillierd. FnlhamSW Solman James, 82a, I.arkhhllla.OlaphamSW harbour lane SW & 277a, Balham High Bedford A.l23 Hamilton rd. W. Norwood SB Foreman Mrs. Beatrice D. 42 Chapel street., Sprln!!'Bll Oharles, 102 Battersea rise SW roali., Upper Tooting SW Bedfortl George, 8 Ingleton st. Brixton SW Woolwich SE Stirling Edwd. 2i Waterloo st. CamberwllSE •Balls George, The Warren, Olarence road & Bedford Wm.10a,Sunnyhill rd.StreathamSW Foster Ernest Charles, 105 Stanstead roa.~ Swinson Oharles. 20 Hammersmith Brld!!"e 36 Poynder's road, Clapham Park SW BelascoJsph .40Victoria gro. StokeN ewngtnN Forest Hill SE rd W& 19TheArches,TheGrove,HmrsmthW •Barrett & •whitlamsmith, 1 Shardeloes Bell Albert IIv. 83 Woodl>md rd. NorwoodSE Francis MrB. Franc~, 8 Yukon nl.BalhrnSW Temple Thos. 14 Oonrt HI. rd. Lewisham SE road. New Cross SE BellewMissMary.7 2Glenthorne rd.HmrsmtbW Francis Mrs. Jes~ie, 103 Goldhawk road. Townsend Hy. Ja~. 153 Sangley rd. Ctfrd SE tBell John, 3 Honley road & 62 Rushey Bel ton Mrs.SarahL.42 Royal hl.Gr eenwichSE Shepherd's Bush W Tnffin William, 3 Disraeli road, Putney SW green, Catford SE Berrie Mrs. Mollie. 23a, Balham hill SW Frost Mrs.Mary,15 Homerton row,Hmrtn NB Tnrnbull Robert B. 82a, Upp. Tulse hill SW tByerley Morris Grant, 56 South street, Berry Mrs. Ellen, 27 s.muel st. Woolwich SE Fry Mrs. M. A. L. 1U5 Hither Green lane,. Vernon J oseph H. 7 Rathgar rd. Brixton SW Greenwich SE & li4a, Blackheath bill SE Betts Mrs. Ellen, 291 Lillie road, FuliJamSW Lewisham SE Viccars Thos. Wm. 3 Taunton road, Lee SE •carroll Michael J oseph, 30 Up.Olapton rd NE Billsou Mrs. E. 2 Dunstans rd. E. Dulwch SE Giddens Henry, 113 Clapham Park road SW Wallis A. lOti Greyhound lane, Streatham SW Oase Arthur, 37 Munster road, Fnlham SW Bilr:ey Jas. Hy. 125 Maxey rd. Plumstead SE Gilchrist David, 2 Culvert rd. Battersea SW Wansbury Miss L.17 West hill, Wandswth SW *Clarke Wm. Roger, 18 Gay ton rd. EimpstdNW Birch Wil•ia.m, 2.'i9 Sydenham road SE Giles Mrs. Annie, 75 Brixton road SW Ward William, 129 Sydenham road SB *Crowhurst Gregory, 13 Roan street & 8 Blewitt George, 2 Al!ington st. Hrixton SW Gilkes Mrs. Rachael Emily, 14 Bridge street-.­ WatkinsMrB.Annie,1LOBattersea.Bridge nlSW Crooms hill, Greenwich SE Blyth Mrs. 26( High road, Lee SE Homerton NE Wailer Fredk. Donald,17York ter.OlaphmSW •Dyer Henry, 8 Old Dover rd. Blackheath SE Ror<lerBSamuelJ as.146Ltmdor nl. StckwllSW Goff Mrs. & Son, 1.59 Goldhawk road, SheP'" & lOa., Zennor road, Balham SW Elliott Mt\jor Robert, 183 & 185 Upper Rich· Bowlin~ John T.49Da.•hwood rd.S.LmbthSW herd's Bnsh W Wingfield Wm. 60 Archei rd.Wcst Ken11 W mond road, Putney SW Boyns Mrs.Emily,l38 Rosemaryrd.Pckhm SE Goff Alfred A. 11 FlaEk walk. Hampstd NW Wood Herbt. Jn. 11 Wells rd. Sydenham SE tGarrY Thomas Cozens, 2 High street,Wands­ Bradshaw Mrs. Olara, 2 Bowling Green row, Goldsmith MrB. Margaret, 314 Garratt lane; Woodgate J. P. 44 Blackheath hll.GrnwchSE wortb SW; 37 South llide, Olapham Oom­ Woolwich SE Wandsworth SW Woodward Brothers,l26 Orouch hl.HornsyN mon SW; 2 Wiseton road, Upper Tooting Brearev• Fredk.149 Plumstead rd.PlumstdSE Goldstone Harry, 46 Tanner's hill, Deptford Wright Frank, 205 New King'~~ord.FulhmSW SW & 7 Lavender sweep, Battersea SW Briant Thomas, 67 Venn st. Clapham SW New Town SE Wright Henry Wm. 68 St.. J olm's road, Upper ifGreaves Wallace J011eph, 467 Lord!ohip lane, Brickman Simon, 24 Ohurch st. Grnwch SE Goodridge Thos. 257 York rd. Battersea SW Holloway N East Dulwich SE Brittle Mrs. Marie, 29 Tanner's hill, Dept- Gm-don Mrs. F. 81 Milkwood rd.Herue HillS& Wyatt George, 1115 High st. Lewisham SE Greening Frank & Arthur, 6 Upper Tulse ford New Town SE Gordon Mr:!. Maud, 21 tandor rd.Stckwll SW hill SW & 500 Streatham High road SW Brock Mrs. Emily, 117 Dulwich road & 200c, Gore Mr;:, Harriet, 3 Royal hill, Green"'ichSB VACCINE LYMPH. •Heatlew George Smith, 10 Oakhurst grove, Ra.ilton road, Berne Hill SE Gorringe Mrs. Emily,l51Bangley nl.CatfrdSE East Dnlwich SE · Brooks George, 31 Glen~ide road & 1 Garland Goulding 'l'hos.42 Wyndham rd.CambrwllSK Jenner Inatitute for Calf Lymph (James •Holmans Stphn. Edwd. 317 High rd. Lee SE road, Plumstead SE Granger Artb. Saml. 40 Stroud Green rd N Pouglas, sec.), i3 Church rd. Battersea.SW •Ingersoll Frederick Hy.8 Lewisham park SE Brown Mrs. Louisa, 372 Horusey rd. Hllwy N Gray Mr8. Ethel, 305 Wandsworth Bridge rd. "'L'I.ke Herbert Arnold, 103 Stockwell rd SW Bryant Francis Edward, 67 GleJJthorne road, Fulham SW VALUERS. tMulvey Wm. la, Ohesnl!y st. Battel'l!ea SW Hammersmith W Grey Miss Selina, 18 Sunderland road, Foresll •Neish .Alex. 1 Inglewood road, Kilburn NW BuckMrs.Esthr.6i &69Sth. Tsland pl. Br:xtuSW Hill SE See Appraisers, also Auctioneers, *Perryman Waiter, 110 Fentiman road, Bugbird Henry, 9 Hamilton rd. W.Norwd SE Grig Mrs. E. 40S Lyham road, Brixton SW South Lambeth SW & 58 Lomond grove, Busbell Mrs. E. 213 .Albert road, Peckhm SE Gullen Geo. 3 Rossington st. Up. Clapton NE VAN & CART :BUILDERS. Camberwell SE Butler FrankWm. 2/i8Coldharbour la. BrxtnS W Hadley Mrs. Emma., 8 Frances st. Wlwich BB *Pope Henry J. R. 76 High ~t. Hampstead NW Caley Mrs. Emily, 2a, Blackheath hill SE Ballett Mrs. Hannah, 329 York rd. Btrsa SW Coker Geo. & Oo. Ltd. S9 Shacklewell lane, *Price & *King, 98 Hackford road, North Oalver<ko. 32 Hindmans rd. Ea. Dulwich SE Halsband Phill•p, 196 Kensal road, Kensal Hackney NE Brixton SW & 188 Southampton street, Calver Wm. Robt. 78 Lady well rd LewishmSE New Tuwn W Goss G. H. (back of), 474 Streatham High Cumberwcll SE Oa.mozine Mark, !j3 High street, Tooting SW Hamilton Miss Janet, 35b, Brockley rise. road SW •Prime & *Sons. 21 Westow bill & Westow Campbell Mrs.Ellen, 7 Fenwickst. WoolwchSE Forest Hill SE Grummant Thos. W. 40 Rye la. Peckham SE street, Norwood SE Oal"f!On & Co. 214New King's rd. Fulham SW Hamlliond Mrs. Ada,31 High At. Battersea. SW Henry & Oo. 141 flommercial rd.Peckham SE •Richardson Frank, 78 High st.Sydenham SE Chace Mrs. Annie, 4! Nigel rd. Peckham SE Hammond W. J. 58 Vassallrd.N. Brixton SW Rentage Robert, 425 Streatham High nl SW ShemmondsG'has.B.39 Emmanuel rd.BlhmSW Ohampion Ja.s.Robt.47Royal hill, Grnwch SE Ha.ncon MrB.Fanny, 72 81 ownhill rct.CatfrdSE Holleyoake Ernst. Moray mews,Tollingtn. pkN *SpringettHerbert, Kelvin cottage,Sydenham Cheney Sidney E. 488a, Wandsworth rJ SW Flarbur Mrs. Mary, 62 Mill lane, Brixton SW Hora B. & H. Ltd. 36 & 38 Peckham road, Hill road & 60 High st. Syrlenham SE Olaire Mrs. LUian, 20b, Goldhawk road, HardingMrs.Sarah,57Grovedalerd.Up.HlwyN Camberwell SE & 236 Ferndale road, Stock­ •Stainton A.. & tW. A. 407 & 409Horn~ey rdN Shepherd's Bush W Harper Mrs.PhoebeA. 80 Royal hl.GrnwchSR well SW Stand brook Wm.J.ll Melon rd.Peckham SE Clark Mri!.
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