430 the contemporary pacific • 18:2 (2006) the space for Solomon Islanders to set In national politics, the year began their own agenda and plot the course with Ham Lini as prime minister of a to the future. This will ensure that the newly formed government. Ham Lini good work that has been done so far is a relative newcomer to national is sustained and will avoid continuing politics, only assuming a leadership dependence on neighbors. Those role in National United Party (nup) wanting to help must be aware that following the death of his brother Solomon Islanders could easily say, in 1999. He gained the position of “Sapos yu laik duim, olsem yu duim, prime minister in December 2004, mi lukluk” (If you want to do it, then after a no-confidence vote in the you do it and I’ll watch). short-lived government that had tarcisius tara kabutaulaka been formed following the July 2004 elections, led by Serge Vohor (Union of Moderate Parties, or ump). References While there was some talk that this sibc News. Solomon Islands Broadcasting was “Vanuatu’s Lini legacy revived” Corporation. (PVPO, 14 Dec 2004), Ham Lini is operating in an environment more Solomon Star. Honiara. Daily. political than the one that existed for his brother, Father Walter Hadye Lini, in the years following inde- pendence. Vanuatu Father Lini, who was prime min- Vanuatu celebrated its twenty-fifth ister from 1980 to 1991, operated year of independence in 2005. How- under what was basically a two-party ever, it has largely been “business as system. He led a Vanua‘aku Party usual” on the political front, with the (vp) government. The primary oppo- normal morass of personal or person- sition was the ump, which had its ality-based politicking, leavened by a roots in a collection of several small number of scandals. There was some francophone parties. Following the instability in the national government 1987 election, only three parties— and some political parties, and a vp, ump, and the Fren Melanesian number of management issues arose Party (which had one seat)—were in various state institutions, but 2005 represented in Parliament. However, was not as turbulent as some recent 1987 marked the beginning of the years have been. It has, however, been change to a political system in which a year of complexity. Maneuverings many small parties vie for power, within and between parties have and coalition government is now the affected both local (municipal) and rule rather than the exception. After national politics, and local politics Father Lini suffered a stroke in 1987, has affected national politics as well. others began to challenge his leader- Various state-owned enterprises have ship. In 1988 Barak Sope broke from also had their composition affected the vp to form the Melanesian Pro- as the political fortunes of various gressive Party (mpp), and in 1991 parties have changed. Donald Kalpokas replaced Lini as political reviews • melanesia 431 the prime minister and vp leader. out one of the main coalition part- This prompted Father Lini to split ners, nup. The gc/ump/vp agree- from vp and form the nup. Since ment was later trumped by a second then, the number of parties has pro- agreement between nup, vp, the Van- liferated and the number represented uatu Republican Party (vrp) and the in Parliament has gradually grown, National Community Association from six parties following the 1991 (nca), which gave the position of election to ten parties (plus nine mayor to vp (VDP, 11 Nov 2005). independent candidates) following The ousting of gc from the govern- the 2004 election. ment created a potentially powerful Ham Lini’s coalition at the begin- gc/ump opposition. Despite the ning of 2005 represented eleven par- various reshuffles, the Ham Lini–led ties. Essentially a line was drawn government managed to survive two between ump in opposition, and proposed no-confidence motions in everyone else in a coalition govern- 2004. It continues to govern into ment. Lini gained the position of 2006, although rumors of further prime minister on 11 December 2004, no-confidence votes and reshuffles but his position was far from stable, continue. and by 31 December there were The shifting sands that have char- already media reports of planned acterized the nature of the coalition reshuffles to try to accommodate all have also been reflected within the the coalition partners. Throughout larger political parties, particularly the year there were a number of nup and vp, where a superficial changes in the cabinet and alterations glance may suggest that a cohesive to the coalition. The most significant party exists, but closer examination of these occurred in November, reveals rifts and many shifts of when then Finance Minister Moana allegiance. Carcasses Kalosil was removed from From the beginning of 2005 it cabinet and the Greens Confederation was apparent that a power struggle (gc) removed from the coalition between Ham Lini and Willy Jimmy (VDP, 15 Nov 2005). This split was was occurring, when Jimmy was not brought about in part because gc present at Lini’s swearing in as prime was gaining increasing power and minister (Independent, 9 Jan 2005). demanding additional seats in cabinet In January Jimmy claimed that a (Independent, 28 Aug 2005; VDP, reshuffle putting nup, ump, and the 26 Sept 2005). A second factor in this Greens Confederacy (gc) into govern- split was related to political maneu- ment had been promised, and that if vering for the position of lord mayor it did not take place he and a block of Port Vila. gc had signed an agree- of five or six other nup members of ment with vp and the opposition ump Parliament would move to Vanuatu that was to give the position of mayor National Party (vnp), which had been to ump and the position of deputy formed by Dinh Van Than after dis- mayor to gc, to be rotated after two agreements with Lini (Independent, years. This effectively placed gc in 11 Jan 2005). While Jimmy did not alliance with the opposition and shut split from nup, tensions again sur- 432 the contemporary pacific • 18:2 (2006) faced at the nup national congress prime minister. At the Lingarak con- at Motalava in October. Two lists of gress a motion to oust the old execu- people were eligible to vote for execu- tive was passed, but vp Honorary tive. Because of this, nup Chairman President Kalpokas then declared Meto Chilia said he “decided to sus- the vote invalid due to irregularities. pend the congress for a few hours to The friction within vp led Natapei to allow the former executive to meet dissolve Parliament in 2004 in order and have a compromise decision to avoid a vote of no confidence that before proceeding to the election of would have been supported by a the new executive” (PVPO, 25 Oct number of vp members of Parliament. 2005). However, Lini used his power Numerous legal challenges arose con- as president to let the elections go cerning the vp leadership and who ahead. Willie Jimmy and his support- would be permitted to use the vp ers walked out and Lini was reelected name during the national election. president (PVPO, 18 Oct 2005). There While the court ruled that both was some talk that the decision at the parties would be permitted to use Motalava congress would be chal- the vp name, ultimately most of the lenged in court, and that Lini would Kalpokas faction stood under the use this incident as an excuse to drop Vanua K Group banner. Jimmy from the cabinet. Despite It was hoped that the 2005 Con- these rumors, Lini did not shuffle gress would see a reunification of vp. Jimmy out of cabinet, which would However, factions were still running have created a deep rift within nup, to court immediately prior to the elec- and instead he publicly confirmed tion in order to “set up ways to con- Jimmy’s place as a minister, stating trol registration of sub-committees to the media, “I still need him in my having the right to attend the party’s government” (PVPO, 25 Oct 2005). congress as required by the internal Jimmy subsequently benefited from regulations of the party” (PVPO, 23 gc’s removal from the governing Aug 2005). Despite fears that pre- coalition, assuming the position of Congress court maneuverings might minister of finance after Carcasses be an ill omen for chances of recon- was shuffled out in November (VDP, ciliation, the Congress did achieve at 12 Nov 2005). least some degree of finality in who Similar irregularities in voting and leads vp, when Natapei was elected power plays between senior members president (VDP, 1 Sept 2005). How- of vp were largely responsible for ever, the executive does not contain causing the rift that is still continuing. any representatives from the “old These problems became apparent at guard” (VDP, 2 Sept 2005), so long- the vp congress held at Lingarak in term harmony within vp is still in October 2003. Voting on the vp exec- some doubt. utive split the party between the “old There was also more than a hint guard,” which includes Kalpokas, of vote buying by the Natapei camp. Sela Molisa, Joe Natuman, and Jack- Harry Iauko, “the architect of the leen Reuben Titek, and the supporters re-election of Natapei” (VDP, 25 Sept of Edward Natapei, who was then 2005), was appointed vp secretary- political reviews • melanesia 433 general. It appears he had made a and Iauko, politicking on the munici- number of promises to various people pal level has affected national politics.
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