MISTER ITCH f*MILY PICTURE NEWSPAPER A SUCCESSFUL business - VOLUME 3, NUMBER 42 FRIDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1961 TEN CENTS man, he waited until late in life before marrying. Now he finds that he is no longer master of his own destiny. GRAND MARSHAL He cannot go to die neigh- PRE-ELECTION BID borhood barber shop any- more. His wife demands that he go to a New York Hotel SEE iiTORY ON Cor a cliaping. In this she PAGE 3 made an error because the POLICE, FIREMEN ASK lovely manicurist is the ob- tect of his affection. •^ • • • HIS WIFE is forever clean- ing the house. He doesn t dare smoke because the ash tray is cleaned as soon as ashes are deposited. If be gets up from bed in the mid- dle of the night to go to the PAY HIKE bathroom, the bed is made when he returns. This clean- liness has become such an obsession that he spends his weekends at the Bowery*n order to take the other ex* trem* durlns the week. HER HUSBAND is a lazy good-for-nothing but she bold! dow* two Jobs to keep in PHI* because be is to have a heart ^ This hypochron- •tooditlon. This hypochon -» irlac's real heart trouble is • pretty receptionist at the doctor's office. She gave him the gate upon finding out he had a wife. Thus, the heart condition act and costly pills GRAND MARSHAL Louii his wife works and slaves Francone received applausi to get for him. ^ , along the line of march a i -he led 3,000 Holy Name me i THIS BAR FLY is particular from six parishes in Hoboke as to whom he'll take drinks, and Weehawken in Sunday' \ from. He never buys but re- • parade. He had as his aidej " fuses free drinks from those JOHN "HONEY" ROMANO, star catcher of Cleveland Indians, left, shown presenting a YxztexicY Cutillo and Wii who do not have certain pres- Sift to Sam Provansano for Teamsters, sponsors of team. Pete Romano, manager of liam Muliins. tige or status in the commun- the winning team looks on. presentation was made at Awards dinner at Villa Romano. ity. He is the elite of free- loaders and Is rough on the bartenders as he wants Bis. drinks mixed properly. He _has gall on the rocks. He s a Bristol Cream guy - not a rabMt Harvey^ ^ SHE HAStheroughest.tough- est boldest and most con- • temptible kids in the whole neighborhood, yet, claims everybody is at fault but her darlings. Last week, they put a football through a win- dow and the mother thought It a shame that the window should be closed on such a hot day. Her kid kicked an- other kid in the shlna* and before the Juver'le judge she claimed the other kid deliberately put bis shin in front of her "sowd boy"» tsnue ait be <al»ed it to »buw the sole to his brother.' WITH LATINS crowding the living quarter*, condition* arebecomlng intolerable.In * fact* it l» getting BO bad tn« il la a wonder that any- body wants to run tor com- missioner lei alone Ugh! o wr tna Job in thl» ccmnimn- tn. Ttm poo* police csflnoc cooe wtiktfc* ssiw... «. Poaa Three Hoboken Pictorial, Friday October 13, 1961 CONGREGATION HOBOKEN ADAS EMUNO bf DOROTHY SEXTON CELEBRATES Social FOUNDING American Gold Srar Hoboken. Cake and coffee Ninety years of continuous Mothers, Inc., o f Hoboken will be served in Columbian "KHRUSCHEV'S service to the Jewish resid- met recently at the A merlean Club. Vincent Bar bo Is ents of the dry is the proud Legion Building in Hoboken. chairman. record Congregation Adas Mrs. Mae Kuehns presided On Nov. 18, group will hold Emuno will celebrate .at a and announced a delegation a "Military Ball" In Meyers BIG FEAR" dinner October 21. The will attend the state depart- Hotel, Hoboken. Cocktail How strong Is the United States and Us allies compared temple which stands at 637 ment meeting and luncheon hour will precede the dinner- to Russia? ^ Garden Street was opened to be held on October 28, dance, with Frank Fusco • No question has been subjected to more discussion and and dedicated April 15,1883, at the Robert Treat Hotel, supplying music for danc- more controversy. For it Is a question Involving the very twelve years after extablis- Newark. Delegates will be ing. George Pap roth -\ a existence of civilization as we know it. hment .of the congregation. Mrs. Kuehns, president; chairman. ' The layman has every right to be confused. We have History of the congregation Mrs. Bessie Turley, Mrs. Salvatore Crupi, faithful beard that the Soviet Is far ahead of us in both conventional discloses the first Jewish Gerrtye Maat and Mrs. navigator, conducted the settlers In New Jersey can Marie Smircic. meeting. and nuclear-type weapons--and we have heard also tha. the be traced to Hoboken in the United States possesses at lease equal strenght. We have period immediately after in The first nomination of of- The Ladies Aid Society heard that Russia is overtaking us in the various economic the Civil War. ficers will be. held at the of the Reformed Church of •fields--and we have heard also our lead is so great, coupled next regular meeting, which Hoboken met recently t o WUh current and expected expansion, that we have Httle • In 1881, the movement to- will be held at 8 p. m.t ward a permanent temple complete plans for the 104th tt0 worry about in this sphere. November 6, at the Americ- anniversary coffee, which edifice was started, culmin- an Legion Building. j This bit of background gives significance to an article ating in the construction of will be held at 2 p.m., Oct. in a late issue of U. S. News & World Report. Its title: 18 in Martha Institute Hall. the present building at 637 John "Honey" Romano, •'Khrushchev's Big Fear." Us opening sentences: "Nikita Garden St. The land had Mrs. A. W. Horr, president, . Khrushchev, in his latest warlike moves, is seen as leading Cleveland Indian Star cat- announced a film, "T h e been donated by the Stevens cher has been placed on the • WOntt fear—not from confidence. This is the way high family. Maiden Voyage of the Ber- I Western officials now .size up the Soviet dictator." city payroll to teach base- men," will be shown and V SO—what can Khrushchev be afraid of? During the early presidency ball science to local boys at coffee and homemade cake tn general terms, as the U. S. News article describes of Ulysses S. Grant, a Jew- a salary of $1,400 for a will be served. Hostesses h matter, the answer to that question can be put In two ish group, comprising app- 16-week period. will be Mrs. Alexander Paul- d—"the future." Specifically,, the Soviet satellite roximately 40 famllie s of Another professional base- ich, Mrs. Otto Franke, Mrs. , now a Kremlin captive, Includes "100 million German and Central Eur- ball player, John Kunkle of Fred Hofmann and Mrs. We people waiting for a chance to revolt." Then there opean descent, felt the urge the Jersey City Athletics has Frans J. Van Carpels. Red China, with its Incredible population of 700 million-- for religious expression also been hired to assist Rev. Edwin F.Parsils,pas- natlOO which, so far as one can see, has as its goal world which culminated in the foun- .in t h e recreation depart- tor of the Reformed Church pion. And, for a third thing, there is the unification ding of Congregation Adas ment. of Hoboken, will officiate 3&t 18 taking place throughout Western Europe. As U. S. Emuno on Oct. 22, 1871. Both men are natives of at an anniversary service jews Observes, "Here, facing the communits empire, is The corporate charter fol- Hoboken. to be held at 10:30* a. m, >% group of nations that, as a whole, is far more powerful lowed on Feb.15, 1872. Danny O'Conneli; a mem- Nov. 5 in the church. than Soviet Russia. Now those nations axe beginning to Two years later, the Union ber of the Washington Sena- Election of officers was Combine theft: power." of American Hebrew Con- tors last season, was not also held at the last meet* gregations was formed in rehlred. For the past two Therefore—if appraisals of this nature are correct-- Cincinnati. The Hoboken ing. Mrs. A. W. Horr of time may be running out for Kfirushchev. His power, years he had served ID the 1511 64th St., North Bef* congregation chose to fol- recreation department on a. today, is greater than it can be expected to be in the low the new movement and gen, was elected president years that lie ahead. 10-week basis «t $100 each for the fourth consecutive accepted the Reform mode week. European economic unification is making swift and of Jewish worship. year. She has been a num- enormous strides. The decision of Great Britain to join The first meeting place ber of the society for the the Common Market, despite all her long historical was Odd Fellows Hall, Wash- The scholarship fund dance past 12 years. Mr«. Horr <Jisas8ociations from such Continental alliances, shows ington and Second Sts. After- held Saturday night in Our is also president of theMuth- the way the winds of change are blowing. So does the ward members worshipped Lady of Grace School Hall ers Auxiliary of the Boy participation fo samll countries with ancient traditions of at Capp'e Hall, Hudson and by Hoboken Council 159, Scout Council of North Ber* neutralism and isolationism--Norway and Ireland, for Second Sts.
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