BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTINQ AND GENERAL SPORTS Volume 50, No. 18. Philadelphia, January 11, 1908. Price, Five Cents. HARTZELL,3?B. \WALLACE. 3.6. P/CKERINGt Q.F.{ SRORTIIVG LJF*B. the earnings of the club from 1903, alleging Genzel to the managerial role is discounted. he was induced to purchase eighty shares of Nearly everybody seems to expect that sort stock by misrepresentation and afterward in of a solution to a six-months© guess-feat duced to sell them for $10,000 on the repre HERRMAN HOPE which began last fall when the official sentation that the club was not earning declaration was made that Ned Hanlon had dividends, which he declares to have been counted himself out of the running. false. NEHAN STILL A MANAGE- A WASHINGTON WHISPER. OF BASE BALL REPORTS AND ©©Ereey clob in a league is supposed to SOMETHING WORTH HAVING. have a chance to win the flag," says Frank RE-ORGANIZES. Rostock, late of Cleveland, and father .pf Post Sportocjsms. "Supposed to have" is Group Picture of the St. Louis Club, of the good. This is a doctrine which would hardly American League. i Triangular Conference Between create much, of a furore in Washington. Cin Messrs* Herrmann and Brace Re- On the flr&t page of this iasuf we publish cinnati has had several years of famine and a group picture of the St. Louis Club of : Hermann, McGraw and Bres- even Ned Hanlon couldn©t get the Reds out elected A Satisfactory Year©s 1907, of the American League. For the bene of the> -husks into the clover field. Still, fit of our readers who desire to frame the never in National League history of recent picture, we have had same printed on nehan May Cause a Deal to date has any club been as hopelessly in the Work Reported National As heavy plate, paper, size 13x14 inches, a P. T. class as qnr friends, the Washingtoh- copy of which will be sent postpaid to anjr ians. In the days of the Hewetts, the Wag^ sociation Demands Considered* address securely wrapped in mailing tube , Land Roger in Cincinnati* ners, the. Scanlons and all the rest Wasn- for five two-cent stamps. Particular at ington has been a synonym for the Per tention is called to the clearness and bright- petual ©Eobflggan., SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE." SPECIAL TO "SPORTING, LIFE." nesjs . of our framing pictures. No guess- BOSTON AND THE REDS, f © work about who the players are. Each one Cincinnati, p., Jan. 7, 1908. The opinion Cincinnati, 0., Jan. 7. The National Com posed specially for these groups. is prevalent in this city just now that It is safe to already predict the© hottest mission held its annual meeting here at the W,e also have 1907 group pictures of the Itoger Bresnahan will finally be secured as sort of rivalry between, the Reds and Bean- Hotel Sinton yesterday and will be still in following clubs; a copy of either one will be manager of the Reds. Garry towners next season. The return of Joe ©"© " session as "Sporting Life cent to any address for five two-cent stamps: Herrmann has turned down Eefley to the National League flushed with goes to press. At the morn Chicago Clulj, National League champions McG-raw© s proposition tp championship honors won a-t Toronto is sure ing session the report of the for 1908; alM world©s champions. trade Bresnahan for Lobert to make things hum at the South End. The .ecretary, John E!. Bruce, Detroit CrjJ?," American League champion* and Schlei, but it is said Doyey administration ought to be kept busy showed that during the year for 1908. *©© Herrmann may consent to counting the coin, Cincinnati always was the major leagues had paid Pittsburg Club of 1907, of the National an even-up trade involving a splendid card at the tennis court out $131,475 for players drafted, League. the exchange of Bresnahan Columbus avenue and here in Cincy the ac and $82,026 for players pur Athletic Club of 1907, of the American for Sehl©ei. Herrmann says quisition of Kel will give Boston drawing chased outright. August League. that McGraw, now that he powers it has not possessed since the days Herrmann, chairman of the Philadelphia Club of 1907, of the National has secured McBride, does of Tom Tucker, and his voice was a magnet. Commission, reported that League. not need Lobert, who will It will be tfce delight of Kel to throw the the Commission had decided Chicago Club of 1907, of the American not be released by the Cin harpoon. into Cincinnati. Rest assured when 90 cases during the year League. cinnati Club under any cir he conies into Redland it will be with the and tEat 3,057 letters and New York Clab of 1907, of the National cumstances, and that if the determination to make the Reds look like a A. Herrmaon telegrams figured in these League. R. T. Bresnehan New York manager wants to mess of Wienerwurst beside a string of decisions. During the year Cleveland Club of 1907, of tho American make a new proposition involving Bresna Bologna. John B. Foster, I see, already the Commission expended $106,348.05 of JLeague han it will be entertained. McGraw, mean counts Boston as more than likely to beat which $97,729.50 was paid in the World©s Brooklyn Club of 1907, of the National while, © says thatf he will pay a visit to out .Brooklyn and Cincinnati. ©. Evidently the Championship series. Hr. Hermann was re- League. Toledo shortly to see Bresnahan, but he will innocents abroad .are not figuring on g, Gan- elected as chairman and Mr. Bruce as sec New York Clnb of 1907, of the American not admit that any deal will be made for the zelized winner in red hose. retary of the National Commission. star catcher to the Porktown club. Bresna A LINE ON HOUSEV MIUOB CASES SETTLED. Cincinnati Clnb of 1907, of the National han says bluntly that he does not want to League. play under McGraw again, and that he Maurice P. Danihy comes back at me for A number of minor eases were decided. would like nothing better than the task my play on John J. McOJoskey©s new Indian. The Toledo American Association was given of producing a winning ©team for Herrmann. gardener. The North Copper Leagae um $ele title to played J. J. Quinn, who under pire writes: "You wil find a window open the name of Jack Picus had been signed by in that House ready for the flies pf Cin the Philadelphia National LeAue Club, the Special to "Sportins Life." . ^ cinnati©s home players. That boy John Commission holding that he bad not lived up The Dubuquo Club, of the I. I. I. League, baa House has a .noodle for getting hit with the to his obligations to the clubs to which© he released third ha.som^n Harry Bossa outright ball just wben a run is needed. The first was assigned and that his claims of bad The Toledo Club lias arranged to secure inflddar tThe Saving of Campbell Pleases Cincin time he came to bat in his first game in the treatment by Toledo were unfounded. Mike Welday from tiie Chicago American Club. Iowa League John tried to work me, but The Empire St^te League©s annual meeting baa nati Reds Wow Have Three South it was to the bench for Johnny all the rest MINOR LEAGUE DEMANDS. been called for ©Friday, January 10, at Syracuse, paws A Lot of Foreign Nonsense Over of that day. House is a graceful fielder and President O©Brien, of the American Asso N. T. can get down to first base so quickly that it ciation, then made a plea for permission to The I/ancaster Club, of the Trl-State League, an Alleged Oversight. will surprise Ganz«l, Tenney and McGann." place an American Association club in Chi has re-elected Clarence Foster as team manager for cago. He also presented a resolution that next season. By Ben Mulford, Jr. the American Association and Eastern Second basoman John 8. Farrell has been re- Mjr. Upp, Cincinnati©1 s new . League be placed in a special AA class; appointed manager of the Altoona Club, of the Cincinnati, 0., Jan. 4, 1908. Editor seems to pe "down" from the matrimonial that major leagues be allowed to draft only Tri-State League. *©Sporting Life." Redland enjoyed a very viewpoint. Mrs. Upp seems to be anxious from Class A teams, Class A clubs only from Catcher Jiaimy Byrnes, formerly a member of happy New Year of it for in Bug Quarters for him to be called out at the home plate. Class B teanis, and so on down; that major the Athletics, has signed with Louisville, of the the action of the National As Jack Etost was doing business early leagues be limited to twentyfive players or American Association. Commission in reading Billy last June nofcody is yawping against April tliereabauts at their fullest, and twenty- Second basemin Barry McCormiek has been ap Campbell"s Red title clear openings this year. eight players or thereabouts from May 15 to pointed manager of the Milwauioa Club, of tho was most popular. The evi Kind of Puckerish reading these Ameri the close of the season; that clubs selling American Association. dence in the case is not can Leagne inpgnlistic observations about re players be not compelled to agree to repur Umpire Carpenter baa been tendered a 1908 con quite as exciting as a chap pelling A.
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