156 cccc (Eomrcrtintt Haflg Campus Serving Storrs Since 1696" VOL. XLII Storrs, Connecticut, Tuesday, April 10, 1956 No. 106 FCC Rejects WHUS License Bid Again Marines Die On FCC Disapproves Forced March In Dual Ownership; Senate To Decide South Carolina By JUDY DARBY by the Associated Press The Federal Communications Commission has again refused the The Marine Corps reported application of WHUS to operate, yesterday that five marines are according to John Flahive, Pres- dead and one is missing after a dent of the Associated Student forced march Sunday night into Government, in an interview with the swamps near the marine base The Campus last night. at Parris Island near Charleston, Flahive announced the applica- South Carolina. The dead marines tion has been refused because of are believed to have drowned. confusion as to the authority and The base public information of- Campus Pholo ownership of the station. In order ficer, Captain Ralph Wood said Jack Riley for an application to be accepted that the dead and missing were by the FCC, the applicant must Campui Photo—Kaufman among 75 recruits who were assume the complete ownership and TO BE PRODUCED: Maxwell Anderson's play "Winterset," which will marched about a mile from the maintenance of the station. The be produced by the Speech and Drama Department during the week of training base into a tidal swamp FCC feels that under the present April 24-28, is shown above during rehearsal. In the foreground (with by a drill instructor. The instruc- Mortarboards Run application a dual control is estab- backs to camera) are Cecil Hinkel, director and Barbara White, Phi Mu, tor was identified by the officer lished with the Board of Trustees student assistant director, polishing up a scene between Art Kahn as 31 year old Staff Sergeant Leadership Survey of the University assuming owner- (left), William Martin, and Doris Allen. Martin plays the male lead, Matthew Mckeon from Worcester, ship, and a separate organization, Mio, and Miss Allen the female lead part of Miriamne. Kahn will be seen Massachusetts. He joined the Navy Mortarboards, women's honorary the Associated Student Govern- in the role of Carr. in 1945 and the Marine Corps in Society at Uconn, with assistance ment assuming the maintenance 1947. He is a Korean war veteran. and research guidance from the and control of the station. There- Education Department, are con- fore, the FCC has recommended Staff Sergeant Mckeon has been ducting a survey of leadership and that the application be amended so Union States Purposes; placed under custody pending a leadership potential on campus. The that the Board of Trustees would formal court of inquiry already group will try to answer questions both own and maintain complete started under Colonel John B. such as: Is there a lack of leader- control of the station. Heles, the depot intelligence of- HUB Forms Basic Code; ship on the campus? If So, why? Technical Difficulties ficer. The Marine Corps Comman- What can be done about it? Another reason for the refusal dant, General Randolph Pate, pertains to technical difficulties as Uconn Union Rated High flew from Washington to Parris This survey will contribute to the University and to student life, to the location of the transmitter. By JANE BRADSHAW Island immediately today for a and is being made through student, However, this was an error in the human relations." It does this by personal investigation. application and can be adjusted. The purpose of the Student, faculty and administrative co- offering the students experience The area into which the platoon Flahive went on to say that Union is to serve the needs of all operation. in planning and carrying out a was marched is low and swampy. WHUS has two choices as to a the members of the University program, working with others, Grass three to four feet high The organization is also working course of action. They may change community, especially the stu- sharing ideas and practicing lead- grows in the watery section and to choose next year's members, and the application as recommended dents, in a variety of ways to add ership. the whole area is grown in under- although the actual date of tapping or ask for a hearing, but the latter to their social, cultural and educa- will be secret, it will occur in either brush and Cyprus trees. The public is doubtful. tional development. Students Plan Program April or May. information officer said the drill "I feel that we, in the best in- The development of the student In order to achieve this purpose instructor may not have been The mum sales held during the terest of the Student Body, must is closely associated with the the HUB has set up a five point fall at the football games proved have a radio station on a campus Union's function as a center of familiar with the area. philosophy which is thi* basis of very successful with the Mortar- of this size," said Flahive. "If the activity and is the third point in all it i activities. All events and boards collecting over $400. The Board of Trustees and the Student the philosophy. Student develop- facilities are directed toward meet- organization has given $200 in Senate are the only two bodies ment is achieved by providing an ing one or all points of this plan. Automation? Scholarships this year, with the concerned with the operation of the area of self-expression for the The role of the Student Union amount to be given for the next station and there is no outside in- social, cultural and recreational Automation? Who needs it! A as a public relations agency for year unknown as yet. terference, we should be able to put activities of the Union and by barbershop on the Uconn campus the University is the first point of The Mortarboards have also in- the station back into operation. participating in events. Planning showed, much to a client's dismay, consideration in the HUB philos- augurated an honorary society for From our meetings with the Board for activities must be based on a that there are other ways of speed- ophy. It can serve this aim by its freshman women who received a of Trustees. I fee! that they have knowledge of the needs of the stu- ing up production than by resort- physical plant which provides a qualitative point ratio of 32 or over. no designs on our radio station and dents and the resources of the ing to automation. place to meet and participate in This society, called Tassels, has from members to whom I have University. By helping to plan the activities. Through the program it A man walked into the Blue and recently drawn up a constitution spoken, I feel they will give us program a student comes to know sponsors and its many services White Barbershop a few minutes and will conduct regularly held this complete control," Flahive his fellow students and his Univ-t the HUB benefits the individual by before closing time last Monday. meetings. concluded. ersity better. giving him an opportunity to part- Instead of refusing to give him a icipate in and plan the events in Faculty and administrative part- haircut, three barbers went to work the HUB. The Union provides .» icipation in the management of the on him at once—one clipping on Union Sponsored means of making the University HUB is the fourth plank on the each side, and one doing the top. known to the state, to parents and Union policy platform. They serve In no time at all, in spite of his to prospective students. as advisory members on boards protests, the gentleman got one of Carollers To Give Concert; Everyone Benefits and committees and through this the fastest haircuts since Indian The second point in the HUB the students, faculty and adminis- times. tration come closer together in a philosophy is that it shall be the To prove that it was administer- Part Of Fine Arts Festival mutual effort for the University. center of activities for the Univ- ed in the spirit of science (and Concerning this Homer Brammell, In ctonjunction with the Fine Arts Festival being sponsored by the ersity community, and primarily supper) no charge was made. Student Union, the Carollers of the University's Music Department will President of the Board of Govern- for the students' activities. All of The haircut was a good one, but present a concert this Sunday at 8 p.m. in the HUB Ballroom. The ors stated, "The Union is unique the many facilities and the varied what will the union say? festival begins April 11 and will continue through the thirtieth. program of the HUB can be en- in as much as there is no other place where the faculty, adminis- The singing group is composed of fifteen mixed voices who sing joyed by the majority of the mem- unaccompanied and undirected. The members are: sopranos, Gail bers of the University community See HUB page 4 Old Man Winter Leaves? McCann, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Harriet Dinmore, Pi Beta Phi; Doris based on their individual interest Epstein, 6-B; Mary Ellen Carter, 6-B; mezzo sopranos Patricia Hans- as they attend meetings, lectures, Uconn students struck with lick, Pi Beta Phi; Mary Ann Banthin, Kappa Kappa Gamma; altos, dances or receptions. Enjoyment Young Democrats Name an early case of spring fever Bonita Barnard, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Alice Rae, Phi Mu; Patricia is also provided through a less last Friday were hoping yost- Annino, 6-A tenors; Theodoro Johnson, Hartford Hall; Richard Roland, formal program which provides Harrison To State Unit terday that more of it would Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Wallace Fletcher* Theta Xi; bassos.
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