PAGE TEN-B- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Wed.. April 20, 1877 Paddling constitutional The Weather Inside today but by only one vote Becoming partly cloudy this after­ noon, high in low 70s. Partly cloudy Business Kitchen...........2-C WASHINGTON (UPI) - The to public scrutiny. tonight, low 45-90. Partly cloudy, Classified Obituaries ... 10-A children in their charge.” warm, humid, Thursday, l^ h arou^ Supreme Court, by a one-vote Justice Byron White, in a dissen­ Comics__ People ............ 1-C The court ruled in a case Involving 80. Precipitation probability 10 per cent Dear Abby. margin, ruled that nothing in the ting opinion joined by Justices Manehester^A CUy of VUlage Charm Second Thought 2-C severe paddlings given to pupils In a tonight,20 per cent Thursday. National Editorial .. Sr. Citizens ... 7-C Constitution bars public school William Brennan, Thurgood Dade County, Fla., junior high weather forecast map on Page 7-B. l TWENTY.EIGHT PAGES Family__ THREE SECTIONS Sports.........4-0-B teachers from paddling unruly Marshall and John Stevens, said: school. One student at Drew Junior MANCTIESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1977- VOL. XCVI, No. 170 PRltSEi FIFTEEN CENTS students. ”I ... take issue with the extreme High received SO licks with a paddle Plus area news on Pages 1—3-B. "A single principle has governed view of the majority that corporal for allegedly making an obscene the use of corporal punishment since punishment in public schools, no phone call. before the American revolution: matter how barbaric, inhumane, or White, in dissent, said the “cruel Teachers may impose reasonable but severe, is never limited by the 8th and unusual punishment” prohibition not excessive force to discipline a Amendment.” should apply to school children as child,” Justice Lewis Powell wrote But Powell said a teacher who uses well as prisoners. for the five-man majority. ’’excessive” or “unreasonable” “No one can deny that spanking Hot battle ahead ‘‘The basic doctrine has not force is subject to possible criminal school children is punishment,” he changed. The prevalent rule in this or civil penalties. said. country today privileges such force The majority also ruled that “If it is constitutionally imper­ as a teacher or administrator students are not entitled to prior missible to cut off someone’s ear for reasonably believes to be necessary notice or a procedural hearing on the commission of murder, it must for energy plan for the child’s proper control, their offense before being spanked. be unconstitutional to cut off a child’s training or education.” Twenty-one states have authorized ear for being late to class,” he said. WASHINGTON (UPI) — President The majority decided the 8th moderate use of corporate punish­ “Although there were no ears cut ly, and the production people don't ding another 7 cents per gallon to Amendment’s prohibition against ment in public schools, Powell said. Carter’s new energy plan includes like it," said Rep. Teno Roncalio, D- off in this case, the record reveals tax proposals that could boost gas­ gasoline prices no matter what “cruel and unusual punishment” “ Where the legislatures have not beatings so severe that if they were Wyo., whose state depends on both happened to consumption but giving does not apply to school children, acted, the state courts have uniform­ oline prices 57 cents a gallon by 1988, the tourist trade and energy produc­ inflicted on a hardened criminal for and House Speaker Thomas O’Neill oil companies no additional profits. because they are not restrained ly preserved the common law rule the commission of a serious crime Prison inmates address class tion. “But I think I am going to sup­ After 1979, all domestic oil would be behind bars, like prisoners, and permitting teachers to use predicts it will set off the hottest bat­ port the President fully, because he they might not pass constitutional tle of this Congress. allowed to rise to the world price. because actions in a school are open reasonable force in disciplining muster.” is right.” The gasoline tax drew widespread — Tax rebates, not spelled out in detail, designed to return revenues criticism from members of Congress Republican leaders pledged to back from the new taxes to low-income at a White House preview Tuesday. It Carter’s plan as much as possible. peer pressure and to keep from getting into trouble Americans. Revenues from new gas­ 2 Public records appears likely to fare no better when But they also asked the TV networks students who heard^Um iJj-nw Lr treatment officer in charge of the program. The 107 Carter unveils his plan to the entire to donate 30 minutes of prime time so oline levies alone could total $57 Warranty deeds the GOP can counter Carter’s three billion a year by 1988. Smith, property at 156 Summit St., I" *™ n c a „ Socle- Congress in a televised and broad­ Thomas F. Levitt, Frederick M. $34,800. Martin and Gerald P. Rothman to cast speech to a joint session (at 9:30 television appearances of the week — — A price ceiling of $1.75 per thou­ sand cubic feet for interstate natural Newman and Robert W. Jolie to F red erick D. Schneider and Peter H. Allyn and Meredith H. p.m. EST) tonight. his address to the nation Monday, the gas, plus extension of federal price Gloria P. Newman and Daniel G. Marion K. Schneider to Everett L. Allyn, both of Marlborough, Mass., But many representatives of oil congressional speech tonight and a controls to the presently uncontrolled Newman, property at 106-108 Clinton Beardsley a'nd Jean S. Beardsley, property at 150 Avery St., $38,750. states also are bitter that Carter’s news conference Friday. St., $47,000. Project timetable prepared for HUD gas produced and sold within the property at 19 Fulton Rd., $38,900. Joseph F. Krupa and Susan P. cures for the nation’s energy Members of Congress said Carter’s Edwin A. Jolly Jr. and Barbara R. same state. Wilbur Chadwick and Jean Knipa to D. Michael Masse and The Town of Manchester has recently submitted its application for shortages place more emphasis on plan as described Tuesday includes; Jolly to Harold S. Sprague and Mary Nike Site which is expected to be — A heavy tax on gas-guzzling cars, 0 Chadwick to Wallace Wielock and Sharron J. Masse, property at 33 prepared a timetable of projects its $301,000 third-year (5d grant. conservation than on boosting — Authority to boost gasoline taxes M. Sprague, property at 33 Chester completed in June. ‘The site is being offset by a tax rebate for cars that Adele Wielock, both of Glastonbury, Crestwood Dr., $39,900. funded by the Community Develop­ domestic production. a nickel a gallon each year from 1979 Dr,, $37,500. But, ‘Thompson warned that “ap­ ram i^ and renovated for use as a get very good gasoline mileage. property at 9 Lincoln St., $36,000. Leopaui A. Daigle, East Hartford, ment (CD) block grant program in Sen. Dewey Bartlett, R-Okla., said through 1981, in which consumption Marilyn L. Digan to Robert F. propriate adjustments” to the town handicapped center. — Mandatory conversion of in­ Charles S. Burr and Edgar H. to Edwin A. Jolly Jr. and Barbara R. response to a letter from a federal grant might be made. the President’s plan would be “ for increases by 1 per cent or more, plus DeMarchi and Ann DeMarchi, both The list also includes the day care dustries and utilities to coal from oil Clarke to Malcolm J. Kerr and Jolly, property at 87 Strawberry Department of Housing and Urban the country, a disaster; for our state, authority to add another nickel each of South Windsor, property at 32 “Our main cause of concern is the at the Orford Village School, which and natural gas. Changes would be Katherine M. Kerr, both of Glaston­ Lane, $52,900. Development (HUD) official who seeming lack of focus of Manchester’s a catastrophic, cataclysmic Spring St., $39,700. the town now says it expects to com- year from 1982 through 1987, in which phased in slowly so clean-air controls bury, property at 320 Tolland Tpke., Levitt Construction Co., Inc. to said the town’s CD program has overall CD block grant program and calamity.” consumption does not decline by 2 Shirley M. Tallent to Albert C. shown ”a slow rate of progress.” plet by May 15. can be installed and coal transporta­ $47,500. Peter J. Leyendecker and Dorothy T. the slow rate of progress made in Some lawmakers, however, in­ per cent. It could drive up the gas­ Harris and Karen H. Harris, proper­ Lawrence L. Thompson, area Work on the Globe Hollow pool, the tion problems can be solved. lionna B. Lawler, W. Granby, to Leyendecker, property at 98 Nutmeg executing and completing approved dicated they are convinced the situa­ oline tax a maximum 50 cents a ty at 8C Ambassador Dr., $35,500. director for HUD, sent the letter to Verplanck pool bathhouse, and a — Tax incentives for home John F. Flynn and Amelia H. Flynn, Dr., $52,600. activities,” Thompson wrote tion is so serious they must place gallon during the next decade. John F. Schmitt and ^ rb a ra E. Town Manager Robert B. Weiss and housing study is also expected to be weatherization, new building stan­ property at 32 Whitney Rd., $35,200. U & R Housing Corp. to Marilyn L. He said that priority shifts in the energy needs above other concerns of — A tax to raise the price of so- Schmitt, both of Greenville, N.C., to expressed concern about progress in completed this year, according to the Downtown cleanup started dards and mandatory appliance stan­ Vintage Homes Inc., East Hart­ Digan, property at 23E Esquire Dr., town’s CD funding program “may town.
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