Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60925-8 - The Cambridge Introduction to Modern Irish Poetry, 1800-2000 Justin Quinn Index More information Index Abbey Theatre 63 Boland, Eavan 2, 119, 145–6, 162, Æ (George Russell) 37, 50, 62, 163–5, 166, 168, 185, 186–7, 189, 86 193, 197, 198, 204, 207 aisling 21–3, 179, 180, 208 ‘Anna Liffey’ 164–5 Allen, Fergus 191 Code 165, 186 Allen, Michael 131, 167, 177, 182 ‘Emigrant Letters’ 186 Allingham, William 27, 30, 37, 38–43, InaTimeofViolence 164, 165 53, 65, 144, 215n Lost Land, The 186 ‘Among the Heather’ 41 ‘Mise Eire’ 164 Ballad Book: A Selection of the ‘Necessity for Irony, The’ 165 Choicest British Ballads 40, 41 ‘Suburban Woman: Another Detail’ ‘Fairies, The’ 39–40 165 ‘Girl’s Lamentation, The’ 40, 41 Braque, Georges 44 Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland 41–3 Brearton, Fran 120, 121, 124, 128, 155 Ammons, A. R. 108, 141 British Empire 5, 7, 8, 14, 16–17, 26, Archer, Nuala 185 29, 36, 67, 113–15, 120, 121, 126, Arnold, Matthew 44, 62 128, 129, 130, 176, 197 Arts and Crafts Movement 53, 59, 62 Brodsky, Joseph 2 Ashbery, John 101, 104 Brooke, Charlotte 19 Auden, W. H. 59, 90, 91, 122, 180, 181, Brown, Terence 12, 15, 16, 66, 81, 91, 193 116, 123, 195 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 42 Barrie, J. M. 65 Buile Suibhne 109, 111, 141 Batten, Guinn 172 Bunting, Edward 10 Baudelaire, Charles 202 Bryant, William Cullen 145 Beardsley, Aubrey 122 Byron, George Gordon, Lord 14, 17, 18 Beckett, Samuel 27, 28, 56, 85, 158–60, 183 Callan, Ron 88 Beo! 143 Callanan, J. J. 17–20, 27, 29, 46 Binchy, Chris 194 ‘Outlaw of Lock Lene, The’ 19 Bishop, Elizabeth 141 ‘Recluse of Inchidony, The’ 17–18 Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine Campbell, Joseph 50, 79, 80, 90 34 Campbell, Matthew 8 Blake, William 3, 61, 63 Carbery, Ethna 49, 50, 53 236 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60925-8 - The Cambridge Introduction to Modern Irish Poetry, 1800-2000 Justin Quinn Index More information Index 237 Carlyle, Thomas 39, 62, 64 Coghill, Rhoda 96 Carson, Ciaran 2, 167, 179, 199–202 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 181–3 Alexandrine Plan, The 202 Colum, Padraic 50, 79, 80–1, 85, 111, Belfast Confetti 198, 200–2 218n Breaking News 202 King of Ireland’s Son, The 66 ‘Dresden’ 200 ‘Plougher, The’ 54 First Language 199 ‘Poor Scholar of the Forties, A’ Irish for No, The 200 80–1, 90, 93, 96, 145 ‘La Je-Ne-Sais-Quoi’ 199 Wild Earth 80 ‘Punctuation’ 201–2 Comet 21 review of North, by Seamus Heaney Conte, Joseph 183 134 Corcoran, Neil 200 ‘Second Language’ 199–200 Coughlan, Patricia 135, 161 Star Factory, The 202 Craig, Maurice 96 ‘Turn Again’ 201 Crane, Hart 108 Twelfth of Never 202 Cronin, Anthony 20 Carter, Angela 149 Cronin, Michael 145 Cato 30 Cuala Press 63, 77 Catullus, Gaius Valerius 154 Chamfort, Nicolas 205 Dante Alighieri 205 Chesson, Nora Hopper 53 Davis, Thomas 25, 33, 38, 59, 66 Clarke, Austin 2, 27, 35, 37, 79, 81–5, Dawe, Gerald 177 89, 98, 99, 100, 102 Deane, Seamus 2, 19, 100, 115, 135–6, Ancient Lights 84 217n Collected Poems (1936) 83 Debeljak, Alesˇ 175 Echo at Coole, The 84 Delanty, Greg 185–6, 193, 204 Flight to Africa 84 Denman, Peter 33, 37, 81, 120 Horse-Eaters, The 84 Devlin, Denis 88, 97–9 Mnemosyne Lay in Dust 84–5 ‘Est Prodest’ 98, 99 Night and Morning 83, 84 ‘Heavenly Foreigner, The’ 99 Old-Fashioned Pilgrimage 84 Lough Derg and Other Poems 98–9 Penny in the Clouds, A 82, 85 ‘Lough Derg’ 98–9 Pilgrimage and Other Poems 82, 84 Dickens, Charles 46 ‘Pilgrimage’ 82–3 Dickinson, Emily 44, 184 Poetry in Modern Ireland 90 Didsbury, Peter 205 ‘Sentences’ 83 dinnseanchas 35 Sermon on Swift, A 84 Dolmen Press 101, 103 Tiresias 84, 85, 156 Donaghy, Lyle 90 TooGreataVine 84 Donnelly, Charles 128 Vengeance of Fionn, The 81 Douglas, Keith 59, 123, 128 Clifton, Harry 189–91 Dowson, Ernest 63 ‘God in France’ 190–1 Dryden, John 71, 87, 154 Coffey, Brian 99–100 Dublin Penny Journal 21 Death of Hektor 100 Dublin University Magazine 34 ‘Missouri Sequence’ 99 Duffy, Charles Gavan 25, 37 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60925-8 - The Cambridge Introduction to Modern Irish Poetry, 1800-2000 Justin Quinn Index More information 238 Index Duhig, Ian 193 Gogan,´ Liam S. 148 Duncan, Robert 107 Gonne, Iseult 68, 69 Dunsany, Edward 53, 55 Gonne, Maud 63, 67, 68 Durcan, Paul 195 Gore-Booth, Eva 50–2, 161 Graham, Colin 2 Elgee, Jane 27 Graham, Jorie 85, 108 Eliot, George 65 Graves, Alfred Perceval 214n Eliot, T. S. 44, 45, 46, 52, 59, 81, 91, 97, Graves, Robert 59 98, 99 Gregory, Augusta 63, 69, 70, 74, 80, Four Quartets 99, 101, 103 86 Waste Land, The 44, 87 Grennan, Eamon 187–9, 190, 192 Esenin, Sergei 205 ‘Common Theme’ 189 Relations: New and Selected Poems Fallon, Peter 156, 187 188 Ferguson, Niall 5 ‘Stone Flight’ 188–9 Ferguson, Samuel 21, 27, 30, 33–8, 43, ‘Walk, Night Falling, Memory of My 46, 48, 49, 59, 64, 66, 81, 83 Father’ 189 ‘Abdication of Fergus Mac Roy, The’ Groarke, Vona 4–5, 6, 163, 174, 177, 36 206–9 Congal 28, 36–7 ‘Athlones’ 209 ‘Healing of Conall Carnach, The’ 36 ‘Domestic Arrangements’ 207 ‘Lament for Thomas Davis’ 34 Flight 208 Lays of the Western Gael, The 35 ‘Flight’ 208 ‘Pastheen Finn: Irish Rustic Song’ ‘Folderol’ 208 215n ‘House Style’ 207 ‘Tain-Quest, The’ 35–6, 214n Juniper Street 206, 208–9 ‘Welshmen of Tirawley, The’ 35, ‘Juniper Street’ 209 214n ‘Local Accent, The’ 208 Field Day 115 Other People’s Houses 207 Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing ‘Other People’s Houses’ 207 51, 144 Shale 207, 209 Fitzsimons, Andrew 100, 102 ‘Song’ 206 Flynn, Leontia 197, 198 Group, The (see Northern Irish Foster, R. F. 60, 175 Renaissance) Foster, Thomas C. 134 Guinness, Selina 67, 198 Fraser’s Magazine 43 Gwynn, Stephen 16 Freeman’s Journal 54 Friel, Brian 3, 115, 211n Haicead,´ Padraig´ ´ın 154 Frost, Robert 59, 102, 178 Hardiman, James 34 Hardy, Thomas 44, 59, 65, 142 Gardiner, Sam 191 Hartnett, Michael (M´ıcheal´ O´ Georgian poets 55, 97 hAirtneide)´ 151–4, 194, 203, 210 Gillis, Alan 84, 197 Adharca Broic 152 Ginsberg, Allen 84 Collected Poems 224n Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 24 Do Nuala: Foidhne Chrainn 152 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60925-8 - The Cambridge Introduction to Modern Irish Poetry, 1800-2000 Justin Quinn Index More information Index 239 Farewell to English, A 151, 153 ‘Seeing Things’ 137–8 Inchicore Haiku 152–3 Spirit Level, The 137 Lia Nocht, An 152 ‘Squarings’ 138 ‘On Those Who Stole Our Cat, a ‘Sruth’ 130–1, 132 Curse’ 153 Station Island 88, 137, 141 Phurg´oid, An 152 Sweeney Astray 141 Poems to Younger Women 153–4 ‘Sweeney Redivivus’ 141 Translations 154 ‘Tollund Man, The’ 132 ‘USA’ 153 ‘Tollund Man in Springtime, The’ ‘Water Baby’ 153 138 Healy, Randolph 108, 109–10 ‘Toome’ 132 ‘Anthem’ 109 Wintering Out 125, 132, 133, 136 ‘Arbor Vitæ’ 110 as critic 139–41 ‘Envelopes’ 110 as translator 141–2, 222n ‘(The) Republic of Ireland’ 109–10 and Field Day 115 Heaney, Seamus 2, 4, 5, 59, 83, 89, 111, and gender 161 124, 130–42, 147, 150, 164, 177, and nationalism 2, 5, 114, 197 178, 189, 205 and Northern Irish Renaissance ‘Act of Union’ 133–6 114, 121, 124, 125, 128, 131, 167, ‘Aisling’ 133 177, 182, 198 ‘Anahorish’ 132 Heine, Heinrich 154 Beowulf 141 Hejinian, Lyn 166 ‘Bone Dreams’ 135 Henry, James 2, 28–33, 144 ‘Broagh’ 132 ‘I follow not the rhymer’s trade’ 29 Death of a Naturalist 124, 131 ‘Julian and Gallus, In the Castle of ‘Digging’ 136 Macellum’ 30 ‘Disappearing Island, The’ 210 Menippea 31 District and Circle 138–9 ‘Old Man’ 30 ‘District and Circle’ 138–9 ‘Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire’ Electric Light 130, 138 30 ‘Elegy’ 136 Thalia Petasata, or A Foot-Journey Field Work 136–7 from Carlsruhe to Bassano 32–3 ‘Flight Path, The’ 137, 140 ‘Very Old Man’ 30 ‘Funeral Rites’ 133 Herbert, George 124 Government of the Tongue, The Hewitt, John 95, 121 140–1 Higgins, F. R. 50, 69, 79, 80 ‘Grauballe Man, The’ 133 Higgins, Kevin 196 North 133, 136 Higgins, Rita Ann 166 ‘Ocean’s Love to Ireland’ 133, 135 Hobsbaum, Philip 131 ‘Personal Helicon, A’ 136 Hofmann, Michael 156, 182 Preoccupations: Selected Prose Homer 19, 30, 72, 75, 155, 181 1968–1978 140 Howe, Susan 20, 101, 104 Redress of Poetry: Oxford Lectures, Hufstader, Jonathan 187, 190 The 141 Hurston, Zora Neale 161 Seeing Things 137–8 Hutchinson, John 45 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60925-8 - The Cambridge Introduction to Modern Irish Poetry, 1800-2000 Justin Quinn Index More information 240 Index Hyde, Douglas 38, 46–8, 52, 74 Kearney, Richard 1 Hyde Lees, George 69 Keats, John 4, 55 Kelly, L. G. 19 Iremonger, Valentin 95 Kendall, Tim 178, 179, 181 Irish language and translation, the Kennelly, Brendan 195 2–4, 7, 10, 17, 19–20, 21, 26–7, Kerrigan, John 156 45–8, 52–3, 59, 101, 102, 103, 104, Kiberd, Declan 2, 53, 56 109, 112, 130–1, 141–2, 143, Kingsley, Charles 65 161–3, 196, 203 Kinsella, Thomas 2, 22, 37, 83, 100, Irish Minstrelsy, or Bardic Remains of 106, 124, 147, 197, 203 Ireland 34 Downstream 101, 102 Irish Statesman, The 86 ‘Downstream’ 101, 106 Irish Times, The 127, 143 Duanaire: 1600–1900, Poems of the Dispossessed, An 147 Jaccottet, Philippe 123 Nightwalker and Other Poems 101, James, Henry 91 102 Johnson, Lionel 50, 53, 63 ‘Nightwalker’ 101, 103 Johnston, Maria 209 One 103–5 Joyce, James 25, 59, 81, 100, 137 Peppercanisters, The 101–6 Finnegans Wake 218n Selected Life, A 101, 102 Joyce, Trevor 108, 109, 111 T´ain, The 101, 104 PoemsofSweeneyPeregrine 109 Vertical Man 101, 102 With the First Dream of Fire They and gender 162 Hunt the Cold: A Body of Work and Modernism 101–2 1966–2000 109 and nation 102–6, 164, 189, 197 and translation 101, 102, 103, 104, Kavanagh, Patrick 2, 79, 85, 89, 98, 99, 147–8, 163 100, 111, 140, 193 Kipling, Rudyard 16, 113 ‘Canal Bank Walk’ 89 ‘Come Dance with Kitty Stobling’ landscape (see also dinnseanchas) 17, 89 37, 43, 70, 82–3, 105 ‘Epic’ 88–9, 92–4 language writing 109, 110 Great Hunger, The 87, 90 Larkin, Philip 59, 102, 123, 142 Green Fool, The 87 Lasdun, James 156 ‘In Memory of My Mother’ 89 Lawless, Emily 50, 161 ‘Inniskeen Road: July Evening’ 86 Lebor Gabala Erinn 101, 103 ‘Kerr’s Ass’ 89 Ledwidge, Francis 55 ‘Lines Written on a Seat on the Lewis, C.
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