.• f MISCELLANEOUS EO» SALi. M ISC ULAN 10US FOR fALf. ’ > MISCILLANIDUS FOK SALI. MISCELLANIOUS 90* SALE. MISCILLANIOUS PM ULI. M1*CIUAN»0UI POE MU. ! CHESTS, walnut or maple 5 ELECTRIC STOVE. finish Economatter. plug* in Ftlsiii-k*—Solii walaat ked. LcSii*. s'-rll” 'mKSrM.' klectrle will frank*, ▼•nr tood •OF*. drawers: limited e. lloujfre iKijr.'VMr 2 down cutty, txt»Vleiu quentlty. Atlaa, 821 G a. house current; excellent for light Simmon* mattress. line everstufled Mil C«U after 8 o'clock Monday. Deeetur 1*7* con4UlMi: *um* and wtll tend. AND UR VICE (Cent. >. st. n.w. DI. • *i*uic. $50. *12*' * 7*13 REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS fOB SALE ICo—.l. 3737. cooking, baking. *42. Taylor 189ft. «nd chair set. Call WO. 8824. Hillside 0.182-R • waakdavg CHICKEN WIRE. used, tn excellent condi- ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR. 4-burner i il're”'n BED- Hollywood, gaa FURNITURE—Beds, tables, two small dttks. LUMBER—Pieces for cabinetwork, ply- PUMP. horisontal force, used by plumbers SO? A. tailored *7 good condition: 5 tion; will sell any amount up to a truck- stove, Ivory enamel :Keufel-Esser drawing table, Virginia, slip covert to *111: WASHING MACHINES. Mngle mattresses, never dressing wardrobe, table radio, tew wood, white pine itrips. 4x«s, and packina for ditches: J5 ft new hose, strainer; green broadloom with used: reasonable. load. General Wrecking Co., MI. 6177. table. RA 1018. • boxes • rug pad. »xl2; chalsa all Bendlx apeciallata OL. • chairs. 4512 30th st. n.w. OR 1528. 3H2H Branch eve. s.e. priced right. HI. <rt»20. Services type*; 2448. Brentwood rd and W st n.e lounae. a'l prewar and in good condition. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, new. lncl. FURNITtiRE—Hollywood bed. with inner- MACHINERY—Delta abrasure cut-off ma- QI'll.TS. 4. new. XJ 2054; night. LI. 0716je25‘ BED—Youth slse. 33x66: coil new handmade, pieced, tlx Call between I and H p.m. springs, CHICKEN WIRE, used. In excellent eondl- roaster. Chinese pore lamps. 6 small spring construction: boudoir chair, ■ 7 Its today. 2217 mattress, match- chine, complete, with il-h o., 3-phase mo- st. s.e., AT. 7034. NeWton at. n.e. lnnersprlng waterproof cover: t Ion; wilt sell any amount. Genera] ■Anglo Per. russ. bedroom chair. Sheraton • JOBS. 820. TA. ing ottoman; mirror, electric grill, electric tor. AD. 6938. QUILT, oatchwork. cotton, homemade, SOPRANI ACCORDION. REPAIRS—ODD 1340. Wrecking Co. MI 6177. liable, mah: hand elec, vacuum cleaner, 120 baaa. 1 baaa BED. heater, mlsc Items. 1701 16th st. n.w.. MANDOLIN. Kay, new with ease, complete; very pretty. #4. OR. mm. and 1 treble 5720 AFTER 6 P.M. 4* double, complete with spring and CHIFFOROBE. child's, con- * awltch key. carrying caret maple perfect larse selection Sterling sliver. Including 218. DUDoni 1000. $27. ME, 1420. 2000 N at. n.w. RADIO. General electric table __HO. mattress. Phone CO. 6426. 4* dition. prewar 120. Apt, model; Ji.-st Call Wisconsin 4K.ll. built. Call between wine and liqueur set. DU. 2678. 10 to FURNITURE. Including mohair room MAN * GRUEN WRIST WATCH. 17-Jewel; overhauled; like *jMM. BED, • • j living new; *25. 714 8th st. n.w SPARKLET AND PAINTING. three-quarter slse. practically new: 12-4 o.m.. GE 4930. s today. ■1 soda-water maker and 28 cart- PAPERING prewar set 13 nieces), dining room set (walnut), folding wooden bridge chairs. AT. 4* ridges. Write tnnerspring mattress and box- CHILD'S KROLL CRIB with inner-spring ELECTRIC TRAIN. American flyer, stream- price offered to Box 211-K. Interior and exterior. No shortage ol rugs, two bedroom sets and many other 3764. 6* RADIO-PHONOGRAPH. RCA. push-button, Mar. • spring; movable frame Hobart 2061 eve- mattress. $20; Pxl2 Burgundy broadloom liner. and steam, transformer switcher, * help. TATE. EX, nines articles. Franklin 813H. MARIMRA. Deaaan. 7‘s-octave. rosewood long-short wave, perfect condition. SL 8571._2B*_ or Sunday. 4* rus $20: covered metal twin washtubs bridge needs reoairs: best offer. WI. <*OUbl* ,i,e- I>uPont Attics, BED. ■2:171, FURNITURE—Blond dinette set and Sim- bars, de luxe model, new condition: $38.50. 4141 7h*IVEx- riDOTMTDV Renovating. prewar spring, maple living room on legs. $8: prewar play pen on casters. $5. ELECTRIC TRAIN. • But4*r’ ^/IXVTEilN XIX Lionel standard aauge; mons Hollywood double bed with box SL. 6771. RADIO. Crosier, floor model: screen doors. I, Recreation Rooms. set. 1023 South Edison st,, Arlington. Call Gu. 8688. drastic sacrifice to Devllbls. North 32»5. *• sell today. S25. LI. springs, inner-spring mattress. Sligo 11335. MATTOCKS, good, used, with new handles: 7‘x‘lTl". with guards; Oriental and Mex. fNICE Store Fixtures. Cabinets. Home Repairs. «• CHILD'S MAPLE CRIB, mattress. $10: 2- 4557. • CREAM FREEZER. 2-gallon ana. $1.05. Complete garden at 4 rugs. sal. Inner-spa prewar new matt • Men available. Call Mr. Coker, FR. 4668. BEDS, twin- Ace springs, Bccly mattresses: way high shops stores. Norm -v;j»a>. chair, $6: sand box, $6: awing ELECTRIC 1-BURNER PLATE, with set FURNITURE—Complete bed outfits, two Hechinter Co. antique pictures, porch chair- elec. Iron: j studio couch. 2 overstuffed chairs, gate- with awning top. $10: small metal wagon. pans: Eureka STEAMER WARDROBE TRUNK. *16: an- aluminum vacuum with at- cots. $5. $ro; two tabl-s. 24"x42 $3 110 MATTRESS, size: iron bd. Segal clock ping-pona table leg table pool table. 31*60; electric 93.50: • inner-spring, single-bed tWue rosewood table S40; gray plush elephant, rubber tires, tachments. toaster, never used. EM 150.1 • bronze Royal portabla • each: odd chairs. $1.00 each; Philco Radio. used few months. Glebe 2033 umbrella stand, bar, etc. OL. 8281. i cooker RA. 4422. auto seat. No dealers Trinidad 7955. typewriter *20. 1021 Monroe at c w PAINTING—PAPERTNGT ENCYCLOPEDIA—1044 edition Compton's $25.00: large rocker. $2.50. No dealers. MATTRESS AND SPRINGS—4x0 Simmons min Hasketh st n.w BEDS. 2. full-size complete. 1 antique with CHINESE RUG—Beautiful Chinese rug for Pictured the STEEL TRUSS BUI.DIM.. j0. Plastering and floor sanding. Quality Encyclopedia. specialized Cash. MI 8385. Voaue innerspring and prewar box RADIOS. 2 small table models, perfect con- lioxlOO. canopy TA 5312. 609 Emerson st. n w. saie. $150. Phone Ordway 6826. after ti. 4* school reference: spring ilRii * Son*. •••«!» Bennlng rd. n e. workmanship. White mechanics. RA. 1020. j built expressly to meet FURNITURE—Antique Victorian pair side Both eauai new and no longer available dition; I sola. blue, knuckle arm. *25 I SI ?“«*> BEDS—Rollaway with layer-felt mat- CIVILIAN CLOTHES, • EEL WAKDKORE CABINET. by naval officer. 3 school reouirements GE. 12,10. chairs, brass stand with marble top. lovely cameo ring, man s size 8. in-kt. «4-lnrh, tresses. Hollywood beds and brand-new suits. $15. at stores. Also mahogany double bed told *23 i-mch l»-lneh. SI3: electric $10. $10. size 38: topcoat, END TABLE, modern, walnut finish, brass and love • 00.18. alarm clock, CALL SH. 4771. cut dressing table bench, small gold OR 3064. Call AT. v. no springs: prices: Immediate delivery zipper lining, green tweed. $15: 3 strips trim: cost *25. sell for *11: also modern needle- seat, gold occasional chair, small MAYTAG electric Ironer. 821 8th n r. 4* RADIO—Ausley radio-phonograph combi- STEEL Atlas P"1 O st n.w Dl. 3737 hall carpet, gray and black. $6. $3. J2, 18 walnut-finished armchair WINDOW FRAMES, all sllea. Jo- PAINTING—PAPERING.14* newly uphol- point side chair, small told mirror, walnut MEAT SLICES, Hobart, almost new. per- nation. 14 tubes, dual speaker, mahogany BED-DAVENPORT. *10; lady's Walr.ut ft in all: all-metal bridge 2 stered. both for • :,dlM rd. nr. lamps. $9: *12. *20. Taylor 1805. antique console table Son Eastern ave fect condition: S. L. Price. cabinet. Sold with no service. *.'105; wVrvFjSi’i.1.,*-' Bennlng vanity, large mirror. 812. 2 pairs navy green eelanese cheap Hu.-s- SIENOTYPE with case. A-1 down-filled comforts, $4 EVENING COATS t2>. white fur: a stroller, Apt. 203. Silver Spring. Md, between mann regularly *4.'!u, Arthur Jordan Piano concL, S24 to VENETIAN BLINDS blue velour double-faced portieres. 88: each. distributor. 014 Quintana ol. n w. Co.. I44S SH. 0947 wicker baby carriage, plgy pen. and • today. Park rd,. Apt. 7. RI^TAtm high loth st. and Cfeoraia ave, Sunday 3863. 1015 7th M. n.w. NA .122:1. «J. 4628fjn'er RECORDED PARK AVE WA 4408 guitar. 85: wardrobe. 55: 9x12 Ax. rug CLARINETS—Cavalier, ebonite. $57.50. chair, crib, toidie chair, oak • Week. DI. 7372. * library table early evenings. SAEAT SLICER—U. S slicing RADIO, portable or console: Burroughs $5: oil on print painting, 52. CO. 7415. Rene Duval, professional model. $95 Call china. Call machine, VP* new reporter * for WI. 4000 FURNITURE—Ssve up to 40', on brand- hand operated; adding math Corona portable typewriter ,T,. model, BEDROOM, living room, dinette suites, at 6212. s. aood condition: *05. U8t) REFRIGERATORS Republic Kitt 1330 G at. (middle FANS, pedestal, several Apply Del new less for ca*h. C»I1 4905 bedroom. Jiv. room, dinette sets, table*, Club. Laurel. Md. 3* 1222 Shepherd st. n w LM.,*u Si1*.011 • savings up to 400); many good buys in of bloeki. R«v are Ill.i. Repaired, guaranteed work. CO. Bethesda. Md lamps, desks etc Specials on Hollywood MICROFILM rda machine. WI. 6701. • RADIO. Emerson, table model. *27.30: 4fH/7 Hollywood beds, studio couches, tables, CLARINET. Pedler. Boehm system flrst- FAN. ac STENOTVPE MACHINE with written :in-in. wall type, *100.00: pre- beds and studio couches, floor General Electric a.
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