A Portrait of Bishop's University 1843 ·1993 L'Universite Bishop's: Une retrospective Edited by / sous 1a direction de Anna M. Grant University Archivist Archiviste Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Donnees de catalogage avant publication (Canada) Main entry under title: Vedette principale au titre: A Portrait of Bishop's University: 1843-1993 A Portrait of Bishop's University: 1843-1993 L'Universite Bishop's: une retrospective: 1843-1993 EUniversiM Bishop's: une retrospective: 1843-1993 Text in English and French. Texte en anglais et en fran~ais. Catalogue of Bishop's University's sesquicenten­ Catalogue de l'exposition du 150e anniversaire de nial anniversary exhibition held 2 December 1993- l'UniversiM, presentee du 2 decembre 1993 au 27 January 1994. 27 janvier 1994. 1. Bishop's University - Exhibitions. I. Grant, 1. Bishop's University - Expositions. 1. Grant, Anna Anna M. II. TItle: A Portrait of Bishop's University M. II. TItre: L'UniversiM Bishop's: Une retrospective. LE3.B733P67 1994 378.714'66 C94-900272-0E LE3.B733P671994 378.714'66 C94-900272-0F ISBN 0-920917-08-9 ISBN 0-920917-08-9 Copyright @ 1994 Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Droits d'auteur @ 1994 Universite Bishop'S, Quebec, Canada. Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada. Cover: sketch by Edward Goodall, originally published Page couverture: croquis d'Edward Goodall, paru in The illustrated London News, January 12, 1963. dans The nlustrated London News, Ie 12 janvier 1963. Translation by Expression, (Lennoxville). Traduction par Expression, (Lennoxville). Designed and printed by Metrolitho (Sherbrooke). Conception et impression: Metrolitho (Sherbrooke). Table of Contents / Table des matieres Foreword I Preambule ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Principal's Message I Message du Prillcipal .... ................................. ............... .... ....... ............. .......... ... ... .. .. .. ... .... ... ...... 9 The Founders I Les FOlldatetm .................. .. .................................... ......................... .................... .. ..... .. .. .. .............. .. 11 Introduction I llltroductioll ....................................................................................................................................... 13 The Archi tecture of Bishop's University I L'architeclllre de 1'Ulliversiti Bishop S........ .... ...................... .... .. .............. .. 16 The Professional Faculties I La jonllatioll aux professions libbalts ................................................ .............................. 26 Divinity at Bishop's I La thlo/Qgie aBishop s............................................................................................................. 42 Academic History I Programmes ulliversitaires ........................................................................................................... 48 SportS and tecreation I Sports et loisirs ...... .. ............ ...... ...... ........ .............................................................................. 54 Theatre I Thllltre ...................................................................................................................................................... 66 Student Life at Bishop's I La vie Itudiallle aBishop s................................................................................................ 78 Special Eventl l EvtmmCllts splciaux ......................................................................................................................... 92 Nora: Datil ct dccumrnt, It tnn.scufin tit uti/ift;' rifTl q,ictllt. Foreword Preambule With the presentation of this catalogue, drawn from the Ce recueil est ism de l'exposition historique qui eut lieu au Sesquicentennial Historical Exhibition shown at the Centre dartistes de I'Universitl Bishop's du 2 decembre 1993 University's Artists' Centre December 2, 1993 to January 27, au 27 janvier 1994, a loccasion du cent cinquantitme 1994, the Committee has attempted to provide readers with anniversaire de ietablissement. Par cettl publication, Ie Comitl a glimpse of the rich history and proud traditions of Bishop's a voulu donner ases lecteurs un aperfU de La riche histoire et des University. It has been produced as a souvenir of the grantks traditions tk l'Universiti Bishop's. II reprlsente un sou­ Exhibition, and as a memento of the Sesquicentennial cele­ venir tk l'exposition et tks fetes qui entourerent Ie cent cinquan­ brations held during 1993-1994. This publication is by no tieme anniversaire en 1993-1994. I.e recueil na rien d'exhaus­ means exhaustive and it is the hope of the Committee that tift il a plutot Itl prepare dans l'espoir de donner ases lecteurs readers will regard this catalogue as but a sampling of the un echantillon tks trlsors quon peut retrouver dans les archives treasures which are to be found in the University's archives. de l'universitl Vu l'espace restreint dont on dispose ici, les textes Due to the restrictions of physical space, the texts are brief sont brefi; il a donc itl impossible de mentionner les noms de and inevitably the names of the men and women who have tous les hommes et femmes qui ont apporti leur contribution a contributed so much to the history and growth of Bishop's l'histoire et au diveloppement tk I'Universiti Bishop's. University could not all be mentioned. I.e comitl responsable de l'exposition du cent cinquantieme The Sesquicentennial Historical Exhibition and The Sesquicentennial Historical Exhibition and anniversaire et de La publication tk ce recueil timt arememer Catalogue committee I Membres du Comite Catalogue Committee would like to thank the Ie Comitl des fltes du 150e et La Fondation Belanger Gardner responsable de l'exposition et du catalogue: Sesquicentennial Steering Committee and the Belanger­ pour leur appui financier. Christine Ljungkull ('88) Gardner Foundation for their financial support. Chairperson and Project Co-ordinator I I.e comitl desire egalement remercier sincerement tous les lWsidente du cOlJIiM et coordmatrice du proJet The Committee also wishes to sincerely thank all the amis de Bishop's qui ont ghz!reusement pretl ou donne pho­ Co-ordiDator of the Bishop's Uninrsity Artis1s' Centre I many &iends of Bishop's who generously loaned or donated tographies, documents et souvenirs; ces objets ont etl predeux CAordinotrice du Centre d'tufjstes de 1'llDiversit6 Bishop's precious photographs, documents and artifacts in the dans la preparation tk l'exposition et La publication de ce Robin B. Burns mounting of the exhibition and for the production of this recueiL Sans leur generositl, et paifois sans leur temps et leur Department of History I catalogue. Without their generosity, and in some cases, their talent, ce projet naurait jamais pu etre realise. Departemen' d'histoire time and talent, this project would not have been such I.e comitl timt aremtrcier Perry Beaton, Monique Conn, Sylvie William M. Curran a success. University LibrairiaJll COtl, TIm Doherty, Catherine Doucet, Nora Hague, llina Directeur de 10 bibliotheque The Committee gratefully acknowledges the technical assis­ /(ampeas, Andr! LzurenceUe, Lynda R4ym0nd, Alphonse Saumier tance of Perry Beaton, Monique Conn, Sylvie COte, Tim et Moniqut Nadeau-Saumier pour leur aide techniqut. Francine Godbout ('95) Doheny, Catherine Doucet, Nora Hague, Rina Kampeas, Anna M. Grant ('81) Andre laurencelle, Lynda Raymond, Alphonse Saumier and University Archivist I Monique Nadeau-Saumier. Arddviste Janet Speid Motyer ('39) Editor'. Note: documenu, photognpbs, and artifuu ftanued in this catalogue are property NfdI tie 14 rIt/MtiMJ: • moins J'intliution ttmlr'llirt, Ies tlMnnmts. Ies photDff4phits It Ies Christopher I.H. Nicholl of Bishop', Univmity Archives. unless otherwise indicated. IITtitIn iJINstm Jmu tt Um sont 14 propriJtJ tin Arthim tie l'UnivmitJ Bishop t Princlpa11976 • 1988 April I avril 1994 • Truttetl and of a Q)llege Council, and that at all tlmtl a Chancellor and Vice-ChanCtlllor ROYAL CHARTER OF THE UNIVERSITY certain lIatutel, rulel and ordinancel hallt bttn of the mid Uni"Tllty, to be choltn at and for OF made by the Itlid Corporation, with the appro II­ lUch ptriodl of time, and undu lUch rultl and al of the Lord Bishop of Queblc; and, further, regulationr at the Corporation of the Itlld Col­ BISHOP'S COLLEGE that a lUltable building hal btln lI"cted, and a lege may, by their Statu ttl, Rult' and Ordl­ Principal and Profello" in the faculties of DI­ nancel, to be from time to time pasted for that vinity and of the Artl have belln duly ap­ purpose, think fll to appoint, and that the pointed, and aTe now engaged in the eduCtltion Chancellor, Viet-Chancellor, Principal and Pro­ VICTORIA, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great of a numb" of scholars duly admitted, accord­ ftlwTI of the :aid College, and all peTtonl ad­ ing to the ltatute~ and ordlnancel of the Itlid mllted therein to the degrtt of Malter of Arts, Brimm and Ireland, Quten, Defend" of the Faith. Q)rporatlon; and the Itlld College being, ac­ or to any degree in DI.inlty, Law or Medicine, cording to the Itlid Act of Ltgillature of our who, from the time of rueh their admulion to Proll/nce of CanadD, in ItriCt connection with lUch degrtt, shall pay the annual rum of twenty the Church of Engllznd and Ireland, and lUp­ shilling, of cu"ent money for and towards Ihe To ALL to whom these presents shall come, inttndenCtl, adlltlntage and Improvement
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