.i' ,, : '•; ' .. • .,. :.· 'Jl·~·-·. : . USS.Wake ' ~:·,. _··· 'Angel , Street' · . ' .·': ~·. ! ' Forest Victory Friday ADtl Ut Sails Again -S~(ut'day ' . ''-- . * February 12, 1951 * Telephone 4056 Wake Forest, N. c .. Volumne ~I. Number 16 · * Cast Perfects "Angel Street" Lake On Le~ve Mid-Winters Little Theater To Undertake ·Enjoyed·--·By Brings Chiller New Position Wake Frats To Local Stage ' Angel Street To Play Law Professor Joins Thornhill Plays For Greeks ·At Memori­ Here Friday And National Production Saturday Authority al Auditorium By LUUANE BREEDEN The social calendar of ~Wake By JOHNNY HAMMACK The demoniac story of the Man­ Forest fraternities was highlighted Dr. Beverly Lake, a member of this weekend when approximately ninghams of Angel Street will be the Wake Forest College Law 300 fraternity members, alumr.i brought to life on the nights of :Scho.ol faculty since '1932, accept­ Friday and Saturday, Februarv and their dates attended th~ an­ lfith and 17th, when ~h·~ Wake -ced appointment and assumed las! nual Mid-Winters dances in Me­ week his new duties as Assistant morial Auditorium in Raleigh. :B'orest Little Theater wiE oreser.t to the GeneralCounsel·of the Na­ Above is Dr. I. Beverly Lake of "Angel Street," Patrick Hamilton's tional Production Authority in the~aw school, who left Wake For~ Claude Thornhill and his 16- rr.ystery melodrama, undl!!' tne Washi.ngton, D~ C. · est last week to take a position piece orchestra furnished music for direction of Bob Bennett. This is The National Production Au­ as Assistant to the General Coun­ the series of three dances which the same play from which the sel of the National Production Au­ .comprised Mid-Winters. The eli- movie "Gaslight" was made, st<Jr- thority is the defense agency thority. max of 'the weekend was the pre- ring Ingrid Bergman and Charles -which, under the direction of sentation of the 20 spons')rS and Boyer. Charles E. Wilson, allocates .scarce their dates at the formal afffair Bennett, a Haddonfield, N . .T. raw materials to industrial plants Saturday night. junior, has been active in Wake .so as to assure necessary priorities to defense orders. Dr. Lake will Board To Plan· Besides the Saturday· night for- Forest theatrics since his freshman mal, the dances included a semi- year. He worked on tha sets for :assist in perfecting the organiza-­ "Cyrano de Bergerac" and "Ham­ tion of the agency in determining formal dance from nine ·until one its policies and in drafting the o'clock Friday night and a tea let.. " and was stage manager for .re-gUlations governing industrial For· Seminary aance from three until five o'clo~k "School for Scandal." He i~ now Saturday afternoon. serving as president of tlie Little uses of essential metals and other Theater. .scarce raw materials over the en­ Trustees May Elect New The Ranking Social Event Waddell Plays Rough! tire country. Mid-Winters dances, sponsored Bill Waddell, who plays the part Served With OPA President For hy the.. Inter-Fraternity Council, Bob Bennett,, of the local production of the well~known drama, "Angel Street," puts his cast of the detective Rough, is als.) no During Wor~d War II the Wake School are considered the ranking social through the "polishini· stages" as they rehearse their lines in order to have them letter-perfect by Thurs- stranger to Wake Forest dramatic Forest Law professor served with event of the Wake Forest fraterni- day and Friday nights.lPictured left to right.are Bennett, Patsy Banks, Bill .Waddell, Doris Greene, Joe circles. He has acted in several the Office of Price Administra~ion The entire Board of Trustees of ty year, and numerous alumni re- Durham,· Ann William$ and Bob Swain, all members of the small cast. -Photo By J. B. Benton. plays, including "School for Scan- and directed all of the rationing ih.:; new Southeastern Seminary, turned to pursue the vigorous sch- dal," in which his performance as ;programs throughout the eastern tentatively scheduled to open here 1 h~lf, of North Carolina, His pres~~l! next September, will ·meet on thi~ with their f.ra- al>signment will involv~ similar campus next Thursday in the r:~.~y o~r~~~~~~ N.. L l~t' tie Symphony Riggs Replaces Lake ~i~. ~~~e~n~h~f~~~n~7;~~;:tsu~-~ c..... the play. Waddell, a junior from '"ork except that it will be on a chapel of the Religion Building nation-wide basis and will involve according to a letter of informa- 0 4;]0cations of materials to indus- tion from Dr. C. C. Warren, chair­ Th1rteen Men Ouahfy ·. A: I r On Law School Faculty ~~~~g ~~-~s ~~ t~~a~a~!~hoL;~: trial users rather than to ret.ait- man of the Board. 0 6 .. ;crs and consumers.· What the business of the appro- On Air Force Exams zves nnua '-'oncert E::a:~~~~~g~~~1~!port, ~~:t~!d ~~~!n ~~ ~~~~~~ cr Conn., has joined the faculty of Doris Greene, who plays the Dr. Lake's office will be located ximately 39-inember Board will be Thirteen Wake Forest men qual- The North Carolina Little Sym- Orchestra in C Major." A student the Law School for the spring part of Mrs. Manningham, is a in the Department of .Commerce was not revealed, ,but there is the ified for aviation cadet pilot or phony sponsored by the Concert- at Elan, Mr. Sahlmann began his term, replacing Dr. I. Beverly senior from West End, N .. C. She, Building in washington. possibility tliat it will elect a pres­ ident for the still-to-be-establish- navigator training last week when Lecture Committee gave its annual career as a professional musician Lake who recently left to become too, has been active in the !..ittle On leave of absence from his ~d school. Dr. Olin T. Binkley of Air Force examining team visit- ccncert here in the Chapel last by appearin1. with the Charleston Assistant to the General Counsel Theater since her freshman ye:u­ duties as law professor here. Dr. the Southern Baptist Theoogical ed this campus. Names of those Friday night. Under the direction Symphony in 1945. He was also of the National Production Au- serving last semester as secre•ar'y, J_,ake is the author of a -book en- Seminary in Louisville, Ky·., has q_ualifying had not been 'released of Dr. Benjamin Swalin, the 24- winner of the South Atlantic Mu­ thority in Washington;. D. c. · - .and-- thls-..semcstier ,as parlimentar­ titled "Discrimination by Railroads prev:iously rejected the presidental at press-time. piece-s:Ym'Phony oj:lenetffts·ci:inc~rt siciari~ Contest' in '1949. 'The per:.. ian. Miss Greene played the role ~nd other Public l!:tilities,"--He-has· · Sixty men were interviewed by with the introduction to the·opera formance Friday night was his A native Df Bridgeport, Cann., of the Mother Superior in "Cyra­ written a number of articles for offer. the Air Force pilots while 25 took "Khovanshtina" by Moussorksky fourth appearance with the Little Mr. Riggs received his B. A. c!e­ no." Although this is her first 1o:.w reviews including those of the The question of whether ' the the visual, auditory and mental ap- and the "Italian Symphony num- Symphony. gree from Princeton University !r: leading role,.. she is showing re­ Universities of North Carolina, Serninar_y will be ready to open titude tests. Ten men qualified for. ber 4" of Mendelsshon, transcrib- The progrom also included Ken-!1938, graduating with Phi Be_tta markable adaptability. 'Mississippi; Florida and Louisiana. this next Fall will also probably aviation cadet pilot training and ed _for the ensemble by Dr. J. E. nan's "Night Soliloquy," Strauss's Kap~a honors. In 1941 he re~eJv­ Joe Durham, freshman from Wake Forest Native be aired before the Trustees. three qualifed for navigator train- Strmgham. "Telegraph News," a selection ed h1s L. L. B. from Yale Umver­ Kannapolis, N. C., is creating the A native of Wake Forest, Dr. Seminary Arrangements ing. The 13 men who qualified will• The feature of the concert was from "San Domingo" by Benja- sity, after which he began gradu­ role of the villain, Mr. Mannin,;;­ Lake received his ·B. S. degree at Last Friday, a smaller. group of take ];)hysical e~aminations this t~e . performanc;e by 20-year-C'ld min and the "Dance of the Com- ate work in law at Columbia Uni · ham. Wake Forest in 1925, his LL. B Seminary and Wake Forest repre­ week at the college infirmary. p1amst Fredenck Sahlmann of edia'ns" from Smetana's opera versity, and received the L. L. M. Three Freshmen from Harvard University in 1929 sentatives met in President Trib­ · Two College Years Necessary M__o_z_a_r_t'_s_'_'C_o_n_c_e_r_to_f_o_r_P_i_an_o_an_d __ "T_h_e_B_a_rt_e_r_e_d_B_r_i_d_e_." _____ c'egree in 1947 from this institu- Pat Banks is cast in the support­ tion. and his LL. M. from Columbia L:le's office to discuss the terms oi The examining team was com- ing role of Elizabeth, !he maid. L'niversity in 1940. Dr. Lake, the original agreement concerning posed of Capt. Goldsberry and From 1942 to 1946 Mr. Riggs Miss Banks is a freshman from who taught courses in Constitu- the use by the Seminary of what is p hi s T p Lieut. McLaurin of the United amp et.. ent 0 rospects· served with the U. S. Army as a Oxford, N. C. The other Eupport- '-tiona! Law and Corporations in the now College property. The Board States Air Force. According to captain. ing role, that of Nancy, the second Law School here, is one of the of Trustees of the Seminary was Capt. Goldsberry, single male stu- Mr.
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