•if v Pro ^ncwr Library mar21,22 X DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SUMMERLAND, PEACHLAND AND NARAMATA Vol. 12, No. SO, Whole No. 671 SUMMERLAND, B.C., FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1921. $2.50, Payable in Advance THE WOMEN'S CANADA'S FRUIT CROP PROSPECTS INSTITUTES. Generally Good in B.C. Dry On .Friday, the 8th, instead of the Weather Injurious to regular monthly business [meeting1 Eastern Orchards. Subject of Investigaton by Wa• the West Summeriand Women's In• Ratepayers' Meeting Strongly ter Board. Municipality stitute held a garden party at the Here is what Ottawa statisticians Favors The Building Interested. home of Mrs. Coulter White. Some say of Canada's fruit crop prospects Scheme. forty members were present, and a according to a recent bulletin wired Fifteenth Annual Meet of the CREEK FALLING most enjoyable afternoon was spent from the capital: Western Canada Irrigation in the pretty garden. Reports from Canada's six apple PAYING RENT for Okanagan City. May Draw On Reserve Supply During the afternoon Mrs. Coulter growing provinces point to a crop of Next Week. Assessor White and Mrs. Zimmerman who were this fruit generally in excess of last Board Under Heavy Expense. Appointed. both delegates at the Women's In• year. There was a very heavy "drop Would Pay Interest stitute Conference held in Vernon re• in June, however, which, if it contin• Natural Resources On $20,000. ues much longer, will materially re At Tuesday's meeting of the Mu• cently gave most interesting reports .Will-Be Exploited duce the prospects. Summeriand ratepayers will again nicipal Council it was decided, upon of the Conference; after which after• Accoi-ding to the July fruit and vote on the school bylaw, which failed the recommendation of the water noon tea was served on the verandah. vegetable crop report of the Depart• to get the required three-fifths vote committee, to have the Municipality There will be no meetings of the In Ranges Contain Many Reser• 1 ment of Agriculture, British Colum• a few weeks ago. represented by Solicitor W. C. Kel- stitut*-. during the summer months voirs of Water Which bia orchards, as well as those in New ley and Municipal Clerk F. J. Nixon the next one comng in October. May Be Utilized. At a well-attended meeting, held Brunswick and Quebec, offer promise at the sitting of the Water Board ,on last Tuesday evening in the Rialto for a 10 per cent, increase over 1920. July 21st, when it is the intention of theatre, there was an almost unanim• Ontario prospects are for a 20 per The Western Canada Irrigation the Board to investigate the Indian ous; vote in favor of an amendment cent, reduction. Baldwins, Spies, Association is this year holding-its water record On Trout Creek. proposed by Mr. W. C. Kelley and g Mcintosh and Russets are heavy, but fifteenth annual convention at Ver• seconded by Mr. S. F. Sharp to the It is reported that signs directing Ben Davis light. non, July 27, 28, 29 ancj, 30, having effect that the municipal council bo travellers to the upper Peachland Water Complaint Prince Edward Island expects a been formed in 1907. In the official requested to again submit the by• road had been placed, and also that big crop of all varieties. In Nova guide to the first convention, which law- to the ratepayers as soon as pos• a number of other road sgns, painted Scotia dry weather and a heavy drop was held at Calgary, July 17 and 18 sible. some time ago for the Board of Trade Engineer Norrington of "the Water of that year, it was stated that it have reduced the outlook. Baldwins Prof. W. T. Broad dealt with the were being put up by the Municipal Branch was a visitor here a few days are set heavy and a total crop is ex• was gradually dawning on the minds Council. ago, when he investigated the com- of thinking people that the most sig• school question from the cost stand• pected of 10 per cent, in excess of point. ... Among other things he point• J. Dunsdon in communicaton I plaints with respect to the water flow- nificant development in agriculture last year. ed out that the Department of Edu• complained that water was being ing from the Zimmerman gulch on to British Columbia expects a fair to that Western Canada has yet witness• backed up on to his property by a the roads and nearby properties. ed is the movement to utilize the cation is paying 50 per cent, of the good crop of peaches, but Ontario cost of conveyance according to the small irrigation dam on Aeneas We are informed that he arranged only looks for 35 per cent, of aver• ground mountain streams in aiding Creek, which he claimed had no right with Mr. F. R. Gartrell, the chief the farmer .largely to eliminate the contracts, and in addition $100 per age. Yellow St. Johns best, Elbei- year extra per teacher, in view of to be there. He intimated that he sufferer to allow the water and mud tas and Crawfords light. element of uncertainty of his oper• The Chef—Too many broths don't spoil this cook. would require compensation for al• to flow on to his meadow as soon as ations. the fact that this is a consolidated Plums promise well in Quebec, This clever cartoon is based on on e of the most discussed Academy pic• school district. These two combined leged damage done, and assurance the hay crop is off. He promised b_ut Ontario and Nova Scotia will pro• tures by Sir William Orpen. that the trouble would be removed. Mr. Gartrell to recommend to the NATURAL meant that the department paid four- bably produce only a 50 per cent, fifths of the $4000 which it cost to Referred to water committee. Municipal Council that it arrange to crop. In British Columbia a.fair to RESERVOIRS. have the owners of land about the operate the school vans during the It was reported that a barn and good crop is anticipated. Our mountain ranges contain nat• school year of 19|0-1921. ice house the property of the Muni• gulch pay Mr. Gartrell to take: care Pears in Ontario and Nova Scotia ural resources only awaiting the fin• Hospital Now of the water. ore inspectors cipality and located west ofv the Em• also promise 'a 50 per cent, crop, ishing touch of skill and labour to Another feature of the local school pire Hall block, though occupied,^had while the prospects in British Colum• save water sufficient to irrigate vast situation which was pointed out was been bringing no rent to the Munici• bia are generally good. • areas, in addition to those which are A sBtisy Place Are Appointed that the" rents which the board will pality. Instructions were given to now and can be provided for by our be required to pay during the school bill the occupant at the rate of $5 Suspends Work normal water supply. A propaganda year of 1921-1922 will be $1500, and per month. Fruit Prices Guaranteed so vast and fraught with such farr that this $1500 would pay interest Cares For Good Many Pa• Government Will'More Strict• . The water committee's report told On Prov. Road reaching interest that enters so at the .rate of 7 1-2 per cent, on of repairs to the. north main through The New Zealanjd Government has closely .into the .whole problem of tients During Month ly Enforce Fruit Mar• $20,000'invested in the needed school the Cartwright property-and...the ne*; guarantee^, jts,. f,ruit^growersi-,^a.-; net Western ' Canada'ajcolonization and plant. r r ket Act. cessity of b'uildihg~ a' nOT-ffioincr^a'.' "iuta rv j .psoap ir.ity, ;\*":"bf' deep concern, -. • - - of June. ,r-.•-•;'• . Early in the evening Mr. G. J. Hillpark Gardens, which was now be• Foreman Arkell Told to Lay ported during 1921 to the extent of to every resident of the Great-West C6^l{errWhitevsufiniitted '& resolution ing done. The extension of the do• 200,000 cases of approved varieties and imperatively demands the im• A'general tightening up in the en• to the effect that the voting on the l mestic 'water main along Campbell Off All Workmen and classes of fruit. The guarantee: petus, constructive guidance and Three hundred and fifty-nine days' forcement of the regulations of the school by-law be stood over until the Avenue Was authorized on the under• is limited to fruit grown and shipped moulding influence that can only be treatment were, given patients at the Dominion Fruit Marks Act will come annual elections. Later, he asked to. standing that Mr. G. J. C. White, the No. work has been done on the on consignment by bona fide fruit effectively brought to bear by a Summeriand Hospital during June, this year, according to a statement of be allowed to withdraw this motion, Baptist Church, and others interested government. roads under the charge growers and fruit growers' co-opera• strong and competent organization. the largest number of patients in the Dominion Fruit Inspector B. M. but his seconder Mr. S. A. Denike, would finance the extension. of Foreman J. C. Arkell since July tive societies, through the New Zea This, then, was the; object for hospital on any one day being nine• Whyte, of Vernon, who has charge would not permit. The amendment lr.nd Fruit Growers' Federation. The The report of the water committee 8th when he received instructions to which the association was formed, teen.
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