University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 2-25-1915 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-25-1915 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-25-1915." (1915). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/1217 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY EDITION ALBUQUERQUE .MORMMG .JOURNAL. EDITION THIHTY-SIXTI- YEAH I by Carrier or Mall, t(ks YOI-- . I'XXXXV. No. 5(1. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1915, Inlly .Montli. Single CoplM 6fl. mulling Speaker Itomero an muted In official circles that the for-- ' manner of every commute. Thin BILL was elgn oflice might Usue a memoran- adopted. L DAYS APPROPRIATIONS UNITED llllt-Is- BAH RITICA STATE S dum selling forth definitely tile h BLOCKADE MET Another sign thai the session Is drawing policy corn el nlng foodstuffs for tn u ,.H) w,is the appoint- (lei ninny and outlining plans for the ment nf Mr, Mullens, Mr. Uonzules reprisals deemed necessary because of PUSSES ami Mr. Martinet tu examine tho tho operation of the German subma HOUSE: Journal from day to day. TO TAKE UP. ALL Y STOP ALL rines. It Is known that part of the EIGHT VESSELS .Mann Personal Privilege. lnaterl tl for hui li a memorandum has Mr. Mann, arising to u question of been considered and that the issuaio e personal DID privilege, milled into tho of the statement within two r three Santa Fe New Mexican for accusing days is not improbable, GOVERNOR GETS the house conmiittee on privileges SAYS LANSING REMAININGN TIME EXPORTATIONS Hrltlsh officials are said to be firm TORPEDOEDJJLY and elections of falsifying the record ly convinced that the neutral poweis in the llojorquer, caw. A colloquy will offer little objection If food sup between Air. Mann ami Judge lilies are cut from Germany In re Hewitt uk to whether or not a vacancy (Dilution for the submurliie activities, ANOTHER SLAP existed when Governor McDonald TO STUDENTS OF CONGRESSMEN TO BELLIGERENTS which they ullcxe are a violation of ull FOUR LIVES LOST the proclamation for a special International history. election In Sierra county. A prominent Itilllsh official men Mr. Montoya of Bernalillo " was In tioned today the position taken bv the speaker's chair tho greater part Count Cnprivl, once German Imper ial ch.incellor, who declared: Amendment Adopted Placing of the' aflernoon except w hile he in- Depart- Have It Two terpreted Sir. Mann's address scoring Counsellor for State Rumors That Another Latest Note to Great Britain "A country may be dependent for German Submarines Are New her food or for her raw products up of Examiner in the Mexican. Effort Is An- Appointment A pulillo ment Tells Why Diplomatic Strong to Be Made and Germany Known to on her trade. In furl It may be ab Reported Missing and meeting of the committee solutely necessary ene on taxation revenue of house tc destroy the Hands of State Auditor; and the Service Should Not Be to Pass Ship Contain Suggestions Re-- X other Is Believed Hit was announced for Friday Un: Purchase mv't trade. The private Introduction Fatally afternoon of provisions Into Paris was prohlb at 2 o'clock. ' Party Lines Drawn, der Civil Service, Bill This Session, garding Blockade. lied during the siege and in the mini" by French Destroyer, In the Henate Messrs. Holt and 111 Hartl way a nation would be liistined Introduced S. It. 137, repealing preventing the Import of food and raw sections of the compiled law of 1KH7 products. ' JUDGE MANN ONCE MORE and the laws of JXSMi. 1H03, l'.iOS, ABLER MEN SECURED P0ST0FFICE MEASURE ENGLAND SOUNDS HER LITTLE DANGER TO 1H07. 1 909 and 1912, relative to CONSIIM.ItS highways, GF.HMWV RAPS NEWSPAPERS so uh to clear the Way for FROM PRIVATE LIFE PUTTHROUGH PROMPTLY ALLIES ON SITUATION NOTi: THE FASTER SHIPS Rood roads legislation. Highways. WASHINGTON' McCoy Hill I'usMii. llerlin (via London, Feb, 24.) The Meeting of Peni- The senate this afternoon passed a People United Are Philippines Likely Unless American identical note on marine Russians Are Said to Have Sensational substitute for S. U. 42, by Mr. Mc- of States to Wait for Neutral Commerce warfare sent by tho Fulled States Coy, defining rape providing tentiary Committee Ex- and Not Become Ex- Enlarged Is No More government to Great Ilrltain and Ger Checked Advance of Teu- punishment therefor, advancing the Warned to Made Safer many, Is now In the hands of Dr. von age of consent to 1 eai'H. Tho sen- Kethniann-llollwe- imperial Ger cludes Governor McDonald cited During Period of In- Until Lawmakers Foodstuffs May Be Shipped tons; Ground Lost in Buko-wi- na ate ulso concurred In II. J. M. 5, by Have! mutt chancellor, and Gottlieb von Ju and Warden McManus, .Mr. Vigil of sierra, asking congress ternational Peril, More Time at Disposal, to Any of Warring Nations, gow, the German foreign minister. Regained, to set aside 2,000,(101) ucres of land The German government Is not yet for good roads in New Mexico. readv to make a statement regarding The senate passed S. J. li. 7, by the contents of the note, but It Is said HflCIAL OIRCATCM TO MORNINa JOI'ANALl Missis. Walton and II inkle, for un !KT MORNINQ JOURNAL RPICIAL LEASKO Wlftl V MORNIM! JOURNAL Rl tCIAL LAID WIKtl lV MORNINa JOURNAL RRICiAL LIAIIO WIRt) jhat they may be regarded s the !RV MORNINa JOURNAL PtCIAL LffARCO WIRS) Santa Ke, Feb. 24. The legislature investigation of the failure or closing New York, Feb. 24. Robert loin-sin- Washington. Feb. H. Memocratlc Washington, Feb. 24. Great llri'-nl- n basis for further negotiations. Cer lAindoii, Feb. 24 ( 10:33 p. m 1 contented itself this afternoon with of the Moiilexuina Trust company at counsellor for the state depart- senate leaders conceded tonight there has submitted to her allies, France tain of the proposals, as an example The German blockade of (he British sending two bills to the governor. Albuquerque, the ment, in a speech before 700 alumni was little hope of the passage of any linid Russia, 'lie proposals made by removal fields Isles In Citizens bank of deslgn- - the of the mine around has been effect for a week house passed S. B. 113, by Mr. of Amherst college at their annual legislation except the hlg Fupply !tlie Tinted Stalls government Inncoept-abl- e The Des Moines, the American Hank & Fngland, prdmbly will be with the result that so far r Is Clark, providing for the printing of banquet here tonight, declared that measures before the adjournment of ed to end the menace to neutral Is thought Trust Co. of clovls, the State bank of merce retaliatory tn Germany, hut it known two Norwegian, one French the assessment rolls for 1915. Inder ,Taos, the. Savings bank of Talban these were critical days for thet'nlt-- d u week from tomorrow, and uiisin: from the that Germany possibly may make Ire-jnn- (, was no prospect j measures of Kuropean In and live British have, the bill the state auditor Is to ,ne savings bank of Knowies. A States, "how critical only those there of passing the lllxerents concessions on other points. steamers been the of the books who are in Intimate touch with af- the l ivers and harbors bill lu Its pres-- 1 toward each other, sunk or torpedoed by submarines, scribe form nnilllw;eommlUef of two senators and three Hrl-fl- y, It cannot be said, however, that lowest can ent form. j the American proposals, contract Is to be let to the representatives Is to be appointed fairs realize." ' Is any great optimism In either with the surprisingly small loss of It to there bidder by the auditor. The bill appro-- ! f(ir tnu, purpose. The Kuropean war, lie said, had For tho rivers and harbors bill which have been submitted both or diplomatic quarter was generally expected there would Kntthind and Germany, seek the ellm- - German thst four lives. Two ot these steamers, priateH 2,2UO for the Work, and ulso The house adjourned to 2 o'clock raised a series of problems which IGreut Hrltaln will accept any of tho the Bclrldue and the suc- ' be siibstl'. ute.l a iolnl an- - motion by Ucrninny of the recently Dlnoruh, 1422.25 for a deficiency on lust year's tnp .1 never before had been solved und resolution ami w.niito to o'clock tomorrow propriutlng t:!0,(iinj,cii0 to presii Ihed war around Great proposals permitting the importation ceeded In reaching port. assessment rolls. j "tho liability of error, the danger of continue iono of foodstuff Into Germany. Ger- afternoon. v The On the other side of the account en-- 1 con-stu- nt existing projects. ISrltnln and Ireland with its dangers H. 1J. 66, authorizing trie Htate unintentional partiulity and tho man government, It Is said, Is not it Is reported that two German sub. allowed for complaint one or of Ship ruivha- - 1MI! Again. tn iieulrnl shipping through mlnesi glneer to extend the time of unother and submarines' torpedoes und ih counting on such concessions. marines are missing and that a third Irrigation projects belligerents path of pur-- 1 It the completion of the makes the As to the government ship adoption by all belligerents of r The l.okal Anielger says learns has been hit and possibly sunk by a, , ......itiiii imiintifiti it litirnvi.H nrlor to neutrality rough bill, were n the In WITNESS CUES and uncertain." rhase there rumors of definite policy with regard to ship- that the American note Is cordial French destroyer.
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