'I'l' .................. .'»i '■ ' ■ . ' h'* -' c . (NET PRESS Rim Tim WBAtRBR. AVERAGE DAILY CIRGULATIOX OF THE EVENING HERALD < % ■i; Pair Sunday paii^ for the month of Aagnst, 1026. nlondy. possibly showers, Some- what warmer. 4,836 j PRICE THREE CENTS 70L. XUV., NO. 287. Gluslflod AdTerttolng on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,1926. (TWELVE PAGES) ‘ . ' ! ‘ ’t? ‘ t' •. f1 ■- •■ P R E D ia WALCOTT W ill BE After Leriroot^s Seat WISCIBiNllAS Fightiiig for His life WIERDEST FIGHT UEDT. GOVERNOR NOMINEE ON n ^ H A N D S Trend Away from Both PLAN TO (U P Lenroot, Beset by La FoDette First Time in Years Oi^am- Brainard and Wadhams Crowd; RejeCts Aid of G. No Drive On Jackson LABOR’S WINGS zation Ih s Taken S it e in Noticeable— Walcott Pop­ 0 . P. R eg^ rS ; Battles In Selectmen Contest Primary Contest— Mainv ular Thronghout State as I N C y R H A I N Alone Because he Is a registered Re­ Seeks OffiCe tain Hohenthal Is 'N ot a fish and Game Head publican and has consistently voted Torys Working to Make Con­ Editor’s Note: WisConsin, home the G. O. P. tiCket,, no opposition of politiCal “progresslvlsm,” holds Republican— Hope to,G d While ,J. Edwin Brainard, and Governor John J. Blaine, old Senator I, L. Lenroot. WlsConsiii will be given Albert Jackson, can­ its Republican primary Sept. 7. A veteran, objeCt of La Follette as­ John H. Wadhams are canvassing trol of Parliaments by friend and ally of the senior La Co’ ^rful fight Is on, with the La didate for a sCat on the Board of ; State Convention delegates in an ef­ Follette and backed by youthful Follette forCes flghtlr,-’ to strength­ sault, who is making lone struggle Selectmen, by the RepublicaH Town Out ReCord Vote— Work fort to secure the RepubliCan nom­ Senator Bob as candidate for U. S. en their Control and determined to to keep his seat, refusing regular committee. The Committee feels Union Men Forever Impos­ that the Selectmen Contest is one ination for Lieutenant Governor, a Senate. He is a 3 to 1 favorite. oust Irvine Lenroot from the sen­ G. O. P. aid. Started ate. Roy J. Gibbons, writer for that should be fought out on mer­ trend which has almost gained the sible The Manchester He’^ald and NEA its, and that Is up to the voters prominenCe of a boom has devel­ Service, has made a tour of the regardless of any opinion the or­ oped throughout the state toward state and In the following timely ganization might have. Manchester’s Republican Town Mr.'JaCkson is one of eight can­ the CandidaCy of FrederiC C. Wal­ artiCle gives an impartial picture COOLIDGE HRM committee last night voted unani­ By MILTON BRONNER STEVENS’ ALIBI didates for the Board of Selectmen. cott of Norfolk. Should Brainard of the most Important primary eleC­ mously to put forth every effort t« London, Sept. 4.— Observers who tion this month. Seven can be named. No drive is and Wadhams persist in th61r cam­ thought the general strike of five bfing made against any one mem­ eleCt Miss Cheney and Judge Ray­ IN FAITH AS TO ber of the present board, nor is the mond A. Johnson as Representative paigns, and a deadloCk result, Wal­ months ago was the greatest labor “STAR’ A D IT S By ROY J. GT^BONS Madison, Wis., Sept. 4.— WisCon­ PepubliCan Town committee work­ cott is praCtiCally certain of being struggle of all time will have an ing to eleCt any partleuiar group of nominees at the primaries here named. sin is a politiCal crazy quilt as its Tuesday, September 14. E. L. O, opportunity to change their think­ RepubliCan primary of Sept. 7 ap­ Selectmen. Despite the Brainard and Wad­ B E IN ^A C H E D COURTSTAIUS Named by Friends. Hohenthal, not a registered Repub-, ing. proaches. hams candidacies there is an un- Mr. JaCkson waa interviewed to­ llcan and erstwhile' prohibition par­ The greatest struggle. It appears, The materials of this aullt are day on his CandidaCy by a Herald I dercurrent among the Convention will take place this fall and the the main battle lines and offshoots man He wants it made plain to ty leader, was termed an "Intruder.’* In the struggle between “ LaFollette He has never been a Republican, delegates which is running strong­ battlefield will be in Parliament. Says Hall Family's DeteCtive Confident that Nation Will the voters that he does not seek ly for WalCott, and may develop lam” and Republican ConCervatives. offltv of his own volition. He was has frequently attacked the G. O. The die-ha£rds of the Tory party Young Bob I.aFollette Is baCking P., and cannot vote in the prima­ to such an extent that neither are ColleCting strength for a asked to run for a place on the Fixed up Fishing Story; Gov. John J. Blaine for the U. S. ACCept Proviso Which board by friends. He doe? not seek ries in which he seeks a nomina­ Brainard nor Wadhams will be in mighty offensive against union la­ s''” atorial nomination against Sen­ tion. the running when the Convention bor. They will attempt to measure to enter a contest with any one ator Trvlne L. Lenroot, candidate member of the board. — (Elite Studio Photo) Judge William S. Hyde, chair­ open s in Hartford a week from out punishment for the general Henry Involved by a New for a tbirf’ term. Only Insures Equality of man of the Republican Town Com­ Monday night. Many of Manches­ strike and bind labor against dom­ For some time the small taxpay­ Albert Jackson. , LaFo’ iette supports Herman L. er has been protesting against the mittee, last night organized plans ter’s RepubliCans look favorably inating the government again or Fkern for .governor aga'nst Fred for an intensive Campaign'between upon the WalCott Candidacy, and tieing up Industry. Witness United States. ever growing burden of taxation. ning to withdraw as a candidate, he B. Zimmerman, a progressive bol- Many of them feel that the pres­ now and Primary Day that wilTnot some of the town’s delegates to the Tories are Bold ten from tbe LaFollette ranks. insists this is not so. Mr. JaCkson only bring out a big vote, but that state Convention are also favorable Emboldened by the Collapse of ent Board of Selectmen does not says he Is plaCing himself before Odfls S to 1 on Blaine have a representative of this small will be concentrated on a Hohen­ to him. the strike, the 'Tories plan to put Somerville, N. J., Sept. 4— A pioinp js the old friend oily ' Paul Smith’s, N. Y., Sept. 4.— In the voters, and it they think he can thal defeat. No other primary-Con­ Groomed for Governor taxpayer. For this reason it was represent their wishes they Can the unions in a straight jaCket as new woman witness, one who of­ of the late Robert M. LaFollette. the faCe of the continued opposi­ deCided to place a candidate In the tests will be interfered with since A gronp of prominent Republi­ tight as the one imposed in Italy vote for him. He certainly does fers testimony tending to refute Sr. Young Bob Is out on the firing tion in the Geneva ConferenCe to field, and if the taxpayers are sin­ all other candidates are Republi­ Cans last night predicted that Wal­ by Mussolini. There are just two line making typical LaFollette not intend to withdraw from the Cans. the fifth reservation to the World cere in their talk about not being contest now. cott would be named Lieutenant- deterriuig faCtors—Presler Baldwin statements made by Henry Stevens tsriopChes for Blaine— aneeChes First Time in Years Court protoCol. President Coolidge represented they will have a Candi­ Friends Working. ' Governor by the Convention and titular head of the Conservative latest kinsman of Mrs. Francis S. whiCh have raised o<lfis of three to date to vote for. That is Mr. Jack- This will be the first time in that he would probably be groomed party, who is unwilling to pursue a feels that the Court members will Friends of Mr. JaCkson are mak­ Hall to be questioned in the Hall- one that Blaine will defeat Len- scl’s platform. years that a Republican Town Com­ for governor the term following. poliCy of revenge, and in the sec­ admit the United States to mem­ ing a big effort to nominate him Mills murders, became the most Toot hv a snhstantla'' ntajorlty. bership and that this reservation is Doesn’t AttaCk Board. mittee in Manchester has taken There is every indiCation from ond place, the fear that extreme at the primaries. With three Con­ sides in a primary contest. It has important figure in the Invcsiga- Never before in its heCtiC polit­ proper. He does not attack anything the tests on in the primaries of the Re­ opinions expressed in “ inside” measures would cause such a re­ ical hi=*orv has Wl.sconsln seen a present board has done during its been an unwritten rule of the Com­ CirCles throurhout ConneCticut that tion today. In Mr. Coolidge’s opinion, when publicans a big vote is expected, vulsion of sentiment that Conserva­ C ' ‘ est with such a welter of align­ the other nations study the purport term of service, nor does he sa.v he mittee that the contests should be WalCott has already gained the lead tism would be defeated in the next The woman is Mrs.
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