Aaove Escres FR Prrso'r ,R]I}Li? .O*U. ]Ttr 4T 3O'

Aaove Escres FR Prrso'r ,R]I}Li? .O*U. ]Ttr 4T 3O'

P.lPP t95l Gtr,eu 90 DAvs As pARoLE vrouircrR ron tlo opEaAToR,rFrfdrffi/"o, tvlcT !Lr-o urrs or{ERs r* .ilit3t3l-&r.*,csrno"kl€.*t* Aaove EscREs FR pRrso'r ,r]i}li? .o*u. ]ttr 4t 3o' PAPP, ELSA H.3 A??0RNEY 1 t6ltr , Appro.GergseECo. ls 1sr sroMAN Assr . PROSECUTOR --1965-- F 16, A-r-7 btrou pntMARy SEEKtNG posT orGgNEseeCo.CtRco.ruocE L Ae 6, A_14_5 -tecteoGeueseeCols 1sr woultr CTRc.JUDGE tnAeleLecrror Ae 22, A-17-t To Ee sr,roRN tN As MEMBER oF ALL-MAteGereseeCo.CE.geruoH --1966-- N 10, D-16-1 Etecreo rolo-yR.TERM I NCTRc.JUDGEST{tp trGerEseeoo.NSeuecrrc --1970-- N 7, A-2-' Rules rnar 17-mAN clrlzENs cD..ruRy sEcREcy ls uNcoNsrtrurl- oNAL --1972-- F 29t A18-1 SupR.Cr.RULEs sHE cANIT AccEpr oEFEitoAilTts PLEA oF GULTv ro DIFFERENT CHARGE UNLESS PROSECUTON IONEES-SANONER PAPP, FRNK F,: PEC.: ARMV: 0EIRo|I t953 Ac 24, t4 Uouroeo;OEr. 1932 PAPP.Gft'IRGE - OIL STATION - DETROIT Form 1656 lte Detrdt Nerwr N tl.t-1-3 Ferau-v s.Her BY DFITNKEN lloroRlsr N u N 14rl 34-2 RtcHnqo ${CCARTYTSI.IYER oF ABovE'EilDs o'.:,N LIFE PAPP. JOHN S. : CENITR LII.IE SOTOIER 1944 H ZUr l/-O 9br.ruoeo PAPP JC}SEPH - OET SO[,O IEl 1945 llbunoeo PAPP - DET Ith 13, 13-6 llbur,tosorBets J6EPH - W 1958 ,lrve Frneo m 6or e Secnerr s-rqpl0rueo er Reo .J,^.t,i:i|l T Heno orsr AKEsp E ARErr.t, iilSl3liorr.orERcompuE4-G. oven e N 26, Roro 48 Broe.srercH-HoLMES --197r-- MR 8r \-24-t Wtlu rare OvEi TINANCIALLY rRoUeueoLtUqourQeprenRepenronY tneArii tt$5itLL.cAN BE RAlsEo ltl tuExr6wrs.t'h 11, G-1-1 ls ecrlvtsr lN Acrtol'l-J.ClnR Ap 16' F-1-1 NEw yo.r-Now srrnarrc 0rr-8.;131*tRurrwrvlf, rNvENrrvE rHEArEap cann -,91b! BrJEflfot li'r ;iii-io eciiei/ g-Dts rHtRD McNtcttous AwlRo-CaRn -1991- N 1, C-5-1 Ase70diedX03l- PAPP JULIUS GABRIEL,JR. - DET MARIt\E, 1945 7r lhuroeo ADMTTgSHOOTIT{G HI'SI]AND I !I ARGUTE T I 5c Or resrtuorv oF oArJGxTERr6rutLL t{ol BE HELD 5 FnEeo tN Kt LLt fic;sELF-oEiErse ?-l &ny sELte\rE rHAT IIARRENT srou-o EE rsstEo rg AAOVE o PLE FOR SELF DEFENSE 15 NOT BSLEIVEO BY THEH. ll 24, Lz-L FReE ou $trrro BoND HEARTNG sar FoR Dec. 1,3 [,tn 3, 5--5 Mr.CuerrrEl.ts-cLEAFIED & aequtrreo rr;;;+?i3;t HUSSAI.ID PAPP. M|C|{AEL J. : DEARBORN S0l"DlrR l9++ o 22, t-B-L Klueo tu [,lew Guruee PAPP- NlCHOl AS: I tVoNlA 1972 15 y! oLo, & Kerru Kuzmrs ALso 15, owo*rl3oa,?;1;1, [, TAT I s 8YLIVONIA FoR AlOtNG pOt-Ice---ttSLER PAPP, !RS. R0SE3 CLUBS 1974 Ac 7, 1t, Llr,tcoun Plnr morrER TALKs eeout Crt latnrr Pn EPARATI ON AssN.-CRossoN PADPA, JAI{ES DIWRCE: CAL IF. r960 16,0A-6-4 LF t,lrxs orvopcE FRoH crnoue Tneeorr Nou oN ,*,n. ,ol ceroue, raecorr,s rnrlggleernrrr- reilrFrEs rr * i3: X-jil, ,-, LA-PIcKs up FTNAL otvoRcE oEcREE FRoM lrtreCenoueTBEGoFF Jt 10, A-r-6 LA-CnnolETnecorp wEEps As HE TEsrtFtES AT HER MURDER TRIAL rrr{AT sHE LEFT mtm roRDa.R.BEnNARoFtmcr Je 22, A-12-1 SETTLES MALpRAcrrcE sutr vs.Dn.Ftrucx - PAPP#E(IGE- GIISS - RgSTAtnAIEtn 1943 Form 1656 s 11 31'4 Ev OPA cgrlustl pntcslt Stro rm vtollTtirc d -1972- o 10, B-1-1 72, LrFE sAvrNGS oF $rBrtOOO sroLEN FRO14 RESTAURANT COOLER I.'AS IN VEGETABLE CAN. o6, a-22-z EVEI{ THoUct{ LosT $r81000 uor{tT C I VE UP. B ITTER ABOUT ROBBERY- GEEENT 'IIOT 1992 o A L For Congress --II. Edit en{oSsement -L994- I\tr 8 B 3-6 N a seat the US Congresso I{ill n-rr for in 09 B 2_r Det.News endorses him for Congress, L2Llr District-Edit o16A5-1 Warren-Levin battles GOPrdisgruntled voters; Pappageotge' his opponent,may prevail-Parker --L996-- JL 24 C-1-1 Mrst hattle Sander Levinrs name recognition-Savitskie s04c8-1 He criticizes Sander Levin.rs acceptance of donations from union influenced by org.crime-LIUNA (Laborers lNternat'I union of n.America-Naylor -1996- o 10 E 5-1 He accepts debate format favorby Sander Lev::.n_.Savitlk;e 1998 Jl 15 C 4-4 Troy-Profiles on Pappageorge and Matt Pryor, running in primary for 41st District eeat;their etand on issuee PAPPAS, aRIlrUR G. : DETROIT Sfl,"DER 1944 Form 1656 L4s ?J,'t fburoeo rN Ac?roru 1944 1l'loufloeo Fota 1656 , PAPPAS B@: MORR s 1972 slo, 8-14-1 HEs necunnErt iltcltrMARE ABour ABovE FAcroiy-ovERHEATtitG-- Ecrmer PAPPAS CAROLE : DISAPPEARANCE 1987 Body found in car in pond in tJheaton,lll. Carole, wife of former bb pitcher Milt disappeared 5 yrs ago Ag 13, B-1-1 Milt brings wife home for burial-0Urlian 0 g, A-2-1 Wheaton, I I l -Death ruled an accident PAPPAS CAR0LE A : WINNER r988 Mr 8, B 3-1D Ase43 of Grand Blanc wins half of $l.7mill ioi- Lotto 1986 'Ao A uos ANGELESIE ANo , OTi{ERs PLEAo CUtLfY IN OEFENSE KICK- BACKS-, oTHEns PLeAo INNOCENT. SEE "PAPAS,JA}.IESI. FOR PAPAS, D lMlTRl0S :DEVELOPER ADDrrroNAr, I986 )t r{-)-l s Ted Gatzaros plan to bulld 26-story hotel next to City- County BI dg-Markiewi cz PAPPAS, EDWARD BAR ASSOCIATION H. : 1 998 Mr 11 D-4-L Pontiac- Head of,Oqkland Cotrnty Bar Ass. speaks against Michigan's drug lifer law. Mr 18 D 4-2 Slammed MI drug-Iifer law P PAS EDWARD J. : PROFESSOR 1987 r wsU speech prof rates Pres REaganrs lran-contra affair spe ech-Morganfield -1988- Jl 20 A-10-2 Mich. experts on public speaking give Jesse Jackson high grades . --Basheda PAPF t I983 '!t1 E-'t-tE 28, or Sr. Curor Siloeea cxqo lil sEATaEo oF Grnt Fi0Eilots sor AcE ,c n PPAS, FR GEoRGE - GREEI( oRrHCnoX 1965 Ac L4. V4-4 FEAOS PARISH AT CaMPEELL.0xlo ro pARTrctpArE lru Assfraprro'J oAr.{E oAy C ELEgRATTOI'J Aue 15-tsadramt PAPPAS GEORGE: BOWLER 1970 PAPPAS,GJS: BAllDlT 1980 Forn 1656 Fatr-eo tH ATrEsrpr ro HoLD up Evfn.&srPtrsonts 0 ,.frflrFiErgl[ren TI|AFFIC ACCIDEIIT \uii'rii'SctiiE-oF neuoups,ALso PAL oF Jennv R@ERrs N e; 1-20-7 IMf,.ICATES FRATIK .HOI'IPSON TN K,LDUPS PAPPAS,QJS: ROYAL 0AK, lJllCHlGqN lS'34 PAFPAS, GUST s POLITICS I980 Ae 5, E-7-1 Larus-nAcI AL sLuR HEATS Up RACE rOn 28rH [loUSE D|ST SEAZ- Bnelanz 1966 AXT IS SCHOOI- AUS DRIVER-ibILE PAPP 1977 , &GenluoPeNsLER NAMEo coNsrABLEs tttLt t'tcottuPanr-Pavue HARry Mrg{tGAt{ I 93s A$rilrli sHoortr,rs oRoilER nren e$odFotfig"r. oF oflE € pere "*Jl'tl13 ffii;F$ifl,*fi3,lff fi #',{,1.o'h1o ."f-',Ef,- n f nb}-f? ; PAPAS FlrP['li$, .lritt[i{i E [rEt,m.Crt'ER r983 SeeNs FED cRANT ron $58 mrLllon OerRotr Ceer TER AITYERS -1987- Mv 29, E-7-1 Happy wlth hls l03ft marble-covered waterfall at his lnternational Marketplace In Greektown-Capos 0 18 J-t-z He 6 Ted Gatzaros deliver on promises for Downtown.--Markie wicz -1989 Jl 6 Et-z Developers Ted Gatzaros,Papas to buy into Trappers Alley -Markiewicz S Z C-t-3 6 Ted Garzaros complete deal to purchase Trappens Al ley.-- Marki ewicz ---L992--- Ap 15, B-1-1 & Ted Gatzaros plan to restore stucco clubhouse of Detroit Boat Club-waldmeir Asked the Det Police and Fire Pension Board to move atread trith preliminary plans to invest as muctr as $50 million in an Indian-rur gambling casino-L% JL 2L A 1-1 He and Ted Gatzaros owe $47O,000 in back taxes-Sinclair O4B3-lNoDot Gatzaros & partner Papas ranked among largest coirtribuLors to 4 council membersr elecLion campaign-Bebow Papas have left a trail of hundreds or thouS#"o"1-Sollars in unpaid business taxes & other bills in recent yrs-Bebow & Sinclair -1995- Ap 11 A I-t Developers agreed to OK $43.lnrillion a ),r and possible new aquarium -Bebow s 06 A r-6 He and Ted Gatzaros, Greektown developersrhave lost Al1ey;failed to pay mortgage-R.J.King PAPAS SEE ALSO "PAPAS'; DIMITRIOS " PAPPAS , JAI\,IES : DEVHOPB 1996 E 18 D-1-1 tlas rebotrght Tbappers Alley rcith Ted Gatzaros-Kirg J] 05 B l-l llacomb Cty.prosecutor asked to decide if sale of St.Olair Shores' property to.Pappas & Gatzaros violates city charte -Puls JL 23 B-4-L -l4aconrb prosecutor wontt get involved r,'rith land dispute in St. Clair Shores-Puls N 24 A 1.2 3 C,asinc appl-icants not likely to be hurL by pasE debr wces ' .Wilson L999 ,ra t7 A r-6 Det.-he and Gatzaroa say tbey:re financially sound but Det . News i nve s t i sat i onls1 Bo$EpEf, pEiE"EI f r tlxes -De Hav en / Woolley Ja 17", A 10-2 Det.-He and Gatzaros borrowed from Det.police pension fund r tedl v-Dehaven/Wg1 t e' t9':t9 Ja i7 rl li-l Det.-Records show he made aexual advances to 2 women over past decade;he had to reveal it when applying for llqense-Woolley casino De't'-Hs rra 17 AII_7 an'i Gatzaros have many supporters who praise them for investing in Det.when many fled_R.HooverJa A look 17 A 1l_l at 6 Metro Det.properties held by companies con_ trolled by Gatzaros and papas JA 19 D L_2 Det.-Don Barden whose bid for Det.casino failed, angry after revelations of Greektown casino investorsr debts- ilosar D17A1-3 DeE.-Bethods he ar.d GaEzaros used t,o geE fed.money/ clear defaulEed loans rnay prevent.

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