News in Brief Chapelfield Gardens Tree Unthank Road *UHHQ3DUW\ This autumn sees the 20th If you look at the trunk of the tree Traffic Update Climate Change Action Plan anniversary of the 1987 gale. We you can still see the scar down the At the recent Green Party conference will be hearing many stories of how middle where it split. The tree has now A petition of 900 signatures was Green MEP Caroline Lucas outlined the the gale affected Norfolk, but how grown over the bolts that run through recently submitted to the Norwich party’s plan for comprehensive policies many people know of the effect on the trunk. However, if you stand at the Highways Agency Committee to tackle climate change. The policies WKH PDJQLÀFHQW ODUJH SODQH WUHH LQ bottom of the trunk and look up into the opposing plans to replace a push- include: WKHPLGGOHRI&KDSHOÀHOG*DUGHQV" branches you can still see some ropes button crossing on Unthank Road • Ruling out nuclear power and Anyone familiar with the gardens higher up helping to hold it together E\ *ORXFHVWHU 6WUHHW ZLWK D ]HEUD investing the money in renewable energy will know which tree this is – the large, where it split during the gale. crossing. The councillors on the DQGHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQF\PHDVXUHVLQVWHDG healthy one near the committee listened to the residents • /RFDOLVLQJ WKH HFRQRP\ to kiosk with huge branches and decided to keep the push-button massively reduce the distance goods are that almost reach the crossing. They also heard from several transported, so that wherever possible ground. Who would residents who were concerned about we use goods that are produced locally. guess that the 1987 the extent of the pavement widening • Much greater investment in public gale saw this tree split on the road. The committee members transport improvements rather than in half down the middle decided to put the rest of the work on new roads and runways. and fall towards the hold and reconsider the issue at their ground on either side? November meeting. County Council Not many people would Janet Bearman, Green Party City (QHUJ\(IÀFLHQF\0HDVXUHV have seen a future for Councillor for Town Close ward, said: Norfolk County Council is set to invest in this tree at this stage “We are pleased the 20mph zone has HQHUJ\ HIÀFLHQF\ PHDVXUHV IRU &RXQW\ but two City Council been introduced. We also supported Hall. The measures include improved tree surgeons managed the principle of pavement widening Tree surgeon and Green Party member Roy Walmsley by the insulation and promoting good practice to literally bolt it back ODUJH/RQGRQ3ODQHWUHHLQ&KDSHOÀHOG*DUGHQVWKDWKHKHOSHG and there are several locations where to employees, such as turning off lights together. save when it split in half during the 1987 gale. this was necessary. However, as we and computers when they are not highlighted before the plans were needed. approved, the fact that the pavements Andrew Boswell, Green Party County are widened in inconsistent ways Councillor for Nelson ward, said: “It Gipsy Lane Trees presents safety concerns for cyclists and makes sense for part of the County motorists.” Council’s Invest to Save money to be A developer has felled 17 trees of the proposed development on the SXW LQWR LPSURYLQJ HQHUJ\ HIÀFLHQF\ LQ RQ D VLWH EHWZHHQ *LSV\ /DQH DQG wildlife and trees on the site as well as its own buildings. Not only will this save Earlham Road. In July, the City Council the effect on neighbouring properties money over time but it will also save on Planning Committee approved an of building three-storey houses. Local carbon emissions. application from Persimmon for 41 residents have reported to the Green “When this year’s council budget houses to be built on the site. At the Councillors that they believe many of was being considered back in February time, residents and Green Councillors the felled trees were subject to Tree the Green Councillors proposed an expressed concern about the effect Preservation Orders (TPOs). amendment for money to be spent on Rupert Read, Green Party City Green Councillors by the push-button crossing LPSURYLQJHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQF\7KLVZDVQRW Councillor for Wensum ward, said: on Unthank Road that is to be kept. adopted at the time but I am pleased this “We were disappointed when the important work is being planned now. I application was approved. Sites with hope it will be expanded across County lots of wildlife should be protected. At Rosary Road Council properties, including schools, the time of writing, we are investigating Planning Application OLEUDULHVDQGRWKHURIÀFHVµ whether the felled trees were subject to TPOs. If so, the council should take The Planning Inspectorate has ruled Important legal action against the developer that a development of over 100 homes Planning Consultation and require replacement trees to be at The Nest on Rosary Road can go From mid-November, the councils in the planted. If not it raises the question of ahead. The application, for 14 houses, Rupert Read, Green Party Wensum ward Norwich area will be consulting on their councillor, with local residents at the site by why TPOs were not put in place as the ÁDWVDQGRIÀFHXQLWVWREHEXLOWRQ proposed Joint Core Strategy for future Gipsy Lane where 17 trees have been felled. residents requested.” the site, was rejected by the City Council planning policies. This document is crucial Planning Committee in March – but now DV RQFH WKH ÀQDO YHUVLRQ LV DSSURYHG the developer, Hopkins Homes, has won QH[W \HDU LW ZLOO LQÁXHQFH WKH QDWXUH its appeal. Local residents attending the and extent of housing growth, transport Vauxhall Street Traders’ Association Planning Committee meeting expressed infrastructure and other development for *UHHQ3DUW\&RXQFLOORUVDUHZRUNLQJ RIÀFHUV7KH9DX[KDOO6WUHHWVKRSVDUH concern about the density and height of WKH QH[W ÀIWHHQ \HDUV 7KH FRQVXOWDWLRQ with shopkeepers and City Council at the centre of their community and the proposed four-storey development. document will be available from City RIÀFHUVWRVHWXSD7UDGHUV·$VVRFLDWLRQ provide important local services for James Conway, Green Party Hall or via www.norwich.gov.uk and the IRUWKH9DX[KDOO6WUHHWDUHDThis will residents. I hope the association can campaigner for Thorpe Hamlet ward, Green Party is encouraging residents to EH RQH RI WKH ÀUVW DVVRFLDWLRQV IRU D help protect and improve the shopping said: “It is extremely disappointing that respond with their views. local shopping parade in the city and is parade. the Planning Inspectorate has gone The Green Party’s main responses based on the group in West Earlham. ´,QWKHODVWHGLWLRQRI*UHHQ9LHZZH against the views of local residents and to the document will be about: avoiding Stephen Little, Green Party City asked residents for their views on how the Planning Committee in this way. One ODUJHVFDOH GHYHORSPHQW RQ JUHHQÀHOG Councillor for Town Close ward, their local shopping parades could be of many things that Green Party MPs sites, ensuring new housing is affordable said: “The association will bring local improved. Thank you to everyone who would seek to change about national and of the highest possible environmental shopkeepers together to discuss their responded. We passed the suggestions planning rules is the way in which local standard and making public transport collective needs for the shopping parade on to the City Council and to the decisions can so easily be overturned infrastructure a top priority. and to work with the relevant council shopkeepers as appropriate.” by Planning Inspectors.” Norwich Named as Top Prospect for Green MP Summed Up Norwich South has been named as at the next General Election. Norwich local councillor who would be a strong one of the Green Party’s strongest South electors are in a great position constituency MP. constituencies for the next General to make this happen. In the May 2007 ´7KHHOHFWLRQRIWKHÀUVW*UHHQ03V £1 billion Election – one of the best prospects ORFDOHOHFWLRQVWKH*UHHQ3DUW\ÀQLVKHG would make a huge impact on British for the election of a Green MP. At LQÀUVWSODFHDFURVVWKH1RUZLFK6RXWK SROLWLFV)RUWKHÀUVWWLPH*UHHQSROLFLHV • Annual budget of September’s party conference Principal Westminster constituency. This means on tackling climate change, supporting the World Health Speaker Sian Berry announced that that if Norwich South electors vote the local public services and making Fair Organisation WKHSDUW\LVDLPLQJWRZLQLWVÀUVWWKUHH same way in this General Election as Trade the norm would be taken inside Westminster seats at the next General they did in May then Charles Clarke Westminster. We were ready for an Election and that Norwich South is one will lose his seat to the Green Party. autumn General Election if one had • Amount the world of the top three constituencies. Norwich South residents have, in Adrian been called and we will be ready to spends on arms every Sian Berry said: “It is crucial that Ramsay, one of the party’s best- campaign for the election of Green 15 hours we gain a Green voice in Westminster known candidates: an experienced MPs whenever the election is held.” Norwich South Vote 2007 • Estimated amount The state of the parties in your that the MRSA General Election constituency - superbug costs the NHS every year 40 May 2007 local elections Green LibDem 30 2 Lab 280 km Con % 20 • Size of 60,000 football pitches 10 The Green Party’s General Election candidates for its top three constituencies: • Seven times the size Darren Johnson (left) for Lewisham Deptford, Caroline Lucas for Brighton Pavilion and your candidate for Norwich South Adrian Ramsay. 0 of Norwich City Council area New Oil Law Threatens Reconstruction of Iraq • Area of the UK While the people of Iraq continue to from the much-needed reconstruction of Adrian Ramsay, Green Party covered in landfill suffer from daily violence, the US and the country’s infrastructure. Parliamentary Candidate for Norwich UK Governments have been working Despite its deep unpopularity with the South, said: “The Hydrocarbon Law will sites with multinational oil companies to Iraqi people, the draft oil legislation has provide an opportunity for US-based secure control of Iraq’s oil through a been approved by the Iraqi Cabinet and multinational companies to increase their new Hydrocarbon Law.
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