-- v. SUGAE-- 96 Degree U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, JUNE 4. Last 24 hours rainfall, .00. Test Centrifugals, 3.47c; Per Ton, $69.10. Temperature. Max. 81; Min. 75. Weather, fair. 88 Analysis Beets, 8s; Per Ton, $74.20. ESTABLISHED JULV 2 1656 VOL. XLIIL, NO. 7433- - HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, TUESDAY, JUNE 5. 1906. PRICE FIVE CENTS. h LOUIS MARKS SCHOOL FUNDS FOSTER COBURN WILL THE ESIDENT SUCCEED BURTON IN KILLED BY RUfl VERY UNITED STATE SENATE RENEWS WAR ON THE AUTO LOW MEAT MEN t - 'is P A Big Winton Machine Less Than Ten Dollars His Message to Congress on the Evils of the , St- .- Over, Crushing Left for Babbitt's 1 Trust Methods Is Turns 4 Accompanied by the -- "1 His Skull. Incidentals, )-- Report of the Commissioner. ' A' - 1 A deplorable automobile accident oc- There are less than ten dollars left jln the stationery and incidental appro- curred about 9:30 last night, in wh'ch ' f. priation for the schol department, rT' Associated Press Cablegrams.) Louis Marks was almost instantly kill- do not know am ' "I what I going to 4-- WASHINGTON, June 5. In his promised message to Congress ed and Charles A. Bon received serious do about it," said Superintendent Bab- (9 yesterday upon the meat trust and its manner of conducting its busi bitt, yesterday. "We pay rents to injury tc his arm. The other occupants the ness, President Kooseveli urged the enactment of a law requiring amount of $1250 a year, at out 1 ! least, stringent inspection of of the machine, Mrs. Marks and Mrs. of that fund, and I am going to notify meats sent out for home consumption by the packing concerns Bon, escaped injury in an almost mirac-'ulo- us the owners of these rented premises various It was desired to bring the quality o that we can no longer pay them. me meats up to tne ot tnose tor con manner. If stanaara snipped abroad foreign they will not consent to let the rentals sumption. The party had been visiting at the accumulatB, and trust to an appropria- fCB ..v-t- - Accompanying the message was the report of the Commissioner tion by the Legislature to get their upon the deplorable conditions surrounding the packing of meat for house of the chemist at the Honolulu 4-- pay, I will have to close up those tne nome market. their pkintai'Kin and all had taken schools. There is nothing else to be It is probably a bit late in session Congress to upon in car for the homeward trip, done, unless somebody will advance us the of count much places the progress in the money we need. And I don't know the war that the President thus renews upon the big meat packer Mr. Marks acting as chauffeur. In- of the country, but the short session is coming in who to sro to." December. The President stead of turning the machine, he ap- is probably laying the train for vigorous action at that time, if nothing be ac This condition has arisen as a result complished now prior to adjournment. down short-sighte- parently decided to back out and of the d parsimony of the the hill to the main road, one side of last Territorial Legislature. There is no good in mincing words about it. That itV- J!.rj'itf. side at this point being a NUMBER OF REFUGEES the road is the fact. And this is not a matter v7 steeply cut bank about twenty feet that has anything to do with the low- IS dan- ering of the salaries of the teachers, STILL VFRY LARGE deep. Once the rear wheels came - either. It is merelv the cold neglect 4- JOS3PH RALPH BURTON", THE DISGRACED SENATOR. gerously close to the edge of this bank of the Legislature toproviJe properly progress auto, conduct of department of in the backward of the for the the (Associated Press Cablegram.) SAN FRANCISCO, June 5. There are 42,000 refugees still in - education. catching- in time to save - Mr. Marks it camp in ban JHrancisco, and 10,244 in Alameda, y- LEGISLATIVE NEGLECT. TOPEKA, Kansas, June 5. Governor Hoch has appointed himself, but he again tried to back and Foster Coburn, Secretary of When the last Legislature met, the the State Department of Agriculture, to The Chronicle of May 24th, speaking of the then existing conditions, Ha id: edge. again swung to the Superintendent of Education at that succeed Burton in the United States Senate "The number of rations drawn daily ha declined to 80,000. The statement This time the man at the wheel ap- time asked for an appropriation of of the fact will recall the widely published assertion that there were 300,000 RESIGNATION OF BURTON. persons in this city threatened with famine on the day after the earthquake. parently did not realize the danger and $6400 for th'e stationery and incidental fund for the current biennial period. WASHINGTON, D. C, June 4. Senator Burton of Kansas has That might have been the case if food had not begun to pour in on us from auto plunged, over to iie bottom. That amount would have carried the resigned. He was under conviction and sentence for fraud and a every direction almost before we knew how lyidly we were hurt. Our Eastern sympathizers who have been misled by the sensational accounts of. our famish- k feet below, the machine department through, on a very close j resolution had been introduced calling 'for his removal as a Senator MY. : " ing condition will be pleased to know that stories of people starving estimate. The wise men of the Legis-- 1 he riirl the to making one complete somersault. I - nnt 1 lature, who may know more about some " death are absolutely without foundation. If any one has perished from hunger in San Francisco since April 18th it is because he chose that mode of commit-tin- g TWO LADIES IN PARTY things than they do about the public So passes one corruptionist out of the public life of the nation, a man dis- schools, cut this estimate down to graced for life. Foster Dwight Coburn, the new Senator, was born in Wisconsin suicide. WERE NOT BADLY HURT. Tuesday, which was first day 71,558 ra- $3000. This amount became available in 1846, and served through the Civil War in the 130th and later in the 62d "On the distribution this week, tions were given out at the various sub-statio- throughout the city and 4814 ladies, who were sitting to- on July 1st last. Illinois infantry. He has been a resident of Kansas since 1S67, a farmer and The two food on Desmond kitchens were distributed. These figurcn When Superintendent Babbitt took stockman, but has had experience in journalism also and has served as a regent Red Cross tickets the gether in rear seat, were thrown 90.000 at close of laet week. The bureau the charero of the school department in of the State Agricultural College. He was appointed Secretary of the State are against rations distributed the dropped, $1556.71 re- - expects that by the end of next week the bread line will have been entirely out when the rear wheels and November last,7 he found Department of Agriculture in 1882. maining in'the fund. He has run the discontinued and only rations will be given to people who are physically dis- tossed clear of further danger, but department, so far as this fund is con- abled and have doctors' certificates substantiating their claims." 3Iarks and Bon went down with the cerned, for the past seven months for machine, being beneath it as it rolled near about what it cost to run it dur KEKAUOHA TURN ing four months preceding. Every- on UNITED STATES DISTRICT the over. thing has its limit, however, and now Bon was pinned beneath the seat the money is all gone excepting some JUDGE LEAVES BENCH when the auto came to rest, his left thing less than ten dollars. 01 GRILL HfLO ME Out of the fund for stationery and arm severely torn, but he managed to incidentals, the department of educa free himself and go to the aid of tion mets a lot of expenses, all ot CARSON CITY, Nevada, June 5. United States District Judge them essential. These include stamps, Marks, who was lying at the foot of The Impeachment Trial Associations to Have no Hawley has resigned. paper, surveyiag for the department, the bank. ice, all printing, such as circulars and Drags One Thomas Porter Hawley was appointed to the Federal District bench irj, Through Options on Futures of He was born He was still breathing, although un- lists of questions for teachers' exam September, 1S'.H, and has therefore seen sixteen years wrviee. inations, office supplies, telephones, sub- in Indianapolis in 1830. went to California in 1852 and mined for three year, message was More Sitting, in Lands. conscious, and a telephone scriptions to newspapers and periodi- - And was admitted to the bar in Xevada in is.". a.t once sent in to Dr. Cooper. It was cals, payment of the fares and expenses I A county of school jorpnts-- . hack hire,T ear- fares. court of impeachment m a "The Hi!o settlement associations will too however, for medical assist- lat, supplies for school agents, notary's grew. Listen to my tale of woe! all be turned down." said Land Com OREGON WILL PROBABLY ance, came ten min , ' and death about fees-- telegrams, in Tact all the inciden- There was Smith and Moore and Lucas rnissioner Pratt yesterday.
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