GEOLOGY AND MINERAL OCCURRENCES OF THE YALAKOM RIVER AREA* (920/1, 2, 92J/15, 16) By P. Schiarizza and R.G. Gaba, M. Coleman, Carleton University J.I. Garver, University of Washington and J.K. Glover, Consulting Geologist KEYWORDS:Regional mapping, Shulaps ophiolite, Bridge REGIONAL GEOLOGY River complex, Cadwallader Group Yalakom fault, Mission Ridge fault, Marshall Creek fault. The regional geologic setting of the Taseko-Bridge River projectarea is described by Glover et al. (1988a) and Schiarizza et al. (1989a). The distributicn and relatio~uhips of themajor tectonostratigraphic assemblages are !;urn- INTRODUCTION marized in Figures 1-6-1 ;and 1-6-2. The Yalakom River area covers about 700 square kilo- The Yalakom River area, comprisinl: the southwertem metres of mountainous terrain along the northeastern margin segment of the project area, encompasses the whole OF the of the Coast Mountains. It is centred 200 kilometres north of Shubdps ultramafic complex which is interpreted by hagel Vancouver and 35 kilometresnorthwest of Lillooet.Our (1979), Potter and Calon et a1.(19901 as a 1989 mapping provides more detailed coverageof the north- (1983, 1986) dismembered ophiolite. 'The areasouth and west (of the em and western ShulapsRange, partly mapped in 1987 Shulaps complex is underlain mainly by Cjceanic rocks cf the (Glover et al., 1988a, 1988b) and 1988 (Schiarizza et al., Permian(?)to Jurassic €!ridge Rivercomplex, and arc- 1989d, 1989b). and extends the mapping eastward to include derived volcanic and sedimentary rocksof the UpperTri %sic the eastem part of the ShulapsRange, the Yalakom and Cadwallader Group. These two assemhkgesare struclurally Bridge River valleys and the adjacent Camelsfoot Range. In interleaved over a broad area extending from west of #Gold addition, several weeks were spentre-examining critical Bridge eastward to the slopes northeast (sfthe Yalakon and areas in the Tyaughton Creek area and traversing the area Bridge rivers. In the Bralome-Gold Bridge area th,-. are south of Gun Creek in an effort to mesh work with the -v our imbricated with the Permian Bralome diorite complex and maps produced by B.N. Church during his mineral deposit associated ultramafic rocks. studies of theBridge River mining camp (Church, 1987; Church and MacLean, 1987a: Church et ul., 1988a, 1988b: Sedimentary rocks exposed north and west of the 13-idge Church and Pettipas, 1989). River-Cadwallader belt range from Late Triassic to mid- Cretaceous in age. The ba.se of the section comprises L'pper Mapping in the Yalakom River area was carried out in Triassic clastic rocks and limestone of the Tyaughton Croup cooperation with Meg Coleman of Carleton University who and overlying Lower to Middle Jurassic ,sandstone and shale extended her 1988 mapping of theMission Ridge area of the Last Creek formation (Tipper, 1970: Umhoefer, I'B9). (Coleman, 1989) northwestward to Shulaps Creek:. It also These rocksare not seer in depositional contact w~ththe incorporatesdetailed mapping of the Shulaps ultramafic slightly older Cadwallader Group but a-e inferred to r:pre- complex in the Jim Creek-East Liza Creek area, begun in sent a continuation of thc: same arc-derlved sedimentition, 1988 by Tom Calon and continued this field seasonby Calon, and are included within the Cadwallader Terrane of Rusmore John Malpas and Rob Macdonald, all from the Memorial etal. (1988). University of Newfoundland (Calon ef al., 1990, this vol- ume). Geological mapping and sampling by D.A. Archibald Younger sedimentary rocks within the region are assigned of Queen's University extends a geochronology study begun tothe Tyaughton basin (Jeletzky and Tipper, 1968; in 1987 andcontinued in 1988 (Archibaldetal., 1989, 1990, Kleinspehn, 1985).Southwest of the Yalakom fault '.hese this volume). include shallow-marine clastic rocks of the Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Rehy Mountain Croup together with This is the final year of a4-year regional mapping project, conglomerate and associated finer grained clastics and vol- initiated east of Taseko Lakes in 1986 and funded by the canic rocks of the Albiart Taylor Creek Group. The Relay CanaddBritish ColumbiaMineral Development Agreement. Mountain Group outcrops most extensively in the Mmer Open File geology and mineral potential maps covering this Pass and Noaxe Creek map areaswhere it is locdly in season's study area will be released in February, 1990. A depositional contact with the underlying. Last Creek fcnna- final report covering the entire .?-year program, including tion (Umhoefer, 1989). To the south and southeast the Relay updated 150 000 maps, will he prepared during the 1990191 Mountain Groupoccurs as localfault-.hounded slivers in fiscal year. contact with eitherthe Cadwdllader Group or the Bridge __ * This project is a contribution to the CanadaiBrilish Columbia Mineral Development Agreement Geological Fieldwork 1989, Puper 1990-1 53 54 British Columbia Geological Survey Branch Figure 1-6-2. Tectonostratigraphic assemblages of the Taseko-Bridge River area River complex. Synorogenic deposits of the Taylor Creek slivers within this belt, but were not observed in stratigraphic Group sit stratigraphically above the Relay Mountain Group contact with the Jackass Mountain Group. in the Relay Mountain area, andabove deformed Bridge Mesozoicstrata throug:hout theregion are intruded by River rocks in the Taylor Creek area (Gamer ef a/., 1989a). felsic to intermediate stocks and dikes ranging from Late Clasts within the Taylor Creek Group providethe first Cretaceous to Oligocene in age(Archibald et al., 1989). evidence of regional uplift and erosion of the Bridge River Locally the strata are unconformably overlain by Ehcene complex volcanic and sedimentary rocks and by h4iocene to Plic'cene Upper Cretaceous andesiticbreccias and flows of the plateau lavas of the Chilcotin Group (Mdhews, 19891.Late Powell Creek volcanics are widespread in the northwestern Cretaceous granite to quartz diorite of the Coast plutonic part of the area, where they sit above the Taylor Creek Group complex intrudes the Mesozoic strata in the southwestem and older rocks with pronounced angular unconformity. To part of the Warner Pass map area and along the western edge the southeast Upper Cretaceous deposits of the nonmarine of the Brdlorne map area (Figure 1-6-1). Silverquick conglomerate rest unconformably above theTay- lor Creek Group and pass gradationallyupward into andesitic volcanic breccia correlated to the Powell Creek volcanics LITHOLOGY (Gamer et al., 1989a). Northeast of the Yalakom fault Mesozoicsedimentary SHULAPSULTRAMAFIC COMPLE:X rocks are distinctly differentfrom those to the southwest. The The Shulapsultramafic complex covers most of the north- base of the succession comprises Middle Jurassic volcanic- em half of the study area (Figure 1-6-3). It is bounded ty the rich sandstonesand associated shale and conglomerate. Yalakom fault to the northeast, and is juxtaposed ag,ainst These are overlain by a thick succession of arkosic sand- Bridge River and Cadwallader Group rocks across thru!.t and stone, conglomerateand shale of the Lower Cretaceous high-angle faultson thenorth,west, soutln andsoutheast. The JackassMountain Group. Andesitic volcanic and vol- complex was first studied in detail by Leech (1953). who caniclastic rocks,similar to the Powell Creekvolcanics concluded that it was an intrusive body, emplacedin thr. Late southwest of the Yalakom fault, occur locally as fault-bound Triassic or Early Jurassic, and later redistributed along fault Geologicul Fieldwork 1989, Puprr 1990.1 55 .*.. ..f.. .. A D Figure 1-6-3. Generalized geology map and cross-sections. Yalakom River map area, zones to the west and northwest. Later workers (Monger, harzburgite is locally layered, with layering defined by 1977; Nagel, 1979;Wright er al., 1982; Potter, 1983, 1986) centimetre-widebands of orthopyroxeniteand rarely by suggested that the Shulaps and Bridge River complexes wider bands of dunite, orthopyroxenite and harzburgite. A togetherconstitute a dismembered ophiolite.The present penetrative mineral foliation and lineation are locally evi- study, and in particular the detailed mapping by Tom Calon dent; the foliation is typically parallel, or at a low angle to, and coworkers along the southwesternmargin of the complex compositional layering. This foliation is interpreted by Calon (Calon et al., 1990) has confirmed this interpretation. et a/.to be a mantle tectonite fabric. A spectacular mylonitic The structurally and topographically highest portionof the foliationdisplayed by harzburgite 2 kilometresnorth- Shulapscomplex comprises variably serpentinized northeast of Serpentine Lake is also thought to be a mantle harzburgite with lesser dunite and orthopyroxenite.The fabric.Dunite withinthe upper harzburgiteunit locally 56 Brirish Columbia Geological Survey Branch defines layering,but is more common asunoriented pods and ophiolitic serpentinite melange at this lower structural level lenses, some of which crosscut layering and foliation within suggests that emplacement and imbrication of the Shllaps the harrburgite. This may reflect an upper mantle origin for complex was a complex processinvolving some lou-of- the harzburgite unit, in the lower part of the transition zone to sequence thrusting or folding. overlyingultramafic-mafic cumulates (T. Calon, personal communication, 1988). Where the harrburgite unit sits Struc- BRIDGE RIVERCOMPLEX turally above cumulate-derived serpentinite melange, it does so across a sole of harzburgite-derived
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