UNDER ATTACK V IOLEN CE A GA INST HEALTH WORKERS, PATIENTS AND FACILITIES Safeguarding HUMAN Health RIGHTS in Conflict WATCH (front cover) A Syrian youth walks past a destroyed ambulance in the Saif al-Dawla district of the war-torn northern city of Aleppo on January 12, 2013. © 2013 JM Lopez/AFP/Getty Images UNDER ATTACK VIOLENCE AGAINST HEALTH WORKERS, PATIENTS AND FACILITIES Overview of Recent Attacks on Health Care ...........................................................................................2 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................5 Urgent Actions Needed .......................................................................................................................7 Polio Vaccination Campaign Workers Killed ..........................................................................................8 Nigeria and Pakistan ......................................................................................................................8 Emergency Care Outlawed .................................................................................................................10 Turkey ..........................................................................................................................................10 Health Workers Arrested, Imprisoned ................................................................................................12 Bahrain ........................................................................................................................................12 Health Workers and Facilities Attacked ...............................................................................................15 South Sudan .................................................................................................................................15 Central African Republic ................................................................................................................16 Afghanistan ..................................................................................................................................17 Health Systems Destroyed ................................................................................................................18 Syria .............................................................................................................................................18 Other Recent Attacks ........................................................................................................................19 Appendix .........................................................................................................................................20 OVERVIEW OF RECENT ATTACKS ON HEALTH CARE UKRAINE S : PolicePoliice in KievKiev raidraid a RReded CCrossross cclinic.linlininic. PParamedicsaraamedics anandd whilewhile tryingtryiing toto evacuateevacuate woundedwounnded d indndividuals.ividuaals. TURKEY andand medicalmedical personnelpersonnnnel targetedtargeted byb governmentgovernmennt forfoor providingprroviiding carecare toto pro-pro- testers.testers. : DoctorsDDoctors triedtriied onon criminalcriminal cchargesharges ooff asassistingssisting ccriminals,rririminals, ddam-am- aging a pplacelace ooff wworship,orship, aandnd iinsult-nsult- iingng rreligiouseligious ssesentimentsntimeents fforor pprovidingroviding mmedicaledical assassistancessistance iinn a mmosqueosque ttoo pprotestersrotesters whwhoo hhadad sshelteredheltered ththere.ere. MALI : HealthHealth ffacilitiesacilities in GaoGao rransackedansacked anandd loolootedted by rrebels.ebee ls. NIGERIA shotshot deaddead in Kano.Kano. :Three:Three poliopolio workersworkers in P BBauchiauchi SStatetate abducabducted.ted. CENTRALCENTRAL AFRICANAFRICAN REPUBLIC : HealthHealth facilitiesfacilities COLOMBIACOLOMBIA anandd medimedicalcal oorganizationsrganizations nnearear BBossangoaossangoa ssystematicallyystematically ttargetedargeted B ofof attacksattackks on facilitiesfacilities anandd vehicles,vehicles, bbyy SeleSelekaka fforces.orces. medicalmedddical suppliessupplies recordedrecorded byby IICRC.CRC. armedarmed robberyrobbery in the northernnorthern towntown ooff BoguBoguila.ila. DEMOCRATICDEMOCRAATITIC REPUBLICREPUBLIC OFOF CCONGOONGO : TargetedTTaargeted attackattack on a medimedicalcal ffacilityacility in the ttownown ooff PinPinga.ga. K U EGYPTEGYPT SYRIASYRIA CHINACHINA : GovernmentGovernment forcesforces : DozensDozens ofof facilitiesfacilities : RepeatedRepeated attacksattacks oobstructedbstructed the aaccessccess ooff aambulancesmbulances ddamagedamaged or ddestroyedestroyed or anandd ffailedailed ttoo pproviderovide ssafeafe eexitsxitits fforor trtransformedanssformed fforor mmilitaryilitary uuse;se; stabbed,stabbed, includingincluding one toto death.death. seseverelyverely injinjuredured pprotestersrotesters dduringuring hhundredsundreds ooff hhealthealth wworkersorkers anandd the ddispersalispersal ooff the RRaba’aabaa’a’a ppatientsatients dedetained,tained, ttortured,ortured, anandd AAl-Adawiyal-Adaawiya ssit-in,it-in,n iin wwhiwhichhhich aatt lleasteast kkilled;illed; aambulancesmbulannces deldeliberatelyiberately atattackedtacked anandd oobstructed.bstruuuccted. ISRAEL/PALESTINEISRAEELELL//PPALAALESTINE : A PalestinianPaleestinian volunteervolunteer pparamedicaramamedimmedic aararrestedrested anandd dedetainedtaineed fforor attendingattteendingendid ng toto ana injuredininjjured protester.protester. YEMEN M on healthhealth servicesservices notednooted byby MSF.MSF. AFGHANISTANAFGHANISTTANANN : InIn DozensDozens ofof killings,killings, asassaultssaults aanandd abduabductionsctions aagainstgainst hhealthealth wworkers,orkers, ooccupationccupation ooff hhealthealthh N ffacilities,acillities, uusese ooff hhealthealth ffacilitiesacilities as eelectionlectiion ppolls.olls. PAKISTANPPAKIAKISTANTAN C : MoreMore SOMALIASOMALIA membersmembers andand peoplepeople guardingguauardding them : MédecinsMédecins SansSans Fron-Fron- kkilled.illed. - BAHRAINBAHRAIN : PhysiciansPhysicians andand nursesnurses targetedtargeted attack.aattack. ddismissedismissed frfromom their ggovernmentovernment ppositions,ositions, ararrested,rested, anandd jjailedailed fforor SOUTHSOUOUTHOU H SUDANSUDAN : PatientsPatients andand pprovidingroviding assassistanceistance ttoo pprotesters.rotesters. peopleppeople seekingsseseeking sanctuarysananctuary in hospitalshospitals attackedattacked andand in some D casescases killedkilled in their bedsbeds in Bor,Bor, BentiuB andand MalakalMalakal towns.towns. HospitalsHospitals KENYAKENYYAA : HealthHealth workersworkers threat-threat- eneenedd anandd aaccusedccused ooff ssupportingupporting rrivalival ggroups.roups. 4 UNDER ATTACK INTRODUCTION Over the past few years, the frequency and severity of attacks on health workers, patients, hospitals and clinics throughout the world have increased. In Pakistan and Nigeria, more than 70 polio vaccination workers have been killed. In Bahrain and Turkey, health workers have been arrested for providing care to individuals protesting government policies. In Syria, hundreds of patients and health workers have been arbitrarily arrested, killed and tortured, and hospitals and health clinics have been targeted and bombed. In 2012 and 2013 alone, the International Committee of the Red Cross identified 1,809 specific incidents in 23 countries in which violence was used against patients, health workers, ambulances or medical facilities. A health worker (R) vaccinates a child at a public health center in Kano, northern Nigeria, on February 13, 2013. Gunmen attacked two polio vaccination clinics in the northern city of Kano on February 8, killing at least 10 people, after Wazobia FM broadcast a story about claims of forced vaccinations. © 2013 Ben Simon/AFP/Getty Images MAY 2014 5 In compliance with international humanitarian law, par - Security Council expanded the mandate of the Secretary- ties to an armed conflict must ensure the respect and General’s special representative on children in armed protection of patients as well as health workers, facilities conflict to include reporting of attacks on medical facil - and transportation. It is also an obligation under human ities and personnel. The International Committee of the rights law for governments to ensure access, without dis - Red Cross, Médecins Sans Frontières, and the Safe - crimination, to primary health care. guarding Health in Conflict Coalition have all recently launched campaigns highlighting attacks on health The United Nations Special Rapporteur’s groundbreak - workers and facilities. ing October 2013 report on the right to the highest at - tainable standard of health stressed the need to hold This report describes recent examples of attacks on countries accountable for interference with the health health in order to raise attention to this issue among the care system and attacks on medical personnel and facil - global health community, the human rights community, ities. The report emphasized the importance of better and those responsible for the attacks. The escalating monitoring and data collection on attacks, as well as level of attacks targeted against health care must be rec - prosecution of those responsible. ognized as a critical human rights issue. Global and na - tional human rights institutions should take action to Although much remains to be done, some steps have ensure that practical steps are taken to protect health been taken to address
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