THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1913. 9 base en ball Off Koestner 5, off Fanning Struck out By Fanning 8. by Koestner ' Double plays MoArdle unssslsted, Meloan BEAVERS DEFEAT to Brashear, Brashear to O'Rourke, Corhan to O'Rourke, Corhan to Downs to McArdl Left on basest tiaa Franclsoo 4, Venice Earned runs San Franclsoo 8. Venice Wild pitch Koestner. Time 1:43. Urn R CUES STROUD plrei Guthrie and Held. CALIFORNIATHREAT OAKS BEAT AXGELS EICGGIXG rWniml Teams Fatten Batting Averages at SGECILS Expense of Pitchers. Up Nick Signs New Players Sacramento Wolves Hang L03 ANGELES, Oct 28. Oakland forhgj KJ and Los Angeles players continued to 14 Runs Against Three fatten their batting averages at the Class B League in Port- expense of the pitchers today. The for Portland. Oaks found Chech for 15 hits and eight land Next Season. runs, while Los Angeles piled up a to- tal of 10 bingles that counted for but three tallies. Every item denoting a saving of such unusualness, and offering such wide variety as to The game was nip and tuck until the prompt hundreds to come to " THE OWL" Friday and Saturday to supply their immediate ninth Inning, when Oakland sewed FINDS MADE gf RECRUIT HAFEY IS POUNDED up with four runs. Chech walked four PROMISING J as well as their future drug and other needs. Look the list over carefully and make a men and did not have a strikeout to memorandum of the items that interest. Total up the savings that you can effect by tak- his credit. Malarkey fanned three, but partici- did not issue a pass. Score : v ing advantage and you'll come to the conclusion that this is an event worth while Oakland I Los Angelei pating in. Hagerman Also Permits ine Tallies a n OAhi H O A E McCredle Overwhelmed With Letters I e" Coy.I 1 1 0 O Marrpert.r. S Z 0 0 Teams Batting Hetllng.3. 2 2 o u Howard, 1. 9 00 of Congratulation on Pennant and Both Fatten Kaylor.r. 2 0 0 0 Goodwln.a 4 4 0 25c size Mentholatum .... X3d 25c size New Skin for. .17c4 50c size' Nestle 's Food for 33 c4 Averages CI'm'ns.m 8 1 0 OiKrueger.m S 0 0 Victory of Beavers Home- In Farce Sailor's Ness,l. 2 14 1 UiUeusel.l. 4 21 25c size Saponol Tooth 25c size Sheep Dip for. ..17c4 50c Alcohol Gas Stove... 33c4 Cook.s. 2 3 6 0 Sawyer. 3.. 1 3 1 Urged. Win Is Double Victory. Guest. 2. 1 1 5 l'Johnson.s. 2 20 coming Reception Powder for 25c Boston Cloth Brush. Alexa'r.o 0 4 0 0!Arbogast,0 1 2 1 14d .17c4 40o quart Witch Hazel. .33c4 MTrk'y.p 1 1 OOjChech.p. 1 10 25c size Merck's Phosphate 25o size Mile 's Anti - Pain Gardner. 1 0 OOj 50c pint Cod Liver Oil. .33c4 Leard.2. 0 0 0 0 Soda for X4d Pills for Despite Call- - ............. V76 50c size Optona Tablets. Pacific Coast League Standing. Totals. 89 16 27 12 11 Totals. 8510 27 14 3 the continued threat of .33c4 I 100 Quinine Pills, 2 grain 25c size Shampoo V7 1, PC W Lm PC Batted for Guest in ninth. fornia Coast League moguls that they 14d "Owl" 17cJ 4- Analgesique. Portland. 109 S3 .575' Pan Fran 101 Ki2 .497 Oakland O 1 ft 0 0 0 0 0 - intend to refuse a sanction to the Port 25c size 's 50c Baume 35c Venice... 106 t.9 .617H.o An;. S 108 .483 Hits 1 2 8 0 1 1 2 3 16 Barkeeper 25c size Spanish Castile Sacr'm'to 100 1)4 .MB. Oakland. 68 118 .427 Tjii Ancele. 1 O 1 0 O 0 1 0 O- - land Northwestern League club next Friend for 50c size Poslam for 1 10 14 Soap -- 35d Teatnday's Results. Hlts 2 02O1121 year, Nick Williams, manager of the Milk Chocolates for 17c4 Runs Hetllng, Kaylor, Clemens 2. Ness, local Class B club goes right on pre 25c size Bromo Seltzer. .14c4 25c & 50c Cuticura Ointment. .35c4 At Sacramento fiacramento 14. Portland Cook, Malarkay. Gardner, aiaggert, Sawyer. paring season. At Full size Roger Gallet's 3. Tbree-br.s- e hits 'Malarkey, Howard. Two- lor another the OfV 100 Chocolate Coated Cas-- At Ban Francisco San Francisco 6, Ven- base hlLs Marrart. Sawyer. Guest. Sacrl Manager Nick has signed two promis Soap for 50c size Sal Hepatica for 35c4 Special for-15c- 18d ice 3. fice Alexander, Clemens, ing youngsters. They Pound ? 3. hit stolen bases are Clarence Oi7C cara Pills, At Los Anereles Oakland 8. Los Angeles Guest, First on balls Off Chech 4. Struck Johnson and a shortstop named Henry. I 35c size Castoria fori....lSd 75c Lennox Hair Tonic. 39c4 Pennant Dope. out Ey ilalarkey 3. Double plays Cook to Nig I Assorted, in 10 different 25c size Pi3o 's Cough Rem- Guest to Ness; Goodwin to Howard; Kess Peters signed Henry at Chico, Cal., . 50o size Theatrical I flavors. 35c quart Pluto "Water. 19c4 "Owl" Portland still holds the lead of the unassisted: Cook to Ness. Hit by pltcuor where Nig is practicing law. and the Put up In bags, as we edy for league by OVi games. Cook. Time 2:00. Umpires Finney and other lad hails from Hiawatha, Utah. cannot afford to sell them at 35c size Robinson's Patent Cold Cream for 39c4 Three more fames are on the Portland Phyla. s this temptingly low price in 25c size Synol Soap for.. 15c4 W. W. McCredle 75c size Croxone for Sacramento Is but one-ha- lf game behind la overwhelmed with boxes. Barley for 19d 43c4 secona FROM3IE A XT SCOTT HARD HIT letters on Bea- You'll admit that 2oo size Pape's Cold Com- Venice lor place. congratulating him the these 5-l- b. Tonic. San Francisco Is still S14 game behind vers' pennant-winnin- g feat One of Milk Chocolates are as "good" 25o size Epsom Salts, 75c Lennox Hair .396 the first division. Bono" says as those you've often paid 7Bo pound for 15c4 Giants Take Another From White the "Pro contributors in pound for in boxes elsewhere. package for 19cJ all shades, for 49d SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Oct. 23. (Spe part: Friday and Saturday only 25c size Liquid Veneer. .15c4 I see where Rodgers Is going I & clal.) The -3 Sacramento victory Sox at Sioux City. Bill at 89c pound. 50c Java Face Powder. .22c4 65c size Roger Gallet's to Cleveland. Well, we will all be 25c size Sal Hepatica for 15c over Portland today meanl a $500 SIOUX CITY, la., Oct 23. The White Powder . pitching bonus to Sailor Ralph Stroud sorry to see him depart, but he deserves 25c size "Owl" Gargle.. 15c4 25c size "Owl" Lemon or Anthea for. .49c was on Sox and the New York Giants, on their it But if Davis steps into his shoes Dye- lor It his 25th victory the game Vanilla Extract, 2 -- 75c Scheffler's Hair 53c4 for Sacramento this year. Also tour of the world, clashed in a at second base he must wear a red 10c size Skat Soap for...6cJ 25c size "Owl" Seidlitz for. 25c4 mound today, I was the first time he has beat the at Riverside Park, the Giants shirt We can't stand to lose that red Pol- 10c size Olive Soap, $1 size Caldwell's Syrup it winning 6 to 3. Fromme and Scott shirt at the keystone." 10c size. Shinola Shoe Powders for 15 Palm Beavers this season. With the Seals pitched, being up lively : beating- Venice today's game also both touched in ish 6 25c size Carter's Cascara special, 4 for of Pepsin for. 55c4 climb up fashion. Score: Maxwell White, 625 Chamber of Com. meant that Sacramento would 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 10 urges lOc Dyes Compound . : 75c size Vegetal game of place White Sox.,.1 03 merce building, that some pub Diamond for...6c for 15c4 25c size Thompson's Cold Pinaud's 55c4 within half a second 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 S 6 12 lic reception with good prospects of crowding the Giants be accorded the Portland 10c size Jergen's Violet 25c size Bathasweet for. .15c4 Tablets at 2 75c oz. Piver's Perfume, ,55c Tigers down a notch in the remaining Batteries Scott and Daly; Fromme champions on their return home, while for... 25d three days of the race. and Wingo. C. McGraw. 205 Morrison street Glycerine Soap for 25c size 'Williams' Shav- cinched the pen- calls upon Walter McCredle to organize 7i But Portland had all-st- ar 10c size Le Page's Glues.. ing Stick for nant and none of these things mat an Coast team to play the New 7ri 15c SPECIAL tered. At first. Bill P.odgers had been York Giants at least five games when 10c size Machine Oil 25c size Sloan's Liniment 16c4 1Q inclined to send Harry Krause to the tney come West for..7 mound to oppose Stroud, Krause having This latter recommendation cannot I 15c size Mennen's Talcum 25c size Mennen's Shaving a- - amount to anything because the Giants m ii ai .am in i n - an unbroken record of nine straight Gonra Powder Cream for 16c4 m mt mi n aamv sa. ciwt .jiaia are already 9c victories, and Stroud needing one more booked to play the Chicago 1 ?x&LZ Friday and game to win his bonus.
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