369 Written Answers PHALGUNA 27, 1918 {Saka) to Questions 370 THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (PROF. SAIFUDDIN SOZ); (a) Yes. Sir. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has served closure notice to a Sugar Mill located in Ratlam district under Section 5 of the Environment 3. The Indian Nal.onal Flag. (Protection) Act, 1986 for not providing adequate pollution control measures to comply with the prescribed effluent and 4. The name, emblem or official seal emission standards. The industry has informed that they of the Government of India or of are in the process of installing and commissioning of Effluent any state, or any other insignia or Treatment Plant by the end of May/June, 1997. coat-of-arms used by any such Govemment or by a Department of (b) to (d) As CPCB has already taken action, no further any such Government. action by the Government is envisaged at this stage. 5. The emblems of the St. John [English] Ambulance Association (India), and the St. John Ambulance Brigade Use of Names/Plctorial Representations (India), consisting of the device of 3764. SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES ; Will the Minister a white eight pointed cross of CIVIL SUPPLIES, CONSUMER AFFAIRS AND PUBLIC embellished in the four principal DISTRIBUTION be pleased to state; angles alternatively with a lion passant quadrant and a unicorn (a) the names or pictorial representations thereof whose passant, whether or not the device use IS prohibited under the Emblems and Names (Pre\/ention is surrounded or accompanied by or Improper Use) Act, 1950; concentric circles or other (b) the date from which this prohibition is in force: decoration or by lettenng. (c) whether the Government’s attention has been drawn 6. The name, emblem or official seal 1.9.1950 to any violations of this provision; of the President, Govemor (Sadar- i-Riyasat) or Public or Union of (d) if so, the details thereof; and India. (e) the action taken against the violators? 7. Any name which may suggest or be calculated to suggest:— THE MINISTER OF FOOD AND MINISTER OF CIVIL SUPPLIES. CONSUMER AFFAIRS AND PUBLIC (i) The patronage of the Govemment DISTRIBUTION (SHRI DEVENDRA PRASAD YADAV); (a) of India or the Government of a and (b) Names/pictonal representations, whose use is state; or prohibited, are stipulated in the Schedule to the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950. Details (ii) Connection with any local authority regarding the dates from which such prohibition is in force or any corporation or body are given in the attached statement. constituted by the Government under any law for the time being in (c) No, Sir. force. (d) Do not anse. 8. The name, emblem or official seal S tatem e nt of the United Nations, Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation. SNo. Item Date from which 9. The name or pictorial prohibition is representation of Rashtrapati, in force Rashtrapati Bhavan, Raj Bhavan. 9A. The name or pictorial representation of Mahatma Gandhi, The name, emblem or official seal Pt. Jawahar Lai Nehru, Shrimati of the United Nations Organisation. Indira Gandhi. Chhatrapati Shivaji 8.4.1970 1.9.1950 or the Prime Minister of India or The name, emblem or official seal the words Gandhi, Nehru or Shivaji of the World Health Organisation. except the pictorial use thereof on 371 Written Answers 18 MARCH, 1997 to Questions 372 calenders where only the name of 18. The name and emblem of the 4.8.1973 the manufacturers and printers of Ramakrishna Math and Mission the calendars are given and the consisting of a Swan floating on calenders are not used for waters, with a lotus in the advertising goods. foreground and the rising sun in the background, the whole being (Ins. by Notification No. S.O. 1503 encircled by a wild corpant, with dated 8th April. 1970). the words superimposed on the 10. The medals, badges or decorations bottom portion. instituted by the Government from (Ins. by Notification No. S.O. 2356 time to time or the miniatures or dated the 4th August. 1973). replicas of such medals, badges or decorations (or the name of such 19. The name and emblem of the Sri 11.9.1973 models, badges or decorations or Sarada Math and Ramakrishna of the miniatures or replicas Sarada Mission consisting of a thereof). Swan (facing right) floating on water, with a lotus in the foreground 11 The name, emblem or official seal and the rising sun in the of the International Civil Aviation background, the whole being Organisation. encircled by a wild sarpant (facing 12. The word “Interpol” which is an right with the words. integral part of the International (Ins. by Notification dated the 11th Cnminal Police Organisation. Sept., 1973). 13. The name, emblem or official seal 20. The name of The Bharat Scouts 10.7.1974 of the World fv^eteorological and Guides’ with the Emblem. Organisation. (Ins. by Notification dated the 10th 14. The name and emblem of the July. 1974). Tuberculosis Association of India. 21. The name and emblem of the 18.8.1978 15. The name, emblem and official seal 1.9.1950 International Olympic Committees of the International Atomic Energy consisting of five interiaced rings. Agency. (Ins. by Notification No. S.O. 2457 16. The names “Ashoka Chakra" or dated 18th August, 1978). “Dharma Chakra” or the pictorial representation of Ashoka Chakra as 22. The name and emblem of the 23.6.1986 used in the Indian National Flag or National Youth Emblem which is in in the official seal or emblem of the black and white and carries the Government of India or of any State profiles of the faces of two onward Government, or of a Departmertt looking young persons — male and of any such Government. female—inscribed with a circle. Both faced are tuming towards the 17. The name of the Partiament or the right and the profile of the male face legislature of any State, or the is in black and is situated behind Supreme Court, or the High Court that of the female face. The back of any State, oi the Central of profile of the female face forms Secretariat, or the secretariat of any the tail and wing of a dove flying in State Government or any other the opposite direction with Its back Government Office or the pictorial extending outside the circle and representation of any building carrying a twig with loaf. The profile occupied by any of the aforesaid of the dove is in white and the institutions. balance space of the profile of the 373 Written Answers PHALGUNA 27, 1918 {Saka) to Questions 374 The Government have taken number of steps including import of wheat upto 2 million tonnes, increased allocation for PDS and open Market Sales Scheme, imposition of female face is covered with licensing and stock holding limits and action against hoarders horizontal lines in black. The space and black marketeers under the provisions of Essential between the black profile of the male face and the circle is also Commodities Act and Prevention of Black Marketing and covered by horizontal lines in black. Maintenance of Supplies of Essential Commodities Act. The space in between the profile [Translation] of the dove and the circle to the laft of the dove is also in black. Mining of Precious Stones The leaf and twig is in black. One eye of the dove is shown in the 3766. SHRI N.J. RATHWA : Will the Minister of form of a dot. ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS be pleased to state: (Ins. by Notification No. S.O. 373(E) (a) whether the complaints have been received dated 23rd June, 1986). regarding the illegal mining of precious stones found in the reserved forests of Gujarat particularly in the tribal dominated areas; Impact of Price Hike Under P.D.S. (b) if so, the details thereof for last three years till date; 3765. DR. T, SUBBARAMl REDDY : Will the Minister of FOOD be pleased to state: (c) whether the Government have got conducted any inquiry in this regard; (a) whether nse in prices of rice, sugar and wheat (d) if so, the outcome thereof; and under the PDS have also affected the prices and supply of these commodities in the open market; (e) the steps taken or proposed to be taken to prevent illegal mining of such precious stones? (b) whether the Government have also taken serious view of the shortage and the rise in pnces of these THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF commodities; ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (PROF. SAIFUDDIN SOZ): (a) and (b) According to report submitted by the (c) if so. the details thereof; and Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Gujarat, a complaint regarding illegal mining of wallastonite, a precious mineral (d) the steps taken by the Government to check the from Dhanpura forest survey No. 339 and 257 has been same? receiv'ed. THE f^lNISTER OF FOOD AND MINISTER OF CIVIL (c) and (d) The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests SUPPLIES, CONSUMER AFFAIRS AND PUBLIC has reported that revenue as well as forest officials have DISTRIBUTION (SHRI DEVENDRA PRASAD YADAV): (a) inquired into the matter. They have found that two to (d) The Central Issue Prices of wheat and rice raised leaseholers, who were granted lease for lime stone mining w e.f. 1.2.1994 are still in force. The revised issue prices in revenue survey No. 255/2 of village Dhanpura, had illegally under Targetted PDS announced by the Government on mined in 0.03 ha. of forest area of survey No. 339 during 1’4.2.1997 have not yet been given effect to, in any of the January.
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