THE [IVING CHURCH AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY SUPPORTING CATHOLIC ANGLICANISM • DECEMBER 2 , 2007 • $2 . 50 Celebration in El Camino Real The Third Annual "'MERE ANGLICANISM" CONFERENCE Thursday, January 31 - Saturday, February 2, 2008 returning to the nett•ly renovated ([atbebral ([fJurcbof $1. JLukeanb $1. ~aul 126 Coming Street, Charleston, South Carolina 29403 GOD'S TRUSTWORTHY WORD: SCRIPTURE, TRADITION, AND THE PEOPLE Of GOD The twenty-first century crisis in Anglicanism has arisen out of more than t\•rn hundred years of growing hcrmcneutical suspicion about the eternal trushrnrthinc~ ..., of God's ,vord \Vrittcn. This crisis can be resoh-cd only through a faithful re-claiming by the Church of such trust. Analysis and reflection around this issue will constitute the program of this coming year's co11fr·1-c1Ke, led by a roster of internationally renmrned speakers. Dr. Jerry Rool -- with a focus 011 C. S. Lewis Bishop Hoberr Duncan - with a focus on de, ·elopments in the Anglican Communion Canon Roberr Crouse - with a focus on sacramentalism in the Church Fathers and the English Refrmners Bishop (God willing) l\fark Lawrence - with a lixus on lhe life and leadership of Charles Henry Brent Canon Ashley ::\'ull - with a focus on Thomas Cranmer for Today Dr. Paul \loser - H"itha foc11s on Jesus as Cod's Trustworthy \Vord Canon 1\/lichael Creen - wirh a forns on "marching orders" for Anglicanism in a ::\'ew Reformation Plenary panels and small group opportunities ffill be interspersed throughout the conference. Net\rnrking sessions and gatherings for theological educators and hloggers Hill he held. NL\jor panelists, discussion leaders and liturgical participants \\ill include Bishop FitzSimons Allison. , ,Villiarn Dickson, Gavin Dunbar, Lydia EYans, Leander Harding, RishopJack Iker, Kendall Harmon, Gillis Harp, Ann Harrington, Michael Howell, Edith Humphrey, l\fatt Kennedy, Torrance Kirby, Guy L~tle, \Villiam \kKeachic, Joe \forphy, Daniel l\Juth, George ,voodliff III, and many other lay leaders, clen.,i,· and bishops. Cost: $80 includes box lunch on Frida,·. and Satmda,·. Register today at www.MereAnglicanism.com or call Kester Heaton at The Cathedral Church of St. Luke and St Paul: 84a-722-7:~4.S GUARD THE TREASURE THE THELIVING CHURCH maga zine is published by the Living Church Foundation , LIVING C HURCH Inc. The historic mission of the Living Church Foundation is to promote and An independent weekly serving Episcopalianssince 1878 support Catholic Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church. DavidA. Kalvelage E.cecuti1•eEditor THIS WEEK Betty Glatzel Grmeral Manager John Schuessler Features Managing Edi/or Steve Waring NewsEd'itot 16 Advent Encounter Amy Grau BY DOUGLASM. CARPENTER GraphicA rtl5t Tom Parker Acl1•r1·tisi11_gMcwag er Thais Jackson Opinion Fulfillment Manage,· Renee Weber Marketi 11.9/PromotiouDi rector 17 Editor 's Column Michael O'Loughlin Sad, if ot Surprising Director ofAssociatrclPublicutions BOARDOP DIRECTORS 18 Editorials The Rev.Thomas A. Fraser New Season of Change Riverside, Ill. (President) Miriam K. Stauff Wauwatosa,W is. (VicePresid ent) DanielMuth 19 Reader's Viewpoint St. Leonard, Mel.(Secretary) On the Decline HowardM. Tischler BY KEVINMARTIN Albuquerque, N.M. (Treasurer) The Rt. Rev. Bertram N. Herlong Franklin, Tern,. 21 Letters The Rev. Jay C. James Other Novelties Raleigh, N.C. The Rt. Rev. D. Bruce MacPherson Alexandria, La. RichardMamrnana, J r. News Stamford, Conn. Thomas Riley 10 Diocese of Chicago Vienna, Ya. Elects Bishop MissAugusta D. Roddis Marshfield, Wis. Editorial anrl Busin ess offices: 816 E. Juneau Avenue OtherDepartments Milwaukee, WI 53202-2793 Mailing address: P.O. Box 514036 4 Sunday's Readings Milwaukee, WI 53203-3436 Telephone: 414-276-5420 Fax: 414-276-7483 5 Books E-mail: [email protected] www.livingchurch.org 8 Short & Sharp ~IANUSCRJIYl'SAND PHOTO(;IUPHS:T11s L 11·IN1; C11111w1-1c.a1mot ass ume rcsponsibilily for the return of photos or manusC'ripts. 25 People & Places Tm: L1,1N1;Cm IWMis published every week, dated Sunday. hy the Living Chu rc:h Pounclation. Jnr., at SIG E. Juneau Ave., Milwaukee. \VI &:3202. Periodicals postagr paid a1 MiJwauk<'e,\\ 'I, and at additional mailinAoffices. SlfBSClllPTION RATES:$• 12.50 for one yea,: $62.00 for 18 months; $80.00 for two yrars. Onthe Cover Canadian pos1agean additional $29.18 per year; Mexicm1rate SS.5.42:all other foreign, 4➔ .27 per year. Mariachi Los Lagos, a local mariachi band that POSTM;\STEH: Send address rhmtgPs to Tm: Lrw~c; advertises "Musica para toda ocasi6n - music C111I1«·II,P.O. Box 5140:lB, Milwaukee,\\'I 5:J20:3-14:l6. Subscribers, when suhm11ting address c·hangPs, for every occasion, " performs after the conse ­ please allow3•-I werks for C'hangero take effrct. cration of the Ven Mary Gray-Reeves as Bishop THE Ll\"ING tHllRCII (ISSN 0024--'>240)is pub­ of El Camino Real on Nov. 1O at St. Andrew 's lished by THE LIVING("J ILTRCII FOLIND,\TION, Church in Saratoga, Calif. Choirs from around INC.. a non•proflt organ i1.atfon serving th<' rhurc:h. AU gift" to the Ponndalion are tax.dedm.:liblP. the diocese provided music at the service. ©2007111e Living Church founctaIion, lnr. Timothy Hobf'rU,photo Allri gln~"r esrrvecl. No rf'pnxlucl1rn1 in whole or part ean bP made wit hout pennis;;io11of Tm: Ll\1fllfiC111w11. Volume 235 Nu111ber23 DECEMBER 2. 2007 · THE LIVING CHURCH 3 8ctid O~l SUNDAY'S READINGS CHOIR CHAIR Readyand Waiting 'Let us wa lk in the light of the Lord' (Isaiah 2:5) ;/ ,.. The First Sundayof Advent(Year A), Dec.2, 2007 BCP: Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalm 122; Rom. 13:8-14; Matt. 24:37-44 RCL:Isaiah 2:1-5 ; Psalm 122; Rom. 13:11-14; Matt. 24:36-44 During this Advent seaso n all four are even moving in that direction. Old Testament readings are drawn The 24th chapte r of Matthew 's from the prophet Isaiah and all four gospe l is Jesus' respo nse to this ques­ gospe l readings come from Matthew. tion from his discip les: "Tell us, when This is uniqu e to Lect ionary A and will this be , and what will be the sign offers an opportunity on eac h Sunday of your coming and of the close of the to explore the interp lay between the age?" (24:3). Like Isaiah , the discip les with FIBRE RUSH SEAT two readings. In Matthew's gospe l, believe that a new age will come. Since 1877 Jesus is Israel's Messial1, foretold by Jesus paints a grim picture of the R.Geissle~ Inc. Isaiah and others , in whom God's pur ­ signs: "the Slm will be darkened ... the pose culmina tes. stars will fall from the heaven" (24:9). 2641 E. Greystone Ct. Isaiah proclaims a clay when "the The passage for this Sunday speaks Eagle, ID 83616 mountain of the hous e of the Lord directly to the first part of the disciples' Phone: (800) 862-3159 shall be estab lished . and all nations question : "When will th is be?" The www.rgeissler.com shall flow to it" (2:2). Many peop le answ er is simp le but troubling: "But of shall come to that mow1tain so that that clay and hour no one knows , not the Lord "may teach us his ways and even tl1e ange ls of heaven, nor the Son, that we may walk in his paths" (2:3). but the Father only (24:36). Watch MISsr\ NARY This is not presented merely as a hop e therefore, for you do not know on TRAVEL INSURA CE or a clrean1, but with a voice of cer­ what clay your Lord is coming (42). tainty. [F]or tl1e Son of Man is coming at an • GLOBAL MISSION MEDICAL When that clay comes, the peoples how· you do not expect" (44). (with furlough coverage! "shall beat their swords into plow­ What Isaiah and Matth ew share in • OUTREACH TRAVEL MEDICAL shares and their spears into pruning common is the firm conviction that hooks ; nation shall not lift up sword • GROUP OUTREACH TRAVEL MEDICAL such a day of the Lord's jud gment will (as low as $1 .80/dayl against nation , neither shall they learn come. The faithful are challenged "to war any more" (2:4). However often we walk in [the Lord's] paths " and to be • MISSION +PLUS INTERNATIONAL GROUP sing "Goel bless America," that mom1- ready. One carmot study for the final tain seems to be barely visible over the exan1 or practice for the big game. The ShorMcrm and Long-term medica l in sura nc e for edge of the distant horizon. One cannot Missio naries and gro up s travcW.ng world -wide Lord wants to "teac h us his ways," but including back h ome while on FURLOUGH. help but wonder if we as a nation , now this is only poss ible if we are prepar ed engaged in a so-called pre-emptive war, to be an1ong those ready to learn . LookIt Up Isaiah 2:4 (swor ds into plowshares and spears into pruning hoo ks) is an often quoted biblica l passage. For tho se who pr efer beat ing plowshar es into swords and pruning hooks into spears, there is always Joel 3:10. COMMUNITY ThinkAbout It INSURANCE If somehow we were told in a definitive and autho ritat ive way exac tly when J\ IIGENCYINC the Son of Man wou ld come "on the clouds of heave n wit h power and great QUALITY SERVICC TO THE COMIAUNI TY SINCE 1960 Ramesh Patel & Craig Robbins glory" (Matt. 24:30), what difference would it mak e? 1-800-344-9540x15 NextSunday missionary @ciainsagency.com The SecondSunday of Advent(Year A), Dec.9, 2007 www .visitorsinsurance.com/ BCP: Isaiah 11:1-10; Psalm 72 or 72:1-8; Rom.
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