H3794 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 8, 2004 order under the Calendar Wednesday Resolved, That the House of Representa- Two years after that, a group of rule be dispensed with on Wednesday tives— seven Republican freshmen legislators next. (1) expresses its deepest appreciation for were invited to the Governor’s home The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the profound public service of President Ron- for a little dinner. They had a set of ald Reagan; the request of the gentleman from (2) expresses its condolences to Nancy card tables in the living room, a couple Texas? Reagan and to Patti, Michael, Ron, and the sat down at one card table, I sat on an There was no objection. entire Reagan family; extra chair, and, lo and behold, the f (3) calls on the people of the United States Governor sat down beside me. The gen- to reflect on the record of President Reagan tleman from California (Mr. WAXMAN) MOURNING THE PASSING OF during this national period of remembrance may remember that I was a bit more PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN and to remember always his encouraging brash in those days than I choose to be Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speak- words: ‘‘We have every right to dream heroic now. er, pursuant to the order of the House dreams.’’; and And so almost immediately, I raised of today and as designee of the major- (4) directs the Clerk of the House of Rep- the subject of interest to me to the resentatives to transmit a copy of this reso- ity leader, I call up the resolution (H. lution to the family of President Reagan. then-Governor Reagan. I asked him Res. 664) mourning the passing of what he thought about preschool and President Ronald Reagan and cele- b 1915 child care. It did not take 30 seconds brating his service to the people of the The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the for me to begin to understand that I United States and his leadership in order of the House of today, the resolu- had asked the right question, for Gov- promoting the cause of freedom for all tion shall be debatable on this legisla- ernor Reagan knew an awful lot more the people of the world, and ask for its tive day for 2 hours, equally divided about preschool and child care than I immediate consideration. and controlled by the Majority and Mi- ever thought of knowing. He and Nancy The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- nority Leaders or their designees which had been thinking about this subject lows: may be extended for an additional hour for some time. And indeed, as a result H. RES. 664 on each demand of the Majority Leader of that beginning point of working to- Whereas President Ronald Reagan re- or his designee. gether in this very special area of edu- minded us that our great Nation was founded The resolution shall be debatable on cation, the Child Development Act was and built by people with great dreams and the legislative day of June 9, 2004, for 3 signed in 1972 by Governor Reagan and the courage to take great risks; hours equally divided and controlled by became the first major State quality Whereas President Reagan reminded his the Majority and Minority Leaders or day care programming that included countrymen of the Nation’s calling in world their designees. health components and education com- history: ‘‘From our forefathers to our mod- The Chair at any time may postpone ponents and involved parental respon- ern day immigrants, we’ve come from every further consideration of the resolution sibilities as well. corner of the earth, from every race and until a time designated by the Speaker. The Governor was way ahead of the every ethnic background, and we’ve become curve, as one might see; for some 25 a new breed in the world. We’re Americans, The gentleman from California (Mr. and we have a rendezvous with destiny.’’; LEWIS), as the designee of the Majority years later, Washington discovered the Whereas President Reagan championed Leader, and the gentleman from Cali- importance of child care. freedom and democracy throughout the fornia (Mr. WAXMAN), as the designee Another illustration of an interesting world, bringing courage to millions of people to the Minority Leader, each will con- side of the Governor who by many was suffering the bondage of tyranny and oppres- trol 1 hour. considered to be some way out there, sion; The Chair recognizes the gentleman far out on the right; but quickly those Whereas on June 12, 1987, President Reagan from California (Mr. LEWIS). who would observe carefully recognized stood at the Brandenburg Gate, the symbol that this Governor was looking out for GENERAL LEAVE of communism’s brutal oppression, and de- the benefit of all people of California manded: ‘‘General Secretary Gorbachev, if Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speak- and because of that, shortly he became you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the er, I ask unanimous consent that all very well known as an environmental Soviet Union and eastern Europe, if you seek Members may have 5 legislative days Governor. He joined quickly with Gov- liberalization: Come here to this gate. Mr. within which to revise and extend their ernor Laxalt of Nevada, and together Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, remarks on the resolution under con- tear down this wall!’’; hand in hand they literally saved Lake sideration. Whereas on November 9, 1989, the Berlin Tahoe. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Wall was torn down, signifying the end of the A leader way ahead of his time, it Cold War; the request of the gentleman from was my privilege to spend so much Whereas President Reagan, and his wife California? time in those early days with Governor There was no objection. Nancy, brought dignity and respect to the Ronald Reagan. At another time in White House and dedicated their lives to pro- Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speak- this evening’s discussion I would like moting national pride and to bettering the er, I yield myself such time as I may to spend a moment discussing with all quality of life in the United States and consume. of you my first experience with Gov- throughout the world; Mr. Speaker, through the years of ernor Reagan when he became Presi- Whereas on May 16, 2002, Congress be- having the opportunity to know Presi- stowed the congressional gold medal in rec- dent of the United States. ognition of their service to the Nation; dent Ronald Reagan, one could go down Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Whereas Ronald Reagan’s eloquence united many a pathway in recalling his great- my time. Americans in times of triumph and tragedy; ness. My first recollection of Ronald Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Whereas on January 28, 1986, President Reagan, I can recall clearly I was lying myself such time as I may consume. Reagan comforted a grieving nation as on the living room floor, and he was Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay trib- Americans mourned the death of seven giving this speech on behalf of Barry ute to President Ronald Reagan. Presi- American astronauts who ‘‘slipped the surly Goldwater. The remarks in that speech dent Reagan has been a part of my en- bonds of earth to touch the face of God’’; entitled, ‘‘A Time For Choosing,’’ Whereas President Reagan spent the twi- tire political life. President Reagan got light of his life as he always lived, leading a never to forget, ‘‘You and I have a ren- his start in politics when he was elect- fight against Alzheimer’s disease with faith, dezvous with destiny. We will preserve ed Governor in 1966. Two years later, I courage, and dignity, with the greatest love for our children this, the last best hope got my start in politics when I was for the Nation and eternal optimism for its of man on Earth, or we will sentence elected to the California legislature. I future; them to take the last step into a thou- served in the State legislature until Whereas by opening his heart to the Na- sand years of darkness.’’ I will never 1974, the last year of Governor Rea- tion about his affliction with Alzheimer’s forget rolling over on the floor and say- gan’s term. And, of course, I served in disease, President Reagan promoted greater ing to my family, ‘‘This guy ought to awareness of this condition; and the Congress of the United States for Whereas President Reagan appealed to the be Governor of California.’’ And, by the entire 8 years of his Presidency. best hopes of the American people, not their golly, just 2 years later, he was: Gov- I knew from those early days that worst fears, and to their confidence rather ernor Ronald Reagan, elected in 1966 by President Reagan had remarkable po- than their doubts: Now, therefore, be it the people of California. litical skills. He is known as the Great VerDate jul 14 2003 02:49 Jun 09, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08JN7.019 H08PT1 June 8, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3795 Communicator and, truly, he was. President Reagan came to Wash- Today America’s light shines a little President Reagan knew how to connect ington at a moment when our country dimmer because he is gone, but, Mr. with people. And he could articulate was in great malaise. Interest rates Speaker, it shines much brighter than values and resonate across America had risen as high as 211⁄2 percent.
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