AI R PO ST JOURNAL -Stamps for Illustration, courtesy Club Filatelico de la Republica de 1 uba The Air Mail Values of fhe Affracfive New Pictorial Sef from Cuba which Commemorafes fhe SOfh Year of fh@ Republic. ---·--- Volume XX ll I JUN'E, No. 9 You can't collect Gf ir StampJ without SANAB RIA THE AIRPOST CATALOG 1953 Edition Fully Revised - Accurate - Concise - Complete ... This most useful and unique publication will be ready for del ivery September, 1952. $4.75 post free • "Sanabria's Air Post and British Empire News" - a quarterly - containing additions to the Catalog and news of Empire stamps is now available FREE to anyone sending advance orders fully paid for the catalog. These must reach us not later than August 15, 1952 - after that: $1.00 a year. • NICOLAS SAN ADRIA Co., lne. A. MEDAWAR, President 521 FIFTH A VENUE NEW YORK 17. ). Y. First International Helicopter Flight Honors 'Centilux' Show • by ERNEST A. KEHR • e Departure of the First International Helicopter Flight from Luxembourg. Included in the Picture is Emile Raus. Direclor of Posis. Carlo Thill. Inspec­ tor of Posts. the Pilot. Louis Teisen. President of Cenlilux. Jules Colbach, Organizing Secretary, Mr. Raus· Children and Police, Military and Postal Officials. Special to. The Airpost Journal francs ·each ( 30 cents), addressed them and left them to be franked, cacheted Luxembourg.-Although Centilux, an and postmarked. It was originally plan­ international philatelic exhibition staged ned that only 2,000 cards would be car­ to commemorate the centennial of the ried but the demand was so large that first adhesives issued by the Grand an additional 2,500 had to be printed Duchy of Luxembourg, in 1852, caused and offered two days after they were considerable attention, the world's first first placed on sale. international Helicopter air mail flight The plane itself arrived from Paris on proved nothing short of sensational. May 30, and was hangared at the mag­ Planned jointly by the organization nificent Luxembourg airport, about five committees of Centaux, in Luxembourg kilometers from the Exhibition hall. and the National Philatelic Exhibition, in Owned by a private French ace from Strasbourg, the flight to France left an Nice, it was a small, two seater for empty lot in front of the Halle d'Exposi­ which postal authorization had been tion, at 4 p. m. on May Sl, into an ov­ granted by the Luxembourg and French ercast sky. Visitors to the show purch­ administrations. On May 31 it flew ased specially printed postal cards at 15 (Continued on n ext page) THE AIRPOST JOURNAL =~~tt~1c~1iN s~~ Entered as second-class matter, February 10, 1932, at the post office at Albion. Pa. under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published monthly. JUNE. 1952 - VOL. XXIII. NO. 9 - ISSUE NO. 266 - 25c PER COPY 274 THE AIRPOST JOURNAL CARTE ·POSlAlE • One of the Souvenir Covers Flown by Helicopter from Strasbourg. France to Luxembourg. from the airport, landed on the grounds, itors to the show had never seen some loaded the mail and was off in a matter of the specimens she displayed. During ·of fifteen minutes as several thousand the opening, Grand Duchess Charlotte persons, including Maurice Trlpet, Fritz and Prince Felix viewed the display and Billig, Lt. Charles Lesky, and several were especially impressed with the 24 ether Americans watched. Arrangements cent invert, the story of which they had been made for the writer to make knew but an example of which they had the flight but the additional sacks of never before seen. mail did not allow for further excess Fr'ed Loeliget" took a silver medal, weight. with felicitations of the jury added, for .. The flight to France was made in just his extraordinary study of the early Swiss over two hours. On the following day, semi-officials. Fred Bauer took a bronze weather forc~d down the helicopter 30 for his trans-Pacifies (another bronze for miles from Luxembourg where the pilot his Malaya) and 'Bill Kaufman took a ·had to wait more than an hour before bronze for his Byrd covers and memor­ the skies cleared sufficiently for him to abilia.· Maurice Trlpet got a silver-gilt resume the trip on which he carried five for his Swiss pioneers and might have more pouches of mail and a bouquet of done just a little better except for the roses for Madame Theisen, president of fact that he left for a trip to France Centilux Organization Committee. without leaving a key to the suitcase Centilux was a triumph in every re­ with the Jury so they might examine the spect-Entries by American collectors 12 albums which supplemented the ma­ were strong and every one of them terial in the frames. Harold Dermody came off with a prize. The air mail en­ took a silver for his extraordinary lot of tries were particularly strong. Mrs. air mail history. Louise Hoffman, a Director of the A great deal of comment has appeared American Air Mail Society> took a gold in the press concerning the sale of the medal in this section although the rules special stamps issued to commemorate called for only a silver-gilt as the top the centenary, and the show. Actually award in the section. Her rarieties caus­ the process of selling the two sets-two ed no end of excitement since many vis- regular stamps made by Enschede in JUNE, 1952 275 Holland, and the five airs made by Cour­ voisier-was advocated by the Federa­ When You Think Of ... tion Internationale de Philately, the gov­ erning body for European International BUYING OR SELLING shows. To purchase a set of stamps it was necessary to buy an admission ticket AIR MAILS (either at the show, at any post office in the Duchy, or by mail) which cost 20 Think of H. R. Harmer, pio­ francs, ( 41 cents). neers in selling of Air Mail If one wanted only any or all of the Collections by auction. three lower values of the air mail set: 80c, 2lh or 4 francs, he could buy as Vendors: many of them as he wished at face value without any sort of surtax, admis­ Request booklet "Concerning sion ticket or premium. The regular set your stamps.'' and the two higher air mail stamps could be obtained only . with an admission Collectors: ticket. Request free illustrated auc­ Incidently, the ten franc air mail tion catalogues. stamp caused considerable excitement. A day after they went on sale someone H. R. HARMER, Inc:. noted that two "varieties" appeared on the sheet. In one there is a speck of The World's Leading Stamp color on the "I" of DIX and on the oth­ Auctioneers er a speck on the "X" of DIX. Cour­ 32. East 57:th Street voisier could not be reached but some- New York 22. N. Y. ( Continued on page 277) Edgar Mohrmann •~Europe,s foremost Philalellc Dealer,, PRESENTS ••• An invitation to pre-war friends and to discerning new clients. :to avail themselves of an unsurpassed s:toc::k of c~assic:: and modern stamps and covers offered with superior, friendly service ••• Regular auction sales of at least 3.000 lots at every session. accurately described in a comprehensive, illustrated catalogue. "Atlantic Post," a "between auction sales" offering of special items of unusual interest, and fully described in a large illustrated cata~ logue air-mailed :to clients ••• For Catalogues Write - EDGAR MOHRMANN HAMBURG 1 SPEERSORT 6 GERMANY M~ ALTON J. BLANK 1089 WINSTON ROAD. • SOUTH EUCLID 21,0HIO {ENEZUELA is supplementing ICELAND her issues with six more Coats of The three values forecast in our March ArmsV items. Syria has a new permanent chronicle have now appeared. Attractive set of five and Hungary promises two gems of design, they include 1.80 Kr. portrait commemoratives. Israel and blue green, Snaefellsjokull; 2.50 kr. sea Luxembourg present catalogue difficul­ green, Eiriksjokull and 3.30 blue, Oras­ ties. fajokull. We illustrate them herein. COSTA RICA ISRAEL Despite reports contra:lwise about over­ The two "TABA" airs may not be prints,. etc., we have before us two stamps catalogued according to . Gibbons of in the same design as the 1934 issue. London because they were not normally Evidently the American Bank Nate Com­ on sale to the public. It seems the matter pany was able to use its old plates and of purchasing a ticket of admission to print additional stamps to take care of the show is the catch. It was a case of the shortage which has been threatening. no ticket -:- no stamp. We find Scott's type APB in 5c deep LUXEMBOURG blue and lOc green instead of the former colors of green and carmine respectively. Colors of the set described this spring are: BOc green, 2.50f. red, 4f. blue, 8£. FRENCH MOROCCO chestnut, and lOf. gray brown. These will The new' series noted early this year is appear against a background of gray at hand. The four values are: lOf green, black and violet black. Design shows the ramparts of Chellah at Rabat; 40f light first stamp of the Duchy and the cur­ red, plane over Marrakech and Atlas rent issue. This set also is reported as range; lOOf brown, Kasbah of the Anti­ slated to be uncatalogued by Gibbons Atlas; and 200f purple, a plane over Fez because of the requirement. that one as seen thm an ornamental grille. purchase an entrance ticket before ob­ FRANCE taining the stamps in a complete set. Member Kehr notes in his weekly col­ MEXICO umn that this country will have a special The current 35c violet picturing a col­ stamp for a helicopter flight from Stras­ onial arch at Guerrero has been re-en­ bourg to Luxembourg.
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