News Release: American Library Association P1.,;,i1ic Information Office Ar1erican Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 312 944-6780 From: Peggy Barber, Director Public Information Office FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 1978 ALA AWARDS, CITATIONS; SCHOLARSHIPS, AND GRANTS FOR 1978 AWARDS AASL PRESIDENT'S AWARD An annual award of $2000 presented to the individual who has demonstrated excellence and provided an outstanding national or international contribution to school librarianship and school library development. Donated by Baker and Taylor. Administered by the American Association of School Librarians. Deadline for nominations is December 1, 1978, Nominations should be made on forms available from AASL or the jury ch., Bernard Franckowiak, University of Washington, School of Librarianship, FM-30, Seattle, WA 98195. Staff liaison, Alice Fite. MSL/EB SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM OF TIIE YEAR AWA.11.D A $5000 cash award presented annually to the one school system which displays outstanding achievement in providing exemplary library media programs in its elementary schools. Up to five school systems can receive national finalist awards and be awarded citations of achievement. Donated by Encyclopaedia Britannica. Administered by the American Association of School Librarians. Deadline for nominations is December 4, 1978. Nominations should be made on forms available from AASL or the jury ch., Allan Quick, 819 S. Boca Raton Drive~ Lake Oswego, OR 97034. Staff liaison, Alice Fite. ACRL ACADEMIC/RESEARCH LIBRARIJ\N OF TIIE YEAR AWARD .Ar1 annual award of $2000 presented to the individual who has made an outstanding national or international contribution to academic and research librarianship and library development. Donated by Baker and Taylor. Administered by the Association of College and Research Libraries. Deadline for 1978 award nominations is September 15, 1978, and for the 1979 award is January 15, 1979. Nominations should be made on forms available from ACRL. Staff liaison, Julie A.C. Virgo. - over - page two - ALA AWARDS ... AIA/ALA-LAMA LIBRARY BUILDINGS AWARD PROGRAM An award presented by the American Institute of Architects and the Library Q' , Administration and Management Association, a division of ALA, to encourage excellence in the architectural design and planning of libraries. Awards are made to all types of libraries. Citations are presented to the winning architectural firms and to libraries; a building plaque is also presented to each library winning an Honor Award. Photographs of the award-winning libraries are displayed at the next ALA Annual Conference. The AIA/ALA-LAMA Library Buildings Award Program is held biennially. The next program will be conducted in 1980; entries will be accepted in the fall of 1979. Application forms are available from the Library Administration and Management Association, ALA Headquarters. Staff liaison, Donald P. Hanrrner. ALA GOAL AWARDS The J. :Morris Jones and Bailey K. Howard World Book Encyc1opedia-ALA Goal Awards adminstered by the ALA Awards Corrnnittee is an annual grant of $10,000 made by the World Book-Childcraft International, Inc., to encourage and advance the development of public, academic and/or school library service and librarianship through recognition and support of programs which implement the Goal and Objectives of ALA. All applications for grants must be submitted by March 1, 1979. The proposals are judged by a jury of the Awards Corrnnittee. The programs selected as award reci~ients will be announced at the ALA Annual Conference, Dallas, 1979. Units of the association eligible for grants under the award are: ALA committees, ALA joint corrnnittees, ALA divisions, ALA round tables, and ALA chapters. Applications for grants from units within a division must be approved by the governing board of the division. Further information, application forms and application guidelines are available from the staff liaison, Patricia R. Harris, ALA Headquarters. Jury chairperson, Kay Cassell. AMERICAN LIBRARY HISTORY ROUND TABLE ESSAY AWARD An award of $300 presented to the author of an essay which demonstrates excellence in research in library history. Entires should be manuscripts not previously published nor currently under consideration for publication. Essays should combine original historical research on a significant subject of library history. Entries should be organized in a format similar to that of articles published in The Journal of Library History. Papers should not exceed 25 typewritten pages. The winner will be offered the privilege of having the winning paper published in a future issue of The Journal of Library History. Donated and administered by the ALl-IRT. Deadline for submitting entries is March 1, 1979. Send entries to the jury ch., Haynes McMullen, Graduate School of Library Science, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Staff liaison, Joel M. Lee. - more - ,hree - ALA AWARDS ... JA PHI MU AWARD An annual award consisting of $500 and a citation of achievement, presented to a library school faculty member or to an individual for distinguished service to education for librarianship. The nominations must be accompanied by a specific statement of the qualifications of the nominee. Supporting evidence of the testimonials are welcomed. Donated by Beta Phi Mu library science honorary association. Administered by the ALA Awards Committee. Deadline for nominations is December 15, 1978. Send nominations to the jury ch., Lucille Whalen, School of Library &Information Science, Univ. of New York, Albany, NY 12222. Staff liaison, Patricia R. Harris. RANDOLPH CALDECOTT MEDAL A medal presented annually to the illustrator of the most distinguished American picture book for children published in the United States in the preceding year. The recipient must be a citizen or residen~ o~ the Uni~ed States .. Donated.by Daniel Melcher. Administered by the Association for Library Service to-Children. All ALSC members will be instructed in the November Top of the News on how to suggest candidates. Final selection is made by the Newbery-Caldecott Awards Jury, and the winner is announced at the ALA Midwinter Meeting. The medal is presented at the Newbery-Caldecott Awards dinner at the ALA Annual Conference. Ch., Pat Cianciola, 4206 Wabaningo Road, Okemos, MI 48864. Staff liaison, iVary Jane Anderson. JAMES BENNETT CHILDS AWARD An annual award, consisting of an engraved plaque, presented to a librarian or other individual for distinguished contributions to documents librarianship. Donated by the Government Documents Round Table. Administered by the Government Documents Round Table. Deadline for nominations is December 15, 1978. Send nominations to the jury ch., Candace :Morgan, Oregon State· Library, Salem, OR 97310. Staff liaison, Patricia R. Harris. CIS/GODORT/ALA "DOCUMENTS TO THE PEOPLE" AWARD An annual award, consisting of a citation of achievement and a cash stipend of $1,000 to be used to promote professional advancement in the field of librarianship. The award is presented to the individual and/or library, organization, or other appropriate noncommercial group that has most effectively encouraged the use of federal documents in support of library services. Donated by the Congressional Information Service, Inc. Administered by the Government Documents Round Table. Deadline for nominations is December 15, 1978. Send nominations to the jury ch., Candace Morgan, Oregon State Library, Salem, OR 97310. Staff liaison, Patricia R. Harris. - over - page four - ALA AWARDS ... DAR'IM)lJIH MEDAL A medal presented to honor achievement in creating reference works outstanding in quality and significance. Creating reference works may include but not be limited to, writing, compiling, editing, or publishing books or the provision of infonnation in other forms for reference use, e.g., a data bank. Bestowal of the award shall normally relate to works which have been published or otherwise made available for the first time during the calendar year preceding the presentation of the award. Donated by Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. Administered by the Reference and Adult Services Division. Deadline for nominations is March 15, 1979. Send nominations to the jury ch., Laurel Grotzinger, 313 Solon Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49007. Staff liaison, Andrew M. Hansen. MELVIL DEWEY MEDAL An engraved medal and a citation presented annually to an individual or a group for recent creative professional achievement of a high order, particularly in those fields in which Melvil Dewey was actively interested: notably, library management, library training, cataloging and classification, and the tools and techniques of librarianship. Donated by the Forest Press, Inc. Administered by the ALA Awards Committee. Deadline for nominations is December 15, 1978. Send 5 copies of the nomination to the jury ch., Michael H. Harris, College of Library Science, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506. Staff liaison, Patricia R. Harris. GROLI ER FOUNDATION AWARD An annual award, consisting of $1,000 and a citation of achievement presented to a librarian in a community or in a school who has made an unusual contribution to the stimulation and guidance of reading by children and young people, The award is usually given for outstanding work with children and young people through high school age, for continuing service, or in recognition of one particular contribution of ]asting value. Donated by the Grolier Foundation. Administered by the ALA Awards Committee. Deadline for nominations
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