Which One~Wil.R,ign Over Homecoming' 681 . JUDY RATCLIFF of Delta Delta KATHY PARCHMAN, a sopho- MARY MARGARET DEWAN KATHY BERTKE, representing BONNIE SALMANS" studying Delta is a sophomore in more studying Art Education in of Kappa Delta is a sophomore Scioto Hall, isa sophomore in Interior Design in DAA, Elementary Education who works DAA, is a member of Kappa theater major who. works as University College whose hobbies represents Chi Omega. Bonnie lists with retarded children. Kappa Gamma and YF A. WFIB's Assistant News Director. include sewing and cooking. swimming among her interests. ,.J ~\CEN""'~ . fUC~\ University of Cincinnati NEW·S .RECORD Published Tuesdays and Fridays during the Academic Year except as scheduled. ~~150X~ ., ~ ~'19 _196 Vol. 56 Cincinnati, Ohio' Friday, October 25, 1968 No. 7 ? Appropriation OfPower Tightens Senate Control by Patrick J. Fox of the .Student Senate. The Executive News Editor Speaker: will not, though, losethe , In a meeting highlighted by the privileges given to him by his passing of four. amendments' to Senate position. ' t he Senate constitution and The same amendment redefined by-laws, the Senate 'Voted itselt the qualifications for officers of the power to make all University Senate assuch:' Boards under their power to "The Student Body President comply to. any and all pertaining must be an undergraduate day- Senate legislation. student and must have attended .. Til-ispiece of legislation was part the . University as a full-time of the amendment to Article III undergraduate day student for not of the by-laws which put the less' than eight academic or co-op Orientation Board,' Publications quarters prior to taking office." Board, Activities Board, Budget "The Vice President of the Board, Elections Board, and Student Body must' be an University Center Board under the undergraduate day-student and supervision of the Student Body must have attended the University for not less than five .acadernic or President. co-op quarters prior to taking According to President .Glen Weissenberger, the supervision for office." "The S'p eak er , jhese Boards was "up 'in the air, Cor r e sp o n d in g Secretary, and never specifically mentioned, R e cor d in g Secretary and Treasurer must be regular day before this." In action preceding the passing students and members of the of the "Board Amendment", the Student- Senate for the year in CURIOUS STUDENTS GATHER in the Engineering Quadrangle to see what the AlA has to say about the Senate created a new officer which they are to serve." . The proposed amendment shape of our society. position to Student Senate. The to (NR photo by Branch Lotspeich) new position, the Speaker, will be the Student Senate by-laws was filled by A&S Senator Mark passed to maintain the following Painter, who was elected to the com mit tee s 'C 0 nee r n in g position at the meeting. constitutions, elections, human AlA 'Squares'. Off With ',Society. According to .the Amendment, relations, academic affairs, student rights and privileges, Herman Schnieder is finally of the more astute comments "this exhibit is meant to create an . which passed overwhelmingly, the getting some recognition due -to centered on the extreme "Boo" of Speaker shall be presiding officer facilities and services and external awareness of the problems which affairs. the three cubes that appeared in the four-letter word division. face us .:today. The viewer is The Constitution's committee old Herman's quadrangle on . .- invited to evaluate his position. will collect and maintain copies of Tuesday .. These cubes represent A much fondled. girl cove~s t~e (For these evaluations see Brian the work of the Student Chapter . realm of a weaken.mg mora~ty m Zakem's Direct Line Page), the constitutions 'of the various of The American Institute of _ the sexual area. Violence and the N.R< student activities under' its jurisdiction; the committee will Architects. Responsible for these future (1984),are two more areas make available to the student creations are Barry Milofsky, a that we are forced to accept. body these 'documents and shall fourth year DAA student and Mr. The area that had the most P'OLL consider all changes proposed for J. William Rudd, also from. the coyerage was that of the draft. them. The Human Relations friendly school in Burnet Woods. This included a male, US type, Bus-ted Committee . will review and Mr. Rudd said the purpose of bend, fold, or mutilate do not; "6'S research all Senate ..legislation the cubes are to impress upon the that is all except by the US Army. The shuttle bus service from students, through simple graphics, An .NR ballot polling pertaining to 'the unification of This afore mentioned group is the Cincinnati Zoo. to the the university community. the conditions which our culture represented by a. target of love University will not be in effect student choices in the The Academic Affairs, Student is forced to accept . Some of the and pro meting tooth decay from after Friday, October 24, upco ming na t ion a l Rights and Privileges, External "things" we are forced to accept chlorinated bullets. The draft 1968~ This, service is being . Affairs and Facilities and services appear in the form of our "bored", shown is the type that discontinued due to' lack of elections is presented on co m mittees will also review, "Candidates" "for the highest every red-blooded American boy utilization. page 10 of this issue. research and initiate Seriate office in the land. Also included would want- to frequent as he For the period of October 14 legislation pertaining to their in this "terrible trio" is a definite practices the patriotic deed .of through OCtober ~2nd (seven Students desiring to mistake in the form of Eugene . school days) .there was an ,.voice their selections for respective topics. The Elections bending his elbow in the direction committee while reviewing and McCarthy.: . """,:,:,, of the suds. average of 12.students per day President are requested to res earching all legislation Speaking, of ,Geor.ge~;c.)~anace, parking at the Zoo .. The cube that -gained th~;,:.i1iost return their ballots to the proposed by the Senate pertaining . bigotry is asubject.'" t~at is Since the striping has been to student elections will review all attacked on the thF~~:.~~i:l:bes.,'A attention was the one afl()'wing completed in -Lot No.3, and University Center Desk or violations of election policies and blue .swastika vagainst" a. red and , UC's more "creative" students to anticipated additional parking to the NR office, room procedures. The committee white, striped background for do their thing. The way in which scheduled ·to .becorne available comprised solely of Senators will m-a;~yt"~ot\ th~.}·iia:iro;w":ptfnded many- expressed "themselves was .in Lot No. 4 (Jefferson and 412 in the Center, by veiy.:iIiteresting::;· due to 'their take appropriate actions where it ;.·people crawliii:g.r:aro'ijn~cf.:·today. Charlton) this should relieve 'J- Thursday, October 31. deems necessaryconcerning these Everyone must. realize that: there .reliarice on' the big Boo (again) in the need for leasing the Zoo Results of the poll will be violations or other elections is more 'to America than Black the dark area of four-letter words.. facility- and .chartering shuttle printed in the NR Nov. 5. procedures.' The members and White or "nigger and whitey" . But it is also obvious that some service. ~ These statements drew mixed took the AlA Student Chapter's .. appointed to the committee will words seriously when 'they wrote: (continued on page 2) reactions from the viewers, some THR TJN'IVRR~ITV 0 .••.rTNrTNNATT Page Two Friday, October 25, 1968 JUdge ~.rlenaIYMec;las-I~t)~ IVlarx eenes -News Briefs I Focus',O'n~;FutureOf Fifth Amendment' Wallace Stoned " :,.: Juuge rrenry J. r nencryor me To morrow: The case r Judge Friendly has. served on , by Rosemary. Haddad ~ United States-Court of Appeals Constitutional Change." Ea he Second Circuit Court of for the Second Circuit will be lecture, free to the public, will . rppeals since 1959. He is' a, BOMlJING POSITION SOFTENED Robert, S. Marx Lecturer for 1968 at 10 a.m. in the auditorium raduate of Harvard College and , Saigon: United Press International reported Tuesday that South at the University of Cincinnati UC's College of Law. The lectur Jaw School and was a law clerk to Vietnam Pr~sident Thieu is not opposed to a conditional bombing halt College of Law. are part' of the U luprerne Court' Justice Louis of North VIetnam. The statement came following a meeting of Thieu He will speak November 6, 7, Sesq uic en ten nial observanci lrandeis. ~ 'with US Ambassador Elsworth Bunker. , and 8, on "The Fifth.Amendment "Man and Law" week. From 1928-59, Judge Friendly SPACE TRIO BACK. iracticed law in N~w York City. Houston: According toUPI sources, Apollo-? and its three astronauts n 1946, he - also became la!1ded .upside down in the Atlantic Tuesday morning. The "perfect" Tice-President. and. General' flight virtually assured clearance for the Apollo-B. moon-shot scheduled ~ounsel of Pan American for December 21. urways. .f' HUMPHREY A UNITER ,l .Judge Friendly has served as an San Antonio: Democratic candidate .for the Presidency, Hubert rverseer of Harvard University' Humphrey, may have performed the feat that will enable him to carry ince 1963. He has delivered the Texas on: No~ember 5. In a two-day tour, he has brought both liberal Jliver Wendell Holmes Lecture and conservative Texas party.factions together in an effort to get Texan ~ or the New York County voters to the polls.
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