Cityof Aurora Parksand Open Space Department Divisionof OpenSpace and Natural Resources ffi Lois Webster Fund Final Report 2006 $rgt $ft Name of Project: Aurora'sBig Year Project Time Frame: May 13tn,2006 - May L2'n,2OO7 Amount Granted from LWF: $500 Project Report The followingis a list of stated projectgoals (from grant request)and a progressreport pertinentto each. 1. To create an observation-basedbird list for the City of Aurora. Progress: To date, 185 specieshave been recordedin the City'sparks, open spaces,natural areas, golf courses,backyards, and even parkinglots. As statedin the grant application,w€ planto compileand createthe final Aurorabird checklist following the end of the BigYear (May 1zrn,2OO7).The new checklistwill premierat our BigYear Birding Celebration, which is plannedfor Decemberof 2007. 2. Introduce new audiences to birding. Progress: SinceFebruary 10th, 2006 (the date of the LWFGrant award) Aurora has offeredthe followingbird-related programming designed to introducenew audiencesto birding,specifically Aurora birding: . L2 guidedbird walks in sevendifferent locations for a total of 79 participants(including two DFOwalks). o 1 birdingprogram for JulietLowe Day (Girl Scouts)for a total of 185 participa nts. o 1 birdingprogram for ColoradoRetired Veterans Home for 1B participa nts. o 2library/Barnesand Nobleprograms on birds/owlsfor 31 participants. 3 live bird programsfor a total of 122 participants. o AuroraLaw EnforcementRanger staff bird ID trainingis scheduledfor June 6th,2007. City of Aurora . Aurora's Big Year . LWF Final Report . December 2006 3. Increase awareness of bird diversity in the City of Aurora. Progress: Thisgoal is toughto measure,but the followinghas been accomplishedtoward this goal: . Createdan Aurora BirdingHot Spotsposter to advertiseBig Yearand great birdinglocations. Posters are locatedat the AuroraMunicipal Building,Plains Conservation Center, Aurora Reservoir, Quincy Reservoir,all City-ownedgolf courses,and the AuroraWild Birds Unlimitedstore. o ChannelB featureon guidedbird walksand birdingin Aurora(May 06) . RockyMountain News article on Big Year project(June 06) o Weeklyupdates to our BigYear Website (ongoing 06) o BigYear and birdingexhibit at MorrisonNature Center (ongoing 06) o BigYear article in the Warbler(July/Aug 06) 4. Encourage local avid birders to share sightings with us on a regular basis. Progress: One avid birdershares his eBird listsfrom Auroraproperties on at leasta bi-weeklybasis. We now receiveraptor surveysfrom MC Burger eachmonth. The list hasseen not only localcontributions, but alsonational participationas one Californiabirder saw our posterand sent her sightings from a trip to Aurora! Fiscal Report: $500 was depositedinto a City Giftsand Grantsaccount in Marchof 2006.The fundsare slatedto be usedfor printingthe bird list once the BigYear is completeand designof the checklistis complete(May 06 and November06, respectively) Summary: The LoisWebster Fund Grant support of our BigYear project has broughtAurora birding and bird diversityawareness to many new people throughguided walks, special programs, and mediacoverage, With six monthsstill to go, I think we will continueto createa buzzabout birds and bird habitatin the City of Aurora. Thanksvery muchto the LoisWebster Fund committee and to Audubon Societyof GreaterDenver for your supportof this importanteffort! Submitted by: MaryAnn Bonnell LeadNaturalist City of Aurora Parksand OpenSpace Department 15151E AlamedaPkwy #4600 Aurora,CO 80012 720-319-1931 mbon nell@a uroragov.org City of Aurora. Aurora'sBig Year. LWFFinal Report . December2006 BockvordBirds continued fro poae9 Aurora'sBig Year! BOTH doves Eurasian col- r "UllE HAVE mourning and by MaryAnnBonnell lared-dovesfrequently we put eating the cracked corn on Birding in Aurora is about to get a lot better thanks to local ground." the Bruce Mclain, in northwest Denver, says birders, the Lois WebsterFund of the Audubon Society of that the collared-doves drove out the mourning doves. Greater Denver, Aurora Wild Birds Unlimited, the Open And I've lost the note from someone who saw collared- Space ancl Natural l{esourcesDivision, and (hopefully) gathering doves nest material in west Centennial about you! Bird wants a month ago. Rocky Mountain Observatory With everything lronr prairie to ponderosapine forest If you recordsof nesting activity of this invading species. to offer our avian friends, it is no surprisethaf bird watch- any deflnite nesting activity, let me know and I'll pass see ing has always been a greelt way to get to know Aurora's it on to Rich Levad. Natural Areasand to trt'at yrlr.rrselfto an inexpensiveand SPEAKINGOF NESTINGSPECIES, Ann Bonnell called rewarding treasurehunt itrst ;llrout any day of the year. on May 29 becausea hiker in Roxborough StatePark had Sincethc Big Year'sofficial start on Saturday,May 13th, reported a bushtit nest. We followed Ann's directions we havecornpiled a list of and found the nest on May 30: about 18 feet up in a gi- 86 speciese"r[ bircls sl)ot- ant Douglas-fir. It looked as if the bushtits had young in ted in 13 differertt lor:a- the nest: the adults would fly in every 2-5 minutes. They tions, including Aurora's moved so fast, and the nest hangs in total shade,that we natural areas,reservoirs, couldn't really seethe birds. Considering its dimensions backyards, and even - a hanging pouch 10-15 inches long - a bushtit nest parking lots. Highlights should stick out conspicuously,but we spent 10 minutes include westgrn tana- looking before we found the thing. gers in tlre Dam West Nt ightlorhcmd,s verry at METRO DENVER HAS only two other confirmed bush- SarlclleR*r:k Ciolf (lerurse, tit nests that I know of: Cat Anderson had one in her rrt'rt i ng wcsterrrbluebi rds horse pasture, and Tina Jones had one in her BowMar at Ponefuret*a Fre$erve, yard. Bushtits usually build their nestsin conifers- they cinnanrclnte*lr *lt Quin" commonly use pinyon pines, so this one in a Douglas-ftr cy ltesr.rvr;ir,alrtl a black- fits the pattern. chinned hummingbird at #:::p- Cherry CreekReservoir! ,ERRY WAGNER CAttED to ask about flickers.It seems While this amazing that he works in the Galleria, a high-rise office building and international show on Colorado Blvd. A flicker excavateda hole in the side of avian diversity has of the building, and got into the insulation part. (Don played out for years irt Wedow, who did some carpentry for us, says that flick- Aurora, no one has ever ers can't penetrateordinary stucco,but that they can dig compiled a birci list for holes in a substitutematerial that looks like stucco.)The public use that is specific: building management plugged the hole but the flickers to our City. Starting on The burrowing owl is the official dug it out again, and the buitding didn't pursue it. Un- Saturday,May 1:J'r',2006 logo of Aurora's Big Yearproiect fortunately for the flickers,starlings did pursuethem, be- and ending on Saturday, causeby Apr. 28, starlingsused the hole and the flickers May l2th, 2007, we invite you to share your Aurora bird disappeared. sightings with us to help us build an observation-basedbird list for the City. ASKED ABOUT bird flu: we ,OY "will 'someone'decide Many birders of all ability levelshave already contributed can no longer feed wild birds becauseit's nclt If safe?" lists, data sheets,and sightings recordsfor this project. Please scienceand reason prevail, No. So far, at least, cred- no consider sharing what you seeand know with us as well. ible evidenceexists of transmittal from wild birds to hu- To participate in Aurora's Big Year,please submit sight- mans, or from humans to humans. Almost all ir-rciclences inss and lists electronicallvto [email protected] arosefrom contact with poultry kept for commercial or stop by the Aurora Wild Birds Unlimited (located at Iliff personal use. A column in Audubon magazine said that and Peoria)to drop off sightingsand other bird intelligence. if you want to catch bird flu, take a week's vacation at a Not a birder?Get a tasteof what you are missingby joining poultry farm. That is: chances of transmittal remote are us for a guided bird walk (offered the second Saturday of at best. each month. Location varies-please see our calendar for I WETCOME YOUR CONTRIBUTIONSto this column. specifics).The goal of Aurora's Big Year is not only to cre- Drop me a note or post card at P.O.Box 584, Franktown ate a great Aurora bird list, but also to increaseawareness 80116,or Email me, [email protected]. and appreciation for the creatures that connect us to our local natural resourcesas well as natural placesthousands of miles awav. Juty/Ausust2006pose t0 Wn ffiUfn- Ju1'0b Aurora's Big Year May L2*n,2006 r May 13tn,2oo7 Sightings Records Species Date Location GreaterWhite-fronted Goose LL/05/06 CherrvCreek State Park SnowGoose to/sL/06 AuroraReservoir TundraSwan rt/02/06 CherrvCreek State Park American White Pelican oslLs/06 OuincvReservoir Double-crested Cormorant 0s/1sl06 QuincvReservoir GreatBlue Heron 05/L3/06 AuroraReservoir CanadaGoose 0s/L3/06 CherrvCreek State Park WoodDuck 05/t3/06 Cherry Creek State Park Gadwall 05/L3/06 Cherrv Creek State Park American Wioeon 09/29/06 Cherrv Creek State Park Mallard os/L3/06 Sand Creek Greenway Blue-winqedTeal 05/13/06 Cherry Creek State Park CinnamonTeal 05/t3/06 CherrvCreek State Park Nofthern Shoveler os/L5/06 Cherrv Creek State Park Northern Pintail 10/3tl06 Aurora Reservoir Green-winqedTeal 05/L3/06 Cherry Creek State Park Canvasback LO/tt/06 Cherrv Creek State Park Redhead ro/25/06 Aurora Reservoir
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