T O L. 30, No. 25 * g j k THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1964 Sow* Plainfield, N. J. Condi O X 's $27,000 Lon Favors Garde* Apartneits To Boroigh Sewerage Authority DO YOU FAVOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF GARDEN APART­ The South Plainfield Mayor and Council adopted a resolution ’ MENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF SOUTH PLAINFIELD? declaring the necessity for an emergency appropriation of $27,000 total of ten bids was received, A survey conducted by "Suburban Review” last week revealed to the South Plainfield Sewerage Authority at last Tuesday’s regu- fc other business the Council that a majority of the citizens Interviewed favored the erection lar session. entered into an agreement with The loan, which will be provided for in the 1965 municipal budget, Robert N. Barrett to act as part will enable the Authority to pay the $27,000 debt to the Plainfield time industrial consultant until Joint Meeting for construction of an outfall sewer. According to Dec. 31, 1964. Barratr will con- Borough Attorney Harman Clark • - ■ --------------- ------- tinue his services on land con- -------- --------------- — soUdatton, blighting, etc. HewiU also bring the Borough Cleric op to date on property available for sale. The Bortxgh Ctefc will pay from tbr. police force effective July *9 iad North Jer­ sey Equipment Go. of Newark was (Continued a* Page 5) t» the Board by Theodore and Lillian Sumoski, of the Part: Ave. 0 b Mailer H o b address, who Want to raze five existing buildings and replace have on the local school system, the extent of municipal services them with the new station. One hiday N ig h t' which would be required, and the amount of tax ratables that would of the present buildings is a be realized. small gas station. Jr. Bowlers Te The Borough Planning Board The objectors, for the most part, stressed their fear of a possible The Board unanimously ap­ will conduct its second public increase in school enrollment, and the added burden to the local proved the application but Register Aegest 1 hearing on the proposed Master taxpayer which might result if apartments were built, while others stipulated that die new gas sta­ Plan tomorrow night at 8 p.m. in pointed to the "increase in traffic” and the change in the basic tion operators keep a clean green Registration for the Junior the Municipal Building. character of the one-family home type community the Borough area and that no parking of com­ Bowling League, sponsored by the Community facilities and now is. Still other residents objected to the transient-type families mercial vehicles outsidfe the South Plainfield Recreation Com­ schools will be the topic under that apartments might attract, and the possibility the units might building be permitted overnight. mission. will be held on Satur­ eventually become "eyesores” . They also ordered that the pro­ day. Aug. 1 and Saturday, Aug. 8 The first hearing was held June Opinions by residents living in the Park Ave. vicinity of the posed 30 ft. driveways be reduced from 10 A.M. to noon in the Con­ 19 and concerned transportation proposed apartment site were almost evenly divided. A dozen to 24 ft. for child safety. ference Room in the Municipal and circulation. favored apartments and four of them thought Park Ave, was a good In making the decision, Board Building. Boys and girls from location. Ten were opposed to the units anywhere in the Borough members agreed that the new age 9 through 18 are eligible to Use Maps and a statement of the and two were definitely against them on Park Ave, Three were structure “ would get rid of a enrolL Master Plan’s objectives and neutral and one had no opinion whatsoever. present eyesore" and "benefit Anyone unable to register on recommendations have been dis­ the entire area.” the two dates may obtain regis­ tributed to the public and copies Those who offered no opinion or answer to the question, said they tration forms at any of the play­ were unfamiliar with the issue, had not analyzed the problems, The application was forwarded of the plan in detail are available to the Borough Council for final grounds, and submit the com­ for review at the Library and the were not interested, had no comment, or else were neutral. pleted form to die supervisor. Two residents suggested that the issue was of great enough Municipal Building. " Blighted Area Opposed Montrose Ave Residents During the public portion of Tuesday’s regular council meeting Thomas Vincent of 119 Montrose Ave. opposed the Borough’ proposed blighted area #5 because it is "an industrial encroachmer on a residential area’*. Vincent further declared that the pla should be “scrapped” by the CounciL Another Montrose Ave. resi- -■1 ■ ----- --------- dent declared that residents of the recently adopted $100,000 bon street and Bell PL want the area ordinance for improvement o as a "buffer zone’* between a Montrose Ave. stating that resi residential and industrial area, dents there had objected to i The proposed blighted area for three months, and had offer® encompases some 60 acres and constructive criticism and sug is now urxler study by the Plan- gestions which were not heed® ning Board at the Mayor’s and by the CounciL He said, of th Council's request. last regular council session Industrial consultant Robert N. V, “ Mr. Lundquist’s political har. Barratt stated that the area is angue so disgusted Montrose Ave zoned industrial and that the residents that wewerecompelle property is 50% to 55% Borough- to leave.*’ He read a letter h owned. Vincent commented that and Mrs. Vincent wrote to th “the Master Plan has it as res- Mayor and Council in which h Vincent also referred to the (Continued on Page 5 ' r S •; " j * . t : 2...SUB URBAN REVIEW, July 30, 1964 W itn e s s D e c la r e s Ap Rescue Squad Shatters Old Records Meet "Best” land Use 0a Park Are. Responds To Dozen Calls In 24-Hours More than 60 South Plainfielders turned out last Wednesday BORO PARK The South Plainfield Rescue announced at the recent monthly Squad shattered an existing business meeting that the squad Boro Park has a recreation garden apartments 2905 Park Ave. will meet “the highest and record by answering 12 calls in answered 78 calls for the month registration of 198 youngsters. best use of the land.1 one day. The old record of II of June, traveled 789 miles and Following are the results of The comment, voiced by Ni­ apartments, and that it calls for was held for several years. The expended 253 man hours. a recent Watermellon Contest: cholas Friday, a real estate con­ single-family dwellings in the squad also answered a record of The number of calls was con­ Junior Girls: Frances Kravet- sultant from New Brunswick, R-15 zone in which site in question 20 calls in a 48 hour period of sidered "low"; during thewinter sky, fastest; Marge Kwasniewski, resulted in a barrage of questions the same week. The majority of months 100 calls is not uncom­ sloppiest; Pam Vail, most pits; from opposing attorneys, Normal Friday quickly responded to these calls were emergencies mon, Mittermeier said. Rosemarie Moleski, neatest. Abrams, Salvatore Diana, andant Diana’s statement, commenting and several involved children. President John Wilson an­ Junior Boys: Edward Rebmann, Robert Read, who represent three "the zoning ordinance has to be Robert Neumann, Fund Drive nounced that the Rescue Squad fastest; Robert Pomovets, slop­ Park Ave. residents, and from changed and brought up to date Chairman, announced that the Auxiliary would be the guests oi piest; Stanley Kravetsky, most several local citizens. to meet the needs of this com- Fund Drive is drawing to a close. the Squad at the August monthly pits; and Paul Perrucci, neatest. laking his claim, Friday munity.” The-entire Borough has now been business meeting. Vincent De- Senior Boys: Steve Bumback, told the. Board« ■ and—> citizens that*— Friday claimed that single- canvassed and all that is re­ Martino was elected to the Exec­ fastest; Ronald Lane, sloppiest; the land could be used for an "old- family homes, of which 15 or 16 maining is call backs. He utive Board as a member-at- Joe Bumback, most pits; and Joe age home, fraternal order, lodge, could be built on the Park Ave. strongly urged all residents who large. Raiti, neatest. or nursing home; but the best use site, would bring in more school- have not been personally Joseph Finnerty and Russell Senior Girls: Linda Flora, calls for garden apartments. In age children than garden apart- approached during this drive to Gratta were placed on Pro­ fastest; Sandra Hardy, sloppiest; fact, garden apartments and such single homes mail in their donations to the bationary status. Ellen Prete, most pits; and Patty he exclaimed. would not produce the high tax South Plainfield > Rescue Squad, Delaney, neatest. Friday is the third witness ____ratables the garden apartments 111 Randolph Ave. The recent appear before the Board. Follow- would, surge of squad calls character­ ing the meeting several Board A ratio of five single-family izes the need for all local resi­ Spare Available Far FRANKLIN SCHOOL members stated that they felt the children garden apartment dents to participate in our Fund garden apartment issue “will be child Drive, he said. PAL Bes Trip Te Franklin School playground one of those that will drag cording to Friday. He also Captain Frank Mittermeier tops enrollment at the borough Sgt. Tulio P. Capparelli, Di­ recreation sites with 696 young­ claimed that the proposed 144- Friday said garden apartments unit garden apartment center will rector of the PAL, has announced sters registered to date.
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