E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2003 No. 96—Part II Senate PRESCRIPTION DRUG AND MEDI- and the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. AMENDMENT 975, AS MODIFIED CARE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF LIEBERMAN) are necessarily absent. The PRESIDING OFFICER. There 2003—Continued I further announce that, if present are now 2 minutes evenly divided prior AMENDMENTS NOS. 1014, 1015, 1059, 1106, 1086, 1067, and voting, the Senator from Massa- to the next vote. 1033, 935, 959, 1038, 1095, EN BLOC chusetts (Mr. KERRY) would vote Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Mr. President, Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask ‘‘nay’’. this next amendment has to do with unanimous consent that the pending The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COR- dual eligibility. Never in the history of amendments be temporarily set aside NYN). Are there any other Senators in Medicare have we precluded Medicare and that the following amendments be the Chamber desiring to vote? beneficiaries from being Medicare called up en bloc: No. 1014, by Senator The result was announced—yeas 33, beneficiaries. In the underlying bill, for BOND, study of pharmacy services; No. nays 65, as follows: the very first time, we do. 1015, by Senator DODD, study of blind [Rollcall Vote No. 256 Leg.] The people I refer to are called dual and disabled; No. 1059, by Senator YEAS—33 eligibles. Their average income is $6,500 a year. They tend to be over 85, single HATCH, HHS review; No. 1106, by Sen- Allard Dole Lott ator HATCH, citizens councils; No. 1086, Allen Ensign McConnell women, and very sick. They are on by Senator MURKOWSKI, pharmacy ac- Bennett Enzi Murkowski Medicaid. Medicaid, however, is op- Bunning Frist Nickles cess; No. 1067, by Senator LINCOLN, kid- tional according to the States. We Burns Graham (SC) Santorum know the States to be broke. The fast- ney disease; No. 1033, by Senator MI- Byrd Gregg Sessions KULSKI, municipal health services; No. Campbell Hagel Shelby est growing expense they face is Med- 935, by Senator LINCOLN, geriatric Chambliss Hatch Stevens icaid. So they are cutting the benefits. Cornyn Hutchison Sununu They are cutting Medicaid. They will GME; No. 959, by Senator LINCOLN, Craig Inhofe Talent physical therapy demo; No. 1038, by Crapo Kyl Thomas continue to do that. The States have no choice but to cut Medicaid. Some Senator JEFFORDS, critical access hos- NAYS—65 pital; No. 1095, by Senator JOHNSON, will do it because they wish to, all will Akaka Dodd Lugar therapy management. do it because they have to. Alexander Domenici McCain When that possibility is gone, there I further ask unanimous consent that Baucus Dorgan Mikulski these amendments be agreed to en bloc Bayh Durbin Miller is no place for these poorest of the poor and the motion to reconsider be laid Biden Edwards Murray to go. They are then, under the under- Bingaman Feingold Nelson (FL) lying bill, precluded from being Medi- upon the table en bloc. Bond Feinstein Nelson (NE) care beneficiaries. That is wrong. In The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Boxer Fitzgerald Pryor Breaux Graham (FL) objection? Reed my budget-neutral amendment I at- Brownback Grassley Reid tempt to fix it. I hope my colleagues Without objection, it is so ordered. Cantwell Harkin Roberts The amendments were agreed to. Carper Hollings will support the amendment. Rockefeller VOTE ON AMENDMENT NO. 1011 Chafee Inouye The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Clinton Jeffords Sarbanes ator from Iowa. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Schumer Cochran Johnson Mr. GRASSLEY. Two things for my the previous order, the question is on Coleman Kennedy Smith agreeing to the Sessions amendment Collins Kohl Snowe colleagues to consider during the con- No. 1011. Conrad Landrieu Specter sideration of how to vote on this Corzine Lautenberg Stabenow amendment: No. 1 is the money that is Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask for Daschle Leahy Voinovich the yeas and nays. Dayton Levin Warner available to pay for his amendment, an The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a DeWine Lincoln Wyden offset, is the very same amount of money we, Senator BAUCUS and I, are sufficient second? NOT VOTING—2 There is a sufficient second. using to offset the cost of a lot of dem- Kerry Lieberman The yeas and nays were ordered. onstration projects that colleagues Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask The amendment (No. 1011) was re- have asked us to do, a lot of minor unanimous consent that the following jected. amendments they have asked us to do. two votes be 10-minute votes. Mr. GRASSLEY. I move to recon- If that money is not there, there can- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sider the vote. not be consideration given. That is not objection, it is so ordered. Mr. GRAHAM of Florida. I move to a threat; it is just a practical aspect of The clerk will call the roll. lay that motion on the table. how the budget law works. Mr. REID. I announce that the Sen- The motion to lay on the table was Secondly, remember, these dual eligi- ator from Massachusetts (Mr. KERRY) agreed to. bles are being taken care of very well ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S8647 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:00 Jan 14, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2003SENATE\S26JN3.PT2 S26JN3 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S8648 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 26, 2003 in our underlying legislation. The you are thereby prohibited from buying [Rollcall Vote No. 258 Leg.] point being, they will not be taken care any supplemental insurance to cover YEAS—43 of better. It is just it is going to cost prescription drugs. Today, people are Akaka Dorgan Levin the Federal Government more. able to buy Medigap policies that cover Bayh Durbin Mikulski I hope you will take those things into prescription drugs. In the future they Biden Edwards Murray Bingaman Feingold Nelson (FL) consideration and vote down this will not be able to, if this bill becomes Boxer Feinstein Nelson (NE) amendment. law as it is. Byrd Graham (FL) Pryor I ask for the yeas and nays. My amendment would merely give Cantwell Harkin Reed Carper Hollings Reid The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a people the option of buying a prescrip- Clinton Inouye Rockefeller sufficient second? There is a sufficient tion drug supplemental policy if they Collins Johnson Sarbanes Conrad Kennedy second. chose to do so. It directs that two poli- Schumer The question is on agreeing to Corzine Kohl cies be developed that would accom- Daschle Landrieu Stabenow amendment No. 975, as modified. The plish that. Dayton Lautenberg Wyden clerk will call the roll. It is supported by the insurance in- Dodd Leahy Mr. REID. I announce that the Sen- dustry. It is supported by the Con- NAYS—55 ator from Massachusetts (Mr. KERRY) sumers Union. Seniors would like to Alexander Dole McConnell and the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. have this opportunity to reduce their Allard Domenici Miller LIEBERMAN) are necessarily absent. risk of substantial out-of-pocket costs. Allen Ensign Murkowski I further announce that, if present We ought to provide this benefit. Baucus Enzi Nickles and voting, the Senator from Massa- Bennett Fitzgerald Roberts Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, first Bond Frist Santorum chusetts (Mr. KERRY) would vote of all, let me make very clear that we Breaux Graham (SC) Sessions ‘‘yea.’’ know that Medigap is very important Brownback Grassley Shelby Bunning Gregg The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there Smith as part of Medicare. We leave that un- Burns Hagel Snowe any other Senators in the Chamber de- touched as it relates to 1965 model Campbell Hatch Specter siring to vote? Medicare. In fact, many of my Iowa Chafee Hutchison Chambliss Inhofe Stevens The result was announced—yeas 47, constituents want to keep that. But we Sununu nays 51, as follows: Cochran Jeffords as a policy matter have made it a very Coleman Kyl Talent [Rollcall Vote No. 257 Leg.] conscious choice to prevent the sale of Cornyn Lincoln Thomas YEAS—47 wraparound Medigap plans for the new Craig Lott Voinovich Crapo Lugar Warner Akaka Dorgan Lincoln Part D drug benefit. This policy makes DeWine McCain Bayh Durbin Mikulski sense considering drug plans could be NOT VOTING—2 Biden Edwards Murray different everywhere else in the United Bingaman Feingold Nelson (FL) Kerry Lieberman Boxer Feinstein Pryor States. Byrd Graham (FL) Reed It is impossible to standardize The amendment (No. 1066) was re- Cantwell Harkin Reid Medigap policies like we did about 15 jected. Carper Hollings Rockefeller Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I Clinton Inouye years ago so that seniors don’t get Sarbanes Collins Johnson move to reconsider the vote and I move Schumer ripped off. But the Congressional Budg- Conrad Kennedy to lay that motion on the table. Snowe et Office tells us this new Medigap plan Corzine Kohl Specter that is before us now will increase the The motion to lay on the table was Daschle Landrieu agreed to. Dayton Lautenberg Stabenow cost of our bill. The cost of this amend- DeWine Leahy Voinovich ment is $1.5 billion over 10 years, ac- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Wyden Dodd Levin cording to the Congressional Budget jority leader is recognized. Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, very brief- NAYS—51 Office. That is because of the increased ly, it is almost 6:25, and we have just Alexander Crapo utilization that comes from having ad- Lugar completed our 12th rollcall vote. We Allard Dole McCain ditional insurance.
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