Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine The Missouri Miner Newspaper Special Collections 19 Oct 1951 The Missouri Miner, October 19, 1951 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner These newspapers reflect the attitudes, perspectives, and beliefs of different times. Neither the library nor the university endorses the views expressed in these collections, some of which contain images and language which may be offensive to some readers. Recommended Citation "The Missouri Miner, October 19, 1951" (1951). The Missouri Miner Newspaper. 1396. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner/1396 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Missouri Miner Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THETA TAU BANQUET MINERS PRIMEDFOR B~LLDOG TILT See Story · Page ·3 .., THE MISSOURI MINfR 19 ed ~f~ 1/1/uuJ.·e.~ .g of. L---------------------------------------- voLUME 38 ROLLA, MO., FRIDAY, OCT 19, 1951 NUMBER 5 Photo Club Issues New ARMY RESERVEUNIT :ers JEST~ TO BE OFFERED COLLEGE DEFERRMENTKeys to Darkroom ~T INHARRIS HALLStephens Chorus to Application s for the December At the last meeting of the 13, 1951 and the April 24 , 1952 Phdto Club a new system of is­ An Army reserve unit has been administrations of the College suing darkroom keys was init­ meeting on the campus in Har­ Qua lification Test are now avail~ iated. Under the new plan , all ,An; Seate d at th e head ta bl e at the Theta Ta u banq uet are (left to ris Hall ' for he past several Serenade Miners ab le at Selective Service System keys now outstanding w ill be ri ght) Jolm Rr us ko tter, V ice Regent; "Doc" Sch lec ht en , guest years. Meetings are generally on local boards throughout the useless and only members in :-----------❖ spea k er ; Da n ny Ma r ti n , Regent; a nd 1'Doc" .Forres ter. Tuesday nights at The M.S.M . Studen t Co un- j good stand ing will be issued new 7 p.m. in Room - Photo by Newman country. cil is offe ri ng p ri zes for th e keys. 103, Harris Hall. Concert and Dance Eligib le students who intend 11 to offer this test on either dat e Severa l new faces werf! seen Th e official designation of the :::;~:;•~; s::e:i' t:r b~':!~ Supply Entertainme nt among the older members, and sho ul d app ly at once to the near­ unit is The Engineers Replace­ students. These prizes w ill Joe Min er is in for an all too a ll listened with enthusiasm to Initiation a est Se lective Service local board ment Trainin•g Group , 9857th cons ist of $5.00 for first place, seldom treat this Saturday when nd Banquet president Don Belcher's plans lRTEas for an application and a bulletin OR TSU. Thi s unit is made up of S3.00 for secon d p lace and the Ste1;>hens Coll ege Choir will for future programs. Norbert of information. a group Headquarters, a Batta l­ $2.00 for third place. The last make their appearance here to Neumann's interesting talk on Fo llowing instructions in the ion H ead quarters , and Compa­ date upon which these cheers give a concert. Poor Joe may Top Theta Tau Ann iversary 'Photography in Industry ' was bu ll etin, the student shou ld fill nies A, B , and C. The personnel can be submitted is Satur day, have to have his eyeballs reset r----= also warmly received . out his application and mail it assigned to this unit come large­ October 27 .. These chee rs can and his sanity checked after see­ immediate ly in the envelope pro­ Everyone interested in photo­ ly from the faculty students of be p laced in a box marked ing the one-hundred and eighty graphy is urged to attend the THETA KAP'SWOUND DUPr. Schlect:en Guest vided. Applications for the De­ the School of Mines, augmented "chee r s" in the lobby of Park- lov lies on the campus at one next meeting, which will be cember 13 test must be post­ by officers from various govern­ er Hal l. The cheers w ill be time , but we are sure he is glad FORPARTY-WE EKEND Spel\ker at lfanquet announced in the Miner and the marked no later than midnight , ment agencies in Rolla, such as pud ged by the c heer leaders to run the risk. In the past he has Theta Tau members of Iota N ovember 5 1951. Daily Schoo l bulletin. 1 the U. S. Geo log ical Survey and and three mem bers of the si u- ! usually recovered almost com­ I t looks li ke the long -expected Chapte r of M.S .M. observed t he According to Educat iona l Test- the U. S. Bureau of M ines. den t C ounc 47 il. I pletely within a few w ee ks wi th all-out quiz offensive has fi na ll y th anniversary of the fou nd- ing Service, which prepares and Tune Smiths Give .• the on ly ill effect being a long­ I b egun, judg ing from the number ing of the Fraternity by initiat - adm inisters the College Quali- At present the unit consists of in g to be enrolled at a co-edu­ of our boys who have late ly been · ing 19 men Sunday, Oct~ber 14. f ication Test for the Se lective Pikers Gone Mus officers only, as a ll of the En- ic cational school. jabbed by that o ld purple jave- At the banquet he ld Sunday Service Sy.Stem , it will be great- Once a•ga in the Pi Kaps return list ed Reservists were transfer­ A.I.Ch.E. E lects New lin. The first push rocked us back evening, the members were en - l y to the student's advantage to from their cloud in the sky to red last :year to another •unit in Officers at M~eting Perhaps the most favored p.m. on our heels, and despairing cries tertained by imp ·romtu speeches fil~ his application at once, re- the realities of Rolla. After a Rbaotlla,Ekngno1·nwenersastChoem3p2a7ntlyi_coAlm: The A.I.Ch.E. he ld its regu lar groups on the campus will be the lnfoaLewis like "My three-point's shot al- Sbychosoemeelofsthkee inointia.~ews.haRot glenr- gardless of the testmg date he Itremendous P ledge Dance week- fraternities . After the girls ar- '" ,., h d th h t pp p 0 th.ougli the 9857 th ,·s kno,vn as meeting on Thursday , October '"' Craig ready · ,.. ere ear roug ou fluence has been a Football Star selects T he results ,,,v11l be :e- end, we return agam to the re- · rive around 4:00 o'clock they P" the house, but the guns fina ll y M . ported to the students Se lective ahhes of shotguns, reports, and an Engineer Unit, Officers as- 11, at 7:00 p.m. in room 103 of will be taken to the various fra- came through, and at present on akmg Time with Belly Service local board of Jurisdic- hour qmzzes signed come from many branch- C~~: b:~~~t\:! ~.;~i!e~~ ternity houses where they w ili :l 14-15-11 ~~;e~l~ the troops seem to have the sit- eDnanJcers." Ano_ther talk ;~as giv- tion for use m considermg his I The weather last Friday mght es of the service such as the Sig- Aluminum". be wined and dined in a more or Jm I p.m. uation at a sta lemate. 0 hn McChnton on How to deferme nt as a student I nal Corp and the Transportation l l Th · n Bodiat S ome welcome relief is in sight Graduate from M.S.M. in Six -- ---- - was perfect picnic weather and Corp besides those from the En- The office of Vice-President, ess roya manner. ose surv1v- IE E y " L t b I t - I Dr Eppelshe1mer's farm was a vacated because of scholastic ing this ordeal will appear at this weekend with the P ledge asy ears. as ut n~t eas 1·MSMSTUDE NTS ASKED ginee rs co:p. Parker Hal l at 7:30 for the con- d!SSOUBP' Dance coming up. The flow o f was John Macke speakmg on wonderfu l spot for a p1cmc, so seasons, was filled with the elec- "T it is no wonder that the · · The 985 7th ,·s a C lass A un,·t t,·on of Merril Stott. cert. This in itself would more perf umed letters h it a peak this he Art of Abscounding Funas picmc th t th st wee k , bu t the number of ' oD ea r from t he Ro ll amo Boa r d." The[ ·T ·OHELP RED OCRSS was a h owling success. A lei- meeting 48 times a yea r . In ad- The important subject of the an juS ifyth e trip from eph- J ohn's" was low. T here may be a ta lks were a ll very ,good as the T he bl ood program is a co m - sure ly Satu r day afternoon was dition, a ll office r s attended a meeting was the d iscussion of ens, but ere is more to come.
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