SALKADE (K.N.). - -- Permanent way text book for all gauges, fully illustrated. Bombay pr., 1934. .62512 Sal. SAT,xELn (WILLIAM) . - -- reporter. See COURT OF KING'S BENCH. Report of cases ... from the first year of King William and Queen Mary to the tenth year of Queen Anne. SALKEY (ANDREW). - -- Escape to an autumn pavement. $l8`19(724S.l. Lond., 1960. .82391 Cal. - -- A quality of violence. [New Authors Limited, No. 11.] ezggq (y21?, S0-1_ Lond., 1959. .82391 Sal. - -- comp. and ed. Stories from the Caribbean; an anthology. Selected and introduced by A.S. Lond. [1965.] .82899(729) Sal. - -- comp. and ed. West Indian stories. Lond., 1960. .82899(729) Sal. SALKIELD (TOM). - -- Road making and road using. With a foreword by Sir H.P. Maybury. [Pitman's Transport Lib.] Lond., 1927. Engin. Lib. --- 2nd ed. Lond., 1938. Engin. Lib. ADDITIONS sALKEY (ANDREW). - -- Georgetown journal; a Caribbean writer's journey from London via Port of Spain to Georgetown, Guyana, 1970. Lora., 1972. .82899(7292) Sal. SALKIN (GERALD). - -- and KORNBLUTH (JONATHAN). - -- Linear programming in financial planning. [Accountancy Age Bks.; Mod. Finance Ser.] Lond., 1973. .51992 :.65815 Sal. - -- Another copy. Forestry Lib. SALKIN (HARVEY M.). - -- and SAHA (JAHAR). - -- eds. Studies in linear rogramming. [Stud. in Management Sci. and Systems, Vol. 2.j Amsterdam, 1975. Business Stud. Lib. c µ SAL'KO (N.B :). _- _faw3iTIu'iK, OBeHHHNi[ CJ1aBOLÌ RyJILIKOBCKOLI tPITBFT ... The illustrious relic of the Kulikovo battle; icon "The Virgin of the Don "; on the reverse: "The Dormition ". [In the Tretyakov Gallery.] [Russ.] TTOJImKatAmsa O,ILHoro I-Ia}1$ITHVIKap It ] Leningrad, 1978. F .755(4731) Sal. -- With a summary in English. - -- comp. ,NBOIILICb )J,penHe:I Pycvl, XI - HauaJla XIII BeKa; mo3alIKL1, (DpecKM, LIKOHN. JIeHVIHrpa,, I982. F .75(4702) Sal. There is also an English title -page and a summary in English. SALKOWSKI (CARL). Tr, .., and ed. by n.rficld. - -- Lehrbuch der Institutionen für den akademischen Gebrauch. Leipzig, 1868. Law Lib. SALKOWSKI (ERICH. - -- Affine Differentialgeometrie. [Göschens Lehrb. 1. Gr. 22. Bd. ] Berlin, 1934. Math. Lib. SALKOWSKI (ERNST LEOPOLD). - -- Practicum der physiologischen und pathologischen Chemie ... Berlin, 1893. Biochem. Lib. - -- Ueber das Fleisch als Nah smittel. [Virchow and Holtzendorff- Vietmansdorf, Samml. ix, 216. Berlin, 1874. Zv.5. - -- Beiträge zur wissenschaftlichen Medicin und Chemie. Festschrift zu Ehren des 60sten Geburtstages von E.S. Berlin, 1904. H.11.39. - -- and LEUBE ( WILHELM OLIVTER). - -- Die Lehre vom Harn. Ein Handbuch für Studirende und Aerzte. Berlin, 1882. Nq.3.16. SALLA (IRJA). - -- Lisa-Beatan tarina; romaani. (Sisältää yhdistettynä teokset Lisa- Beata ... ja Kohtalon päivä ... jälkiminäinen tekijän lyhentämänä.) Porvoo, pr. 1952. 8945413 Sal. SALLABA (MATTHIAS DE). - -- M. de S. ... de morbis variolarum posthumis commentatio. Viennàë, 1788. a P. 1099/3. SALLABERRY (JEAN DOMINIQUE JULIEN). --- Chants populaires du pays basque: paroles et musique originales ... avec traduction française ... Bayonne, 1870. *S.24.30. SALLANDER (HANS). - -- comp. Bibliotheca Walleriana ... A catalogue ... See UPSALA. UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY. BIBLIOTHECA WALLERIANA. - -- comp. Katalog der Inkunabeln der Kgl. Universitätsbibliothek zu Uppsala. Neuerwerbungen seit dem Jahre 1907. See UPSALA. UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY. SALLE (ANTHONY JOSEPH). - -- Fundamental principles of bacteriology, with laboratory exercises. 1st ed. 2nd impr. New York, 1939. C.M.L. - -- 3rd ed. New York, 1948. C.M.L. - -- 4th ed. Lond., 1954. C.M.L. - -- 5th ed. New York, 1961. C.M.L. - -- 6th ed. New York 1967. Vet. Lib.(F.S.) SALLEE (EUGENE MERRIDITH). - -- See BROWN (GLENN HALSTEAD) and S. (E.M.) SALLENGRE (ALBERT HENRI DE). - -- Essai d'une histoire des Provinces -Unies pour l'année M.D.C.XXI oú la trtve finit et la guerre recommença avec l'Espagne. Ouvrage posthume. And Preuves de l'histoire des Provinces -Unies de l'an 1621.) 2 pts. (in 1). La Haye, 1728. *Q.22.29. - -- ed. Mémoires de littérature. See MIOIRES DE LITTÉRATURE. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS SALLE (SYLVIE DOUCE DE LA). See DOUCE DE LA SALLE (SYLVIE). SALLENGRE (ALBERT HENRI DE) [continued]. - -- Novus thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum ... 3 vol. Hage- Comitum, 1716 -19. R* 16.17 -19. - -- Another ed. 3 vol. Hagae -Comitum, 1716 -24. EE.1.28 -30. - -- Another copy. 3 vol. Fß, r11 (37)5,1 - -- See SAINT- HYACINTHE (H.C. DE), S. (A.H. DE), etc. SALLER (KARL). - -- Leitfaden der Anthropologie. 2. völlig neubearb. Aufl. Stuttgart, 1964. .573 Sal. SALLERN (FRIEDRICH VON). - -- See BOHNER (J.H.) prns. SALLERN (SEBASTIANUS VON). - -- See BAIER (J.W.) the Elder, praes. SALLES (A.). - -- ed. Trois antiques rituels du baptême. Présenté par A.S. [Sources Chrétiennes, 59.] Paris, 1958. .2651 Sal. SALLES (EUSÈBE FRANÇOIS DE). - -- Histoire générale des races humaines, ou, philosophie ethnographique. Paris, 1849. K.21.5. SALLES LATERR :RE ( - DE). - -- A political and historical account of Lower Canada ... By a Canadian [i.e. - de S.L.] Lond., 1830. P- 4.4. $.ß, ,4(-ir4)54Q. ADDITIONS SALLF,R (RICHARD P.). - -- Personal patronage under the early Empire. Cambridge, 1982. .329024(37) Sal. - -- See GARNSEY (PE'T'ER DAVID ARTHUR) and S. (R.J SALLER (KARL). - -- Rassengeschichte der Menschheit. Lief. 1. München. .572 Sal. 1. Australien, Indochina - Indopakistan, die Zigeuner ... [1968.] SALLES (GEORGES). - -- See FERBOS ( JACQUES) and S. (G.) SALLES GOMES ( PAOLO EMILIO). See GOMES (PAOLO EMILIO SALLES). SALLES (JEAN FRANÇOIS). - -- La nécropole "K" de Byblos. [Recherche sur les Grandes Civil., Mem. No. 2.] [Paris, 1980.] F .913(3944) Sal. SALLET (ALFRED VON). - -- Münzen und Medaillen_ [Berlin, König. Mus. Hdb.] Berlin, 1898. V* 7.35. - -- Die Nachfolger Alexanders des Grossen in Baktrien und Indien. Berlin, 1879. zv.4.50. d. S .ig143-14,-- -444144444. SALLET (RICHARD). - -- Der diplomatische Dienst; seine Geschichte und Organisation in Frankreich, Grossbritannien und der Vereinigten Staaten. Stuttgart [1953.] .327 Sal. 34.,-1 Sal . SALLEY (ALEXANDER SAMUEL). - -- ed. Narratives of early Carolina, 1650 -1708. Repr. [Jameson, Original Narratives of Early Amer. Hist. 4.] Lond., 1959. .9(732) Jam. * ** London imprint cancels that of New York. SALLO (DENIS DE) Seigneur de la Coudraye. - -- ed. See JOURNAL (LE) DES SÇAVANS ... Par le Sieur de Hedouville [i.e. D. de s.]. SALLUST, the Historian. See SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS (GAIUS). SALLUST, the Platonist. - -- EaX\OuoT cu nE p L ;'Euly xat, xoJµ0v. S. de düs & mundo. Leo Allatius nunc primus e tenebris eruit et Latiné vertit. [Gr. and Lat.] [Gale, Opusc. Myth. ..] Cantabrigià8, 1670. *W.9.15/1. [Continued overleaf.] SALLET (ALFRED VON). --- Die antiken Munzen. Nach A. von S. neu bearb. von K. Regling. 2,Aufl. [Berlin Staatliche Mus. Hdb.] Ì31 : 3-1- 3 S-' 1. Berlin, 1922. Y" 7-.)6. - J A revision of the section an ancient coins in Sallet's ' Münzen und Medaillen'. -- joint-ed. Königliche Museen zu Berlin. Beschreibung der antiken Münzen. See KÖNIGLICHE MUSEEN ZU BERLIN. MÜNZKAB INET . SALLEY. CISTERCIAN ABBEY. - -- See HARTANn (JOHN) ed. Historical account of the Cistercian Abbey of Salley in Craven, Yorkshire ... SALLEZ (ALAIN). -- Polarisation et sous- traitance; conditions du développement régional. Préface de J. Monod. Paris, 1972. C.E.G.S. SALLMANN (KLAUS GÜNTHER). Die Geographie -- des älteren Plinius in ihrem Verhältnis zu Varro; Versuch einer Quellenanalyse. [Untersuchungen z. Antiken Lit. u. Gesch. Bd. 11.] Berlin, 1971. .8789 Pli. Sal. SALLUST, the Platonist [continued]. - -- Sallust on the gods and the world; and the Pythagoric sentences of Demophilus translated from the Greek; and five hymns by Proclus, in the original Greek with a poetical version. To which are added five hymns by the translator [T. Taylor]. Lond., 1793. W.18.51. * ** Title -page wanting. - -- Concerning the gods and the universe. Ed. with prolegomena & translation by A.D. Nock. [Gr. and Eng.] Cambridge, 1926. .8889 Sal. - -- Another copy. Classical Lib. - -- Another copy. New Coll. Lib. - -- Des dieux et du monde. Texte établi et tr. par G. Rochefort. [Coll. des Univ. de Fr.] Paris, 1960. .8889 Sal. SALLUSTE (GUILLAUME DE) Seigneur du Bartas. See DU BARTAS. SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS (GAIUS). COLLECTIONS Latin - -- Opera Sallustiana. C.C. Sallustii ... cu Jodici Badii Ascesii expositione perq, familiari opera post nové lima & nanulla nuperrime addita recéter: et subjecta continent. Pomponii leti Sallustiana recognitio & eiusde5 vita et explanatio ... Lugduni, 1517. W* 19.2/1. - -- C.C.S. ... opera, qua quidem extant, omnia ... Una cum ... commentariis ... L. Vallae, J. Badii Ascensii, J. Soldi ... Basilea2, 1564. W* 18.42. - -- C.S.C. operum quae extant nova editio, edente ... L. Carrione. (And Declamationes adversariae Ciceronis et Sallustii. - J. Rivi castigationum lib. ii. - A. Manutii ... scholia ...) 2 pts. (in 1). Antverpiae, 1579. W* 31.61. - -- C.S.C. opera que exstant, et L. Cornelii Sisennn historiarum fragmenta. A. Popma ... recensuit et scholiis illustravit. (And a Popma ... emendationes.) Franekaràë [sic], 1619. W* 31.62. *** Imperfect, wanting pages 225 -240. --- C. Salustius Crispus, cum veterum historicorum fragmentis. [Ed. by M.Q. Boxhorn.] Lugduni Batavorum, 1634. *W.33.49. - -- C.S.C. opera, qun extant, omnia: cum ... variorum observationibus et accurata recensione Antonii Thysii. Lugd. Batavorum, 1649. W* 30.39. - -- C.S.C. primus in historia, seu Bellum Catilinarium et Jugurthinum: cum commentariis ... accommodavit Joannes Min-el ... Roterodami, 1653. W* 32.79.
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