8ATU»Z>AY, AUOUIT tT, Tha Wdstkar » f W l L V I iianrl)»atrr lonting i| n :a ld A vM iB DMIjr NM Praas Ri I a« o . a. weauw fb v lha Maulb 4« M y . 1M9 youngvr fbllu may not «v«a te- member Parecas Theater. It Kennd Sopply Shop D iB pU qr 35 Dwelling 9,465 •toed at the oomer of Preapect lEtipttt«0 H^ralb About Town I Heard Along Main Street ■treat la Hartford at the Joaettee with Oeatral Row and American Permitfl A s k ^ ManeHotUr^'A CUy of VUIago Charm, A MB WM bon yootoft^ to And on Somo of Manehottor^o Sido Stroottf Too Row. The ette la aow a beautiful Or.cJUd K m . Furton greensward adjoining the hand­ I f o i ^ RX, ottho some building of the Hartford J a n riB ; o f Um ftUBflZ- MANCHEffTER, OONNw MONDAY. AUGUST 29,1949 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR O N H To Bo BnOt by VOL. LXVniw NO. 280 au Pa«a iS) “ Mtol for woinoo o«K chlldron. Btaale's it is only a place wham Steam Boiler Inaurance Com­ Mm . Stoiblrr it tbe 'Men wear tha panta, but wlvaa- trains can meat. The same wlto pany. To C(M Approximately John Be Burko _ LoulM LottUnak*. pick ’am," ao they aay. Man pay We flret saw Harry tiuuder la tha billa but their wivea make tha "Club bouse,” though Um m Uie $9,000 Each 4u ih tor of Mr. and Mtb Arthur turnout has bean discontinued. Paiwone Theater 87 yesM ago. He rUNBRAL HOliB ft ntary o tm t choice, and ainca they do. a few always had a good troupe of Hniricane Tosses Plahe Atop Hangar •uggeMlona might not coma amlaa. Here are two places on tha map tlEwlOHfitoM. 9 0 .m less populated than LydallvUla and vaudevilUane with him and he AspUoatlea ter permits for M ■ T -r Or. 0*0* Mm . Amoa E. Friand Maacullna vanitv being what it ia Tail of Hurricane Oakland which are not found on played the final act. Hie oostumca agis dwellings, each to cost aa Truman Pledges Full who a n vacationing in Europe the ideal mate la clever and aub- were different for each song h# •sUamtod 19,000, w sm Bind heM o n now at Intorlakon. Swltaar- many state maps. tie about picking her huaband'e J. W. Chaney sang—all Scotch, of course. And Into ysstorday by A lsaandsr Jar­ laiid. ____ clothea. She leU him think ahe U ‘ after each aong he told etoriae— vis. Yhs psnalU, songjit tor merely advialng, not doing the , hemes la WoodiiMts' Addltlea Hits State Today Tbo Cantor Thaopiana announce If you're one of thoaa lucky all Scotch, of course. He probably real chooelng. No matter how much originated more Scotch Jokea Numbsr 8, win cover the larger the tryouta for th^r fall produc- (ugh!) people who has received ahe llkee a eu't. unleea her hua- several letters containing from one than the Ford publicity depart­ part of this development which Ike he«Hs destjp Yankee Cooperation tioB, a comedy, "For Love or band llkee it too, ehe doesn’t urge extends akmg Middle turnpike. MoBay." by F. Hugh Harhart will to live books of tickets on a new ment ever made up about the him to buy It; and if ha wanU a car, washing machine, or television Ford csM. weoL Adamo otreet, Foltoa a With Stiff Winds ’ '-iidt . ' -It ' ' bo held Wedneaday avaning. Ban- suit she can t stand, ahe discour­ Haadee rondo. set and has wondered "how in tha Harry Lauder wrote hie own tambor 7, at A at Woodruff HalL ages him from getting it. Bha'a Jarvis Interests have purchased hack they got my name”—land an words and music. AU wsm typi­ quick to suggest that ha try on ^ aa addlUoaal acreage of fonaor Thiaf Aakh Ownar Put- Eafban a*»d Bill Munaon, chll eye. cal of him. Some of them wlU Uve Cottagers on Shore the doubtful one flrst. then the forever. Perhaps his best known Hllttard land to the north of this Air ia TIras af Aato To Britain in Crisis drdb of Mr. and Mra. Oaorga Mun- one ahe prefers. Usually the con­ You are merely one of thousands development Line Battle to Sal* aoB of 139 Brookfield atroat, are of names making up a "Cleverly ob­ la "Roemtn’ In the Oloamln’.” But Call tedey far year trast will quickly show him which A t tha last sssslon of the Board opanding a few Java with Mr. tained "sucker list" that is a pret­ there ere hundreds of them. One Potsdam, N .Y., Aatg. 89— (9) of DIrectoM at which the layout vage Launches, Sail Part of Great Effort Mnnaon~a paranta in Winatad. one U beet. ty effective and profitable one. For he sang the first time we heard —Oarald SnUth go t back hla Since women do choose the him ran eomethlng like this: map was acospted. JarvU said Boats and Smaller ■toloa autoraobUo tha oasy If you do receive these letters, Anti-Red Measures By World’s Free Na­ The Howell Chaney Tachniral clothes of their'man folks, we sug­ "I lo’ a iaaele, that hs hopsd to havs ths ntajorl- way. gest that if the men in their Uvea chances are ten to one that you ty of the bousoo finished end oc- ■ehool day claaaaa will reopen on are a fairly coiulstent purchaser A bonnie Hlelan’ lassie. Craft B e in | ! Washed Oaa hour after tha ear dls- tions to Achieve Last­ Wadnaoday, Baptambor 7, it waa are of average height, they can She’s as fair aa the heather In mplod by Chrtotmoo. appaarod from a parklBg lot, a wear either a single or doubla- of tha "one for a quarter, six for Ashore I Some Broken ing Prosperity and anaouBcad today by Director, H. C. a buck.” books. the dell STANDARD man drova tt to a garnga Subject for Legion Folgmann. braasted suit. If stout, a three- The bonnie bloomin' heather, button, stngla-breaatad Jacket la Hem’s how it works. You hap­ where Smith waa worMag aad Peace; Promises Amer­ Mary, my Scotch blue beU.” PLUMBING CO. Hartford, A ug. 29— (/P)— aakad him to put soma air la slenderlaing. If short, a two-but­ pen to buy a book of tickets at Fine Position Opeii For Mr. and Mra. John Frankovltch Harry's only eon waa klUed in m Mala atreal 1W. S Ths stinging tail of ths dying the Urea. / CWm. Com-! R a jp ican ^Friendliness and of 44 PaiMna atroat, announce tha ton. alngle-braaatad Jacket: and if one time or another. Thousands 0 of otheM also happen to buy one World War One. but Harry went BveMags Tet 7SIS-: Florida hurricana Uthad .Tha thiaf boat It when Smith Mlth of a aon, Auguat 25, in Hart' tall a double-braaated Jacket with on that night on a stage In Lon­ munists First Con­ Helpfulness’ in Keep­ fOrd Roapital. broad lapels la flattering. or more books. Comes the draw­ PIctuMd ahovo lo the dtaplay window of Iho Koaaol Sapply Shop aa YOUNG LADY Connocticut today with driv­ ■tarted firing questlona. ing and between one and ten of don, despite hU grief, and gave ing Britain on Feet Bo far as color la concerned, hie show like a real trouper. From Mala street whieh la attracting BHMh attaatloa. Clevorly diaplayed Local aeaaafactaier feae need ing rain and 60-to-60 mild cern of Convention; ' Polio Victims •vary man looks well in blue, and the thousands of purchasers wins are trophies, plaqoee, eopa, silverware, ribboas and aiedala won hy for capable acraea to haadle a prise. All that's left after the that Ume on he gave hie money, par-hour winds. Cottagara on Gathering- Is BiggitV~- . a blue suit ia right for almost pracUcally all hla fortune, a for­ Maacheoter men and women la field trial and show deg ovhlMHnaSi aoeanata reeelvaMa aad Millag Philadelphia, Aug. 29— (JP) sun or Moei* •Yary business and social occasion; drawing are bushels of stuba More thoa IM awards are on display._______________________________ phaeae af nor baatacaa. AbiHtjr tha Nutmag ahora Una bat- What to doT Throw them away? tune he made aU by himself, to­ Hopes to Jam — President Truman pledged CAMERAS gray'la also a safe and con- wards the rehabiUtatloa of thoee to tbiak clearly baaHee aw- tla d this morning to salvage PhiUdalphls. Aug. 29— (fl*) Shows Drop sarvaUve choice. Slacks and extra Uh. uh, lady, don’t touch that ehaalra ef tba Job a prime launehas. saU boats and smaU Oaa af 87 vTi— wreakad by the bnrrioMM btowlag tkroagk Weal Paha Rracb, Pis., bangs atop the full American cooperation to dial! Those subs are the nucleus crippled in the war. Again, many thanks for pouring some happy recovery occurred, or reqaMto. Oar orgaaIxaHoa wiackaga af Its baagar. Slxtrrii bage C-tda u-ere amoag the planee wrecked. (A P wlrephoto). — Tha American Legion Bndfot Tcrma— No Charge j^ebata, sport shirts'and neckties Lauder waa tha aon of a coal in the paat year have we been beata batng wasbad aahare. crisis-ridden Britain today as of a beautiful, made-to-order suck­ gasoline in the well.” , kaawa nf tbia advt. It^ljr etat- Economy Plan opened its 31st annual con­ tutroduce color aplenty In any miner, and a coal miner himself keeping alive a death notice that Betaa smaller boato wars betag leases Hit More Than part of a great effort by the er lU t Some enterprising gent lag fan detolle.
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