MAKING PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION A REALITY Lenovo Products for Education reasons Term 2, 2019 - Catalogue Windows 10 Pro means business. Trusted around Expertise across Confidenc Business-boosting Flexible support the world categories in our products technology network Powered by Intel®. Intel Inside®. Powerful Productivity Outside. Brand-Specific Trademark Acknowledgment Lin Intel, the Intel logo and Thunderbolt are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries. thinkfwd.com.au/education © 2018 Lenovo. All rights reserved. These products are available while supplies last. Prices shown are subject to change without notice. For any questions concerning price, please contact your Lenovo Account Executive. Lenovo is not responsible for photographic or typographic errors. Warranty: For a copy of applicable warranties, write to: Warranty Information, 500 Park Oces Drive, RTP, NC 27709, Attn: Dept. ZPYA/B600. Lenovo makes no representation or warranty regarding third-party products or services. Trademarks: Lenovo, the Lenovo logo, Rescue and Recovery, ThinkPad, ThinkCentre, ThinkStation, ThinkVantage, and ThinkVision are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lenovo. Microsoft, Windows, and Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Inside, Intel Core, and Core Inside are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. thinkfwd.com.au/education WhyWhy LenovoLenovo forfor EducationEducation InIn order order to to meet meet the the demands demands of of the the 21 21stst century, century, education education is is evolving evolving atat an an unprecedented unprecedented rate. rate. Lenovo Lenovo is is committed committed to to building building the the right right technology technology toto support support the the developing developing leaders leaders of of tomorrow. tomorrow. As As the the world's world's #1 #1 education education PC PC provider*,provider*, Lenovo Lenovo understands understands the the challenges challenges that that schools schools and and universities universities face face inin transforming transforming education education with with new new models models enabling enabling teaching, teaching, learning, learning, andand collaborating, collaborating, all all while while managing managing cost, cost, eciency, eciency, and and security. security. *based*based on on 2017Q4 2017Q4 IDC IDC WW WW PC PC data data OurOur products products and and services services cater cater to to K-12 K-12 and and higher higher education education institutions,institutions, and and their their IT, IT, with with turn-key turn-key solutions solutions that that provide: provide: AA secure secure infrastructure infrastructure RuggedRugged and and reliable reliable learning learning devices devices ComprehensiveComprehensive training training on on the the latest latest classroom classroom managementmanagement and and educational educational tools tools LenovoLenovo education education experts experts work work with with IT IT specialists specialists to to develop develop the the right right planplan for for schools’ schools’ unique unique digital digital needs. needs. BuiltBuilt toto WithstandWithstand thethe TestsTests ofof SchoolSchool LifeLife DeviceDevice reliability reliability is is the the key key to to investing investing in in new new learning learning ideas ideas with with confidence. confidence. Lenovo Lenovo teststests education education devices devices to to standards standards that that exceed exceed the the MIL-SPEC MIL-SPEC levels. levels. WeWe pressure pressure test test WeWe drop drop our our education education OurOur education education hinges hinges ourour education education devicesdevices from from2x2xthethe areare tested tested for for 20,00020,000 LCDLCD screens screens testtest height height to to simulate simulate moremore open/close open/close cycles, cycles, withwith50%50% more more fallingfalling from from a a desk. desk. preparingpreparing them them for for excited excited pressurepressure applied applied in in youngyoung learners learners. 5x5xmoremore places. places. Powered by Intel®. Intel Inside®. Powerful Productivity Outside. Windows 10 Pro means business. 2 3 Why Lenovo Premier Accidental Damage forSu pEducationportn In order to meet the demands of the 21st century, education is evolving Insurance at Lenovoan unprecedented Premier Support rate. Lenovo assists isby committed providing highlyto building trained the personnel right technology to support to duringsupport extended the developing hours with leaders a focus of tomorrow. on advanced As the troubleshooting world's #1 education and dedicated PC PROTECT YOUR PC FROM THE UNEXPECTED provider*,case management. Lenovo understands the challenges that schools and universities face With today’s highly mobile users, the unexpected is bound to happen, even to in transforming education with new models enabling teaching, learning, exceptionally engineered PC's. Lenovo’s mobile repair data indicates that a andAs collaborating, IT budgets allcontract, while managing you want cost, to eciency,realise increased and security. efficiency from your significant percentage of users will experience non-warranted damage within *basedexisting on 2017Q4 in-houseIDC WW PC data IT support teams. Lenovo Premier Support assists by providing highly trained personnel to support during extended hours with a focus on the first three years of the PC's life cycle. Accidental Damage Insurance offers Ouradvanced products troubleshooting and services cater and to dedicated K-12 and casehigher management. education significant saving relative to uncovered repairs. institutions, and their IT, with turn-key solutions that provide: PREDICTABLE BUDGETS A secure infrastructure A single, upfront investment allows accurate prediction of yearly system repair costs. RuggedLENOVO and PREMIER reliable SUPPORT learning devices OFFERS: Comprehensive training on the latest classroom SIGNIFICANT SAVINGS management• Onshore Technical and educational Call Centre tools Support Accidental Damage Protection saves you significantly relative to the cost of repair or new system. Users typically save between 28%–80% depending on machine and repair. Lenovo• Weekday education 7am –experts 7pm (Mon-Fri) work with AEST IT specialists Technical to Call develop Centre the Support right plan for schools’ unique digital needs. QUALITY ASSURANCE • Next Business Day Onsite Labour, within 60 kms of Australian capital cities, or ADI is performed by Lenovo™-Trained technicians, using Lenovo™-Qualified other areas as may be approved by Lenovo - provided Premier Support Call parts, educing the need for re-repair. Centre phone based troubleshooting has been completed before 3pm AEST the day before. Built to Withstand the Tests of School Life COMPREHENSIVE REPAIRS Lenovo’s comprehensive diagnostic tools can identify hidden damage that may Device reliability is the key to investing in new learning ideas with confidence. Lenovo • Designated Onshore Technical Account Manager for proactive relationship have otherwise gone untreated. tests and education escalation devices management to standards that exceed the MIL-SPEC levels. We pressure test We drop our education Our education hinges • Single Contact For End-to-End Case Management to see all issues through LENOVO ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE PROTECTION HIGHLIGHTS our educationto closure devices from 2x the are tested for 20,000 LCD screens test height to simulate more open/close cycles, Remote problem diagnosis and support. • Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Software Support with more falling from a desk. preparing them for excited 50% Includes parts and labour. pressure applied in young learners. Asset Tag option for Inventory Management and Premier Call Center • Can be delivered via Depot or On-site, depending on the type of 5x morecontact places. info policy purchased. Theft coverage option available. DID YOU KNOW Choose from $0, $50, $100 or $250 excess options. ConsiderPowered bythe Intel®. cost of the technician’s time to work on user issuesIntel Inside®. and the cost of the user’s downtime while waiting. Level 2Powerful Techs assist Productivity with more Outside. than just answering questions about ? hardware. They answer software questions too. Service also provides warranty parts prioritization and quarterly reporting. 4 35 Lenovo Explorer ImmersiveFac Headsettory for Windows Mixed Reality Sealed Battery UpgradeInt eyourg rPCa Experience:tion Se Discoverrvic eNews Worlds Warranty Lenovo™ Explorer brings you vivid and immersive MR experiences on your modern PC. Escape to a virtual world of exhilarating adventures: tour top travel Lenovo's Factory Services allow customers to leverage the scope and scale of Lenovo’s selected PC's incorporate a battery specifically designed for ultrathin destinations,Lenovo's be themanufacturing hero in the mostcapabilities exciting to games, tailor attend their thesystems most popularto their unique events or even travel across time and space, right at the comfort of your own home. A Wideproducts. Field This sealed non-Customer ReplaceableHigh-Quality Unit (non-CRU) battery, specifications including applying asset tags, loading and creating a custom charges 2.5 times faster than typical ThinkPad® batteries. The Lenovoimage, Explorer creating which and justincluding takes minutescustomized to set-up, documents is also extremelyin the shipping box, comfortable
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