Divine Principle & Spiritual World A 6000+ Year Journey Every human being is struggling to attain life-long happiness and overcome misfortune. /First sentence in Divine Principle And we all have the same great goal – perfect and perpetual happiness. Life In The World Unseen /Anthony Borgia Millions of spiritual Creatures walk the Earth Unseen, both when we wake, and when we sleep. /John Milton: Paradise Lost God is a creator of Law and Order! Quote SMM 1965: ”We should realize that the World of Spirit is also a Creation of GOD – and God created the Spirit World in his PRINCIPLES God is a creator of Law and Order! Quote SMM 1965: So this Spirit World is not a mysterious world this is a world of PRINCIPLE the World of Spirit. God is a creator of Law and Order! Quote SMM 1965: Therefore, if we discover the PRINCIPLE we certainly have the ability to understand and cope with the World of Spirit.” Physical Laws – Juridical Laws – Spiritual Laws God-made Man-made God-made Absolute Conditional Absolute Changeable From Sun Myung Moon the early years 1920-53, M. Breen 1924 Korea, Jesus Church: Then Jesus appeared in her (Kims) prayers and told her that adultery was the root of sin. He also said that his crucifixion had been the result of the mistrust of his own people, that the Second Advent of Christ would occur through another man and that he would appear in Korea. 1924 Korea, Jesus Church: Mrs Kim began holding services at home, teaching that believers should repent for the death of Jesus as if they had killed him themselves. She received revelation that men and women should prepare themselves for the coming Lord, that single people should not marry, and that married couples should refrain from sexual relations. People came to see her from all over Korea, and she taught them to prepare for the coming Messiah.” 1930s in Korea: His (SMM:s) conversion in the 1930s coincided with a period of widespread spiritual activity in Korean Christian groups. Thousands had begun speaking in tongues and having revelations they could not understand. During revival meetings, many participants became ecstatic, as if drunk in the spirit. 1930s in Korea: …the spirit came to prepare the way for the Lord, to cleanse the souls of those it came to, not to excite their senses. But, above all, it came because God wanted to find one man. To bring his kingdom, God needs to start with one person, like a new Adam. The purpose behind the spirit's coming was to make one perfect man. 1943 Korea: ”Her (Kims) mission, Moon's cell-mate explained, passed on to another woman, Huh Ho-bin, who was the leader of the Holy Lord Church in Pyongyang. Every time Mrs. Huh received a revelation, her stomach would move as if she were pregnant. This unusual experience was cited by the followers as further evidence of the truth of Kim's teaching that, contrary to common Christian belief, the Lord would be born in the flesh. “ Huh's group became informally known as 'Bokjung-Kyo' literally the In-the-Belly Church. 1946 Korea: "The new Lord is twenty-six and you must serve him well, as you have served me," Jesus said.” Huh eventually died in prison. The other leaders of the group were all sent to a labor camp when the Korean War broke out in 1950, and are believed to have been killed. Comment: As a postscript to this encounter, however, it should be noted that, when Moon's 1st wife left him and he remarried, his new bride was the daughter of the only known survivor of Huh's (In-the-Belly Church ) group Haj Ja Han. 1946 Pyoungyang Korea: Pyongyang in 1946 was still a dynamic center for Korean Christianity. He prayed with such intensity and feeling that the sweat and tears seemed to pour from him. "I had never been so deeply struck by anyone's prayer in my life," Kim In-lu recalled. 1946 Pyoungyang Korea: Moon taught that Korea was the second Israel and that the return of Jesus would take place in Korea. But, he said, the return would not happen in either the spiritual or supernatural way that Christians tended to expect. He said that, just as the mission of the Old Testament prophet Elijah passed in the time of Jesus to John the Baptist, so the mission of Jesus would pass to another 1947 Korea: "Moon held services which, by the end of 1947, were being attended regularly by around forty people. During the day he would take care of members, and pray and study the Bible. He invested himself completely in his followers. Many had been led directly through revelations. He fasted three days, and sometimes seven days, for each new person. 1947 Korea: "One lady in a service declared that she had seen Jesus in Moon's heart. Another spiritual woman announced to the other members that Moon himself was the Christ.” • Dr. Sang Hun Lee's Teachings from Spirit World • in order to be reborn, people should understand the process of rebirth. If explaining this more in detail, our defiled lineage should be completely sanctified, and we should inherit the love of God, which is called rebirth. In order to be reborn, our body needs to go back to the womb from which we came. • in order to be reborn, people should understand the process of rebirth. If explaining this more in detail, our defiled lineage should be completely sanctified, and we should inherit the love of God, which is called rebirth. In order to be reborn, our body needs to go back to the womb from which we came. • we can go back to God (which is a rebirth), by making an indemnity condition of small value. However, for this, we need a mediator. The mediator is True Parents. Humans cannot go to God without True Parents since the original sin (fallen nature: literal) can be removed only through True Parents, and only through Them. • Dr. Sang Hun Lee's Teachings from Spirit World • Dr Sun Myung Moon Earthly Life and Spirit World I & II …1998 • I have not conducted all the providential efforts and events on my own centering only on the physical standard. Instead, I have done these things by attending to God in the spirit world. You have to know that the reason everything is being solved on Earth is so that the spirit world will be affected and all the divisions within spirit world will be broken down. 3.1. Spirit is the essence of life Where there is a nucleus, there must be a reciprocally related being to revolve around it. As electrons revolve around protons, human beings are meant to revolve around God. God can pursue the providence of restoration because the human mind, which is like an electron, naturally relates to God’s mind, which can be likened to the nucleus. 4.7. Heaven is a life of living for the sake of others The Kingdom of Heaven is where those who have made sacrifices for others become the masters. The family should sacrifice for the sake of the tribe, the tribe for the people, the people for the nation, the nation for the world, the world for the cosmos, and the cosmos for God. The ultimate purpose is in reaching God and occupying Him. Sören Kierkegaard (1813 - 1855) Quote: "Life can only be understood in retrospect (backwards) but has to be lived forward” /Kirkegaard "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." / George Santayana This quote is rooted in the philosophies of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and many others. endq Compare with Divine Principles paralels of history: Man repeats errors based on Fall of Man and 4 fallen natures. For humankind to completely overcome the two aspects of Ignorance (Internal –Spiritual, External – Science) and fully realize the goodness which the original mind desires, at some point in history there must emerge a new truth which can reconcile religion and science and resolve their problems in an Integrated undertaking. /Divine Principle 96 p.7 A. The Invisible Substantial World and the Visible Substantial World invisible substantial world (spirit world) - subject God Humans SS mind – perceived through 5 spiritual senses HS body visible substantial world (physical world - object – perceived through 5 physical senses We have Many Human “Minds”: • Spiritual Mind • Physical Mind • Original Mind • Fallen Mind • Conscience Mind • Intellectual Mind • … God imparted to humans a supra-sensory dimension and capability for sniffing out and perceiving theological truths. This special discernment allows the human race to receive spiritual and eternal life from God’s heavenly (non-physical) influence. This deeper capacity of a person’s spiritual nose is what the Holy Bible is communicating when we read in Genesis that Jehovah breathed into human nostrils and caused them to live. In other words, God’s main activity is to help humans to live deeper, more spiritual lives—not just worldly or physical lives. This divine spiritual endeavor is evidenced later in Scripture when Jesus breathes into His disciple’s nostrils. His disciples were already physically alive, so some additional and spiritually vivifying capacity must have been added to their mundane breathing. We innately grasp the reality of this psychical schnozzola when we say that something smells “fishy” about a situation or when a person shows a particular talent, we will say they “have a nose for such things.” Everyone can understand this last phrase as representing a human ability that operates above the functioning of the physical nose.
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