1Y7J V J ~ Issued Weakly, Entered as Bwond-CUss Metier ot tha Post. 1 VOLUME , NO. 14. offlM at Bed Bank, H. J» ondor tbs Act of L'oreb fid. 1838. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1924. '$1.50 PER YEAR. PAGES 1 TO 8. THREE HURT IN ACCIDENT. I MRS. AHROWSilTH'S WILL I DEMOCRATS AT A DINNER!HIS ELECTION A SURE THING. A FARMER'S HARD LUCK. A GIANT ELI INSURED/ PHARO AL0NEJ1SSENTS. HOW MONEY INCREASES, Red Bank, Belford and Kcyport | Both Parties Nominate Present At- lantic Township Assessor. EVERYONE FXSE KNOWS THAT BUILDING AND LOAN SHARES Men Injured Near Middlctown. ALL OF HER ESTATE GOES TO REPUBLICAN CLAIMS DID NOT J. HARVEY BOWNE SOLD OUT ITS OWNER WILL GET $1,000 James P.. IX'smond of (Jolt's Neck OUU WATER IS PURE. OPEN FdR INVESTORS. Ivan VunNote of Ked Bank, Kali A MARRIED DAUGHTER. j WEAKEN THEIR APPETITES. LAST WEEK. IF if DIES. Hoycr of Belford unit James Fitz- was nominated by both piirties in CoinntieBioncrt nt Meeting Take Red Bank Building and Loan Asso- Jiatrick of Matawan were badly hurt Eleanor, Another Daughter, j. Died Over Kight Hundred Members of j Atlantic township fur assessor of Holmdel Township Farm Brought I rcc on Harry N. itosctistveig'4 Step* to, Counteract Unneeded ciation.to Open Two Now Serloi Friday night when a Mercer tour- Shortly Before Her Mother— the Untcrrified Political Party that township at the prininry elec- Just Half What Its Owner Pai.I Place Near Little Silver is Prob- Alarm About Water of Town— of Shares This Month—Payments ng cur in which they were riding Donald Rankin'i Will and Will of Had a Banquet With Much tion Tuesday of last^voek. He filed For It Five Years Ago—Keyport ally tho Only insured Tree in Real Eitata Men Up in Arras. and Profits of Shareholders. struck a tree in front of James Michael Drennan—Other Wills. Speeclimaking Last Thursday. a petition on tin' Democratic tick^'. House also Sold. tho County. ? Tho commissioners ot Red Bank, Tho Red Bank building and loan Hendrickson's Cherry Tree farm, Eight Monmuuth county wills Eight hundred and thirty persons Mo petition was filed for this job J. Harvey Bq.vnc's farm in On Hurry N. Hi.sen.'lWeift-'s prop. at n special meeting last Wednesday association lias adopted the BOni- near Middletown village. The auto- were probated in the surrogate's of- attended a banquet held by the :>n the Republican ticket and he got Ilnlmdcl township, between Holm- irty on the Riiimwi road, nAir Lit- unnunl plan of opening new series mobile wns wrecked and its occu- fice at , Freehold last week. Of Mnnmnulli county Democratic club the Republican nomination'by rea- del and Hazlct, was sold at :in as-1 th: Silver, is a line, lilg ulmjUre-o night, passed a resolution condemn- of shares. The first of these semi- last Thursday night at the Shrews- v ing an attempt which in being made pants were so badly hurt that they these wills three were those ot son of many Republicans writing' sisignee'g s sale by order of the court which is insured for $1,(100. " Tho unnual scries of shares will open at were taken to the Long Branch hos- residents of this immediate neigh- bury river country club. It was the i his naniu on the tickets. Lewis Daniel K. Mahoney, n insurance covers death from any "to defame our water supply and the October meeting; but tho series largest gathering which had ever last week. to lend people to believe that it i* pital by Sergeant/Harry VanNote borhood who had recently died, nyder of Colt's Neck got the He- wealthy resident off KeyporK t and cause, either by lightning or storm, will remnin open for. subscribers of Eed Bank and Trooper Johnson. they being the wills of Mrs. Sarah assembled nt the clubhouse. The ublica..,.,.—n nominatio:_...:...n. for...r townshV.' -,..!,<-.Jv ^ owncl. 0{ ;l cnajn 0£ grocery or by''insect pests, or by natural not safe and pure." The resolu- during: the entire month of October. diners overflowed, the dining room tion further elated that tl)0 Red Sergeant VanNote in n brother of S. Arrowamith and Michael Dren coinmitteunitn on both tickets the stores in Monmouth county, wis causes. Insurance of this kind is Two classes of shares will be Ivan Note. and chairs and tables were placed ame> way. Tho Democrats- rnaiic the buyer. The price was $3,500. very rare. It is doubtful if there- Bank board of health and tho state opened. In class A the shareholder nan of Red Bank and Donald Ran- in the lobby in order that all could board of health had pronounced Fitzpatriglc suffered a fractured kin, Jr., of Fair Haven. no nomination for this office and Mr. Mahoney bought the farm as is another tree insured in tin; coun- pays in one dollar a month on each In.', accommodated. Democrats wrote Mr. Snydnr's name an investment. He owns several ty. Perhaps there is no other in tho the water safe and suitable for share for a little over eleven years, ankle and it is feared that he is Michael Drennan of Red Bank injured internally. Ivan VanNote's Must of the candidates for county on Ihnir ballots. The term to be : other f;irms nnd on thoni is raise! stale. drinking purposes. Tho comrnia- at which time the series matures. made his will December 20th, 1017. offices were present as well.as many oionei'fi condemned tho attacks on wrist was fractureu and he was with Kdward W. Wise and ©orette filled is now held by Garrctt Cono-! much of the produce sold at his Under the terms of the policy At that time the shareholder has other Democratic notables. Some Mr. Kosctisweig is required to have the water supply as detrimental to paid in $135 and the association otherwise hurt. Hoyer's neck was Knipper as witnesses. Mr. Dren i-er of VnndCTburff. stores. of them had never been at the club- Mr. Bowne's house at the corner the tree inspected and treated at the welfare of the town nnil au- pays him bnclc ?2O0. Tho extra $GG cut open by a piece of the steering nan left all he possessed 'c his house before. The banquet was a wheel. wife, Margaret Drennan, r.nd named NOMINATED AT THE PRIMARY. of Church and Warren streets nt regular intervals b,y a tree doctor. thorized the clerk to give as much paid back to, the shareholder is tho fine n.ffnir nnd it drew many compli- This was hardly necessary, as Mr, publicity as possible-to the follow- .rofit nnd intercut on the $135 her as executrix. Keyport was also sold by order if MARRIED FIFTY VEARS. ments for the club management and Middletown • 1 ownship Democrats the court. It was bought by J. RuMiioWtij,-.lakes a great interest in ing ntnteinnnt: which he has paid in during the pre- Donald Rankin, Jr., of Fair the chefs who prepared it. Made Up Ticket Last Wcelc. trees nnd ever since he bought bio Dont lot anyone fool you vious years. Haven, made his will two year? Leon._ Schenck of Kcyport, who Rumtan Couple Observed Their Tbo meeting waa very enthusias- The Democrats of Middletuwn | j ] jo,5Of> for it. Rumson road property several years about Red Hank's water supply. Golden Wedding Saturday. ago. Hq mimed his wife, Jane E. tic. Everyone present seemed to pa ( ago lie bus frequently employed In class B the shareholder pays, in Rankin, and his son, James II, Ran- township nominated their ticket nt | p;v0 ' yPar3 Bj,0 Mr. Bo The state hoard of health two dollars a month on each share Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Freitag of feel ccrUiin that this was a Demo- the primary Tuesday of last week tri'C doctors. Ho bus a number of gives it a clean bill o£ health kin, as executors of his will, which cratic year and Republican claims bought the Holmdci township farm for six years and six months. At Washington street, Rumson, ob- was witnessed by Howard S. Hig- by writing names on the tickets. for $7,000, or just twieo the price j very line trees but none of them mid pronounces it entirely t'nt- the end of this period' the share- served their golden' wedding with of victory were ridiculed. Two of The ticket is John Williams of j ; broujiht List week. At the time:''" height or in natural beauty isfuctory for drinking pur- ginson and Inex S. Barber. Mr. the expected speakers, Governor t holder has paid $100 and the as- a- family gathering last Saturday. Rankin left $250 to Fair View Navesink for collector, George H. Mr. Bowne bought the farm it. was equals the elm which is insured. poses. sociation pays him $200 for each They received many congratulations ln Silzcr mid A. Harry Mooro of Jer- Roberts of New Monmouth for as- ] c^ii Tho insured tree ifl on the west Anyone who tells you this cemetery, the income^fn> which sey City, who will probably be the a bargain at the price share. In this case the shareholder nnd gifts of flowers, gold pieces and is to keep his burial .plot in order. and Jacob Schillinhil g and which he paid. Due to the bad side of iha house in the center of a is not so is guilly of n de- gets $44 more than he paid, the $44 silver.
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