ON THE RECORD of the jitterbugs. Ray McKinley is With The Alumni Continued From Page 3 feature on both these numbers. PARADE OF OPINION Frankie Masters tries his hand at The Lonesome Road" is Ray's J. M. Camp is attending business recording "Taking A Chance On specialty, thus this recording will By Associated Collegiate Press school at the Babson Institute in &Love" and "Cabin In The Sky." answer dozens of requests for a re- Boston, Mass. Vocal on the first is by Marion peat FRATERNITIES same silly questions, must know Francis and Frankie Masters, while Kay Kyser plays "I Can't Remem- Greek or "Barb?" What's the dif- something. He must know that this C. J. Faulkner is connected with that on the second is by Jlarion ber To Forget" and "To Be Con- ference, or is there any? America's week of authorized nonsense is not the Nylon Division of the Dupont Francis and the Master's Voice. tinued." Both these new love bal- college editors, a survey this week the end of fraternity life. He may Company. Both tunes are from the picture, lads are sure hits, especially at- indicates, would like to see some know that six of the last seven "Cabin In The Sky." tractive since the vocals are re- changes in fraternity set-ups, but graduating classes have voted over- J. D. Harris is working for the Christmas approaches once again spectively by Ginny Simms and on the whole they recognize fun- whelmingly that if they had it to Dupont Company in Richmond. and our musical thoughts turn Harry Babbitt. damental benefits offered the stu- do over again they would not join again to the beautiful carols that dent by the Greek-letter organiza- fraternities. But even if he did D. H. Heely is a teacher at Fork make Christmas what it is. Colum- tions. know it it wouldn't matter. He will Union Military Academy in Front bia presents a record of Night Be- "Messiah" The University of Pittsburgh's have a good time with a group he Royal, Va. fore Christmas Music with chimel Cliff Dweller opens the discussion initiates himself into, regardless of J. F. Larrick is connected with (Continued from page 1) Greek letters. This means nothing by Carol Noel, with four of the with a definition of Fraternity: "In the American Viscose Company in ever "The Messiah" is presented. more than what it says: name your best known carols included. These American colleges, a student or- Front Royal, Va. The Cadets who are helping in own poison and don't expect the four are "Hark! The Herald An- ganization formed chiefly to pro- the chorus are: W. E. Bell, W. G. joining or the not-joining to make gels Sing," "It Came Upon A Mid- mote friendship and welfare among P. B. May is a second lieutenant McClure, T. B. Beaulac, J. A. Ander- or break your college career." night Clear," "Joy to the World," son, G. L. Jacks, J. W. Lanning- the members." Proceeding, the Pitts- in the United States Marine Corps. and "Silent Night, Holy Night." ham, R. D. Patton, S. A. Gillespie, burgh publication expresses belief At Worcester Polytechnic Insti- tute, the Tech News feels that the Will Bradley, Columbia's star or- A. J. Cavanaugh, J T. Ragland, that "11 the fraternity is formed to G. G. McCann is working for the college fraternity is indispensable chestra plays "The Lonesome Road" T. Gentry, and R. Cabanin. Some comply with the above definition, Johns-Mansfield Corporation. "as an aid in helping the novice find "You're Lucky To Me." Both of these cadets have taken part in there is no question as to its value. develop, while in college, along the of these old numbers are brought the chorus ever since their matricu- If on the other hand, the fraternity B. W. Mundy is doing graduate lines of social intercourse." uPf.to date by Will and the boys lation at the Institute. All of the is formed, as one advocate phrases work at the University of Indiana 'an-' stepped up to his usual tempo corps is invited to attend this per- it, to form cliques and to promote Further comment comes from the and according to reports is doing makes both tunes the delight formance. a friendly rivalry, such a fraternity Daily Iowan: "There are those who excellent work. is defeating it own purpose." minimize the value of fraternity Commenting on "Rush Week" at life. There are others who regard S. W. Rawls is working for the the University of Tennessee, the fraternities as hot beds of inquity. KAY KYSER AND BAND Gulf Oil Corporation in Philadel- Orange and White hopes "that no- If fraternities cannot disprove the phia, Penn. body's going to be sorry or disap- beliefs of the aforementioned 'anti' The Bad Humor Boys Cadets! groups they're lying down on the pointed with his fraternity broth- Lorre Karloff - Lugosi D. H. Hatfield is in the U. S. Ar- J ' ers, but we're here to say that the job and bringing about their own my Air Corps stationed at Maxwell cards are stacked against them." eventual destruction. The ideals of Field. SCHEWEL FUNITURE CO. The Orange and White's plea is fraternities as hot beds of iniquity SCARED TO DEATH—ALMOST! But surely dead if she hadn't been so to "take the 'rush' out of 'rushing.'" one may find. But those high prin- scared that she fell out of her chair in a faint. That Is the experience of G. C. Irwin, '40, is also working HEADQUARTERS FOR and makes the point that the per- ciples must extend beyond rush Helen Fairish, in the arms of Dennis O'Keefe and surrounded by Kay with Westinghouse Electric in iod called "rushing" is far too short week. Those ideals are year-round Pittsburgh as a graduate student responsibilities. They should be Kyser, Peter Lorre, Ginny Simms and Jeanne Honser in a scene from Lane Cedar Chest for the average mind—making-up year-around assets." "You'll Find Out," RKO Radio's new Kyser feature produced and di- "The Gift of a Lifetime" capacity." Agreement with this R. H. White, '40, is working for viewpoint is expressed by the Dart- Undergraduate writers are not in- rected by David Butler. Showing at the State Friday and Saturday. the Kappers Company in Steuben- mouth, which declares, "fraternity dicting the Greek societies. They ville, Okla., as a graduate ertudent. rushing combines the worst fea- are friendly to them. And they feel tures of an Atlantic City conven- that the role of the fraternity can tion and a small-town church baz- be strengthened by elimination of aar. Anyone who joins a fraternity the few "sore spots"—shortcom- after he has been rushed, hot- ings that in past years the fraterni- boxed, fed beer and cider and ties themselves, after serious con- Gifts For Christmas templation, have been the first to doughnuts and warmed-over guff and exhausted from answering the recognize. Five Keydets College Sports (Continued From Page 5) (Continued From Page 5) damentals taught by VMI's tutor. race, Mucha won handily, but Hamric & Smith Walker was chosen the best blocker thereafter the next nine centers in the Southern Conference and were closely grouped. Piepul and will receive the Jacobs trophy for O'Rourke almost finished in a dead his excellent play in that depart- heat for the fourth second team ment of the game. Thrasher, though back berth. Aside from these in- not as flashy as Walker, played stances, most decisions were clear good, steady ball all season and cut. played his best game again William Only one of the 80 writers failed and Mary. to mention Harmon in his ballot, Get Those Christmas Gifts Now and 55 named him the outstanding Collier's, the national weekly last player of the year. Only two voters week published Grantland Rice's failed to mention Kimbrough and We have just the things your friends will like All-American team, and both Muha 14 named him the outstanding play- and Pritchard received Honorable er of the year. A total of 416 men Mention on that eleven. received votes or nominations, 85 On the All-American team se- ends, 74 tackles, 74 guards; 48 cen- When Up Toivn-_Stop and Shop at lected by the Collegiate Sports ters; and 135 backs. One voter fail- Writers All-American team, Walk- ed to name on his first team a single er and Muha were nominated for man who made the final team position on that team, and in addi- even voters named eight men on tion to these two, Son Shelby was their first teams who made the also nominated. final team. These were voters repre- TOLLEY'S TOGGERY senting George Washington, Mercer, Shelby, the smartest signal caller West Virginia, Wesleyan, Colorado The College Man's Shop to direct the Squadron all the sea- College, Nebraska,, Xavier and son, was one of the best passers in Oregon. the Southern Conference for the past three years and is a dangerous runner as well. MARRIAGES WINN—BROWN Gen. and Mrs. George Catlett Marshall announce the engagement of Mrs. Marshall's daughter, Miss STATE Nelly Pender Brown to Capt. James McCRUMS Julius Winn, F. A., U. S. MON. - TUE. - WED. SMITH—CAMP CREAMERY The mutical hit to start Mr. and Mrs. John Madison Camp, '05, have issued invitations to the America tingin' and swingin' again I marriage of their daughter, Mary Virginia, to Charles Lee Smith, Jr Out of Bounds (Continued From Page 2) GRADE A PASTEURIZED MILK flrst one who goes into 211 and finds Theo Gilliam NOT looking DELIVERED TO MESS HALL at that picture taken under the arch While you're in there, Jim "Certy I think she's older than that" Cheat- ham will force you to look at some of his pictures.
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