Violent Deaths Toll British Double Guard During Christmas Holidays Hits 392 On Coast of Channel Traffic Accidents Ac-| o a • w Arms Speed Ordered count for 283 Fatall-' While 109 Are! P ar R ritntn imed on Other ^O r D riiain Nazi Leadem in Rumann.| Artion Taken Againgt ia Demand Hante in Briton Sees PoHsiliility* of. Light, iu/»e«; More Than | Will Be Told Manufacture of War Half U st Year’s Toll. I Aid at Apex ning German Thmat Materialn; TraiuM Car­ ' Through Mist Covering By The Associated Press Roonevelt Will Give No ry Vanguard of 300.- Next Winter 't^lm Dover Strait; mSIrtd^th.' ^ Figure, on Any Phau 000 Fresh German Sol- _ Picked Troops ^ Watch corded today in reporta_of the That Might Be Helpful Every O eft in Cliffg of nation’s observance .of Christ* To /4ny Other Nation. mas. Traffic accidents ac­ tion of War Materials Region; All Searched. counted for 283 fatalities • Bulletin! BudaiTest, Dec. 26.—(/P)— To Bring Certainty Christmas Eve and Christ­ ^ndon, Dec. 26.—(iVV- Washington, Dec. 28—(4>)_ Nazi leadera in Rumania were Of ^ Lltimate I ictory, British guards on the chan* mas Day, while 109 other re­ The White House said today reported in diplomatic dis­ ported violent deaths swelled that more than 150 prominent nel coast were doubled today Amertcan Htisena hsa urged patches todaj> to have,order­ London, ^Dec. 28—(>P)—Sir Wal­ against the possibility of a the total from coast to coast ed a big speed-up in Ruma­ to more than lialf the three- President Roosevelt to “make ter Lajdon of the Ministry of Sup­ lightning German thruat tjt.th e settled policy of this nia’s manufacture of war ma­ ply told BriUin today that “if we d a y week-end toll of 678 last '••ountry to do everything that through the mist covering th« terials as crowded trains, car­ hold on through 1941" the volume Christmas. may be necessary to Insure the i raid wardena inspect the ruins of houses demolUKed during a German air raid oir Mancheater nw- calm Strait of Dover. Live« were claimed In the latter defeat of the Axis powers.” " ..V**j"!***'*^*!"* England. The city waa bombed Dec. 23 and 24 by Nazi raiders. Picture rying the vanguard of some of United States production of war Picked troops armed idth (roup by aulcldra, firea, polaonlnga, The group, oomprising editors, radioed from London to New York. “ ' 300.000 fresh German troops, materiala will reach an apex next Bren guns (light machine- exploaiona. drownlnha, atabbinga lawyers, authors, educators, rolled across Hungary into winter "and is a certainty of ulti­ and aphy-xiatlon. actors, and religious and labor ' mate victory.’’ guns) and other automatic the Balkan kingdom of King Sir Walter told the British: weapons coml>ed the beaches Of the 48 ataten and the District leaders, art forth their appeal M^ai. The vast movement of Of Columbia. New York led with In a letter. They urged that Coast Guards "Don't expect a miracle from the and watched every cleft of 41 deaths followed by California all possible be done to promote Rain and Snow Slows troops with artillery, bridge­ United States." the chalk cfiflFs of the Dover with 30. Ohio with 29 and Iliinois “resistaoce to the plausible building equipment, tanks The time element and the diffi­ With 28. Pennsyivania had 24 and culty of making Amertcan'realize region. Texas. 22. but fatal arguments of ap­ Seekiiifi Ten and other motorized vehicle.?, fully the ''scale of war effort need­ ■rraffic along the coast was Totals of traffic and other vio­ peasement.” stirred speculation on the pos- ed" were two factors, he said, halted at barricades and driven lent deaths, by states, follow: ' — - I Albanian Front Battle sibflity of a showdown be­ which should show the British that and passengers searched. Alabama’2. Arir.ona 3. Arkan­ Washington, Dec. 26—(/T>,— A ) Missing Tars ^ Even soldiers and sailors ia uni­ sas 4. California 30. Colorado W'hite House secretary said today I tween powers with conflicting (Continued On Page Two) form were required to show Idea- Connecticut 6, Delaware 1. District ireeks Report Continu- I CVincpr interests in the Balkans. tificaUoff cards. Of Columbia 6. Florida 8, Georgia (Continued On Page Twelve) | Unreported Since'^Oirist-1 ing Ativanee Along V^rUlSCT The diplomatic dlspatchen from ^ Unofficial Trune Oonttanra II, Idaho 3, Illinois 28, Indiana 14, Bucharest said two large Ruman- All of these preparaUona Iowa !5. Kansas 4. Kentucky 10, mas Oav When Huge! Coast Without Contact­ tan industrial plants wi^uld manu­ Italian Troops place aa an unofficial Christmaa p>uUian#2, Maine 1, Maryland 10, Sunk ]>y Sub, facture warplanes for Germany. truce continued unbroken. Loadan MaasachusetU 7, Michigan 1.3, Frolimaii, Dean W aves Beat Attempt to ^ ing Main Italian Line. A submarine building yard al­ sources said that up to-2 p.m. (8 Minnesota 4, Mississippi none, Mis­ ready in operation at Galatl has Face Pressure a.m. e .^ .) no (Sermon planea hen souri 12. Reach Safe Haven.! Italy Claims been ordered to increase its pro­ crossed the Britioh coast today. • Montan.i 8. Nebraska 11. Neva- Athens, Dec. 26.—(/p)— duction, the dispatches said. (a 1, New Hampshire S, New Jer­ Of Producers, Rain and snow slowed fight­ (The German embassy in Wash­ sey IS, New Mexico 3. New York Bulletin! ('olndden With Appointment From British ington said Tuesday night It had Han Francisco.. Dec. 28 — ing on the Albanian battle- Two I.>arge Steamen jn The mass shifting of troops and received word from Berlin that 41, North Carolina 8. North Dako­ front today, but the Greeks 'the speed-up order coincided with Nasl planea would refrain from. ta 1, Ohio 29, Oklahoma 4, Oregon Dies; Aged 89 W’l—The Coast Guard searched .. -— S. Pennsylvania 24, Rhode Island the stormy Phclflc by sea and Atlantic AIho VictiniH; the appointment of Baron Man­ attacks on British soil during the reported they continued their fred von Killinger. German minis­ Siege of Bardia Enters Christm y holiday period If the a. South Carolina 1, South Dako­ air today for 10 guardsmen advance along the Adriatic ta none, Tennessee 8. Texas 22, III Saiiilariuni Siticp missing slnoa they went to the Planeg Bomb Britinh ter to Slovakia, to the same post British in turn would suspend coast north of Chimara with­ In Rumania. Informed sources Tenth Day; Air Force their atUcks. It was indicated the Utah none. Vermont 2. Virginia 6, rescue of the schooner Htan- Warship in Harbor. truce wrould last at least through Washington 9, West Virginia none, IVov. 4, When His wood IM miles northwest of out contacting the main Ital said the bazcB waa prepared to Making Efforts to Up* Wisconsin 12, Wyoming none. rule Rumania an virtual Nazi Dec. 28. and pooslbly through N «r Right Hip Broken in the OoMen Gate. More than ian line. Over most of the Rome, Dec. 26 — (;pf — lUlian Year'a Day.) 180 men were In the search. Gauleiter (district leader). set Plans for Assapilt. front engagements were of a submarines were credited today Although Germany has taken no Britons, however, recalled Field 22 Violent Deaths Fall in Suite at Hotel. .local nature. The battle for (^iro. Egy-pt, Dec. 26—(>P.— Marshal Gen. Waltber von Brau- San Francisco, Dec. 28 — OP) — by the high command with' sink­ hand in Rumanian's civil adminis­ chitsch’e (Christmas Eve address In Neui England Tepeleni and KHsura in the ing a BriUsh light cruiser in the tration thus far, diplomatic re­ The siege of Bardia entered lU New York, pec. 28.—(/P) -D an­ 73ie Coant Guard organized a ports from Bucharest asserted tenth day today with the lUliaff to German troops which was tak­ Boston, Dec. 26— Twenty- search today for ten Coast central sector, continued in central Mediterranean and two garrison facing steadily increasing en to indicate that Adolf HiUer’s iel Frohman, 89, dean of American large steamers In the AtlanUc,. that the Reich was prepaid to plans for an invasion of Englaild Htwo persons met violent deaths In stage producers, died at 7:15 a. m., Guardsmen unreported since 10:25 intense cold and wafst-deep take over complete control. pressure from British forces hold- New England over the Christmas snow. while Fascist warplanes were said ing the battered Libyan port in' a by no means had been scrapped. holiday. le.at.) today In the Leroy sant-1 Christmas Day when huge to have bombed a British warship Mllitarj' experts estimated Ger­ The commander-in-chief at the ^ waves beat their attempt to force A captured lieutenant-colonel of in a North African harbor. many already had approximately grip of steel. Highways mishaps accounted for tarliim of complications following the lUlian Army said Fascist Reports from the front indi­ German Army, speaking from be­ S3 Uvea, falls two, fires one, and a fall. their small motor lifeboat Into The same aubmarine which the 100.000 soldiers in Rumania. Ger­ hind Nazi coastal guns a im ^ to­ Point Arena. troops were suffering severely high command said sank the two mans and Rumanions caid they cated the Italian Air Force was miscellaneous, six, in the period Frohman. one of the most dla- from the weather and the difficiT- making desperate efforts to break ward Britain, told his troops hs from Christmas Eve through They had left their station at steamers in the AtlanUc by shell­ were guarding ■vital sources pf knew they were “just itching" for Point Arena ten hours earlier In ty of getting supplies.
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